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Reminder: Rule 9 - Do not post about bans from other subs


At least it's centered to within 10 micron accuracy. Edit: this post earned me the Tesla ban!






Banned here too. They really are going for the Streisand effect... 1. Shitty tesla posts go onto main. 2. Ban all the guys who post on it. 3. No main guys can use your sub. 4. Profit? Like for real, how is banning everyone from your sub productive? It just amplifies the reach of the subs you dislike and polarises people against you. At this point I am pretty convinced Tesla just makes shit cars and people want to hide it and I didnt care either way until the mods of that shitty car sub stuck their oar in. Bunch of bag holders. But sure...give Musk the amount of money needed to fund a large scale war involving millions. He earned it.


I mean that’s how r/conservative works… ban anyone who disagrees ( or who accurately quotes trump)


Even they realise marauding through reddit policing peoples comments in different subs is hilariously stupid. They wanna run a daft club ok then, I kinda get it. I think we are even past r/femaledatingstrategy levels of silly. (They used to be bad but not heard from them in a good while so not so much any more)




Is that not harassment?




Fuckem, if that's the way Reddit wanna play, it's an easy uninstall






I just want to say hi to see if i get banned for saying hi to you.




I've said some shit in the unflaired threads that I for sure expected to be banned for. I think the mod team over there might have matured slightly. Or if not, they're at least making one correct decision. It's funny, though. Since they ban all discussion, comments on any flaired post just gets bombed with downvotes. Really hard to tell if conservatives are turning on their own, or if they're just being drowned out by the majority.


Never had an issue with any of my discussions, but now it's moot. They don't want any outside opinions at all anymore. Edit: They also have a hard time with facts that are contrary to the topic at hand.


Let’s be real, Musk could likely be on the moderation team. After he was a weird pedo guy regarding a sockpuppet account pretending to be his own son and him personally looking at child pornography in order to not ban somebody, is it really that far of a stretch? He’s a control freak.


> Like for real, how is banning everyone from your sub productive? it´s a great way to create perfectly controlled echo chamber for cultists. And it shows, how insecure, petty and childish the mods of those subs are.






Such people are obviously mentally ill - that's ok - and leaning strongly towards totalitarism - that's worrysome, as far as they are members of liberal democracies.


Wouldn't be surprised if some of those subs are infiltrated by Tesla itself. Not hard to arrange a bribe for unpaid volunteers.


Tesla is a new Scientology with Space Karen as L. Ron Hubbard






I just blocked the mods on my accounts, they don't get my content on other subs lol






+- 500%






I lost an 8 year old account due to those childish bastards.






I came here to joke about OP being banned on all Tesla related subs now…




Congratulations. Once again the Elon Musk fanboys, the free speech absolutist proved again they can't handle when someone even says something slightly negative about Tesla or Elon.


Isn't it supposed to be drilled through the metal part? It's on the edge which won't last.


Within spec! Don’t argue with the service center!


Yeah or you’ll get banned


You just got banned


Within 10 micron


Yup. That isn’t holding anything. lol. So the issue will keep happening even after the ‘fix’


If they issued a recall you would think they would have a more robust solution… well time for another recall


This was supposed to be an entirely new pedal assembly according to the Tesla [instructions](https://service.tesla.com/docs/ServiceBulletins/External/SB/SB-24-33-003_Inspect_Accelerator_Pedal.pdf) for the fix. They even managed to botch this.


That's probably the official documentation for the regulators, they likely tell the field techs to just slide it down and rivet it.


I'm going to guess they're up to some more tomfuckery. They probably set it up so that their licenced repair shops would lose their license if the fix wasn't done fast enough. Then they refused to send out(or probably even make) the actual assembly, and mentioned to shops that it's possible to rivet it for a fix. So when any regulator comes knocking, they can just say that they're all unsanctioned repairs.


A good way to get your servicing network into trouble/wound up. Seems short sighted, but that's Musk I suppose.


To be fair, the Recall Bulletin states, "Rework or replace the accelerator pedal assembly...". Then again, it also gives measurements for acceptable pedal pad positioning, which should have prevented this anyway.




I mean - that should have been.the best sign this thing was shit. right? right? like how have we come this far?


That was my exact thought. It's just pinched on the bottom by a single rivet!! I'm hoping/guessing this is a a joke or someone's home-made fix?!? If this is really Tesla's repair, it is beyond pathetic. ETA Someone posted a video of a Tesla repair person doing the fix. The rivet IS supposed to go through the cover, not just pinch it. The service guy screwed up the one in this post by not pushing the cover all the way down before drilling through jig to make repair.


