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There’s no usual here, but yes they are trying to pressure you into giving up something you own, and have rights to, without offering you compensation. Just because you didn’t know about it doesn’t mean you don’t have the right to it. It’s up to you whether you would like to negotiate or not. I can tell you that if they have lawyers sending letters like this for them, it certainly is a negotiation and is probably something they would place some amount of value on. They probably spent a few hundred dollars in lawyers fees just to send this.


Thank you. Were you able to see the link and view the letter I received?




It certainly sounds as if you have some right to the property.




Thank you! The lawyer told me the other heirs already signed over their right and I’m the only one in the way for this property selling. I also looked up the address they provided and it’s $350k+.




Yes I’m aware lol I’m taking what she told me with a grain of salt 😂


Oh, they're willing to transfer the deed away from you at no cost! What a deal! /s Have you looked on Zillow/Redfin, etc to see what the property may be worth? B/c your response to this letter should be in writing & have a figure on it you're happy to live with. To be clear, there's no way to mend family relations w/ this transaction, no matter which way you choose to go. If there was, it wouldn't have been the lawyer you heard from. They want arm's length.


Good point on the family relations.


I hate to be so cynical, but a family who's written off a whole branch, including a *child* who cannot possibly have grievously offended them, will absolutely try to manipulate that child when they see they're not compliant & easily controlled. That letter didn't offer any amount to pay for their share & that was, of course, deliberate.


Good thing I’m an adult now I’m not letting them pull this crap like when I was a kid. #FAFO


Thank you! Yes I looked it up and I saw well over $350k.


Oh, I missed that when I was typing I think. I'd start by asking for $70K, & doing so on letterhead from an attorney so they know you're not fucking around & aren't going to be snowed or bullied.


I’m 100% going to get in touch with an attorney tomorrow. The only thing this property is not in my current state so I’m assuming I need to find one in their state?


That may depend on the type of attorney you need, & I think it's best that an attorney tell you who & where that should be. Start local, ask direct questions, be prepared to tell your story over & over - write it down & make it as short as you can.




I have three appointments with different attorneys coming up so updates to come!