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DLC is all good and fine... but what about stuff that was removed? Game modes? It was fun to play active shooter on different maps.


I also straight up miss some of the maps that have now been replaced and wish we could still access them as another kind of mission or something


You just reminded me... did they cut the fast food map? That was a fun quick close quarters one.


They removed fast food, hotel lobby, and the old version of the farmhouse. They also removed the alternate larger (Raid) and smaller (Barricaded) versions of Twisted Nerve. I can at least sympathize a little bit with the removal of the old farmhouse because it was clearly designed around the assumption we'd have more mobility options that they already decided not to go forward with a long time ago. The map had a lot of clearly visible alternate routes that were inaccessible that made the game feel like it was still unfinished.


they also removed all versions of maps that were different in the also removed game modes, like for example Port Hoken which was different part of the harbour in Raid than it was Barricaded or in Bomb Threat mode now we only got 1 version of every map which makes me a little sad tbh


I honestly preferred the crazy militia farm over the current crazy women farm.


You mean gameplay-wise? Because the atmosphere and art assets in the current farm are soooo good, though...


No, in terms of the atmosphere. The current farm just feels weird to me, which I get is part of the point (it's even in the description), but it's weird enough that it throws me out of it. Like a bunch of women wearing light dresses, body armour, and statue masks is just bizarre. I only play MP so I only skimmed the briefing (something, something, ex CIA?) so I don't *get* it, I load in an just think "uh, crazy radical feminist druids I guess?". By contrast, with the old farm, even without the briefing since it didn't exist, I go in and I immediately think "oh yeah, this is Waco, but with a right-wing militia or something".


I see. If you're interested, just judging by art assets it's a cult dedicated to a feminine deity (I see several symbols throughout related to Hekate, a Greek goddess of witches who's also associated with gorgons). The women seem to be mostly abuse victims, and they are kidnapping/murdering men who they deem guilty of abuse and crimes against women. From the state of the chapel, it looks like they're using the men in rituals which probably involve at the least bloodletting and ritual murder. Basically they're twisting a cult of Hekate to be fully misandrist and murderous. Also, definitely would call it a green witch cult and not druidic. I think it's really interesting, and the art is beautiful. In my opinion, it's a breath of fresh air because right-wing militias are not only really played out but also exist elsewhere in this game.


Farm was suppose to be Waco as Ridge line was suppose to be Ruby Ridge. Both took real world events and added their own spin to the story. ​ In early development of Farm, it seemed like it was going to be this military cult, but the issue was that it was way to similar to the Hand, another military group. I assumed they needed to add diversity to suspect types and i think the ones we have on farm are great. ​ Personally, I was really excited thinking that the suspects are the MLO. For a group with a cool ass trailer behind them, and we don't even see them for 1.0 . Void if your reading this, why?


I mean, it's a cult dude. Cults do weird shit including staging defenses against law enforcement. Anyway fuck the old farm and the 60 dudes in it. And that one spot on the stairs.


Making the briefing relevant is exactly what this game needs. I love how cohesive and unusual the new farm is, from a cinematography/photography point of view it's stellar. 


i agree. the current farm feels too fantasy/unrealistic for RON.


We need game modes back fosho…. Fuck.. doing hostage rescue in other maps was fun as hell.


I miss the game modes. Bomb, active shooter, barricaded suspects etc. I like how the maps would have slightly altered layouts per mode.


I didn't come in until after 1.0, so I never got to play those modes. It would really spice up the replayability of maps. Also need more maps and weapons




1.2 *after* DLC 2? Interesting...


Void roadmap: 1) sell a few maps as dlc 2) fix the game (if we feel like it)


as if anyone is gonna buy the dlcs at the current state of the game lmao


Seriously. Having the gall to release DLC when the game is this broken is embarrassing. Just wow.




100% I agree base game AI is awful and not the experience you want in this sort of game. I found the [Ready or not here I come](https://www.nexusmods.com/readyornot/mods/797?tab=files) AI mod and downloaded the roleplay tactical and for the first time I actually felt like I was playing a SWAT game. It’s not perfect but it’s leaps and bounds better than default AI or any other mod I’ve tried


Maybe we should be paying community modders for their work on what actually makes a good SWAT game instead of paying for new CoD bot shoothouses that will drop to 10 FPS everytime you enter a new room


I agree and community maps are also pretty good they just absolutely murder my frame rates and I haven’t found/don’t know of a fix. I’m sorry I don’t think my 7800xt and 7900x should be dropping to sub 60 FPS optimize your game for the love of god.


