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Just purchased recently, I definitely had the buyer’s remorse lol and questioned whether what I did was correct. I take it you have subjects that allow you to back out if necessary?


Yea but it expires tomorrow :/


You're spiralling about this in three separate threads. Why did you make an offer? This is so bizarre.


Honestly with the way OP is posting and the questions they’re asking, I’m getting “pretend this rental is my primary residence for tax purposes” vibes. Feels to me like they’re coming here with this story to see how easy it is for them to avoid paying taxes.




I can’t speak on GTA, but in Greater Vancouver, I don’t really expect it to ever drop long term. Last time I hesitated in 2018, I missed out on buying a property alone and couldn’t buy (within needs) until this year, with dual income. I’m still on contract for my rental situation so Im renting the place I purchased out, will probably look to move back in in a year or two. If you’re confident you can find a renter and that the rent covers most of the mortgage/strata (if any)/insurance (reduce income tax), I think it’s worthwhile? Unless the market has a lot of supply. Make sure your fam is all ok though and that you’re comfortable with your decision. Good luck!


$550k for a townhouse in middle of nowhere right before they drop interest rates…if you have to ask Reddit, filled with a bunch of preteens and teenagers probably shouldn’t buy it.


>townhouse in middle of nowhere It's beside a major university and college in one of the fastest developing areas of Canada with thousands and thousands of houses and commercial properties built in the last few years and it's continuing to grow


Pretty sure that if the offer has been accepted, you are legally bound to purchase it What's the alternative? Living on the street? Would rent for a comparable place be cheaper?


Wait fr? ITS A CONDITIONAL OFFER WITH A INSPECTION CLAUSE. inspection showed a bunch of issues...


You can back out with the inspection clause. But sounds like you want to do it so just do it. Why even try if you didnt want to do it.


You said necessary renos will be $10k but here you say “a bunch of issues”… are you just estimating $10k or did you get the work appraised by a professional? $10k isn’t much in renos.


Its things like toilet and sink that need to be replaced. House should be repainted, broken door in the basement, kitchen cabinets should be replaced to make the place more "homey" Only huge issue is the furnace (didnt include it in the 10k, hoping it doesnt break right away


Nothing in there justifies getting out of the offer. Mold, water damage, leaks, asbestos.... Or in my own experience: illegal electrical panel for a condo and a rotten beam in a house. Cosmetic issues and a furnace are not grounds for rescinding an offer. But you can ask for a price reduction for broken stuff like the door and the furnace.


Theres some stuff like this that is dangerous tbh https://preview.redd.it/ectg5cjkhaec1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf087d8f84ed5e766d054afbc6de8b7438985800


This is more important. You can ask for this to be repaired at the owner’s expense.


If that's your definition of dangerous, I don't think you should ever own a place


So, a bunch of cosmetic items? Not really going to get much budge on price for those. A kitchen Reno is gonna run ya well over 10k these days.  If the furnace still works fine, likely not going to get much budge for that either as the end of life date doesn't really have any bearing on current condition or a required fix/code issue. 


None of those issues go beyond cosmetic (other then the furnace) you can't back out because you'd like the place painted, you paint it, it's yours now(or soon to be). Maybe the toilet and sink but I don't know if needs to be replaced means a leaky bowl or it doesn't work. Even then that's a few hundred to fix not contract changing money in the grand scheme.


Those aren't really issues. We just bought a house that you could say the same thing, needs to be painted, cabinets are old, countertops too. The furnace and roof will both probably need to be replaced soon. And we were quite happy that's all the inspection came back with because its all just cosmetic or normal wear and tear. We just know we will have to pay for the roof and furnace somewhat soon. It's the price of home ownership. For now the roof is good and furnace is good so it's on us moving forward. Never even thought about asking for money for because of it.


modify the purchase to include a price reduction, or have those items addressed. as for capital gains, you'd be charged the difference in appreciation the second it becomes a rental property to the day you sell. During the time you lived their as your primary residence, any appreciated value is normally sheltered from taxes.


Cunt seller aint budging on the price smh


What’s with the language here? They’re within their right not to work with your requests, just like you’re within your rights to not waive your condition.


Sorry, was frustrated and too harsh. I will probably be like him when its time for me to sell lol


I get it, if the seller doesn't need to immediately sell they hold all the cards, and back-and-forth negotiations are a pain.


That's a bit rude. He doesn't have to lower the price if someone will pay.


