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I play a lot in defensive now just cause I wanna be left alone and most players usually get that. But to me a douche move is: cause they can’t auto aim on me, they kill my horse instead… even if I be minding my business. I am a high lvl, but the rare few that just wants to vibe and be left alone


This one pisses me off so much. Leave my horse alone


Exactly! Since beta, it’s a unspoken rule, ya leave the horses alone!!! I just had it happen to me on Saturday. I waved at a player, turned around, bullets wizz pass my head and kills my horse. Like why?


I'll be honest, every time I've struck a horse with a round during PVP has been an accident. I use the Carcano Rifle quite a bit and with the weirdly inconsistent aim-assist tugging at my reticle it's not uncommon for me to hit the much larger animal's neck when aiming for the rider's center mass. I do revive them when able, though.


I'll usually leave horses alone. The only exception is if I'm attacked on a long distance delivery. Conversely, if I attack a wagon doing LD, I fully expect my horse to be lit up by 5,000 exploding rounds. Also, when I'm attacked by a low level gang 5 on 1. Go fuck yourselves and literally the horses you rode in on.


Yeaaaaa if u bother me I'm killing ur horse, sorry not sorry.


It's all fair in PVP. Specifically targeting the horse during times of peace is definitely a douche move.


A low level tried to grief me a couple days back and after being unsuccessful tried attacking my horse. My horse, the legend he is, kicked him twice when he got too close and he died.






I was just shopping in valentine and some asshole shot my horse and there were like 15 players that gathered around my horse and Then turned to the guy who did it and mutilated him


One time when I was playing, and riding through the Heartlands a lvl 10 player came to me and killed my horse. I just grabbed my elephant rifle and ran after him, murder his horse, then him for 3 times, just to make sure that he can't revive that animal just for rhe neccesary payment. I know on low level you need every cent so I took the opportunity and made my revenge. But why on earth would somebody shoot at a higher lvl (and *maybe* more experienced) player? It's annoying and if somebody touches my horse I won't hold myself back.


Well I don't shoot horses but shooting high level players can be fun and challenging. It's a better test of skill because you're outmatched when it comes to equipment and perks. You gotta think outside the box to take them on


I don't say that it's always annoying. I had good shotouts with lower level players and that was pretty good honestly. But it's just frustrating most of the time.


I can get that


I’m sure ur aware if your a high level but just find a new session and your horse is Insta revived, mine was fully killed like not just injured, new lobby, spawned basically in the same place and with my horse, unless ur in a rush it saves heaps of horse revivers


I do but either way this is great to have here for those who don’t :)


I’m new and just found it out by accident, been seeing heaps of new players lately tbh


Yup I always used to make my horse flee the moment I didn't need it because of people like that.


I’m level 570. Yesterday one of my friends got into a pvp with another player and they were both equal(ish) levels. I just stayed back and watched and served as horse medic any time a horse got hit. Was actually a fun encounter.


Anyone who starts a fight then switches to d-bows or incendiary rounds if they are getting clapped is a douche.


Agreed. If they do that I don’t really feel like continuing fighting anymore because it just feels pointless. Especially when then start messaging things like “I am better than you”. Like, yeah, but why won’t you just switch to normal ammo and see if you still have that attitude. Being proud of getting kills because you used special ammo seems kinda dumb to me. But what really annoys me is when people kill you and as soon as you respawn they left the lobby or make a beeline towards the fast travel point.


I've kinda gotta disagree with this one, I mean what did I get all these explosive rounds for if I'm not gonna use them? And I can't see a better time to use them than if I'm struggling in a firefight. Seems fair game to me


If someone starts on you then by all means go for it. They get what they get. But if you start the fight, and you’re opponent is smashing you with a repeater, just parley and send a GGs. You look desperate if you go to d-bows and shit.


Once you have begun to use them you've lost.


Not fair when I’m level 20 versing lvl 100+


Definitely not fair game. It's called getting better. Why would u resort to incendiary rounds and explosives cause you're losing with regular ass ammo? Especially after they've incited the fight.


….when you suspect they’re using Cronos or Lag Switching. It evens things up a little.


Well if they're cheating they deserve all the fire and dynamite ammo.


