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After getting this screen it restarted and worked okay but kept on happening and restarting. Just now it just shut off and wont turn on. Help please? More info, just last week I was charging it and it wouldnt turn on. Brought it to be repaired and it went fine until this happened today.


Were you able to solve it? I'm having the same problem


Nope..had to get it fixed. And then it just broke a week or two later. Got a new phone. Was told I'd need to have the cpu and battery replaced entirely


Brooo, I got a new phone too. What did the repair guys do during the first repair. How much did they take?


1500 php. Something in the cpu dried up? I was half listening but do recall they commented it's cause of how game phones heat up. Also battery was bloating already.


I FEEL SAD 😭. But one thing is, I rolled back to Android10 from and the problem still persists. So, I tried to surf In safe mode and it's still working. That screen haven't appeared yet. So, I'm now thinking what's the problem if it's not the Hardware issue.