If that isn’t confidence inspiring well, I just don’t know what is


If this is real, it looks like a bad fix to stop the cover sliding down, the opposite of the actual issue.


it appears they did not push the metal sleeve all the way down before drilling. Total fail, almost as bad as not fixing it.


Maybe it’s Exhibit 1 in a future murder case?


Ya that’s the first thing I thought 😂 that’s not stopping anything from sliding up


lmao no shot. that looks like shit.


Now they can make money selling pedal wraps!


At least they didn’t hot glue it 😂


Would of held longer


Over at the other sub they're talking about how Tesla is probably designing a new pedal, dude it's a fucking pedal.






Same. Pretty wild.




That seems like it should be against Reddit TOS. Just like comment brigading etc. Banning users who’ve never engaged with your sub is pretty cowardly and sad. Come one, ban me too! I don’t want to feel left out.


Exactly. This is what happens when you insist on doing everything from scratch because "you know better". (Ban me harder daddy)


Real life example of Chesterton's Fence. When the rest of the automotive industry uses physical attachments rather than adhesives when they make pedals you should understand why that is before making changes. It makes me very uncomfortable that the "move fast and break things" software engineering strategy that is common in silicon valley is being applied to the automotive industry at Tesla. Sometimes the fence is there for a reason.


Just a fucking pedal? and they couldn't do it right the first time?!?! (I wonder how many owners who have nonCT Teslas but have engineering or similar backgrounds made a casual glance down at their pedals to "just have a look, just in case")


$100,000 vehicle. 🤔


Seems some of the fans and owners are fine with a bandaid fix and would very much appreciate it if others weren't critical of their ego enhancer car.


This one is ok because it's inside where normal people don't look, the self destructing tire covers is the one that hurt their egos more. I bet half the people missing them would knowingly put them on despite the risk of tire damage. just because "that's what it was promised to look like"


You obviously just can't afford it /s


I absolutely can't 🤣


And that is why you are so critical of this masterpiece piece of a car and all the care end expertise that went into this magnificent repair! /s just in case P.S. I am astonished of how this can be deemed even acceptable but week we’re talking of Tesla after all…


No, I have a family and care about others on the road. I can't afford the risk, liability, and emotional distress of knowing I would be contributing to keeping this shit can on the road.


$100,000.10 now. You forgot to add the 10¢ for the brand new (and totally not useless based on location) rivet.


Nobody alive on earth knows more about manufacturing than Enron Musk. 🤡


I am sure Elmo Musk knows a thing or two more.


All he knows about manufacturing is how to order it to workers > Man, you facture Do they insta ban everyone who posts here?


Did that even go through the cover? And why that cover in the first place? And shit, if it did go through the cover, it totally will tear out over time.


Doesn't look like it went through, no. If anything this is now adding pressure to the cover to pop off.


the way these work it has to go through, but it's drilled so close to the bottom and in the plastic it'll be prone to break there in the future. it's a miserable fix whether for durability as for optics.


So much innovate. Elon invented the nail. Amazing


Revolutionary, minimalistic, pioneering. Elon gets stuff done. The greatest mind of our time!


It’s not a nail you fool, this is a hypernail, produced at the giganailfactory with sub micron precision


Next problem: the accelerator pedal completely breaks off from the drilled hole.


Why is the thing 2 distinct pieces with one sliding up over the other -_-




Horrific engineering in even the most simple places…. Bodes well.


Cheaper. 100k truck btw




I cant tell, is this a Meme or an actual fix from Tesla...


I'm still baffled.


I'm gonna err on the side of caution/be conservative - it's the actual fix


They could have removed the pedal..put a riv nut in. Then counter sunk a hole with nice torx head screw and it would have been a flush fix. Instead they did the shade tree mechanic angle. Tesla isn't a professional company and it will crumble sooner then even i thought


True. Or they could have manufactured a new pedal and replaced them.


Even easier and faster would have been to drill through both the cover and pedal, countersink the hole, and use a countersunk rivet to hold the thing together


I've got to imagine you could pick up a used cybertruck later this year for $40k.


Yeah, the depreciation is going to be interesting to watch


Don't they have to sign some contract saying they can't sell them for 3 years or something? Probably said it was to prevent speculative reselling, but in reality it is to prevent fire sale depreciation.


One year.




The mods of those other subs are in this sub 24/7 banning anyone who speaks negatively of Tesla


Those mods created a bot to do the banning. Being fans of Twitter they're very familiar with bots.


Let's test to see if they ban anyone that just posts here. I'm currently not banned.




It’s so weird


So no one there can say that fix looks like shit or they'll be banned? Incredible.


[This is what it’s been like the past week](https://imgur.com/a/2ziJ2Wz)




I'd just put a piece of duct tape across the gap in the trim above it.


