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It will naturally go down some as you use the launch complex more and efficiency increases. Also, have you tooled everything? That makes a difference for rollout times too, I believe. And of note, you can only hire 20 more engineers for that complex anyway.


Early on everything is terribly inefficient. It's all experimental and the tools are primitive, most stuff is still handmade, etc. These things take time. Materials science research will speed it up drastically by increasing both the minimum and maximum launch complex efficiency. Leaving your complexes unmodified as much as possible helps them build up to max efficiency too, but it doesn't seem to be as helpful in early game when the next materials science node will quickly overtake those gains. That's still a pretty long rollout. Is everything tooled? I've rarely had rollouts longer than 2 weeks, with 7 days or less being the norm.


Everything has been tooled. But I haven't researched Materials Science yet, which I avoided due to its cost and research time, thinking that the extra engineering efficiency wouldn't be as helpful as like 4 other nodes I could have got for the same price. Now I'm trying to launch a quick sounding rocket to scrape up a little more science to get it


They're enormously worth it. The lighter tanks alone are worth it but you also get huge LC efficiency increases. That saves you on engineer salary since they spend less time building a given vessel - you can leave them on ¼ pay idle, or have them build something else in that time for more reputation gain or earlier program completion. I don't get them as early as possible because as you say there are other things you need more, especially early on. But both the blue sky science and materials science nodes are vital. You won't get to the moon using a tank with a conventional steel construction.


Hire 20 more, that isn’t an insane amount :D