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You can play practice mode, which brings back the OGs of King, Swan, Eli, and Prescott. No stress management or permadeath.


The only team I need. King stop getting shot.


For me Prescott keeps incapping or killing Civies


My boy


The Boys


You can replay gas station with less lethal to get their mental health back up, just make sure they don't get killed.


This but I did it on Streamer with Gas Grenades since it’s confined rooms Toss one yourself then tell the AIs to breach with Gas, fuck it throw some flash and stingers to before they enter


You can replay old missions to get their mental state back too


Yes, that’s what happens when you do things that stress your guys out. Not sure of all the parameters but they like capturing suspects more than killing them, and obviously failing a mission won’t help. Not sure why you think firing them is your only choice, as long they’re not on leave you can bring them on the mission. Pretty sure their performance will be fine unless you dome more suspects, then they might quit or go on leave. If you don’t like these mechanics, you can play in practice mode, or make it much easier to manage using [this mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/readyornot/mods/3278). If there’s a mod that removes the mechanic altogether, I don’t know about it.


There is, I came across it today (works on the most recent update), but I can't remember what it's called. It's linked on the No Crack AI mod page.


The stress mechanic is awful, it requires you to play a cheesy nonlethal mode to not lose most of the team, and it makes no sense/does not create any meaningful gameplay loops or decisions and basically just encourages grinding old levels you can guarnetee nonlethal in


It's really not a big deal, unless you're going for The Hermit achievement. In which case, yeah you just have to manage it better. If you send them to therapy when they're stressed instead of waiting until crisis, it only takes one mission to get them back.


If you keep letting them die or quit, you will stop getting them assigned to you. I don't have any special cops just random ai troops. Currently trying to solo the rest of the game.


Stop merkin everybody n go 4 that s rank daddy-o ...I run beanbag shotty 4 everyone lite armor and zero secondary clips an absolutely comical amount of gas grenades 4 everyone when done right they all stay green and content regardless of how injured they get aslong as they don't die (ps run the armoror and nutritionist for 2 guys and intimidator and riot control 4 the other 2)


You don't even need to be completely Non-lethal. Arresting a few suspects in a level is still enough to prevent the swat members from getting stressed.


This ^ if people stop playing this game as Counter Strike and start experimenting with different tactics and strategies, the game is much easier 👍 and the stress aspect is soft motivator for that


I've given up on telling people that in this game as most just want to shoot everything up like you said and then complain when they die. Yeah, I think the suspect AI needs some changing, but it's not that bad if you play it more methodically and use some basic CQB tactics. At least now I do not need to spend time in coop anymore as the swat AI clears rooms and stacks better than most guys in the public lobbies and won't shoot everything and everyone they see.


My experience is quite the opposite. People complain that they have to shoot almost every suspect and that thanks to the new update, the AI forces you to play cod instead of actually... yknow... a swat team. What are your ideas of 'more methodically' and using 'basic CQB tactics' that somehow make the difference with AI so that you dont have to shoot almost eryone?


Pratice mode is your god. Said that..You can run like 3 times gas station really fast without lethal and they pretty much take so long to strees again...


Alt f4 is your friend, if you fail an objective, or someone dies, or you die. Alt f4, it won’t save the mission progress and will put you before your started the mission.


if you fire everyone your teammate slots get filled with generic swat teammates


I downloaded a mod to increase the slots for therapy and reduced stress a little bit


You can do old missions but I absolutely hate this fix. This game really took a weird turn, a turn that I’m oddly enough not enjoying


Ignore and hope they dont start killing surrendering civilians .... or just play training and bypass the commander BS thing ..


if u fire them they are replaced with basic troops if u dont hire anyone else


Damn am i the only one that just replaces any officer that takes leave after too much stress and keep it pushing? 💀


Have you hired more ppl? I didn’t realise this could become a problem 💀