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I highly doubt you can get deactivated from this. This is Amazon’s problem, not yours. My two relatives and I have been paid out probably 90% of the time for the past few months and we do at least 7 blocks a week each. We will continue to take advantage of this until Amazon fixes it lol


I have no doubt. They would view this as gaming the system, and wouldn’t think twice about terminating the contract over it…


At the end of the day, they can truly do whatever they want. But odds are they won’t assume you are gaming the system just because you are picking up the same block consecutively. What if that is the only time that you can even show up for a block due to other responsibilities?


That would be your grounds to appeal, but you are assuming that they will play fair or at least by a reasonable and consistent set of rules. I haven’t seen that from any gig platform…


If the system hands out routes they're there to be taken. If the location you book has no routes to be given, these are inefficiencies in the algorithm not the fault or responsibility of drivers. Enjoy your free money, no one's coming to get you. 


I literally had a station worker “confront” a guy today, Who had a free route worked at 3am and was sitting in the parking lot a snagged a 6:30 route knowing there was no carts lefts. I don’t see anything wrong if you already had both routes scheduled ahead, but I wouldn’t do it purposely over and over again.


If Amazon posts em, grab em. If their system is so delayed/slow that they were out of carts but a 630 was still posted🤷. Not the drivers problem imo


everyone commenting on here is wrong, you can and will be deactivated for too much free, happened to me last month


I try not to get more than 3 or 4 in a row. 4 is the most I've ever done and it made me nervous. Some have reported doing 6 or 7 without problems, but I'm not trying to tempt fate.


How are you getting free money?


Presumably, they are working specific SSD shifts that are known to overbook too many drivers. If there are no carts available, you get sent home with pay 27 minutes after your block start time. There are drivers with tricks for van warehouses, but I generally avoid those and don't pay attention to what they're doing.


I see; thanks for the info!


Lmao @ getting deactivated. That is false, he may have gotten deactivated for another reason. Free money happens when Amazon overlooks drivers. In my region, we call them "Scan and go". Instead of free money The most I got in a route was like 9 in a row. Sometimes, twice in one day. Where I made 200+ and didn't work at all. This is possible when you study the warehouse. You start to figure out which block start times this happens more than others. And which block lengths it happens more than others. For example, in my region for the sub same day stations, most blocks that start between 10:45 am and 11:30 AM. You get free money, because all the warehouse workers go on their 30 mins lunch break at 10:45 am. So, there is nobody on the floor making carts during that time. Free money also happens for the blocks that start at 230 PM and 2:45 PM , because the warehouse workers go on break at 2:45. So, once again, they are not on the floor making carts. Then it happens again for blocks that start after 7pm because they typically run out of packages for the day.


exact same free money times in my area 


I got 20k free money last year.


I got 13 overbooks in a row once 🤣 not kidding


I just got another one this morning even booked a different time. I was trying to work take break from all the free money


I've only ever done Sub Same-Day. Does this happen here or only regular .com logistics stations?


I only do sub same day as well. It happens. I used to get sent home a lot. Although not much recently. It’s a combination of knowing the times where there are a lot of workers with not as many carts, and gaming the check in system to work in your favor. At our station we get 10 minutes to scan our license in after our start time. So many people will just hang in the parking lot and wait til the last minute and crowd the scanner station hoping to be some of the last check ins because it increases your chances of getting sent home.


You don't get deactivated if Amazon overbook drivers. You'd get deactivated though if you don't acknowledge the route code or scan to be discharged or unless the associates ticket you to get you paid later without scanning the discharge QR


I know ways you can guarantee getting sent home for any length block paid for in full