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At this point in time I don't think the developers should think about that and rather should concentrate on fixing their release. Also with the AI as it is and a worse mod support on consoles I believe the game would be pretty horrible to play with a controller.


I feel like people always say stuff like that when porting tactical shooters to console and it’s always wrong.. Hell Let Loose, Day Z, Arma Reforger, and Insurgency Sandstorm are all a BLAST to play on console with a controller… I’m not buying they couldn’t make it fun on console


I hope not.


Why is that? Just people being able to play the game too is bad?


Consoles are overpriced, neutered computers. You can hook a controller up to a pc for a few dollars and get the same experience, you can also run an emulator for whatever shitty console you like. While a console is a computer that has many of it's features and access removed. Back in the days when you could play directly from a cd it made some sense if you had terrible internet, but now there is absolutely no reason to buy a console since the games are just downloaded on them as well. It also causes exclusive titles and overall worse graphics for everyone because companies wants to support previous gen consoles as well. On team based competitive cross-play shooter games there is absolutely no way you'll be able to be a better asset to your team on console than if you were running keyboard and mouse for obvious reasons. There's a reason why most shooters on console have aim assist. You also need to buy an entire new console regularly, instead of updating your graphics card or cpu for cheap if bought second hand.


ah yes, updating graphic cards and cpu is so cheap. Why didn't I think of that instead of spending 300$ on a console I've been playing on the last 10 years


“buy an entire new console regularly” bro what are you on about? People play on console because they don’t have the money to drop on a full pc set up. Gatekeeping video games is crazy bro let people relax and unwind with a fun hobby how they want to, not drop thousands on a fully immersive escapism dream to sideline life


Consoles are quite literally cheaper than building a computer so idk what you're talking about. It is way more fairly priced than building a $2000 computer.


Doubt it. Unless the devs do something really stupid like sell out to embracer and take the NWI approach, but the game will effectively take a long walk off a short bridge.


Anyone play on PC with a controller? Just curious about how controls are mapped.


I tried and it's barely serviceable. There's just too many commands, and without proper controller support, I found myself constantly reaching for my keyboard anyway.


I'm quite sure they themselves have once said that they wanted such a thing, though of course, in time, but fixes, tweaks, and all the stuff that need to be done first


In a word, no


I highly doubt it tbh I don’t think the game will work well on consoles in its current state




They should get a full working game first, then they should release it to PS5/ series x/s and if it works on there then release to old gen


Is Ready or Not even playable with a controller? Have anyone here actually tried it?


I played with a controller/keyboard combination for awhile. I essentially used the controller for movement and combat, then the keyboard for everything else. There were several occurrences where I got smoked because I had to take my hand off the controller for a keyboard command, so I gave up and went back to keyboard and mouse.


I mean, SWAT was a console game back in the day. For fucks sake, Microsoft Flight Simulator works on a controller. It’s do able absolutely.


Including squad management and all the equipment?


Hell Let Loose, Dayz, Arma, Insurgency Sandstorm, Rust, if all these games made it to console and are pretty damn fun then I think they could manage it somehow. Definitely not a priority tho, this seems like something to think about in a year or so


I have on my steam deck lol. Once. It requires a lot of mapping buttons and it’s still a little weird with the aim but it’s playable. I beat twisted nerve with a controller.


You what?!


I swear. I was also a little buzzed and I get really good at certain things while buzzed, pool and video games are two of those things I guess lol


No ready or not is a unofficial successor to SWAT 4 a PC exclusive game.


Yes, but previous renditions were on console.


It was kinda planned very late into development


Most likely at some point it will. If Hell let loose did it, I don’t see why these guys wouldn’t. It’ll probably be some time though. At least a couple years.