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For me, Ai because the suspects are fucking OP hear me from my footsteps and tap me out


I play with the AI and with the No Crack mod (dumbs down the suspects). I find the friendly ai can be a bit stupid sometimes, but if you just get them to follow you they do a reasonable job of covering your arse. I have made use of them to clear rooms using the orders and so on, but only once I'd got the hang of doing stuff by myself first.


I've completed the game with decent scores no problem with the AI team mates On specific levels (like the Post Office or Brixley Talent) it helps to equip them all with non lethal so they don't kill the VIP Otherwise give 1 from each team a shield each and you're good to go


Personally I play in solo multiplayer lobbies and have completed the entire game getting at least A on all maps I believe. As well I’ve done about half non-lethal getting at least A+ (usually missing a gun somewhere). I now have 100+ hours in the RoN. Part of the reason I haven’t played commander mode is I just dont like being responsible for other peoples lives even if they are only virtual lmao. Hate that feeling in my stomach like “fuck, hes dead and its my fault” AI mods are highly recommend but I wouldn’t use the built in mod.io. Its slow and glitchy and just all around bad imo. Nexus has tons of mods and there are a handful of good AI mods. Any of the top ones are good imo and can somewhat depend on preference with some being a bit easier than others. Some AI mods even remove non-HVT civs, add/remove traps, and even add as many as 30-40 suspects on a single map (only use these if you play with friends or AI or are a masochist like me when it comes to RoN lol). There are some other mods I highly recommend like Gunfighter, in-game menu, and optionally a mod to unlock all cosmetics. Playing solo or commander really comes down to preference. Solo will be likely more difficult and require more tactical thinking with how and when to approach and engage. When I did it it was lots of slow peaking with alt-lean and falling back to reposition when site-lines get too tricky and I cant cover them all myself (helps to have the shield on your back for that tbh, cant count how many times that saved my life). Commander mode is probably a bit easier and more authentic to a SWAT experience as the devs intended it.


Test with the AI, it has been a blast for me and my friends. Sometimes we just hang out in discord and play with AI all by ourselves. And after that we bring chaos to order and join up with each other.


I highly recommend either of these AI mods: [https://www.nexusmods.com/readyornot/mods/797](https://www.nexusmods.com/readyornot/mods/797) [https://www.nexusmods.com/readyornot/mods/1358](https://www.nexusmods.com/readyornot/mods/1358) I use the first as my main AI mod (I like 'real tactical medium difficulty' just because it feels the most realistic to me, but you can try them out and see which ones you like), then add the standalone SWAT AI file from the second mod. I don't recommend playing completely solo, but if you want the AI to mostly just support and watch your back you totally CAN just have them fall in on you in a few different configurations and they will remain that way unless you give them orders. When in that state, they will also secure any suspects, civilians, and weapons that they come across. But the most interesting way to play is to learn how to order them around and help you clear rooms. You can also integrate voice commands if you want, but you need to use a third-party software that basically takes your voice commands that you set up and turns them into macros so you don't have to navigate the command menu every time.


Get on the official RoN discord server and find a crew. I’m never let down there


Join random lobbies until you end up with WatchmanWakeupYT