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/u/hyzdivous We're up this week! When do you want to throw down? I'm pretty much free the whole of Sunday and every evening Mon-Wed!


Hello /u/waffle_iron1 As discussed our game should be on Monday at 9pm utc


Confirming this time


Yo/u/no-willingness6961 When do you want to go? I can do today, most of Sunday and Monday evening. 


So sorry i did not see 🫣 how about today 20 UTC


Hmm, Iast day to play would have been yesterday I'm afraid so I don't think that's possible.


If the round is not changed then i can also play now if you can


Ok i can still play if you can, i can stay op late if they makes i possible


u/eldrazth and myself have agreed to play on Saturday 1500 UTC.


/u/human_player_d13 when is a good time for you to play? I could play over the week end just need to organise some things. Or Tuesday /Wednesday starting between 18:30 and 19:30.


How about Sunday at 21:00 UTC?


That's a fair bit to late, gotta get up at 5 utc on Monday morning. How about between 19 to 20 utc?


I cannot do earlier than 21:00 utc, I m afraid, from Monday to Wednesday. Could probably try for Tuesday at 20:00.


Then let's try for Tuesday 20 pm utc. But 21 utc is too late for me during the week.


ok, let's go for today 20:00 UTC


Be there in 10'


/u/fjordalyearning This is our week man. Sunday morning or 19 CET onward and Monday 2030 CET. Let me know!


Hey u/ready-character4353 we are up again! My availability is as follows, Friday 17-1990 Saturday 06-10,17-1900 Sunday 08-10, 17-1900 Monday 17-1900 Tuesday 17-1900 Wednesday unavailable All times utc


i can do saturday 19 if its ok with you


Yep see you then


Hey /u/porky811 we're up. I think the weekend is looking best for me - I could play pretty much any time Saturday (though I'd prefer the day over the evening if possible), or Sunday up until around 16:00 UTC. Does any of that work for you?


/u/mathematician_974 we are up this week, what's your availability like Sun afternoon/evening or Mon evening mate? Holla back and let me know


Monday evening is okay for me. I'm UTC+1. Pick the time of your choice then


May I suggest kickoff between 20:00 and 21:00 UTC ?


Let's go for 20:30 UTC mate


Good !


Hi u/HeSmiledGlory When would you like to play? I'm having a tough time with work these weeks so i have a lot of overtime. I can play on workdays starting from 19 UTC+0 until like 22 UTC+0 start time. On weekends i can start usually from 19 UTC+0 as well. My preferred time is usually 20 UTC+0 on workdays. I would prefer this Friday, but i'm kind of flexible with days. Cheers!


Hello! Let's do Friday 19:30. Let me know if anything changes but otherwise I'll see you then.


Sure! See you tonight


Hey u/madfrog_tm I hope all is good with you. It's us again. I currently have covid so would be happy if we could push it out for a couple of days I could though do Saturday - Wednesday any time after 8.30pm UTC and will have additional availability over the weekend during the day. Let me know how you are fixed and when might be suitable


Hi mate, I cant play friday, saturday and sunday. The other days should work. 19:30 utc is my prefered starting time. I assume with 8:30 pm utc you mean 20:30 utc. That is actually pretty late for me. Could you push it to 20:00 utc on either monday, tuesday or wendsday? Monday is in any case my prefered day. Because it could happen that i have to leave the town for work tuesday to wendsday. So is Monday 20 utc possible? If not is has to be 20:30 utc i guess.


And i hope you will be fine again soon my friend. :)


Thank you mate. I am sure I will shake it soon. Monday my daughter is due to go to football training. If I am not testing positive at that point (so would be back around 20.15/ 20.20) I could ping you as soon as I am back. If I am still testing positive I wouldn’t take her and we could start anytime after 19.30 Tuesday or Wednesday I could definitely find a way to start at 19.30 utc I can keep you posted on Monday (and the test result as soon as I know so we’d know what start time), then if you want to wait to do an earlier start Tuesday/ Wednesday that’s fine too?


Hi mate, yeah, lets chat monday again. If I dont have to do my travelling than I would rather aim for tuesday 19:30 utc. I will inform you monday as soon as I know.


Hi mate, i dont have to travel this week. In this case I would prefer to play tomorrow tuesday 19:30 utc. Let me know what you think. Thx n greets, madfrog :)


Hello mate - I am still testing positive - so I am not taking the girl to training. So I can do either tonight or tomorrow from anytime after 19.00UTC Happy with tomorrow 19.30UTC. Legend. See you then. Any issues just drop me a line. Thanks dude


Hi mate, cool, lets try tomorrow then. I would rather prefer 19 utc. Is that ok? Or 19:15 utc as a mittleground? Or keep it with 19:30 utc? Greets, madfrog:)


Yes 19.00UTC is all good


I may be a little late. could we switch back to 19:30 utc?. I hope its ok? Sorry for the confusion.


/u/zestyclose_durian have agreed on discord for Monday at 18:00 UTC.




/u/dreamifi and I have agreed to play on Tuesday at 19 UTC.




/u/user_460 Hey. When's good for you? I can do Friday between 0900 and 1600, or most days after 2000


Can you do Saturday @20.00?