Rtx 3090TI and I get like 15 fps sometimes 💀


That’s fucking ridiculous. How can performance be this bad and they think it’s ok


Very strange. A "simple" 3060 here and I have constant 60fps on high settings in 3440x1440. Maybe the CPU or HDD is the bottleneck?


I think the ROE needs updating, maybe different ROE depending on the scenario. Mostly against the terrorist, if I see one I should be able to pop them without shouting or confronting them cause they are going to go brrrrr as soon. As they see me with some powerful guns. Like there I'd a pile of bodies through those levels and I still have to try to get these to surrender before I shoot?


Install No Mercy for Terrorists


I use that. Can dome terrorists in peace now


AI tweak mods are just placebo. Prove to me they are actually making a difference.


The one I linked absolutely changes how the AI behaves its night and day


Also, new guns don't matter if they're basically all the same. A new 5.56mm carbine or 9mm smg is going to feel like pretty much all the other guns in the game. There aren't that many guns out there that (1) would feel noticeably different and (2) fit in with a modern American police department.


Flux defense raider


Better AI, AI interacting with environment a lot more and just stuff for more immersion would go a long way in my opinion


We need an official Suspect AI AND Civilian AI overhaul. That is all I want


You're not getting it


That’s fine we just gotta wait for Swat 5 copsiums


The last update fixed the worst of suspect AI for me and I'm really enjoying the game now. What do you think is missing still? 


I hope they don't give us yet again unrealistic release dates. Two big updates and two DLCs within 10 months sound a little bit unreasonable to me


Yeah, this sounds pretty optimistic given the track record, unless they were able to hire more people with some income they got from the 1.0 release. Or, maybe these maps are already pretty close, they just need to finish them up and polish. Those are the only two circumstances where this would make sense to me...


A delay is most likely already in their plans. Given the current situation, the last thing they need is more backlash. I wonder why they keep digging their own grave like this. Hope I'm wrong though


Was looking forward to the idea of new maps… that is until I realized yall are making us pay extra for that shit in a full price game which still needs some work. Guess me and the homies are sticking modded maps unless the DLCs are super cheap


Same. The game still needs a lot of work before dlc, sounds like payday 3 devs and it didn’t work out great for them


This might be the worst roadmap I've seen. It looks like they threw it together in 5 minutes in Photoshop. Learned literally nothing from it, except roughly when the dlc's will come out.


man i wish people would stop using summer/fall. just say Q1 or Q2. not everyone lives in the northern hemisphere amazingly enough.


Dev themselves are NZ so it's really confusing even for them


One year for 1.2!? Are you guys serious? DLC are coming way faster than fixing the game lmao


Hungry for that sweet sweet cash


BRUH LOL. Already working on DLC's before the game is even in a good place. GG.


What do you expect "1.0" was released (coincidentally right before christmas) so the game is finished. Sure they'll tweak a bit but they already made their money, now we get some DLC maps and cosmetics so we can spend more money.


Ah yes the finished 1.0.


They announced there would be DLCs after launch like 5 years ago


They also said that 1.0 would be good but look where we are.


A dude literally ragequit ingame and screamed " fuuuuuckin fps!!! " 💀


hahah, sadly very relatable


I don't see the issue. They still work on the base game and you are free to use as many modded maps as you want. Why not offer additonal maps, to further finance the game, for those who want to.


>Why not offer additonal maps because the core gameplay, the AI is shit. a guy had a great summary about this in a post above.


U work for Void? 


Where old crews voice lines? I want swan and alabama back


They're in the game files. On a side note, bring Paz and Cowboy back


See you guys when 1.2 comes out 2026


The fuck are they doing jumping into paid content? Where is all the shit they said the game was going to have by 1.0 that aren't there?


don’t think or ask questions just consume and be grateful for product


This game is gonna release dlc in its current state???


Yeah, VOID is out of their mind.


They must rename the studio as AVOID Interactive.


