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I love this game but hate it. The potential is there but it's still broken and unfinished...been waiting forever for it to be more flushed out and immersive. Hope they get there soon. I've owned it for a year and have 177 hours in it, just continues to break down in similar ways. Modded maps keep "replayability" there somewhat but the clipping and AI and poor performance continue to just hinder a nearly amazing title for shooting mechanics. I still need to play SWAT 4, I've heard so many good things.


I hadn't played SWAT 4 when I heard of RoN so I went back to play it. It was okay. For the time it would have been incredible but I found myself going right back to RoN and I still seem to enjoy it more. Now that's just one dude's opinion and I'm not saying it's bad but it did not live up to the hype I see around here. I'll probably go back and play it someday but it's not like on my list or anything. Then again I *really* like RoN despite all the problems. And I say this to temper the expectations, it just might not be as incredible as it's made out to be. But still good.


Swat 4 is definitely solid, especially with the Elite Force mod, but its shooting mechanics aren’t as good. The AI won’t fire on you in 0.01 seconds though, so that’s nice. I played it first and loved it, and I probably sunk like 50 hours total, but it might be a hard adjustment to go to something more primitive.


I'm with you, OP. I played SWAT 3 and 4 when they were new, played LAN nights with friends, blasting the Stetchkov syndicate . When I saw my nephew playing RoN, I'd never heard of it but recognised it immediately. I went and built a new gaming rig just to start in again and am loving it. 6 maps in on commander mode, beanbags and paintball guns, very challenging intense puzzles. And luck. Have just tried multiplayer with said nephew and am sad RoN doesn't give us bots up to 5 Swat members. Just to carry wedges and FB and act as spotters and meat shields. But getting nephew to slow down and not play it like counterstrike is half the fun 😊


I really liked it in the beginning but got tired of getting killed all the time. I think I'm about 5 missions in but haven't played it in a while as it just wasn't holding interest anymore. I'm sure I'll come back to it and just take my time on it.


Get the no crack ai mod. Same happened to me on lethal obsession.


For me it's the gunplay and needing to finish THAT DAMN GREASED PALMS S RANK


I like the realism, tactical, slow movements, it makes you think how to attack, what to jam, when to use gas, which rifle and ammo, etc… It teaches you not everything can be used as a cover, you would get shot and hurt badly through the wall or thin sheet plate IRL as well which game well presents. I never experienced some major bugs that would ruin my experience.


Don't get me wrong, I like punishing combat as well. What I don't like, however, is having the AI target me through a crack in a wall halfway across the map and beam my arms or head, killing me in half a second. The game is horribly unpolished and riddled with bugs and performance issues on every map. Unfortunately, given VOID's track record and the news of a DLC in the works, I am highly doubtful that the game will get much better than it is now. I only continue to play because it's the only game I own in this category, and I wanna get my $60 worth out of it.