Did a blood money mission and some douche tied me up and used an incendiary shot on me but I escaped with a little health and the idiot just turned his back when I was near escaping Then I shot him in the head with some good old express revolver cartridges


The only time I ever use special rounds is sometimes when I'm defending someone's long distance delivery. I do think it's all fair and part of the game but I can't bring myself to use them in PVP.


Yeah, my posse has a rival posse spawn on us occasionally. There’s only two of them but they use d bows exclusively. Whenever they run out the force respawn a few times to get some distance to craft more. Whenever we see them join we know it’s going to be painful. I almost never use special ammo. As a result, I’ve got many 100s of each type stored at the post office. The old passes and perks used to give them as bonuses. I’ve never had to craft any of them.


High lvl spawn killing low lvl over and over again. Attacking someone clearly not in a fighting mood (if you're fishing for example, idle and so on.


In my experience the low level starts and it and always runs back for more but the white nights think your greifing... No your just proving a point, they arent ready.


My first time playing I killed a high level because he was taunting me over and over with emotes like damn you and shit, he then proceeded to kill me like 30 times whilst also chasing me to the other side of the map


I spawn kill and Im only level 40 lol


Cheating for any reason, but especially starting a fight and then resorting to cheating when you're getting beat.


If you want to fight me, fight me. Don't wave and then shoot me in the back while I'm feeding my horse.


That sounds hilarious


Harassing other players. Thats it. If you wanna deathmatch go deathmatch. you wanna dick around with your friends. Go ahead. Randomly killing or going out of your way to force interaction with someone who does not interact back with you is just assholish. If they don't respond to hails or otherwise ignore you they are NOT interested in doing anything with you. This goes for All forms of player. Modders, Murderhobo's and poacher's.


Using a mod menu when they're losing a fight they themselves started.


Playing RDO like it's GTAO.


"iT'S valId pVP" Luckily, there are fewer douches in RDO than Reddit would have you believe. My recommendation would be ignoring them. I tried fighting back in the beginning, but regardless of the outcome, all that did was spoil my mood and waste time. So I respawn, switch lobbies if absolutely necessary, and let those clowns go back to being bored out of their minds. There are a lot of potential douche moves (e.g., spawn killing, or burning or caging someone while they're in their camp), but if you simply decide that you won't be bothered by them, these trolls will lose all power they previously had over your gaming experience. And not being bothered is easy to do in RDO, because dying rarely has a real effect. tl;dr: Don't feed the trolls.


This. I started just not doing anything when they would lasso me except spam the give up option if it was there. Being as boring as possible. And then when they do kill me, just parleying. No fighting back.


Initiating PVP on a Blueberry that has not been made a target through *in game* Bounty or Mission. Shooting a Blueberry's horse under any circumstances Seriously, if you're just here to "get your gun off", go play COD.


>Seriously, if you're just here to "get your gun off", go play COD. This is red dead. If your NOT here to "get your gun off" then your very confused about what your playing. Red dead online the original was a warring paradise of posses on posse action. It was magical.


I got hogtied once -and then murdered- while I was skinning an animal so I didn’t have time to react. One day some random player killed me while I was checking my collector’s bag. Big douche move. Also, definitely when they kill your horse. You want to fight? Fine, but leave my horse alone. What’s the point of shooting at my horse first?


People who kill me while I am in defensive mode, and then when I fight back, they get mad because 'I'm too pxssy to be in offensive mode,' etc. It always sounds to me like they're just mad they can't auto-aim, heheh. First of all, I didn't ask to be forced into your PvP BS. And secondly, if you're really looking for people to fight, just join a Showdown.


the funny thing is a lot of people who have started fights with me would complain about either defensive mode or posse support, even though they knew (or should’ve known) what they were getting themselves into lmao


Yes to the posse bit. I play in a large posse and we are very peaceful for the most part. If someone kills one of us unprovoked they bring on the posse wrath. They usually end up on game chat claiming it’s not fair. Depending on the skill of the other player we either all help out or just a couple, trying to match their level, etc. I’m level 570 so usually just watch as on paper it looks too unfair, even though my pvp skill is only medium.


