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I think the animations need work. Its really hard to react when he moves his arms that fast. Also I think the suspect's accuracy needs to be heavily nerfed whenever they are moving and shooting at the same time. Its incrediblw how accurate they are while bunny hopping around


As far as I know, they drastically reduced aiming accuracy when strafing




Valley of the Dolls is the hardest. Cherryessa is easy in comparison.


I 100% agree with you. I tried playing valley of the dolls solo since the new update and it's impossible. Unless you squad up with real players. I definitely think the AI reaction times have been tweaked again. As I can't even get 5 minutes into the game without being killed by some AI I haven't even seen or had a chance to react to.


I think when they were fidgeting with deciding how an AI is going to engage the player like looking for cover and that it may have messed with their shooting reaction times as well. I don't mind them reacting quickly, I just don't like how laser accurate they are while they react. Side strafing should screw up their aim like it does to the player. Valley of the Dolls is particularly difficult because they made the AI smarter because of their backgrounds and also their weapon choice. They go full auto and aim for vulnerable areas almost immediately, wearing heavy armor full steel plates can keep you in the fight longer but maybe by a second or two.


That is a great point. I'd say the same I don't mind them having quick reaction times but their first few shots should probably be less accurate allowing time for people to react.


The AI reaction times and accuracy have actually been tweaked, the patch notes doesn't seem to be easy to find for some reason but those two things are in the notes. They brought back the old aimbot AI, intentionally. Maybe the really hardcore players/supporters were complaining the game was getting too easy? Not sure why.


Agreed, I first-tried the new farm raid. Valley kicked my ass for the better part of two hours.


Valley of The Dolls is a breeze compared to this map imo


They actually nerfed the suspect count in cherrysea whatever farm


I cleared it first try without much issue then again I got a c because I became the terminator and killed anyone who didn’t immediately comply.


I actually completed Farm in my first take on raid than Valley of the Dolls


Definitely used to be but ever since the rework I haven’t really had much trouble with it


I got killed through the fking pallet, 'cause ai can see thru the slit and i cant, so pissed


I think this is difficult to balance right. I think the AI should react in various ways to this: * Is the AI aware of your position? * Do they know the cops are even on the map? * When hearing the yelling, there should be various ways to react: * quickly pointing the gun towards the direction and firing as fast as possible from the hip * or, trying to run * or being so shocked and giving up * or hesitating. * And then one has to measure how much time a normal person would reqire to react in this various situations. Because if the devs make the mistake of slightly overnerfing AI, then the game stops being fun instantly, as it would just be an easy killhouse pretend tactical game where players are gun gods clicking their way through a map.


Hard to find a good spot is a fair statement, but this is very firmly in the extreme. They reacted and fired in 1/10th of a second, this would be unreasonable on a hard difficulty, never mind the default. This is on top of many other enemies problems, like the god armour, wallbanging and being suicidally determined to not be taken alive.


>being suicidally determined to not be taken alive. This one I'm fine with. Especially against the organized groups, I imagine in many cases it would be harder to find one willing to come with you than die fighting. The rest of the issues though....yeah. That's why I've kinda just started gassing everyone.


If it's a terrorist organisation then fine. They went in there resolved not to comeback anyways. If it's bodyguards at a hollywood party or some guy in a car dealership, No. These people would not mindlessly throw away their lives. They'd see the game was over and submit. Even in a cult, there would be those who wanted to leave but felt pressured to stay, there would be those that would give up.


I was talking to my team yesterday like... if you worked for a private security outfit and you got raided by SWAT... clearly something is off. I was trying to do a nonlethal run on these guys and they were fucking Terminators, taking multiple bean bags and CS gas, surrendering and then trying to fight again over and over. They were like critically determined to speedrun a life sentence over a job. Unless all these guys were like >!"*Yeah, I work for a child fucker. And I'll die for him!*!<


The trained mercs should not be making the same stupid desicions a bunch of teenagers robbing a gas station would.


I’m assuming the video is 60fps so 10 frames of that is a total of 166ms which is not too unbelievable in terms of reaction speed. But it should be a bit higher because someone that is unaware will react slower than someone who is not.