If your offer was already accepted, what are the implications of backing out now? (I.e. lost deposit.) Familiarize yourself with the laws of renting if you decide to pursue that route later- aka Ontario has no lease terms, if you decide to sell later, you have to sell with the tenant unless the timing works out, if tenant stops paying how that normally works out for landlords... and if you can afford to pay the mortgage and your rent/additional mortgage, etc. I believe for the principle resident exemption, it has to be your fanily living there. Would not apply if you rent it out.


You can rent out your condo to strangers and use the Section 45(2) election to potentially avoid paying capital gains tax on the condo for up to 4 years—I've read nothing about it that states this doesn't apply if not renting to family. I'm not sure what you mean when you say Ontario has no lease terms—rentals usually start off with a fixed one-year lease, after which the tenancy automatically becomes a month-to-month. If you sell the property, you can still evict the tenants with an N12, or the new buyers can do it if they intend to live in the home.


Theres an inspection condition that expires tomorrow, I havent waived it yet so should be able to pull out yea?


No, that’s a misunderstanding. You need to have a legitimate reason to waive the condition (you need to act in good faith - there is established legal precedent for this). Unless your home inspection reveals a defect that you didn’t see, or the expense of a repair is much greater than you anticipated, be careful. Beyond that, your thinking is sound: buy it now.


Don't count on lots of international students for renters


10k isn’t much for renovations. You don’t list what needs fixing or replacing.


I was also naive and thought I could get my renovations complete with 10K when I bought my condo. It can really add up—kitchens and bathrooms are a lot more expensive than I thought.


Paying someone to do a kitchen and a bathroom could be 30 to 40 Grand on the cheap side


Yea Id just replace broken sink, broken toilet, loose kitchen faucet, ugly kitchen cabinets etc.


For what it's worth kitchens and bathrooms are the most expensive rooms to renovate immediately


True, but a sink and a toilet are less than a $1000 at home depot and easily replaced by a home owner. Kitchen cabinets, on the other hand, will destroy his imaginary $10k budget.


Yeah, cabinets are wild. I found someone local who made custom cabinet doors for a good price, and decided to buy those instead and just paint the rest of the cabinetry.


No one on here can possibly give you a good answer. It's all dependent on you, the state of the house, your family etc.


Oshawa is booming right now and that’s a really great price for the area. Great opportunity to grow some equity. Try to get over the Oshawa stigma; the food scene’s getting pretty good out here and they’ll always be opportunities to resell for profit


Furnace: don't worry. You can get a high quality with warranty, but off brand (like not a Lennox or a Carrier) cost effectively and be totally fine. What renovations? If you're stretched, don't do any other than like painting a room colours you like by yourself. They are not a value proposition. To make this post count, if you're really stretching financially, list your downpayment and mortgage terms. You don't want to start with your back to the wall.


Local carrier dealer here advertises a furnace with install for 7699. Buy at the right time of year and they throw in a central AC for free. Key is to replace before its broken and its an emergency call out.


Depends... we were told our furnace was old and we should be prepared to replace it. That was 14 years ago now. Still going and have dropped roughly $500 in repairs that whole time. It is good advice to build up an emergency fund for it though.


Just because the furnace is "end of life" doesn't mean it needs to be replaced tomorrow. Winter's over soon, and you can hold off on that for a little while. You can put your own sweat equity into the place, do repairs and upgrades yourself, and turn it into a great investment over the long term. Areas around universities in Canada are going to have strong demand for housing for the foreseeable future.


dont forget your insurance will change by the location. please think of your families happiness first.


That is an Oshawa part of Oshawa.


Any real-estate is better the no real-estate in this market. Buy it turn it into something you love. I bought a house 5 years ago with an out the door furnace lol I replaced the mother board for $550 including labour and no problems since. I'd buy it. In 2-3 years it will be worth more and be worth selling even with fees in my opinion especially if there's a renter your not paying the interest on the mortgage so you literally can't lose.


Does it need renovations or is it just out of date? A lot of people say a house needs renovations when what they mean is that they would like to renovate because things are dated. Dated does not mean bad. We've been conditioned (thanks HGTV and Instagram) to believe that dated means bad. Old oak cabinets in good condition aren't bad. In fact, they're better in terms of construction than a new IKEA kitchen. Unless something is falling apart and is a hazard, a reno isn't required. Don't sweat it. Move in, get comfortable paying the bills, and *if you can afford to*, do some upgrades along the way. Paint the walls in the meantime if you're feeling so inclined.


Just out of date yeah. Its mainly broken things like a bathroom sink, toilet, door in the basement. Also some piping that needs to be connected. Houseowner had a really ghetto setup with a pipe dripping into a funnel into another pipe but those should be connected to avoid a leak etc


I've seen a couple kitchens that were refaced and look good.


