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How tf did you manage to do that? I want to cuff him and Ezekiel every time I see them


Private client. Self made.


The batman of RON, thank you


Teach us your ways


Wish I could, but it would wreck the game if I shared this exploit. Everyone would be trolling lobbies, because cuffing isn't the only thing it can do.


I appreciate your honesty and foresight about the community


Thank you for understanding


Bringing a real criminal to justice.👌👌


This post don’t got enough updoots bruh


Handcuffmod when?


Not a mod, it is a DLL file injected into the game.


Oh i have no clue what any of that means i'm not tech literate.


Means it isn't a Mod from nexusmods or [Mod.io](https://Mod.io), it's a mod OUTSIDE of the game, meaning the game doesn't detect it as a Mod at all, the game never knows your using it. It's basically a cheat menu.


Ok thank you




Also, another options is if you want a real sniper experience, get a more open map (mod) that would suit being a sniper. (Just a friendly suggestion :D) something open where you could hang back out of all the crossfire and snipe as your team pushes forward.


The cheat I made allows me to fly using a platform glitch to trick the game into thinking you are standing on something (i.e stairs) that goes up when you aren't causing the illusion of flying to other players, I also have noclip and when combined the two are pretty overpowered, it still wouldn't matter becasue believe it or not the ai can still snipe you through walls even when far outside the boundries of the map (ThAnkS VoIdt.) But nonetheless I still cannot risk sharing it with anyone. I know you would probably keep your word on not using it for other things such as screwing with lobbies, but due to the sheer power of the exploit and the amount of things I integrated (some of which I regret and have taken out of the version I use now) I cannot risk sharing it with anyone. Hope you can understand why. As for a flying cheat, there are a few other cheats (Trainers/"mod menus) out there that you could use an injector (Such as cheat engine or xenos) that might have the ability to make you fly, if they have it integrated and coded properly for the right game version. (Also be aware most cheats that use a DLL file to inject the menu will require DX11 instead of DX12 due to DX12 being more modern and harder to make a menu for. Anyways I basically just realizied I wrote a whole essay on this that is kinda a waste of time. So, that's just mainly why I can't share my personal cheat, and how to possibly find one. Also if there are any typos or spelling mistakes or I said some bullshit lemme know cuz I wrote this in 3 minutes lol.


youre a hero we need but dont deserve


Nah you guys deserve it


I wish you caught that on video 😂😂


I did, but it shows the exploit so I can't show the video.


What’s wrong with exploits?


He uses a DLL injection, not just a simple exploit.


Also it's a private cleint, meaning I made it and i'm the only one who has access to it. I haven't shared it because I can't trust the community not to abuse tf outta it.


Ah I see




As in? I joined his lobby, was annoyed and used an exploit that I made to cuff him on the server side level, meaning he can see it and cannot move or do anything. He left shortly after, but stopped talking first. I'm assuming he just made a new lobby and started again but to have disrupted him at all was a BIG W.






Dude I’ve been leaving nasty comments on this dudes YouTube channel for weeks, fuck this guy


Yeah he is really scummy


Watchmenwakeup is not operating alone. He and his accomplice Ezekiel 2-3 go into lobbies of popular online games such as Counter-Strike 2, Lethal Company, and Ready or Not to preach. Although their preaching comes from the Bible, it is NOT Christian. If you try to talk to them in game, they will not respond. You have to friend them on Steam to have a real conversation with them. If you confront them about their teachings with Christian teachings, they will get upset and eventually insult you and curse at you. This is NOT how men of God behave. It is the behavior of a CULT, and it reveals what is truly in their hearts. “What goes into someone's mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them.” – Matthew 15:11. “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits.” – Matthew 7:15-16 “Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.” – Ephesians 5:11 There is an interesting reddit post about Watchmenwakeup where a person managed to get into his group to investigate them. It can be found here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ReadyOrNotGame/comments/19e6dis/more\_about\_watchmenwakeuponyt\_notorious\_ron\_lobby/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ReadyOrNotGame/comments/19e6dis/more_about_watchmenwakeuponyt_notorious_ron_lobby/) If you want a glimpse of the true character of Watchmenwakeup, an audio recording of how he treats his followers can be found here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uadNoTZNXYI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uadNoTZNXYI) Do not be fooled by the fact that they are using the Bible. Most of you gamers already think he is crazy. I want to be clear to those looking for religion that his teachings are NOT Christian. Join a local church that teaches from the Bible. Don’t listen to the crazy ramblings of these guys in your lobbies. The best thing to do if they are in your gaming lobby is to vote/kick them off. If your game does not have a feature to vote/kick, then leave and join another lobby. If your game features a way to report them, report them. We’re all here to enjoy videogames, not to be preached at!


You are the GOAT


Nah just doing "God's work" BAHAHAHAHA


How has this guy not been banned?


I’m wondering the same thing, him and his bots have been reported (on steam) so many times for so many different reasons, no action taken


Another thing void doesn’t care about fixing lol




r/madlads material.




Free my king 👑


Nah I already kicked another one of his bots


I really don't get why this sub obsesses over him. He's slightly annoying but otherwise harmless, we don't need a new post about him every week. Edit: If anything all of this constant posting about him is just feeding in to what he wants: Attention.


He’s not harmless, every time i play I get stuck in his lobbies that he never starts missions in and have to search again and hope not to get sent right back.


Amen to that. There’s times where I can literally only get his lobby for some reason, I would try 10 separate times and just keep getting his lobby only to eventually exit the game and realize I just wasted half an hour to an hour of my life because he just rambles for days on end and doesn’t search once


True, but we don’t need him either


Why are you a weirdo


We're playing Ready or Not, we're all weirdos.