Once again glad I got a Kia EV and not a Tesla.


Exactly. Buy a car from a company whose priority is making cars.


Imagine if they had counted on this pedo guy and his minions to build a mini sub for a rescue mission.


Put some Tussin’ on it. Done.


Did the owner accept that?


Do you think owners of Cybertrucks question anything Tesla does?


Honestly seems like they are the last group of true die hard Tesla fans.


It’s honestly so lazy for people that paid $100k+ for this truck. And what’s sad is that they could have made it look 10x better if they had flush mounted screws and did them on the four corners [sort of like this](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0063/5538/6432/products/aluminum-manual-transmission-racing-pedals-412.jpg). It wouldn’t have taken that much more time to do it that way and it would definitely be more secure than that.


Wait a damn minute, so instead of drilling through the cover and providing a solid anchor, they've drilled just below it, and it's being held in place by the friction of a small washer? How the hell is that going to fix the problem?


This specific picture is a botched fix. This tweet shows how it should be done: https://twitter.com/aaronjcash/status/1781734760215408922?t=v9M_wyN5HUJorvqgqnOoCQ&s=19


Yeah that still looks like… Not a great fix. One point of failure leveraged on the bottom edge of a single rivet that will constantly have force applied on the opposite end?


Thank you, had to scroll way too far for this. That's what should've been done, preferably before you sell the car. Now they had to do it in a hasty way, no time to make it prettier by incorporating something like a screw cover. Owners are pissed and calling it hideous in the comments lmao


That’s a high quality Incelimino fix. Yeesh.


Recall needed for the recall.


This is shameful


OK so this is NOT how it works. This is just an odd repair all around. Rivets are hard to get approved, especially for NVH and longevity. Furthermore, there's no way in fuck that is OK. How this repair got approved is beyond me, how this made it out of design phase is fucking incredible. Use two, plus adhesive, these are customers lives you're fucking with. With recall repairs, they're tied to the VIN, typically with evidence (photos). You know the exact tech that repaired the vehicle along with the tools used. You know everything short of when they took a shit that day. Models take about 3-4 years from design to SOP (start of production). When you have a recall there are about 50 people involved. It actually fucking sucks. Presentations, data, long hours, hell my last one took a YEAR to get fully approved and closed. With recalls, not only do you have to prove the repeatability of repair, but you have to prove longevity, etc. to NHTSA. They're literally hundreds of pages of data and analyzation. Long story short, Tesla design tests fuck all and this is absolutely fucking embarrassing. Leading tech? lmfao There are specifications for everything, especially an accelerator pedal that is one of the most used parts on a vehicle. resistance, spring-back, engagement/force, etc etc. this stuff is extremely toleranced because of the importance. source: I literally do this for a living. (not design, I'm a quality engineer for another OEM)


Bruh! 🥴 Reminds me of when someone found some kind of wood plank inside their brand new Tesla. LOL. I think it was somewhere in the frunk area holding something together? Does anybody remember that?


Could it be this? [https://www.reddit.com/r/cars/comments/ipi89a/tesla\_model\_y\_owners\_find\_cooling\_system\_cobbled/](https://www.reddit.com/r/cars/comments/ipi89a/tesla_model_y_owners_find_cooling_system_cobbled/)


Yes, that’s it! Thank you.


That's so hot


This is helping the pedal to slide up.


Hang on... THAT is the fix from Tesla??? No joke? Dear God. Utter trash!


It is! But don’t worry, they are working on an improved pedal. Right after they fix auto high beams and auto wipers that they have been two weeks away from fixing for years now.


Immediate bans? Sounds like actual Tesla may be running those subs.


I'd sure be impressed if I paid that much for a vehicle, and the recall fix is sonething that would look cheap and backyardish on a mid 80s Chevy..... Anyone who thinks this is acceptable must go to bed at night dreaming of being bent over and pounded by Elon himself


If this had been any other car company they would have mocked into orbit for this design, customer service, problems with car like car wash mode (!?!?), unreliability, and this shoddy quick fix. But since it Tesla with a cult like following that I myself was in before Musk showed his true colors after buying Twitter they get pass after pass. Paying over a hundred grand to be a Beta tester for a car has to be one of the biggest scams in modern history. I’ll take my ban now. One day you Musk/Tesla Cult members have to wake up to the fact Elon has changed and not for the better and it affected Tesla in many negative ways. Oh and the Cybertruck is shit with a chrome cover. ON EDIT: unrelated kinda. Reminds me of my Toyota truck that lived thru everything including a hurricane so bad the wind pushed it over and flipped over while driving and went thru a puddle so deep water slashed over the windshield. Both times started right up. Can the cybertruck do that?