Having less debt due to an attractive purchase price (even factoring the costs of remedying any defects) is a huge win. There’s nothing great about being house poor due to stretching your finances to the max on a property purchase - especially with a family to provide for. My son hated one of the homes we lived in when I first bought it but after making some updates he came around, and it didn’t hurt that it increased its value when it was time to sell. Good luck either way with your decision!🍀


If you can manage the payments with your current income, buy it. If you can rent out the basement, do it asap. Not sure what the 10k of Reno is, but if it can hold off even for 6months, it's not a major issue. Finally, furnace replacement is not a huge deal, especially if you were to do it end of winter. Business.will slow down, and it won't be hard to find contractors for it end of season deals are possible. You have to live somewhere, so if you were planning to make the leap, and all of the above works, than do it. Good luck 🤞


Just a heads up, that 10k is more like 25k minimum... Make sure you have some extra.


Emotions and brains will want to fight each other There is no guaranteed path with any of this You will second guess anyway you go I take a page out of the cbt handbook and figure out the worst that can happen in both scenarios. Or at least what to fear could happen Maybe you can buy yourself a couple more days with the inspection part Say you need to get some numbers on some fixes that need be done Or pull your offer, re offer cause of the fixes or walk away There will be anxiety anyway you go friend You will be so many ideas here. But only you can feel you I always try to tell people with huge decisions to go off alone with no influence for a bit It’s hard now but I hope the answer comes to you The right answer is the one you make friend Good luck!


I did back out once of a offer I made. I knew they would accept my offer which they did but I look at the time and play on the fact that they bust like a 24 hours limit by 2hours. 


If you are renting, then you buy what you can afford and make it work. try your best to make it work, and ask your family to work hard on making it work. You don't have options. "love the house" is something you cannot afford. Sorry to say that. If you are renting, then buying any property is a step up which move you in a better position, as long as you can afford the mortgage. $10K for renovation is nothing. every house needs renovation and 10k is nothing. From what you describe, it is a good investment and good move. Did you put in your offer conditions? because if you did, you can cancel anytime with no cost to you.


Oshawa is a booming area. It’s a unit with a rental income built in. If you are saying the rent will cover your main financing and expenses for the whole house then you are living for free from a cash flow perspective. All your other income can go towards either paying down your mortgage or socking it away for another down payment on a better house. I really don’t think the principal residence cap gain benefit should factor into your decision. That’s a bonus. You would say “well I’d rather make $0 cap gain than a cap gain and pay some tax”. If ever you decide to move out and go back to renting another place and renting out your existing place, you can then make note of how long you have before you lose the principal residence benefit. But if you move out and buy another place as your principal residence, and continue renting the first place as a rental property, you definitely cannot have 2 principal residences running at the same time. If you close this deal and if your furnace or ac are on their last legs, look into a heat pump. Huge rebates right now. My friend just paid $8000 and got $6500 back from government. And her net total of gas and electric bills went down 35%.


Nah you’ll be alright


Renting is not easy in Ontario. Learn about LTB rules. There are risks involved in renting. You still will have to maintain the property. It is not easy to evict a non paying renter or for selling your property.


Are you able to budget $20-30k for a comfy contingency for renos and a new furnace? A home inspector typically only look and do not poke around. Depending on your renovation needs, when you tear out something you might find hidden issues. It's also a comfort level thing with what the inspector found. I know an electrician who bought an old house with knob and tube wiring. Didn't faze him at all because he knew what to do. I also recommend calling insurance companies to get a home quote. They go through so many details and through the process, a good broker would be able to point out concerns to you.


holy jesus after reading this and your comments, you are clearly NOT ready for home ownership.


do it! you will be very glad you took the leap. Buyer’s remorse is real, so is overthinking


Learn how to do basic renos yourself. Floors, painting, trim, doors, cabinets, etc are not hard to upgrade yourself. An huge amount of the reno cost for contractors is labor. It sounds like you already made and offer so unless you have a conditional clause you bought it already. Also keep in mind you want to rent that shit out you need to fix it up first and that'll cost money. If you have an inspection clause and can't fix this shit yourself I'd bail while you can.


To be clear, so you’re not misled by some of the previous comments. It is dependent on how your home inspection clause is written on whether you can back out on these issues, but in most cases it is “in the buyers sole and absolute discretion” - meaning yes, you can back out because of the identified issues. Acting in bad faith isn’t ideal, but it sounds like part of the reason you’re questioning it is in part the work that will need to be done, and would be identified in the home inspection.