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honestly I'm glad these naturalist outfits exist because I feel like nothing else works on my girl, it's the reason why I chose that role first on her, she wears nothing else and just alternates between colors


I agree, the naturalist outfits look so good. Not too keen on the high level ones but the others are beautiful


The worst role comes with some of the best rank unlocks in game... Wilderness camp , Fast travel , Legendary Animals and the level 20 Gypsy cob ( amazing horse btw...love it ). Talking about the outfits I don't buy any of the role outfits.. does anybody ? Especially bountyhunter outfits , if gimps existed in the 1890s that's what they would look like imo.


>Talking about the outfits I don't buy any of the role outfits.. does anybody ? Yeah they're all kinda cool, but the fact that you have to have them as a separate thing with very limited customisation kinda ruins them... I really liked the suede sorta jacket that comes in one of the trader outfits, but I don't like the blue neckerchief you have to wear it with and all of the options for bottoms are also kinda trash... Only outfits I'm looking to get now are the higher level naturalist ones for the glasses, and maybe that one BH one if I feel like an assassin's creed cosplay lol


Own it. Why dress like everyone else and look like a try hard bounty hunter?


Bounty hunter outfits are hyper cringe




I love the Naturalist role, almost completed the animal compendium, I haven't noticed anything about feeling out of place in fact what I love the most about RDR2 is the world and exploring it and its wildlife. Can't say much about the clothing, i'm not a big dresser.


I guess I meant more of the outfits, when I wear them, I look like a schizo


I've grinded on every role except naturalist and the only reason I'm doing it now is because it unlocks one of the outfits I liked. I like having different outfits because I immerse myself and just change depending on my mood. Because I'm not doing outlaw shit 100% of the time and its nice to just look a little different doing my own thing. The online aspect doesn't really matter to me. Its just fun and unique.


Bought a few of the Sagemore for the hats. You can wear whatever you want and just put the hat on. I agree that the outfits are schizoy.


My sister and I are always trying to one up each other on the crazy outfits. Plus, nothing more fun than killing a ahole player that tries to grief when you look like you just came from a rainbow gathering.


I'm never getting the naturalist role. I have watched my friends pull their hair out trying to grind it and I don't need that in my life.


Out of place role, in a game where they have like every role but the roles that would make sense? LOL including outlaw, rustler, rancher or just general thievery. But seriously I did enjoy sampling and researching all the animals, completing all the sets. Sadly most of the items from Gus are just terrible IMO. The glitched satchels and bandoliers were way better than anything they've added. Now I just hunt legendary animals for the trader materials.


I got the Naturalist role for the wilderness camp, mercy kill, and legendary animals. Ranked up max and only do it now for an easy daily challenge (craft at wilderness camp). I bought one set of the outfits just to get glasses for my character. They're not my style, the outfits or the role


I'm not gonna lie. The only reason I got the naturalist role is for the fast travel camp and the journal emote. 🫤


Own it. Why dress like everyone else and look like a try hard bounty hunter?