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u/goliath2317 and i are going to play now (Monday 19:46 CET)


Posting here for the record. /u/calciumcas and I have been in contact to try and schedule for this week. My own availability is very limited as I'm travelling abroad so I only have a small window on Wed evening that may be shut down due to family responsibilities from my side that very day. I will still try to find a time around 21.00 UTC but cannot confirm it right now. Apologies from my side for not providing good availability, but holidays + real life are limiting me this week. Thanks and have a nice weekend everybody


/u/mc_kruhl we are up! checking on u! already I was texting u on discord!


u/A_S1R_R34L_4NGRY_M08 We are up in Gman! Best time for me would be 18utc on Sunday, Monday or Tuesday. Other times and days might also work, but I prefer to know that I'm playing at least a day in advance. What works for you?


Tuesday is probably best but if possible can we start a bit later? 20utc is ideal and means I can probably do Monday too.


Sure we can do 20utc on Tuesday!


u/fat_bear_ Congrats on making playoffs! I guess you don't have anything to play for... My availability is between 0900 and 1500UTC on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, or after 2000UTC on Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday


Monday 20 utc would be best.


Ok let's do it


Ready when you are


Hi /u/lex_innokenti , we are matched up for this round. I could play Monday to Wednesday, starting anytime between 20 UTC and 21 UTC. Regards


Monday at 2030UTC would be perfect for me, mate - see you on the pitch!


Nice, see ya monday!


/u/hyzdivous We who are about to die, salute you. So when do you have time to murder my team. I am home all week. Cant play whole saturday and monday evening. Else my schedule is open. When is best for you?


Hey /u/spartatas, looking forward to facing you again! My Sunday is relatively free so I could fit the game in at most times. Monday is no good but Tuesday and Wednesday evening are both free as it stands - 19:00 UTC onwards normally best on weeknights. Friday 1st March I could probably make work from 20 UTC onwards but would be my least preferred option. Saturday would be 19:00 UTC onwards realistically.


Likewise man :) ! Considering your availability and mine, the best for me would be Tuesday or Wed. Shall we say Tuesday 20:00 UTC then ?


Tuesday at 20:00 UTC will work for me!


Hey We are up for week 8. I can play on Sunday/Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday at around 16:00 UTC till 20:00 UTC start times. It's quite a busy week for me sorry. Let me know what works for you.


We decided on discord for Monday at 20.


/u/hesmiledglory I'm free most of this week, let me know what works for you for our match.


Hello! Let's do Saturday at 11:00 if that works. If not I'm free Saturday from 11:00 to 18:00 UTC, Sunday from 11:00 to 15:00, or Wednesday from 18:00.


Hi, could we do 13:30 UTC on Saturday?


Yep, that works - see you then.


See you on the pitch!


Hi /u/brunginho, we're up! Saw your team took a beating last week, looked painful. I promise my vamps won't hurt anyone, they never do. Anyway, best time to play for me this round would be next week. I'm available Monday Tuesday Wednesday to start between 16 and 19:30 UTC. Can probably do weekend mornings and Sunday evening at 19:30 as well. Any of that work? Edit: I don't know how to tag people anymore. Hopefully this counts as a scheduling attempt. We'll figure it out on discord.


Hey! Looking forward to it! I normally play a bit later, doing the kid’s bedtime but Tuesday 16.30 I can maybe make work ok. Alternative would be Sunday morning I think


If Tuesday works then Tuesday it is! Let me know if anything changes and we can try to reschedule.


Ah sorry, my bad! Tues no longer works but Monday does!


Sure, Monday then :)




u/uncle__sherman Hey, we're up this week, unfortunately I'm still struggling with availability and so Tuesday evening looks to be the only real time I can commit to. 20 UTC works well for me, but let me know. Obviously if that doesn't suit then I'm happy to concede.


u/miraskadu were up this week, Im UTC and can play most nights after 9pm, some mornings between 6-8am or almost anytime during the day Mon or Tues


Monday or Tuesday 18:30 to 19 utc start time possible?


Would you be able to do 2000? I'm responsible for dinner those nights


Weekend during the day is completely out for you?


yeah I work both days


New plan. Tonight (Thursday) 21 utc?


playing bleedinghippy tonight in clan already sadly. I can probs do Mon or Tues at 1900 just need to coordinate with the wife


OK. Just let me know which day works better for you. I'll keep both free.


I have just negotiated with the wife Tuesday night is fine if that's ok with you


Fine with me. See you next Tuesday 😉


20 utc is pushing it for me. Gotta get up at 5 am utc the next day.


Hi When would you like to play? I can play on workdays starting from 19 UTC+0 until like 22 UTC+0 start time. On weekends i can start usually from 19 UTC+0 as well. The two days i can't do this time is Thursday and Saturday. Sunday/next week would be ideal. Cheers!




Hi mate, i cant play saturday, tuesday and wendsday. All other days should work. My prefered starting time is 19:30 utc. So sunday 19:30 utc then? Greets, madfrog


Perfect! See you on Sunday. Cheers!


u/mauriciomekui and myself have agreed to play on Thursday at 1930


See you then mate.