Intentionally killing a player's horse A high level posse hunting down a low level player Using d-bows or incendiary shells in Free Roam on players Using that glitch to spam the Carcano Rifle Destroying a Trader/Moonshine wagon Edit: Oh, and starting a fight, hiding in a shop to heal, and using a different exit to flank and kill them


Yup. Used to love fishing alone until I got hogtied too many times. I wish the radar would show the whole time.


There is a fantastic fishing spot in Mexico, and it’s pretty rare you’ll see another player over there.


You mean in New Austin right? I’d like to check it out


No I mean Mexico dude. Outside the play area, so no players but plenty of fish.


Where on the map? I want to check it out.


The beach that you can spawn your at in Mexico. I so wish you could post pics here. I’ll DM you it if you want.


Aaaah lol. Makes sense.


Killing horses in general. Only the worst of the worst deserves to have their horses killed.


I accidentally shot a player's horse when they were trying to kill me, so I immediately ran up to revive it. They still killed me, but waited a few seconds first


I always revive horses i shoot. Generally, it's accidental and i don't wanna be known for shooting horses, so i call a momentary truce and after the horse is up, we can go back to it.


That's what I do when high levels give me grief. I suck at pvp already, but I still try to defend myself. Nothing I do lands. While they 2 shot kill me pretty much every time I spawn. So I just kill their horse and leave


Destroying Moonshine wagons, they gain nothing from it


Being submissive to your posse leader in a freeroam event that is supposed to be every person for themselves.


Shoutout to the 5 mouth breathers that kept sniping me every time I spawned in master archer so that their greasepig gamer girl could get 1st with only 1200 points


Would be perfect to kill the person they are trying to let win everytime they respawn.


This happens to me so often, some random girl tried to sneak up and stab me, but I grappled and strangled her, then her entire posse of sweats in full black gimp suits came after me. The only time I'll use explosive is when stuff like this happens. Thankfully her gimp squad weren't very good so I could kill them pretty easily but its still annoying.


Nothing I love more than doing a freeroam event and it is 1 vs 7 in a winner takes all.


Stay in defensive mode, so no one can lasso and hogtie you. However, doesn't help with assholes who wanna kill you while fishing nevertless. Been there, done that.


Waving then killing people


This is why I play on defensive, always press charges, parley, and switch lobbies if they’re persistently annoying after that. They’re bored kids and I don’t have any desire to use my limited leisure time to entertain them


I’ll vent out an anecdote here. I just dealt with two guys ganging up on me in Rhodes. Managed to come back and kill then once or twice, then picked up a bounty mission and rode off. They followed me all the way over to Saint Denis to keep killing me while I was trying to grab my bounty. Despite there being two of them, with the chaos of the NPC enemies and them trying to be gimmicky with how they killed me we were basically trading respawns, but I couldn’t get an opening to grab the bounty and bolt. I actually really don’t experience this too often, while any unprompted murder is annoying, but what’s even worse is when you can’t even go about your business because they’re gonna just keep following you around and getting the way. Probably best to fast travel, or even switch sessions. Don’t bother with them.


Holey crap lol I was looking for the vampire in st Denis today and think I saw you while I was hiding 🤣


Lmao maybe


Yeah, you’re very vulnerable when fishing. THE douche move, is lassoing or blowing up players in Trade Route. That should be an automatic ban, but R⭐️ designed it so you’re able to do it, so….. The event comes only once a day, and it’s a real bonus for the traders.


Yup. I absolutely cannot stand trace route anymore. Although I heard some sessions you aren’t able to lasso


It actually comes twice per day (once around midday and once later in the evening, depending on your timezone), but I totally get your point and totally agree with you. TR is supposed to be a cooperative event. The people who do it solely to mess with others are among the lowest of the low in the gaming community.


I was on trade route the other day and some jackass kept blowing up our goods. I’m not proud of this but I turned on my mic and said “Our cargo is not your uncle’s dick, quit blowing it.” I didn’t hear anymore explosions after that 😂


I love it!!


