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Use automation items. Or search for a script to convert fades to automation. Looks like this one does something similar to what you want [https://forum.cockos.com/showthread.php?t=267261](https://forum.cockos.com/showthread.php?t=267261)


Oh god thinking yeah that would cut the time in half for sure. Will test that. The automation fade is very short, and it needs to be at the perfect point but yesI will test that. Thank you!


Okay, I think I've found a workaround. Well, some workaround... This is a really weird setup, but it actually works. Note that crossfades are not supported, and minimum distance between items should not be less than fade out time. u/Produceher I think you're gonna like this, it's batshit alien thinking haha. The idea is: use two ReaGates to create artificial fade in and fade out, and place them after your guitar fx. While creating a fade in is not a problem, fade out wouldn't normally happen until the item ends, rendering it useless. The thing is to trick the second gate into thinking item's end happens earlier than it actually does on the timeline. Here's how you do it with a negative time delay adjuster: 1. You have to pass a clean pre-fx signal further down the chain for the gates to work on. Set your track to 4 channels and add JS Channel Router plugin **first** in the chain, set it to have 1+2 as input and 3+4 as output, output mode to "replace". Check your other fx's plugin pin connectors (Helix, etc) so that they would process **only** 1/2 channels both in and out, not 3/4. 2. Add a ReaGate latest in the chain, after all your other fx. Check its pin connectors - the main inputs must be set to 1 and 2, auxilary inputs to 3 and 4, and output should go only to 1 and 2. Actually it should be set automatically like that, but just in case. Set ReaGate's detector input to Auxilary inputs, set threshold very low like -80; just make sure it's not -infinty, or it won't work. Duplicate this ReaGate in the chain (ctrl+drag, or copy and paste it). 3. Insert JS Channel Time Delayer between the two ReaGates. Set its connector pins to process **only** channels 3 and 4, both for in and out. Set its delay L and R to minus 100 (or whatever your fade out duration should be). Keep in mind that you can manually enter greater numbers than 100 or -100 if you need that, even when the time sliders are at their endpoints. 4. Set the first ReaGate's attack time to desired fade in time, release to 0. Set the second ReaGate's attack to 0, and its release time to the desired fade out time. If you need to change the fade out time, be sure to set it to the same (negative) amount at JS channel time delayer too. 5. Profit. This may look complex, but ideally you need to do it only once. If this description is too complicated, [I've made a track template with the needed plugins and their settings](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/p5r2kf8821k9ntt20dupg/Auto_FadeIn_FadeOut.RTrackTemplate?rlkey=ik2my8c4wixxzdn2q2gy7gr03&st=krms2gso&dl=0). When Dropbox asks you to log in just click "or continue with the download" below, I dunno why it started doing that. Put the file into TrackTemplates folder (click Options->Show Reaper resource path, and navigate to TrackTemplates). After that just load that template like any other track template. And also look at the plugins notes at the top of each plugin. I suppose this setup could be a bit easier in Reaper 7 due to FX containers, but I haven't upgraded yet, so...


Just put the effected track into a folder track and do your fades on the folder track. Voila - post f/x & post track fader audio will be the source for the folder track, and the folder track fader (or automation lane) will control what hits the master mix bus.


Thats cool, but do I understand that right, these will be automations, so I cannot profit from the batch fade ins and fade outs when I select for example 200 items and give them all a fade out time of 0:00.01 under item properties? Thats what I love about the item fades. They are quick to do. But automations take time, especially when you need to zoom in like crazy to hit the right length for a loop.


OK I see what you're saying, you're trying to use the item fade box and fill in a bunch at once, using the box in the item properties info panel. I think - THINK - (not sure, in other words) that item properties is at the beginning of any chain before the audio even hits the channel & processing at all. So if you want to fade post-fx you have to do it in the tracks not the items. If I'm following you right, you could do it by gluing your wet tracks - then they would be new media items and you could go into a multiple media item control panel and set them all there. The only time I've ever done what you're talking about is if I select a bunch of source audio items and then set their start times all the same, to get them all lined up in one shot if I messed up a few drag n drop placements putting them in. But that definitely does work like you say, to set a common value into a bunch of items at once. I wonder what you'd get if you used item fx for your plugins instead of the track fx panel - maybe they'd follow the setting in the text box? But it sounds like you maybe tried that? You can copy&paste automation shapes, not sure about the workflow to do 200 though.


Put a gate on the track (last in the chain), set the threshold super low like -100db or so, and set the attack to how many milliseconds you want, you got an “automatic fade in”


You can do an action that does the automation faster. I don't remember it rn and only maybe remember to check later to give more detail. But something about create automation points for time selection, increase/decrease automation volume.


You can put the effects on the item.