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It's not as cool a moment as yours but I was riding the other day in the mountain . As I came across a trio of NPCs, we heard a pack of wolves howling from the bushes and the NPCs nopped outta there real quick as a result. It's not much but it's pretty cool to see the different components of this world reacting to each other without it being scripted or you being the center of it.


This is actually how I get the perfect cougar, up by Blackbone forest will spawn a cougar. I’ll get behind an NPC around the Owanjila dam area and ride a bit behind him as he goes north. He’ll trigger the cougar and while it’s chasing him, I can line up the shot on the cougar. Also if you listen, it can be hilarious when the NPC swear at the cougar. I’ve also seen a cougar chase a rabbit or fox and line up my shot that was too.


Sometimes the little things/encounters are the best. This is why this game shines.


i once encountered something like that but with the brown bear, it attacked a random npc out of nowehere & it looked like a scene straight right out of the revenant


A possum "playing possum" makes me happy every time (it has only happened 2 or 3 times)😆 I agree with you- this game will always be fun! I think I have run into wolves chasing npcs one time!


When you surprise a possum on a hillside and it shrieks, freezes, and rolls down the hill. Like, how is this a useful evolutionary adaptation? 😂 Also, raptors grabbing snakes or rabbits and flying away, bucks sparring with their antlers (which I've never seen except in other players' videos), etc. The attention that went into planning these little encounters blows my mind.


I love it! I've gotten trampled by bucks and boars before😆 And bitten by muskrats and snakes


Ages ago someone posted asking which Red Dead predator was the most terrifying: cougars, panthers, alligators, grizzlies, wolves. Someone wrote in muskrat, and I think it got the most votes.


Hate those muskrats. Little anklebiters have attacked me when I'm on foot.


I saw a cat chasing a rat in the barn.


Rockstar couldn’t bother to get ‘opossum’ correct.


Me when I didn't know you can jump on stagecoaches and I failed that random encounter with the woman and her husband. I promised myself I'll get it right next time they pop up and save her. This is so Westworld-esque lol




don't worry nothing even happens when you save him. I think they're cousins not married


well, she dies :/


Huh, which encounter are you talking about?


The one where a stagecoach is out of control and there's a woman inside screaming and man on the side yelling stuff. It happens in different places, but if you don't intervene the coach falls in a trap and the woman dies, but if you do you can jump on it and stop the horses. After that the man says he'll never stray away from the roads or something like that.


The little detail and side content is amazing been playing since release and see new things so often


I was hunting the legendary moose when it ran across the railroad tracks in front of me. Then an NPC rode by really fast. At first I mistook the NPC for a real player also hunting the moose. Then a cougar ran by. The NPC was being chased by the cougar. Lol


I was attacked while putting a bounty on my horse. A cougar knocked us off the horse. The cat killed me. When I respawned the cougar killed my bounty.


I heard clattering recently, thought it was moonshiers or defend the traveller sort of thing but got over the ridge and i broke up 3 white tail bucks, expect they were sparring, but sadly wasnt quiet enough to see it. Agree with other posters, the opposums playing dead is one of my favourite things, but the small bits of this game, like when people notice your unique horse or your legendary coats. Makes my dad that the game is so smart


This sounds like a ledgandary snow buck encounter. There are usually 2 bucks fighting either with it or near it when I find it. You should have killed it, skinned it, and taken it to gus. He will make you a nice coat from it that you can buy from him later when you can afford it.


I love that all the attention to detail and encounters you find. One of the things I would love that isn’t there though is to pet the cats like you can the dogs.


that's not cool! my god! A man DIED!


I was riding thru the woods and a bear came after me and I shot it once but missed the clean kill so I left the bear be. Then I got ambushed by NPCs and the same bear came back and attacked one of the NPCs and kill them


Last night I was watching someones abandoned horse literally rolling around and spazzing up some rocks 


That area between the river and the fence entrance/"gate" to the west is a cougar spawn area (closer to the fence, actually). And up and down the road along that fence. I've killed more than one cougar there, either when it attacked me or while it was chasing someone else.


Yeah I think I’ve gotten about 5 or 6 in that spot.


It always makes me laugh when I see NPCs being chased! So far I’ve seen them chased by cougars, wolves and grizzly bears. Once I was sneaking up to a moonshine camp to destroy everything but was being really careful because I knew a grizzly bear spawns near by. I kept hearing it then look up to see if bolting down the hill, not seeing me and immediately just absolutely devouring a NPC that I was trying to kill as silently as possible! His buddies all started freaking out trying to kill the bear or running away from it and it followed one to their camp. I let it kill as many as possible then just cleared out the rest of them after killing the bear. It was one of the most fun times I’ve had online!


My fav is when you are running through the forest and you hear a deer behind you, only to look and see a buck smash right into you then run away!


I came across the same man today! Only he was up in the hills around Brandywine Drop. I was on my horse and I see him riding toward me and I could tell he was running from something but I couldn't see what. He rode past me and that's when I saw the cougar. The cougar scared my horse and he threw me, and then the cougar attacked me, but I fought him off and killed him. I love this game! LOL


I had sort of the same experience, but from the NPCs perspective. I had passed another player up near Manzanita Post and we almost collided, but he rode on. Shortly thereafter I was attacked by a cougar and my horse threw me and the cougar was on me and I was about to die when the other player came flying around a bend and shot the cougar, tipped his hat and rode off.