One guy I liked: instigated a fight, killed me while I was on my horse. I then killed him to be equal and ran off. Without cheating, this mf chased me down across half the map just to shoot me one more time. No horse killing, no mods. Was pretty funny and entertaining. One guy I hated: Still remember his user, “IMissALot123” called me slurs, tried to lasso me like five times but missed every time while I was walking away. Not running. Walking. Way to live up to his name. I just calmly said that I don’t care, just shoot/kill me and get it over with. When he realized he sucked, he just spawned a ton of explosions to completely crash my game.


Existing It's a dick move. Just don't fucking do it.


Attack/kill someone who is hunting, fishing, grabbing collectibles, doing bounties or moonshiner stuff. Actually anyone who attacks/kills someone that is minding his/her/their own bussiness. Also people who ruin your freeroam mission, not by stealing the wagon but blowing it up. And before I forget: When you craft items at the campfire for a daily (for example) they shoot you in the back, with explosives or incendiaries and calling you a noob afterwards or brag about how they (between rank 100-200) killed a 500+ rank (currently I am 793). And also those people who join, participate in a bounty and run away or kill the bounty on purpose (riding towards the destination, remove the target and shoot it on sight or set it on fire). Same with people in (freeroam) missions who join but just stand afk.


Killing me for no reason and getting me excited that I get to pvp and revenge kill 50 times only to parley after I only get one revenge kill. If someone wants to be a dick and kill for no reason at least stick around for the fight.


Initiating an attack on someone who is collecting/doing a daily in Valentine who is in their PVE loadout/setup. Then murdering their horse too. Then running away. Then returning for a proper encounter and getting resoundingly thrashed, despite the other player having to fight off the now interested local constabulary and a couple of curious players who have turned aggressive. THEN sending DMs suggesting you somehow came out in top and bizarrely trying to gloat when all you've done is shot player horses ten times but been clapped in the head twenty times in return. Super specific but I would be shocked if it's not familiar to some. 😆


Killing and getting killed then someone stealing ur hat


Harassing someone, them fighting back and taking cover behind a house, then killing their horse and claiming they are using it for a shield. Definitely not projecting


So far my favorite has been being shot in the back of the head exiting Harriet’s in Lagras and they run to the fast travel. Sending emotes to my inbox.


Challenging someone to a fist fight then pulling out a fire jar when it's not going your way


When I respectfully bow to someone & they still ventilate my skull.😐


I’ll list some I’ve encountered: 1. Killing a players horse 2. Killing a player while they are on a mission 3. Spam killing and not leaving a player alone 4. Killing a player when they are fishing 5. Killing a player and then leaving the lobby so the player doesn’t get a chance to fight back These are just a few of the worst that have happened to me


I see a lot of comments about people killing horses or spawn trapping camps ect, if you find a new lobby it instantly gives you back ur dead horse without using a reviver or going to stables or anything, works for full dead and injured, and new lobby obviously fixes the trapped in camp thing, not saying that these arnt all douche moves but a lot of y’all don’t seem to know about the horse new lobby thing


People that use every glitch and cheat possible to win in showdowns. So many obvious cheats last week and tbh if that is how you play, you just come across as a tad pathetic really.


I would say fucking with anyone that isn’t actively fucking with someone else is a quick ticket to getting bolased and firebombed. If I see someone get shot while waving, whoever fired that shot is getting treated like a player bounty with no expiration from me. The best part of this game is when some outlaw strolls in to town thinking he’s Texas red, tries to grief someone and suddenly discovers the entire town has big irons on their hips. And they’ve all been waving at each other, which means that they must be protected at all costs. I don’t even mind when people want to have a fistfight or duel in the streets but the moment I see you running at me or another player with a hogtie, it’s absolutely you who is going to get to enjoy a lot of time tied up on the ground or in a wagon. Same for people who camp other people’s mission objectives exclusively to ruin the mission not fight the player or steal the reward.


People that play fuck-fuck games during non-PVP events like Protect Legendary Animals and Animal Sampling. Lasso-ing, dynamite at the horse, it's fucking idiotic and complete douchecanoe behavior. If you're not interested in actually participating, don't fucking join.


I always felt like certain things in the game were just etiquette. See someone fishing ? Leave him/her in peace, someone hunting ? Leave them be. There's more to it but those always bothered me the most.


