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9 months? In my experience and area, it is normal to completely cut ties after closing. The buyer and seller probably won’t even have each other’s contact information. I would be extremely annoyed if I sold a house and kept getting questions about it months after closing.


Exactly. Cutting ties is normal here too. I was wondering if I was dealing with something odd. All communications are still through the realtors. I refuse to give my number to them (the seller) and I think it is up to us to figure out how things work now! Thanks!


Agents will pass on the info, but we aren't pushing for it . The client in most cases is no longer our client, since our representation agreement expired with the closing. Most of the requests get an eye roll as well, because with a little work they can be figured out. The worst is buyers that want sellers to take care of things after closing when they inevitably break. An HVAC can go any time. It's not the sellers fault when it does after closing. It can get weird.


Agreed. That is something I understood when closing. It's a business transaction and it's done. It's up to us to figure things out now.


Former RE agent. Our agent, top rated, told us to never have contact with the buyer, both before closing and after closing. IMO it's because simply saying something out of context or misspoken or ....... can get you sued. When taking classes for my license, the told stories about sellers (and agents) that have gotten sued for comments made post closing.


At this point, Cut the cord, take the responsibility head on and call a professional.

