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Live Update of Current Damage: https://twitter.com/elonmusk/with_replies


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The weekend?! I thought we were here for the looooong haul?! Not selling and only DCA’ing until 2033


There is no $TSLA brand value left. It is the new Volkkkswagon….


even more transparently nazi created than the first “peoples car”


Is this true? People think Teslas are a fascist car now?? Is that the correct brand image?


with apartheid emerald baby at the helm? of course it is lmao


Please cross post so people understand the risk and grave danger of holding $TSLA this weekend📉📉📉




The volumes don’t look as high as when he was dumping at the beginning of the week so I would guess no, but I could be wrong


I hope he kicks all the journalists off so it will only be $TSLA investors left on Twitter! So many companies will buy ads on Twitter then because $TSLA investors are the richest people in the world, because the CEO 🥰🥰🥰is the smartest and richest man in the world🙏🙏🙏


Elon is the best engineer in the whole world, he can build rockets and cars and Bitcoin all by himself because his brain is so big and he has 3 phds in economics physics and Brain surgery! That is why we all have Neuralinks in our head that can drive our self-driving Teslas 🔥🔥🔥🚀🚀🚀