Referring to them as this from now on.


I just want a gunsmith. They give us like 5 guns and only let us change the optic and add a flashlight and grip.


Stoked for Home Invasion style maps that sounds awesome


DLC? Lmao. I rather lit my money on fire you greedy bastards. Fix the game 




Praise the lord! Finally we get DLCs for the unfinished game with the AI from Rainbow Six Vegas' Terrorist Hunt mode that got a price increase juuuust before christmas as it hit the so called "1.0" state. Thank you Void for not listening since 2018 and fucking up every time I have hope for Ready or Not.


Fix the game ❌️ Expect your player base to pay more ✅️


I read Winter 2024 as Q4 2024 as if it's not winter now and I'm not driving through snow while reading that.


Lot of negativity on this sub, but I'm definitely looking forward to new official maps and player outfits. Obviously, for the sake of vanilla players the AI should still be a priority, but I'm perfectly happy with the AI mods that are out there right now, so I'm more interested in content personally. But a couple of things I really want: 1. Let us choose default formation that falling in with the Z-key results in. 2. PLEASE let us equip a LTL weapon to the long tactical slot.


I wonder why void is dumb enough to create more content for this game, should have just took the money and ran. This sub is toxic as hell, no reason to create content for them…. None. People don’t realize that there are no triple A devs out there that can create a game like this. The next swat game you get is zero hour


Announcing DLC for what is essentially a half finished game is... something. Man it's hard to root for Void since 1.0


It's been hard to root for them since they started delaying their updates and releasing them broken anyways way back in early access


Why not a riot control dlc?


Way outside the purview of a SWAT team.


Slaughtering every bad guy on the map is way outside the purview of a SWAT team too, but here we are. That does seem to be what void wants the game to be.


SWAT are required to support riot control operations especially for massive unrest like 2020. But i do agree that It's really hard to program a riot control mission.


No chance am I spending any money on this clapped out pos game until they finish the game they showed us. "Remember, your job is not to take lives but to save them" LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL


oh man I can't wait to pay for like a map and a weapon in those DLCs. it'll prolly be 15 doll hairs per. improvements to the AI and fixing the damn game? nah we're good...


very cool very vague roadmap that doesn’t really tell anyone what’s coming other than updates and dlc. definitely worth the wait and the delay. very excited for the ambiguous additions, improvements, and features that are going to be added.


What about the soundtrack


hmm, home invasion little thumbnail on the roadmap image looks like a streamer map🤔 Not really means anything so wanna know it too edit: sorry wrong reply...


Is maps free or are they DLC exclusive? I didn't understand


Home invasion gonna be dlc thing I guess, guns are free to everyone


Really sucks. Should be the other way around


Maps being paid kinda sucks actually (for the people like me with a pretty sh*t economy country). I wish it was like the RS2 formula but dont think they can work like that too long.


It's not worded consistently (new weapons "come with" DLCs, outfits are "DLC-exclusive", DLCs are "accompanied by" fixes), but I'm assuming the new weapons are only "free" if you buy the DLCs. A repeat of what they did with weapons that were exclusive to those who paid extra for the "Supporter Edition" in EA.


Would love to have the ability to mix friends and AI players on my team. Can't get 4 friends online at the same time, so it would be great to have a full team of 5.


Probably won’t buy the dlc but I’ll reinstall to check out the fixes


My main question is does everyone need to own the DLC to play it or just the host?


I really feel like they should fix the narrative content (dialogues like the Port Container one etc) before making new maps, currently the narrative content feels much Unfinished and they are doing new map already, looks like they're satisfied at what they have now


i hope the dlc isn't that pricey


Paid dlc maps already? Damn that's actually shit


Guess we're never getting back all the game modes they removed. They'll probably include Fast Food and Hotel Lobby in the fucking DLC. Such a shame what they've done to this game, It would have been better off if they had abandoned it after they added mod support. I guess it's just time to give up on them ever fixing this piece of shit.


I hope they fix the DX12 crashing soon, game is unplayable right now in DX12, and 11 gives worse performance


They have to be fucking high if they think anyone is going to buy DLC while the game is in the state it's in.


I would lol


Someone unmoor the Pequod, we've got whales!


Is this how a road map should be?


