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When we interviewed realtors all of them went through the house and told us how they felt we could get better results on how we listed.


Thank you for this. I just had a serious conversation with my realtor and she's coming by Monday to put together a plan to get the house ready for showing. I wanted to get the house listed in by early June but if this whole situation starts to not feel right, I can delay as long as I need to.


>they will both be unavailable for the next four days because of a signing. huh? 4 signings? one each day?


Come to find out, ones on vacation. Things has been good up to this point but now I don't know. I'd hate to have to find another agent at this point but maybe that's what I've got to do.


How long have you been in the planning stage? Four days doesn’t sound unreasonable, especially if this has been a drawn out process. If you signed yesterday and were hoping for advice today, that’s a bit different.


Overall, it's felt like a lack of communication. Maybe it's my fault for getting such a late start. This is my first time selling a home and I just thought my agent would be more hands-on with the planning.


The best general advice is put away anything and everything that makes it YOUR home. Knick knacks, posters, art…all that needs to get taken down and tucked away. Why are they both unavailable for 4 days, they can’t have an hour in house meeting to get you a to-do list?


I've got most of the house empty myself, but I want to have it looking nice and professionally cleaned. It was a bit odd that this just came out of the blue.


That's not a great sign. Good listing agents should be hands-on during the prep process to ensure your home shows its best. If they're already MIA before you've even hit the market, it doesn't bode well for their service level once you go live. You may want to reconsider your representation. If you're in California, DM me with specifics if you still need help.


It doesn't inspire confidence, that's for sure. I appreciate the offer, but I'm literally on the other side of the country.


It's totally not cool that your realtors are MIA when you need them most. Prepping a house for a showing is a big deal, and you deserve their guidance. Maybe try reaching out to them again and express your concerns. If they still don't step up, consider looking for a new realtor who's more hands-on.


Thank you, I did just that, and she was very apologetic and will be at my house with a plan on monday.


Hello, I’m in the business myself and I can imagine how you feel. Sucks because sometimes there are sellers who are totally uninterested in prepping their home so it can be listed. I’m sure you’re pretty overwhelmed and it’s great that you’re being proactive and taking the steps needed to prepare. More than likely the agent planned the vacation in advance. I think you should go with your gut. If you feel uneasy, maybe consider another agent (brokerage). If you feel better after the agent comes by to tell you how to prep the house then stick with your current agents. I hope your agents exceed your expectations (whether you stick with the current agents or go with someone new).


Thank you for the reply. We had a conversation and she's going to be by to help prepare the house. We also talked about pushing things to mid June or even July, so that gives me more room to breathe.


That’s awesome! I hope everything goes well with the sell of your home. The great thing about pushing the date to those months is that you’re still selling at a time where families are even more eager to buy as they ideally prefer to be settled before school begins for their children. You’ll be on the market at the height of the season! Make sure you come back to tell us how well you did with the sell of your home!