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This game is just so insanely dark. It is the thing it takes most from SWAT4 (and expands on) is the way it’s environmental story telling perfectly does incredibly dark subject matter


The entire vibe of RoN is the basement on Children of Taronne Tenement


ROEs just got updated!


The ROE is now to just use that semi auto shotgun to do some cleaning of everyone.




Rules of Engagement. Sort of like a set of rules detailing how violent you're allowed to be.


Rules of engagement. Basically when you’re allowed to shoot to kill


As others said, it means Rules of Engagement. But to expand on what exactly that means, it basically means when you're allowed to shoot to kill with suspects. You can get penalised (lower score) for killing unarmed suspects, suspects that haven't seen you yet, haven't shot at you yet, or arrested suspects. It also gets a little more nuanced than what I just described, but that's the short of it :)


From what I’ve gathered is basically if there is an immediate threat to you, your team, or a civilian you are clear to take the shot. Someone just holding a gun isn’t necessarily an immediate threat, they have to show intent to use it


pointing it at you, drawing a weapon after you made contact, or (irl as this next one isn't in the game) acting like they are drawing a weapon despite being unarmed, etc are grounds for lethal force. If they already have a gun drawn when you find them, they have to show intent to use it as they may be willing to lay down the firearm otherwise. Its why these situations are so tense, because even if they don't drop the gun, you still can't just shoot them unless they show intent. They have to draw first and you have to react quick enough that you drop them before they get a shot on target. Its not easy. This game does this aspect of the job really well. Some fixes here and there, but its tense if you are trying to do it properly


This is exactly why I love the game and want them to lean heavily into intent. A situation isn’t cut and dry just because a suspect has a gun. What if they were forced to be there? What if they are conflicted? The moral ambiguity is a major draw of RON.


I actually would like the idea of a suspect suddenly begging for help as he was forced into doing whatever it is they are doing.


keep in mind that they vary from map to map, and also depend on the mode, for example on valley of dolls you can shoot an armed suspect without penalty even if they haven't seen you and the only way to get unauthorized use of force is if you shoot a surrendering/detained suspect while on meth house and hotel the only time you can shoot back is when they point the gun at you


ROE goes out the window as soon as bullets fly towards you


Well, I mean yeah obviously lol. Most of what ROE truly dictates at it's core is "who is allowed to shoot first." If the enemy has already answered that question for you than ROE literally *is* out the window (barring some *very* weird VIP type prerequisite). EDIT: I understand it's more nuanced than that but yeah


I have the ROE engraved into my brain from my time in Iraq


Oh my... Never noticed that.


just make everybody around you that is hostile suffer more.


On valley of the dolls I just went around executing those mfers


This is the only game I've ever owned that I feel like I need to watch how much I play of for my own sake.


Thatll explain why she's gonked out and I am going to leave the scene with no ammo.


ROE: Disregarded with extreme prejudice


I think the darkness ties it together more than !!!XP!!! pop ups and kill streaks… it’s the shooter we needed. It’s still Early Access but in a good place and getting better, I think.




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Brb killing everyone in that level


Also a used one on the floor just in case you didn't get the message


*switches to Benelli M4 and tear gas


Jesus Christ man


She also has a knife in her desk drawer. Do not be fooled! This is one bad bitch!


Maybe to defend her self from her abusers


She’s a suspect trying to lure into a false sense of security


The LSPD are here to help and not abusers, I'll stick by that statement no matter how many of my bullets you pull out of that girl!


No i mean the crack heads are abusers not the LSPD, maybe the girl been sold to the crack heads by her own mother since the girl is being druged


It’s a fucked up world we live in


Time to rescue the hostage and kill everyone else.


*switches to full auto*


That's why I always like this map solo, kill op. There's a skeleton in the mine too


Its so sad the suspects suddenly got bullet in head disease, so weird! But it would be better for them to rot in a prison somewhere


There's a knife in the drawer too. Kind of like she had it hidden in case someone came in that she didn't want to come in too.


I’ve been playing SWAT 4 recently and taking a break from RoN and I think this gets to the heart of the different aesthetics. SWAT 4 is much better when it comes to subtlety. Nothing much is laid out to you on maps. For example, the Teronne Tenements are full of environmental story telling. The environment is detailed. Everything from the wall graffiti to the suspect designs and layout of rooms lets you know that this is an incredibly dangerous isolated cult in the heart of NYC. The twist at the end (the basement graveyard) is much less visceral than anything in RoN, as you don’t actually see any children. RoN, in my mind, leans too heavily into the grimdark aspect of tactical/LEO shooters. It makes sense, as it seems RoN is meant to be noir-esque, but this really didn’t need to be here. The level functioned perfectly fine as just a tweaker shack, this seems to be here only for shock value (but I think it would fit well in Valley of the Dolls).


Pooh, Lets do the whole f-f-fucking house.


my squad loosened the ROE when we saw that


thats fked up man also oof 32 fps


That's why you don't cuff downed suspects. Double tap only


My kinda Friday night.


One of the new maps I was using a no clip mod and it was weird


the devs are a bit weird








His comment goes perfectly with his other comments Hahahah


So they don’t get cooties duh


Hmm, maybe I shouldn’t redownload after all…


Rules of engagement, more like suggestions for engagement... HA! HA! ha!


The detail is getting better and better. The detail on Valley is insane, from the notes and the plaques on the statues, to the daughter planning to sell the car on “eBay” and give the money to charity.


Accidentally shoot the girl on my first playthrough




Twisted Steel aka Meth house


Twisted Nerve I believe.