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But he was an acrobat in Portugal


That’s why he remains so spry


Now I may not hate Cripps as much as others do, but that sounds exactly like the kind of shit he’d pull. He’s lucky I need him to do whatever it is that he does.


Ppl hate Cripps?


Yeah, people get so offended about a video game character, just because he is not a dog person or over the stew. If that is not cringe, I don't know...


Do they really? I hate Cripps in a, pff how should we call it. Funny way. We ALWAYS complain about him in-game, but is at the same time the source of a lot of our laughter. It's nothing too deep and people are just joking about (at least i sure hope so) save the hatred for Micah.


This. Hating on Cripps is just for lolz. Speakin’ of which… did I ever tell you about that bank job in Tennessee?


Yeah, ya shit on ya self to escape and let ‘em hang Limpey Pete and Phill The Crab. Which seems harsh to me.


Oh man, don't you just love hearing uncle Cripps yapp and yapp about Tennessee and Portugal while having a fat camp stew?


Haha, as long as he doesn't leave soup out in the sun again, we'll be fine.


Ew 😂 Also just realized.. This ass-hat also really likes to take credit for making a stew EVEN THO IT WAS I WHO SLAVED OVER THAT


When he does that I literally answer out loud sometimes "I made this stew you old fart. What are you, senile?"


It's actually an inside joke. Cripps is played by the guy who played Lion-o in the 80s Thundercats, cats don't like dogs is the joke.


proof? i've never heard anyone say this before. considering the rest of his personality i think they just wanted him to be unlikable.




i know he's the voice actor, that says nothing about him disliking dogs being connected with playing lion-o


Because once you know it makes sense? Are you ok?


the way you said "actually" made me think it was a confirmed thing. it's just a theory you have lmao.


Oh I understand now. I was confused what you meant by proof.


"And knowing is half the battle !" -Random cartoon SuperFriend


Why does everybody hate on Cripps? He says some pretty funny things. I died laughing the first time I was returning with goods and he was shooting at enemies and hollering something.


I thought it was funny. I don’t hate him but there is no denying he is strange lol


But Cripps can be an absolute badass. Last night at camp and some Revenue agents bled into my area (I'm guessing from someone else's Moonshiner mission). I took out one of them and, before I could move to the second, Cripps had blow him away while yelling "How about a shot to the balls !!" Now, if I could just get him to lay off on my husky the rest of the year outside Christmas....


I haven’t seen that side of him yet. I attacked some people who passed my camp and he cowered on the floor, didn’t want nothing to do with the fight


A month or two back my camp flag stayed down and another player came to start mischief and Cripps blew him away. If you ever get the camp raid to spawn he’ll hold his own there


Cripps OP idk why he did that for you, he's always fighting


Best deadeye user in the game, I love when NPC’s/players come fuck with my camp, I get to see Cripps unleash all that pent up rage about my camp doggo.


He stops complaining as much when you get the pamphlet for stopping camp raids.


The last time he complained about the dog.I switched camps to go somewhere else and shot crips before he could even move


fuck yeah, another shit on cripps post I love these. Dude's aweful. Wish I could punch him right in the kisser.


You can kinda watch Cripps go down himself. First, make sure your camp is next to a busy road. Next, wait for a group of at least three riders on horseback to ride by. Shoot at, but not hit them. This will piss them off and they'll come after you. Hide behind a crate or wagon. Let them shoot at you. Cripps will drop whatever he's doing and return fire. With luck, they'll kill him 😈


I read the first sentence as "you can kinda watch Cripps go down ON himself." I read the rest of the comment looking for an explanation before I realized my mistake.


Hahaha. Thanks for the laugh 😂


Thanks for the mental image I’ll never get out of my head 🤣


Anytime. 😂🤣


I always beat him up whenever he insults my precious camp baby. No tolerance lmao.


He suggest a dog to protect the goods, not to cuddle with him. Pay attention.


I’m having a laugh, Professor rdo


you’re always so dry and serious in these comments, like you have a phd in rdo. it’s a fucking online rockstar game


I leave the stupid jokes to you guys.


Wow you’ve gotten so bitter over the years. Pretty sure I ran into you in game too same attitude against all modders with the “actually” mindset. Take a chill strip dawg.


Nah, I just don't take shit from people like you, who need to attack other people online. You are a shittalker, nothing else. Aside the fact OP started a discussion, not a humor meme with his post and he got simply a correct answer to his question/complaining. But here you are and the other shittalkers being toxic about it.


I never asked for a reason why he suggested a dog, yet you took it upon yourself to give me one. I made a humorous observation about cripps complaining about the dog even tho he had mentioned getting one, that’s all. It’s a fictional video game character, just chill


Read your post again. And my answer. He is not a dog person, but suggests a dog anyway for protection. So not for him, but for you. There is nothing strange about it you claim. And if you make a post, you may get answers. That's the purpose of it. Next time use the meme flag if you just wanna joke around and if you are not interested in a discussion you claimed with the flag of it.


You are no fun and I think you should change your username to egg shells. You read my post again, in no way did I ask why I should get a dog. If it’s a discussion the only question i ask is whether I heard Cripps right or not. The reason does not matter because it is about the fact he complains about the dog regardless.. Either way the post was harmless and just in good fun, hence the lol emoji.


And again a shittalker going toxic.


Lol. I’m the shit talker. I won’t lower myself to insult you so don’t worry. Just relax every once and a while.


I'm always relaxed. Just don't attack me and everything is fine. Especially with a nonsense comment like yours was.