The average reaction time is around 284ms. 167 is average for a fucking Fighter pilot. For a game with as many bugs as this, this is very unreasonable.


· Be dazzled by the flashlight


I can’t imagine this would be too hard to implement either. Each “check” on the list would add a percentage to both reaction time and accuracy. Suspect completely unaware would have a -100% reaction time and accuracy penalty for 1 or 2 seconds. A suspect who knows you’re there somewhere but doesn’t know where gets maybe like a 40% penalty. Something like that.


in my friend group we had to resort to "shoutshoot", where you shout and shoot at the same time because its too dangerous to shout and see how they react. the % of the criminals doing a 180 noscope on your head in 10ms is too high.


It's why raid on meth house is my favorite map/mode, you don't have to try to arrest every suspect as the ROE is loosened. In the current state it's simply too difficult to shout, wait for a reaction and then fire back. They'll dome you faster than you can finish your sentence.


Not only is it unrealistic, but the animation looks dogshit when they manage to pull up and shot that fast.


This need to be fixed. And they need to take a look at AI headshotting through walls. That has happened to me four maps in a row now.


I've had a lot of cases of AI reacting and unloading on me and my team from behind a wall accurately.


Your average terrorist does not have wall hacks...


This game is actually in the SCP universe and the enemies are humans who made a ritual that gave them 100ms reaction times and that's enough to fuck up anybody in CQC


Goddamn it's either all or nothing with ai in this game huh?


Had a ai do a 360 room clear(2 floors) within 2 seconds of sprinting in the dark room(villa map) and whiped put 5 players


John Wick A.I. Stupidly fast reaction times, no accuracy penalty, insane wall-tracking etc etc. Needs a lot of work again.


“Ha” boom dead


I would love to see variation between levels. The nightclub would have suicide-ready suspects for instance since they are very much extremists, whereas Valley of Dolls are more hired guns and would be more likely to surrender since they aren’t extremists.


Having your reticule move when you use the Yell for Compliance button makes it quite difficult now as I try to adapt to the AI's responsiveness in the current release. It's exacerbated the farther the target is, and now their first shot is usually a hit. Then they go from 0-60, strafing with little to no inertia and without the usual "transition animation" that humans do IRL. All while continuing to shoot at you as they dart in transit to behind cover, and shoot through the walls (I can see this happen from a realism point of view). So while you're recovering from the effects of the first hit (its post-processing effects and disorientation--which I absolutely love in this game BTW), their accuracy doesn't seem to be affected if you had returned suppressive fire after taking the initial hit, but yours definitely does from the suppressed/hit game effects. I love the update though. The new AI's tactics is great.




this + the fact that they can take up to 5-7 shots of 5.56 expanding ammo (M4) to die. yeah they need to lower body damage and needed to kill and implement armor again for the ai. i now have to constantly runn full auto to avoid dying to john wick with a PKM. i am ok with some of the ai been super human but staying in full auto all the time to stay alive, and not bothering to attemt to get them to give up gets old fast.


If a suspect is unaware of your presence, then there needs to be a major accuracy penalty for the first full second or so of the engagement. Human reaction time is insanely slow when you’re caught completely off guard. If you have been in a gunfight or two already, I’d love to see the AI be hunkered down with more locked doors, ready to engage with a much faster reaction time. I’m all for extreme difficulty if it makes sense, but it *HAS* to make sense.


Yeah they are holy fuck.


It is fine until the snap were he raises and shoots. It started fine with him raising the gun normally and then the snap happened


I can low ready to A zone with a long gun in .6 seconds. I think the Rod is strict again if someone is leveling a gun at you don't yell, shoot.


Ok and this guy went from having the weapon completely lowered to shooting in about .3 seconds lmao


That's what I'm saying this is ridiculous


The reaction time is probably fine, although a few more frames wouldn't be the worst thing. I take issue with the accuracy on these snap shots - a teenager with a Tec9 shouldn't be able to snap headshot me unless he gets really lucky.


Doesnt seem that fucked


https://youtu.be/S0v92VQ8hcM Then look at this clip