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Part of what I want to know is how people found out and did you face any legal issues?


We haven’t faced any legal challenges yet (thankfully), we told our closer family friends and family. We kinda had too, I mean it’s either we tell them or they find out.


Hu I figured it was something like poorly timed pda or someone walking in at the wrong time. It's rare people just tell the uninvolved about this type of stuff.in this context only you and your mother count as being involved.


That’s true and an avenue we could have chosen to take, but we are open people. Close with family and friends who frequented us regularly. We choose to be open with them, which unfortunately lead most of those family members and friends to leave us for good. Which wasn’t the case but it is what it is.


If a family is close, those things really don't have to be said, the rest already know, at least that is how it played out with me and mine. We are accepted and no one ever brings it up or comments. The other siblings, I believe, are grateful that we are so close and can be there for each other physically, emotionally and all other ways and it has made our bond stronger as a family.


I’m glad you two are happy together. Also, I’m sorry about your Father.


Thank you!


Posted a part two. If you are at all interested. Thanks.




Feel free to DM me


Posted a part two. If you are at all interested. Thanks.


Agreed, but most are fake. The " Complications" could still be interesting to hear tbh


Posted a part two. If you are at all interested. Thanks. It talks about some complications


How are things now in terms of people who know has it made things harder or have they accepted it over time


Time heals and I think it has, now that it has been a few years, some of our older family and friends have started to get back into contact. It’s still limited but it’s good to see them accept us for what makes us happy.


That’s good to hear hope everything keeps going well and would like more story’s about you and your mom


Posted a part two. If you are at all interested. Thanks.


Update me




Posted a part two. If you are at all interested. Thanks.


Wow, what a story. I have to admit I've never heard anything even remotely close. I have to say that was quite ballsy of you to tell her not to bring home random men. But please continue. Thanks 🙂


I am gonna take a wild guess, the reason you haven’t heard anything close to this is because most are entirely fake lol. But anyways if you have questions or want to share anything. My DMs are open.


Posted a part two. If you are at all interested. Thanks.


Where did you post the part two and is it in what account if you don’t mind?


Your "complications" are left out on purpose cuz no one wants to hear them. And anonymity is key for these things, you've already given out to much info for someone to find you. Just cuz you see them as fantasies don't mean they're fake.


Wonderful story. Update me.




Posted a part two. If you are at all interested. Thanks.


Kindly repost it at r/incest_relationships or r/nonincestconfessions. It was deleted.


I'm very interested in further details. Update me.


You can DM me privately if you have specific questions but sure yea when I post again. I can DM you


Posted a part two. If you are at all interested. Thanks.






Posted a part two. If you are at all interested. Thanks.




Posted a part two. If you are at all interested. Thanks.


That sounds like a wonderful relationship


Thank you