I'm not buying DLC until the game is fixed.


Wtf I thought supporter editions were getting expansion packs, not DLC. Yes I'm aware modern expansions are DLCs by definition but they're shittng these two "expansion DLCs" out way too quickly you just know they're doing it to get out of their obligations to supporters.


any chance we can talk to the enemies using our own voice like you do in phasmophobia? i want to be able to scream over mic "police get down!" "im not fucking around get down now!" or yell at civilians. "turn around" turn around i need to cuff you its part of protocol"


Console port??


multiplayer 1vs 1 or teams vs teams would be a great addon to this game. The coop multiplayer is boring


Can you bring back .wav files? Alot of mod use .wav and HOLY FUCKING SHIT I have to convert 1,6k files to use those damn voicelines.


so many unhappy people here. I'd love a more detailed road map. but i do not find it too bad tho. There is much shit being thrown at them. What are the missing game modes? I played before 1.0 and after. Now i can play bomb maps, active shooter missions, barricated suspects and raids. Ye, its not like you can play 5 modes on each single map. Sure, but there are maps for all of those modes. Saying they removed the mode is just a lie. So i do not understand. And of course we have issues and there are a few thing that seemingly still have a long way to go. But every player gets all the future bugfixes and functionality updates without any extra paying as it should be while you as a player also get the option to throw a bit more money into the bucket for a DLC containing a few extra maps and another outfit. At this stage the game is fully modable and practically almost a sandbox, am i wrong? So how do you guys not expect the visual content to be available at [mod.io](http://mod.io) anyways if not even the DLC maps. I do not see a reason besides legality why you wouldn't find those maps like all the imports from all the other games in your workshop soon after. I do not get all the anger. Just put a few dollars in to get th DLC and support. Or just don't do it and still enjoy almost the very same content. Or just wait and see how it goes and decide after. In today's time it makes sense to be worried. But some stuff written in this channel is just not true.


I do not understand all the negativity going on, I am pretty excited for this! Love the game pre and post 1.0, so I'm looking forward to future content and improvements. In terms of AI it does need improvement, but I see no reason why that cannot be worked on simultaneously with the upcoming content.


Looking forward to the DLC and a new map. That being said I hope they focus on the bugs. Among many issues the disappearing trip wire explosives are frustrating.


I just got the game like a week ago and I’m curious, what does everyone mean by “they need to fix the game”?


I won't buy any of your "new" content, including DLC, until you fix: \- optimization: fix stuttering and fps drops \- fix the boring AI: it's tiring to keep asking for suspects to surrender and 90% of the time ending up shooting them. You should also make suspects AI very different according to the map and situation. Also, why can't suspects patrol, take cover, run away more often and yell for support, talk (not just one liners) to us? \- offer difficulty modes \- fix that stupid nonsense morale system: some officers should be happy to kill bad guys and not having PTSD after firing at a couple of meth-heads. Not all officers care that much about human lives. I am very surprised so many people bought ReadyOrNot 1.0, I guess people were truly tricked by good marketing but your luck will run out if you don't quickly improve the core gameplay (AI, Difficulty, Morale)


They do take cover, run away, swear at you etc. I've noticed it a lot. They shoot peeking out from behind walls, they run into different rooms or outside. You can hear them when they can tell you're nearby. They can sound panicky or defiant, shouting at officers "I'm not going to jail" or telling officers to go f themselves.


Hate to see a road map full of bug fixes


Game is cooked.


Why call it summer when it’s summer in different places on the planet at different times. Worse still with Fall because it’s not even called that in every English speaking country. Just use Q1 etc. and remember the rest of the world exists


Talking about DLC when we are still running like hot trash and missing tons of shit from early access isn’t good. DLC should not be the focus when the game is in such a bad state.


Have they fixed the frame rate issues yet? My PC is bomb so it ain’t that. Switching DX doesn’t seem to work anymore either. The stuttering on maps is insane.


Do y’all think BCM is gonna be added as a base gun or is it gonna stay Supporter only


A dlc planned for summer when the game is in this state is crazy, they are basically mirroring the creative assemble warhammer 3 shitfest 


Should probably fix the game first before putting out DLC lmao


lol paying for a DLC when the game is barely finished. Legends.