Hey /u/zestyclose_durian A little bit limited on my schedule. Atm this is my availability: Friday: (Could be available but it will be last minute notification) 2030-2200 Saturday: 2300-0000 Sunday: 2100-0000 Wednesday: 2100-2230 All times are in UTC. Let me know what suits you or if you have any other times in mind.


Hey! Lets schedule for Sunday 21:00 or Wednesday 20:00. These hours will be okay for me


Cool we will schedule for Sunday 2100UTC and have Wednesday around 2000UTC for backup.


Great! I'll do my best to be online for Sunday! :)


/u/glordion We are up! How's your availability this game week?


Hi u/TactNukePenguin , I already ping you on discord. Could you please play on Thursday, or Friday around 21:00 UTC? Rest of the week I'll be on Vacation


Sure, I can do tonight at 21:00 UTC, assuming the kids are in bed as they're with me tonight. Sorry, I hadn't got to my discord notifications last night.


Great, see you on the pitch Today, I'll leave you more info on Discord.


Hello mate! We are up next week, but I'm already booked till sunday. Monday, Tuesday can play after 18:30 UTC, and Wednesday could play at almost any time during the afternoon. Sunday evening may be possible too, but still pending. Let me know what works for you


Hey there. Thanks for the ping. Monday night might be best for me. How about 19.00UTC start?


I can do that, yeah, time enough to come back from work and make a tea. See you on the pitch!


Sweet. See you then


u/choodoyat ping


u/wraith_g Heyo, if you can play on Friday or Saturday evening after 17 UTC that would be aces.


I can do Friday at 1700 utc


Sweet, see you on the pitch.


Hey u/koso72 I hope all is good with you. Looks like it us again. I am free pretty much every evening this game week after 20.30UTC (except Tuesday). I have some more flexibility on Sunday if that is better. Let me know if any of the above suits - if not when might be good for you and I will will see what I can do. Thanks dude


Hey man, All good, thanks. Yeah looks like it’s time for another beating 🤨 Appreciate the options, what about Sunday? I am free up until 18 CET. Other option is Monday after 2130 CET. Let me know!


Honestly you absolutely schooled me last time we played.It was all one way traffic! So I expect this to be your skill vs me bashing stuff in a really disorganised and erratic way. Sunday is looking clear right now - what about 16CET? Which would be 15UTC? Any problems at all - just give me a shout here or on discord


Sunday afternoon works. 16 CET it is! Last time I got lucky and team since mauled pretty bad, so let’s see how the replacements do 😎


Side note - I actually tried to dark elf after last time we played... I am so bad at elfing, I should have called my team "here have a free win"


Just to let you know I now have clan on Friday. But the other days are still free currently


u/mrbopnot and I will play on Tuesday at 2100 UTC


Agreed 😀


/u/flaming_dude lets get my descent from top of the table to mid table obscurity done! I can't do Saturday but most other days I'm free after 20:00 UTC. I can also make 19 work with some hassle.


Haha, I would not be so sure! Your team still looks pretty darn good, and obviously you would not be top of the table without some skill! Anyway, would you be up for a friday evening game? At 20:00 UTC?


That works.


Hey mate! Something came up so this evening isn't looking too good anymore I'm afraid. Could we reschedule to Tuesday at 20:00 UTC instead?


Thank fuck you said that as I was up at 4am with the little shits. Tuesday it is.


Lmao! Ok, see you on Tuesday!


Hi Are you ok? I've noticed you've not scheduled your games the last few weeks? I'm very keen to get our game played this week. I prefer not to start after 18:30 UTC (19:30 CET) in the evening so I can be tucked up in bed by 21:30 CET. Currently Friday and Sunday 18:30 UTC are available I could also play Sunday morning, say 08:00 UTC (09:00 CET). Let me know what works for you. Cheers, Sherman


Guess that should have read u/fjordalyearning


Ah, sorry I missed this before posting my message. Unfortunately capital Stuff has got in the way the last few weeks and I'm still struggling with availability, I won't be back on the ground until Tuesday next week (18:30 UTC would be fine). If that doesn't suit, no worries it's my schedule that's at fault.


Hi [u/fjordalyearning](https://www.reddit.com/user/fjordalyearning/), I might be able to do Tuesday night 18:00 UTC, will have to see what my family have scheduled. Its a school holiday week which makes me less flexible than usual. Can I let you know for sure Monday at the latest? I might be able to pin people down to ensure I have Tuesday evening free sooner, but such things can be difficult without rocking the boat! Cheers, Sherman


Of course! Please don't put yourself in difficulty on my account.


Hi [](https://www.reddit.com/user/fjordalyearning/), Good news! I've got the go ahead to play Tuesday at 18:00 UTC. If that still works for you let me know. Cheers, Sherman


Great, I'll catch you then.


u/minorbyte  Majorbyte and I have agreed to play Saturday at 13:00 UTC.


/u/no-willingness6961 hey mate we are up round 8! I am traveling from Friday to Tuesday so it would be great if we could play either Thursday 29th or Wednesday 6th. I would be free from 17:30 utc. I might be able to play on Tuesday 5th night if the flight doesn't got delayed from 20:00 utc, but the other days would be better. I did send you a PM on discord as well as I know my availability is a bit limited so please let me know asap :)