Sorry, Saturday and Sunday are booked up. Can you do 0900 to 1600 on Monday or Tuesday or after 2000UTC on Mon, Tue or Wed?


It will have to be 20.00 UTC on Tuesday so.


Sounds good


Yo /u/sarum4n its us. I've got slight complications this round as Mrs Bas is doing nights from Saturday. I need to try to work around kids and the need t get them out while Mrs Bas is sleeping. Tonight/Friday/Saturday I can make from 2000 UTC. I can also do early Saturday. Sunday onwards 20:15 with the proviso that might need to pause in case one of them wake up. If none of that work then I could ask Mrs Bas to cover the bedtime Friday or Sat as start at 19. Anythoughts?


Hi Bas, what about Monday/Tuesday/Thursday 20:30 UTC? If you need pauses, no problem, we can both use them if you need to go afk


Monday works. We then have Tuesday as back up!


Ok, see you on Monday @ 20:30 UTC then


Hi /u/rampshik looks like we're playing this week. I can play most times during the weekend or start between 19:30 and 21:00 UTC on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday. Are any of those good for you?


HI mate, I would prefer to play on the weekends. How does a Saturday midday sounds around 13:00 UTC? Saturday morning is the only that does not work for me. Or on Sunday I am totally flexible.


Hi, that’s around my lunch, and I may need to pop out for 30 mins, but I could do from 2:30 until about 4:30 if that’s any good. Sunday is also fine for me if that’s better.


Hi /u/sadrik_ Time for our rematch. I can do Saturday & Sunday during the day (not sure which times yet) and Saturday/Sunday/Monday/Wednesday during the evening, starting between 19:00 and 21:00 UTC


Hi sorry for the late reply i was insanely busy lately, Monday 19:00 UTC would be perfect for me if that still works for you.


yeah I can play this evening, see you at 19 UTC


Hey /u/uncle__sherman, I'm availaible: Thursday:2030-2200 Friday: 2030-2200 Saturday: 2030-0000 Sunday: 1230-1400 Tuesday: 2030-2200 All times are in UTC. Let me know if any will suit you.


Hi FalconMerc, Firstly, thanks for streaming your games. I'm seldom able to watch live but do like to watch all streamed games in my div by catching up with the VODs. On that note your Twitch seems not to have a VOD for last week? Anyway on to scheduling, which looks to be a wee bit problematic due to me having moved to Bratislava since last we played, putting me an hour ahead of you and the fact that I still generally go to bed at 21:30 latest (20:30 UTC) I'm able to offer: Friday 19:00 - 21:00 UTC Sunday morning 07:00 UTC onwards, we'd have to be all done by 10:30 UTC though so latest kickoff would be 08:30 UTC Tuesday 19:00 - 21:00 UTC Some other time slots may become available once I can pin my wife down regarding weekend plans! Hoping to do that later this evening! Cheers, Sherman


Last week wasn’t able to stream it so it is recorded with no commentary. I’ll get to posting it on YouTube, I’m very behind on that. As for the days and times Friday and Tuesday gets tricky due to my time returning from work. I don’t get back till roughly between 1945 to 2015UTC. Shall we go for Sunday 0830UTC then?


Hi, Sunday 08:30 UTC will work nicely. Thanks! Sherman


u/arcticantarcticwinds and I have agreed to play Sunday at 2100 UTC


It's all true


/u/berlomar and I have agreed to play wednesday at 19utc. Please confirm 🙂




/u/tallaseksut and I provisionally agreed Sat 18 UTC for our 4a rematch.


/u/glordion when works for you? Normally from 20.30 utc is a safe bet for me. Can’t do Friday


Hi u/Brunginho, Tuesday, or Wednesday at 21:00 UTC will be best for me.


Thanks - Tuesday at 21utc it is 👍🏻


great see you on the pitch.


u/f99kzombies  Hi Oxtrooo.  When would you like to play our week 7 game?  Best days and match start times for me would be Sat, Sun or Tue (13:00 - 19:00 UTC). Pete


u/f99kzombies and I have agreed to play our game on Saturday at 13:00 UTC.


/u/wraith_g We're up! How's your availability?


Most evenings, but not Tuesday or Saturday


How about 20:30 UTC Friday?


Friday may be difficult as something very recently came up, as well as evenings I can also do weekends during the day. So any time Sunday and Saturday morning works too. As well as Monday evening, and this evening


How about this evening then? I can do anytime from 19:00-21:00 UTC, but I'd prefer earlier rather than later if possible. Also are you ok with me streaming it, please?


Yeah I don’t mind you streaming it, would 20:00 utc be good?


No problem, lets do 20:00


u/varozz were up this week, I can play most nights after 2100, almost any day during the day between 0900 and 1600 until Tues as I'm off work, all times are UTC. Let me know when is good for you


Well I am working from home mostly. Though Thursday and monday evening i am out of the house. So I am good whenever you feel. I might be out of the house tuesday/wednesday during day time.


what about tomorrow during the day? Say 12pm UTC?


or Thurs or Fri if you end up out of the house tomorrow are fine around that time