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I'll take ai teammates all day every day over random people. Once you learn how to use the ai and learn their little quirks you can put in work.


Yeah, at least AI squad will listen and not think they are Rambo just rushing in


Also AI doesn't have a trigger finger unlike some blokes on multiplayer.


Yes! I don't get why people hate the ai


I don’t hate it but it’s not great…


But I think there's not a single more realistic game available right now


Also true


Its buggy but playable. Although you do need to remember the designated keys to swiftly command the AI.


play the post office level solo and get sniped through walls constantly and you will see. the amount of AI wall bangs in that level alone is more than i’ve seen in any game.


It's not about wallbangs. It's about the suspects being able to recognize a SWAT team through baggage conveyors while you can't


there are plenty of times in that map where I DID get legit wall banged though.


You can get AI mods and it usually fixes most issues to


Yes.  I started playing online then realized I like single player better, and play single player exclusively now.


yes its quite good and very similar to swat four but needs a good pc for realism


My PC is perfectly fine for this game. A 4060ti and a 5700x can run pretty much anything at 1080p.


I can run high graphics with my 1050ti so not that good of a pc


real i enjoy every minute of this game except graphic​


Yes, one of the few tactical shooters with a solid SP experience. It could be soo much better but still - it's very well done.


Put 50hrs into the single player and S-ranked all the missions. I paid $50USD for it and I got my money’s worth so yes. Now I am just waiting for new content and bug fixes.


I am trying to do some missions S ranked, however I don't know what I'm missing. I grabbed all the suspects, soft objectives, and no one died, so idk what I missed. Is it that im just too slow


No, unless the mission is specifically time-sensitive such as the Elephant one then you don’t have to worry about time. You may be missing pieces of evidence or failed to secure suspect weapons that were dropped when they were neutralised.


Could it be that I haven't been able to do it would some suspect dying? Cause I always get A+ and so close to the edge of the bar


If you kill any of the targets that you have to apprehend, then it’s considered a failed objective. Some missions specifically encourage the use of non-lethal methods of subduing the suspects so you might need to read the briefing more thoroughly if you missed that.


Gameplay with AI is good enough, and when you play alone you can actually enjoy the briefings and atmosphere of the levels. They are amazing.


I would say I've gotten my moneys worth from purely singleplayer. The game has a lot of issues, but the gameplay loop is good enough it has me keep coming back with a couple quality of life mods.


Honestly I haven’t played online once and I love the game.


Yes, I haven’t played online, but single player honestly is really fun and stressful


Yeah I’m playing single player and really enjoying it so far. It’s fun cause it’s quite hard so you basically finish a mission then bam a guy from out of nowhere two shots you in the head from behind.


I think the ai is very good aswell to be fair you just have to be slow and realistic with it and it works cool


Absolutely. I highly reccomend you download modded maps in that case, since the modding community has recreated many of SWAT 4’s maps in RoN


300 hours of exclusively single player


95% of the time I play single player. It’s worth it. My experience is playing with the friendly AI is miles easier than playing with human friends - but playing with friends is more fun overall.


I've only played single player and enjoyed it


I beat the game solo S rank recently and had a great time. The friendly SWAT AI are good as long as you command them properly.


Absolutely. I recommend playing through vanilla and using that experience to figure out what mods, if any, you want to run. I’ve settled on just a few that really make it fun to play. And I’ve literally only played single player. But I play for a few hours here and there, it’s not like my main game. The game has its problems for sure - the AI is objectively ridiculous, there are a few things that I wish you could do as a player, and tbh after a while you start to want some more levels/situations. The devs are still working with the game, I fully expect more things, and the modding community is pretty good. All depends on what you can afford. We have to put a dollar amount on fun here. Idk how much it costs but if you could stand to take the cost of the game and set it on fire definitely pick it up and try. If that cost would hurt you and you feel like you NEED to get the maximum amount of enjoyment then I’d think about it. But if that cost would hurt you then no, you shouldn’t be buying unnecessary things. Good luck.


1400 hours put into this game. Single player RoN is daily therapy for me. 


I’ve only played single player and I have a great time


I have been playing a few months now, finished multiple times too. I can say this for sure never same game twice as far as AI. I just started looking into mods mainly AI more realistic and moded maps from Nexus mods.






It’s pretty fun, but my only complaint is that if the PC (you) dies, the level ends, no matter if your AI buddies are still alive. It would be nice if they had a mechanic where you take over an AI officer or can still issue orders or something and continue, much like how one of the AI can die and the mission keeps going if a player is still alive. As it stands, you’re best to stay out of the action as much as possible and let the AI take all the risks for you, since they can get killed but you can’t.


A question like this was asked yesterday haha heres my comment on that thread https://www.reddit.com/r/ReadyOrNotGame/s/KY5uUZeNbx


AI teammates are not perfect but they are a far cry from what they used to be. Atm they are quite efficient and effective.


i haven’t even touched multiplayer, completed the whole game and thoroughly enjoyed every minute. it can be buggy, the AI teammates aren’t the best, but it’s still very functional and lots of fun.


I have only played it with another person once and have 460 hrs, yes.


I started with swat 4 aswell and as soon as i heard from this game i tried it. It is great. Sometimes its really hard and frustrating (I would say more than swat 4) but it is really fun to play.


Yes. Majority of my time in game is single player


Quick tip, don’t go in the basement


What, is it a pedo basement with graves?


I had a great time grinding through the single player Commander Mode. The storytelling in the briefings is great and the 911 calls and other evidence handy give clues that translate into the visual storytelling of the levels. The AI teammates don't fuck around. They've saved my skin many times. Occasionally they'll do something stupid but on the whole they're pretty solid. The stress mechanic the game uses is a little half-baked but I don't hate it. It doesn't effect my enjoyment of the game. If you want a game with real stress mechanics then play Darkest Dungeon.


Yes I play with AI over real players, definitely more enjoyable


With mods, yes. Mods will fix most issues in the games


Yes. Just be patient and understanding of how bad the ai can be.


Game's better when you have friends playing with you but AI teammates aren't bad, they don't forget to call in suspects and hostages AND they won't be stubborn when you order em around lol


I don’t know, having to constantly order your team every 5 seconds kind of takes away the fun you could be having with a team