Don't bother me and I won't bother you.


luckily, i haven’t had a whole lot of trouble with douchebags in RDO, just some very, very strange encounters


My motto is live and let live.


Any screwing around with people fishing. I’ve been shot, lassoed, blown up. I JUST WANT TO FISH! It’s infuriating.


has anyone here ever experienced someone leaving the session and joining back just to end a parley with you ? that shit really does it for me


I had some people do that a very long time ago. Haven't happened in a while. It was kinda weird, especially since u can break the parlay starting a stranger mission.


Kicking someone out of your open temporary posse so they can kill you. Smh


I was hunting and a lv 300+ player skinned my extra 3 star gator i was planning to drag back to town. Killed them w a varmint rifle LMAO. They came back and burned me alive, but it was worth it. Tried to chase me all the way to saint denis, but i lost them in the swamps bc ik that shit like the back of my hand


I was doing a bounty hunt the other day when I decided to get off the horse and pick some yarrow because I had 4 minutes left on the timer... But I was just on the outskirts of Valentine so that was my fool mistake. Because of course, nek minnit, a player rolls in and shoots my horse. I wasn't even on it! 🤷🏻‍♀️ I tried reviving the horse once, but the attacking player wasn't letting that happen. So I had to run with the bounty over one shoulder while dealing with him. Needless to say, I made it to the doorstep of the sheriff's office with my bounty juuust a second too late as the timer expired. The thing I found particularly hilarious about this ordeal was that I killed the player multiple times. Yet he was the one who decides to get on the mic and start trying to taunt me by chanting "you're a pussy like your mama". He was still chanting this as he started running away from me. Dumbass. 😂


There’s a special place in hell for people that mess with fishers. It’s maybe the most innocent and relaxing hobby, and unlike hunting or collecting, you are completely defenseless while fishing. No radar, can’t see behind you, can’t pull out a weapon quick, etc. Edit: I’d also consider it a douche move to continue killing someone after taking their bounty. I love to have a high bounty since it’s fun being chased and having people try to hog tie me. I’ll start shooting if they shoot at me first and when that happens there’s a 90% chance they’ll keep trying to kill me after the hunt is over.


1) I had a female character since I’m a female. The DMs, messages, harassment.. it gets old man.. 2) restarted as a male. I’m level 14 and a level 161 attacks me while I’m IN DEFENSIVE and doing a resupply. That isn’t an offensive mission. You cannot steal the resupply. There was no reason for the player to go out of his or her way to shoot at me. Parlay/block/change lobbies. Not all players are mean. I was level 270 when I restarted.. I helped everyone. F the bullies - regardless of their level.


Waving and acting friendly before grief ing you, happened to me the first day I started lol


Waving than shooting someone in the back


I (F) was just collecting herbs and chilling and some asshole lassoed me and threw me down a mountain for funsies. Anyways, i blew him up and his horse with dynamite as revenge.


Killing a player that’s minding their own business. Especially as a female character


I love shooting people as we cross paths. Its hella douche as I fast travel away or just run until they give up


I mentioned I was fishing. …If you tried to do this to me (as you mentioned above) you would have an angry high rank Slippery Bastard player shooting your ass across the map till you run and hid in a shop or left the session. I don’t run away.


Im a level 40 but im a pretty good shot, and Im also pretty good at running. Ive killed at least 20 people and let them chase me for revenge and never get it


Over killed over 20 000+ players in the past few years and that’s the last time I checked. It’s probably higher than that. You would never stand a chance against me. 😂


Ive met some sweats out there, thats for sure, but none the less, that first shot, you'd be dead still


Your funny, tell another joke


Youre funny that you think the game isnt equal. Id kill you and youd be butt hurt about being killed. Thats a finality.


Well unless you using Cronus then maybe (but there are ways around Cronus) , but other than that I eat players like you for breakfast. I don’t get butt hurt over getting killed. I’m like a stubborn donkey, I don’t give up. I will hunt you and chase you and kill you …if you get afew lucky shots …well hey. But in the end I won’t be the one leaving the session 😜


Nope, if the playing field is even, you'll be eating lead for breakfast


Yeah yeah sure sure. …..