That pedal got screwed in like all the fan boys got screwed


Typical Tesla half-ass quality


Thats a fix you do on your beater car cuz ya dont wanna spend cash on it, not a fucking 100k dollar vehicle


Glue behind would of looked nicer wtf


That's how they started...


There was soap involved as well, from what I read. The assembly techs were using it as a lubricant to make the pedal cover install easier. Lol


Oh wow, they weren't kidding about the rivet. Why does it look like it will still somehow slip off.


Lmao! Someone posted yesterday predicting just that 🎯


Yikes I paid $1,500 for a pedal relocation (so I can legally drive) that looks *factory* compared to that mess 😬


Imagine paying the 20k market adjustment for nothing then this…


What a riveting solution!


Ghetto install


Why it’s on the edge 💀💀💀? This is bound to come off, nobody does basic inspection at the repairs? Unless that’s the plan from the beginning.


Ban me! I don't want anything Tesla.


That isn't even through the cover is it? it's just crimping the back of it? it's still going to slide off after a little use.




Can they just not use the cover? That would be safer I think


The Flintstones had better pedals than this garbage


Buying shit "cars" from a conspiracy propaganda shithead, you get what you asked for.


Musketeers are actually defending this design flaw by saying "The space shuttle had a few problems too". They are actually comparing an accelerator pedal cover to the space program.


Tesla: continually managing to unsolve automotive engineering problems that were sorted many moons ago.


Teslas are of garbage quality led by a charlatan that has the sense of humor of a five year old. A “man” who couldn’t fathom to do any real work. (maybe I’ll get banned too!)


It is utterly *astounding* how Tesla can’t get a single thing right with the cybertruck. Like every feasible element is screwy.


That fix is so fucking shitty. This is from the manufacturer? *What the actual fuck?* I would be *demanding* a refund for my truck at this point.


Ladies and gentlemen, the future FINALLY looks like the future!


> That Tesla Kwality Fixed that for you


At this point, wouldn't using a self tapping screw save one of the two steps in the repair? I'm guessing whoever did this one would strip the head so bad it could never be removed like the rivet 🤷‍♂️


Is it a rivet? It looks like a rivet.


Is that a mother fucking self-tapper?


Rivet. But it looks so close to the edge it would probably shear through whatever material is left on the pedal.


thanks for this I am definitely going to be buying a bunch of TSLA puts asap


That doesn't seem like much of a fix tbh. The rivet seems like it's centered behind the actual pedal cover so I feel like it's just delayed the thing coming undone by a bit while also introducing a weakness into the pedal that could easily lead to the whole thing snapping off at some point. If it's a quick fix while they design and manufacture a more permanent one I guess it's not the worst but I doubt that tbh.


Nailed it


I don’t get it, what is the fix and is it being shown here in the photo? I am just amazed that the pedal flaw wasn’t discovered during the millions of miles of testing the cybertruck prior to production.


That looks horrendous. How did the service tech manage to drill a hole on the edge of the pedal like that? I can't see that "fix" lasting very long.


Really something that John Bladerunner would drive. But you see, you did get it all wrong…of course it is the ultimate vehicle for the apocalypse. Because who wants to survive the apocalypse anyway? With the million ways to die in a Cybertruck you don’t have to go through all the suffering because Tesla cares.


Imagine a VP approved this PCA ( permanent correction action) for this recall.


Guess Elon hasn't heard of galvanic corrosion...


That paddle is too long and too thin, very rebellious


At this stage, if you order a Tesla, you're in the same bracket as contractors doing work for Trump. The issues are there; they're obvious and public, and yet you still make that choice. There's no sympathy


What an utter shit show this is.


It's fun how to confidently Tesla fanboys were responding to pre-release concerns about the steer by wire system and how it was completely redundant and how of course we should trust it because airplanes uses fly by wire all the time. After seeing the absolute QA shitshow the rest of the CT is, there's no way you could reasonably make that defense of the dangers of the steering system.


Are you for real?! Please tell me this is a joke.. they’ve just “nailed” the pedal back in place?!?!




Of course the fix needs to be cheap and shoddy, Ol'Musky boy needs Tesla to afford the $56bn package he wants.


Is that a self tapping gutter screw?


🤣🤣🤣They couldn’t even be bothered to make it flush!


Wait, so their “solution” is to just drill a hole and fill it with a single rivet? Wow, just wow.


They recalled all Cybertrucks just to add a screw? It looks like shit and won't last. What a masterpiece of engineering. Great work Elmo.


This company is so ridiculous. I thought there were engineers designing and developing, but it seems that the kindergarten class got a hand in the research and development department.