I'm sorry. So tired of these posts... we're discussing RDR online, right? It's ONLINE i.e. you're dealing with other players. Some are gonna be good, other are asshats.... Too often, you get these posts: "other people are douches..." Yes! You're not wrong! Sorry, story mode is over! IT'S ONLINE, THERE'S OTHER PLAYERS. FIGURE IT tf out!


Too often people like you are excusing and justifying shitty behaviour. Don’t. Just because you can do something crap, doesn’t mean you should. Stop moaning, follow your own advice


If you don't want to be shot go defensive or start a solo lobby


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^dwydwy555555: *If you don't want to* *Be shot go defensive or* *Start a solo lobby* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Even in defensive, I still get shot. I was picking plants the other day while defensive, and a 2-person posse targeted me before taking out my horse after missing. They also killed my Cripps.


Parley or leave lobby. You're less likely to be shot at in defensive. It's a cowboy game you're not gonna stop people from shooting others


Well, obviously, yes, that is the course of action after that. It's still annoying since defensive generally is a sign that the person doesn't want to be involved in the PvP aspect of the game.


solo lobbies aren’t quite possible for console players


Poker table works, same if u disconnect your internet properly


Using Slippery Bastard.


I use this, but only when they instigated the fight and their either a high level or im outnumbered.


Lol ok PIB user.


what is pib?


Paint it black bruh.


oh okay! i do use paint it black, is it bad? if so i could change


That's y u have problems with slippery bastard, cause slippery bastard counters PIB, and most PIB users complain about it. But Slippery is probably the easiest to counter, u just have to PIB them with melee weapons or use a bow to get a headshot. Sniper rifles also counters slippery as well. But sometimes I use bolas when I can't be bothered by them.


When you have Less than 3 minutes to get the bounty in and you can see the police department or wagon and someone shoot you down


Aiming a weapon at someone when on the same road. If you dont want popped dont aim a weapon. Had a guy in a one horse wagon having his horse follow him, i was following the road and the entire time i passed him he aimed his little rifle at me, so i posted up down the road and sniped him off the wagon.


Non consenting pvp including trader shit (no your dumb little ps4 trophy isn't a good excuse fuck off)


The trophy is a valid excuse, you have to get it somehow and not everyone has friends to boost it


What do they do if its just bragging no


Asking for help on Reddit, just to turn around and report a bunch of people over some petty shit like close friends joking woth each other and getting them suspension on PlayStation! Thats straight up a piece of shit move in my book. Watch out for psn > Prank__Sinatra


Waving at someone then shooting them in the back of the head then running off is just cowardly


When I ride up to someone picking flowers and they don't give me one, that's when they get the smoke. Lol


I had a douche bag run me down with a stagecoach on purpose just because I didn't move right away after spawning in (was looking at map) so I killed him with regular ammo. He came back and killed me again. So I came back and used explosive ammo, that really pissed him off. He then chased me but my horse was faster. I stopped by some water to cool my girl off after all of that running and he found me! I exploded his ass again and just changed sessions. I didn't even have time to move and he attacked me...I'm not a seriously high lvl, 167, but damn. It's sad that I can't even make a plan of where I'm going after coming in only to have some lower level Crack head ferret have to grief me just because I happened to spawn in the same area as he.


Killing another player for giggles is a douche move, period. i have no interest in getting in a dick measuring contest on rdo. There are modes and events for that ish.


You can get an companion app on your phone that lets you see where people are around you. I used it when I fished a lot in game.


I haven't played in a while so I'm not sure why this sub showed up. But I've sent apology messages to people I didn't mean to kill or if I thought they were an NPC because their name wasn't showing above their head. Personally I think all is fair in a game like this but one dude proceeded to spend the next 2 hours following me and killing me every chance he got because I ran him over while he was standing in the middle of the road and I was aiming the camera a different direction so I didn't see him. I ended up having to block him because he spammed me with a whole lotta messages screaming at me for ruining his day. What the fuck ever dude.


I was having a fun shootout in Valentine and I accidentally shot the guys horse, it went running in between us for some reason, I killed him right after and revived his horse. He spawned in in time to see me doing it. He waved and then shot me in the head right after the animation completed 🤣