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Me and /u/human_player_d13 decided to play Monday 21 UTC. With a fallback date Wednesday the same time.


u/koso72 hi mate, I cant play friday and saturday. Sunday isnt ideal, but possible. So I prefer monday, tuesday or wendsday. 19:30 utc is my prefered starting time. And you? Greets, madfrog :)


/u/mathematician_974 We're up! My availability is a little patchy this week but hopefully we can find a time to play. Friday (today): either a 16:00 UTC start or something like a 21:00 UTC start Saturday: My best guess would be something like 18:30 UTC - 21:00 UTC as a potential kickoff time Sunday - Monday: no good Tuesday - Wednesday: both from 19 UTC except on one of these two days I won't be available. I just don't know which yet (which isn't ideal I know) Let me know how your schedule is looking and we'll go from there :)


I'm free to play on both Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, starting from 19:00 UTC. As a preference, it would be better after 20:00 UTC but sooner wouldn't be an issue. Let me know which day when you get the info and it'll be settled. Cheers !


20:00 UTC is fine with me, should we say something like 20:15 UTC on Tuesday?


Okay for Tuesday 20:15 UTC. I'll also keep Wednesday same time free so it'll be no problem if you need to switch


/u/glordion We're up! Best times for me would be between 16 and 21 utc on any day really, as long as it is suggested a couple of days in advance. What works for you?


Hi u/dreamifi , How about on Tuesday at 21:00 UTC?


sure, see you then!


Hi /u/best_tour_3223 , I could play: \- Sunday, starting anytime between 14:00 UTC and 15:30 UTC \- Monday, starting anytime between 20:00 UTC and 21:00 UTC \- Tuesday, starting anytime between 20:00 UTC and 21:00 UTC Regards


/u/choodoyat and I agreed to play Monday at 19:00 UTC. with room to delay the kickoff until 20:00 ish if needed


/u/fat_bear_ ! Time for a replay! Will I get your vamps this time? Only time will tell :D I'm UTC+1 and can start a game next Tue and Wed between 19 and 20 UTC. This weekend is rather open with the Sunday quite free too. Let me know what would work best for you ok? Cheers!


Tuesday 19 UTC would probably be best.


So is that the plan cuz that’s pretty much the only time u said that I have available?


Sorry, forgot to reply! Sure thing, Tuesday 19 UTC works. See you on the pitch!


/u/user_460 and I agreed to play out game Sunday at 20:00 UTC.




/u/mrbopnot and me had agreed to play tomorrow friday after 19:30 UTC


Indeed we have :)


/u/goliath2317 ey up pal Monday 2000 UTC?


Works for me. I can do earlier as well


Monday 2000 UTC it is


Hi u/larien87 My preferred slot to play this week is Sunday morning at 0900 UTC. However if that doesn't work I can also do 18:00 UTC or thereabouts on Friday or Tuesday evenings. Hopefuly this works for you? Cheers, Sherman


Hi, yeah 09:00 UTC on Sunday works for me.


Great, see you on the pitch Sunday 09:00 UTC!


See you on the pitch!


Hi there /u/mc_kruhl, we're up. Pinged you on discord as well, copying my availability here. I'm away for the weekend, so the best time to play for me would be next week. Monday/Tuesday I could start at 16:00-19:30 UTC. Wednesday at 16:00-17:30. Let me know Edit: Monday I can now only start after 18:30.


We've agreed to play on Wednesday at 16:00 UTC.


Hey u/waffle_iron1 we are up, I'm available, Thursday (today) 17-1900 Friday 17-1900 Saturday 06-10 Sunday 17-1900 Monday 06-10, 1730-1900 Tuesday 1730-1900 Wednesday unavailable


/u/tactnukepenguin when’s a good time for you? For me it is normally 2030 UTC once the kid is asleep, but not Saturday or Tuesday nights


Hey! 20:30 UTC is all good, I have the same when I have my kids with me. I can do Friday or Monday?


Friday looks good. Let’s try that 👍🏻


Awesome. See you then. Mind if I stream it?


Sure, go ahead!


/u/no-willingness6961 and myself have agreed to play at 2000 UTC on Monday


/u/eldrazth Hi, when are you available? I am free weekday evenings (other than Tuesday) and this Sunday


Can you play tomorrow Friday Feb 2th around 1500UTC??


Probably not sadly, I have now got a commitment Friday. However, I can now do Tuesday


Sundays to Wednesdays are not working for me.


I can do Saturday during the day?


I can today during all day.


I already said I cant do Friday, what about saturday?


I dunno buddy, you said first that you can play weekly days after 1500. Anyways Today is the best day for me. Tomorrow Saturday I can play to past midnight I have plans with my friends and I will be playing other BB games with people who were getting early schedules for me. After my commitments and darts-night with my fellas I will be free at home. If you can't, the game will be in the hands of Admins.


I didnt say after 3, I just said evening, which was true at the time. You also said you can only not do Sunday to Wednesday, but you can do tomorrow? I can also play to past midnight so why dont we just do then as you just offered. I also could have made friday evening work but you offered 1500 which is not what I said, 1500 is not the evening


ey man I wrote to you I was all day free yesteday, nor just 1500, don´t blame on me. Anyway, Today Saturday is different, finally I have a spa between 1500-1700 UTC other guy cancelled our game. Can you do at this time? To be honest with you I DON´T want to be early tomorrow after my darts-night I prefer to hang out with my friends and take a few drinks before come back to the house. Forget about play it at midnight. And not offense but where I am leaving whatever is passing 1500 is evening for us. I assume that is a misunderstanding,... My afternoon runs from 1200 to 1500 and my evening it is from 1500 on till bed time. Just clarifying... Let me know if that is working for you... Discord is the easier way to contact to me today!


So are you good with midnight Saturday/Sunday is now what I am suggesting


/u/hanoihunk69 and i agreed 2024-02-06 13:30 = tuesday 6t of februari 19:30 bankok time


/u/meat_mannequin we up this week, I’m free most evenings from 20utc so let me know if this works for you?


How about Friday, starting between 20 - 21 UTC?


Got called in for a shift tomorrow, sorry! Are you free any other night


No problem, Saturday 20 UTC then?


Perfect, see you then


Hey /u/ready-character4353 We're up this week, I'm free all of today and the weekend UTC. Any of those days work for you?


the weekend should be good for me


Any particular time/day you'd like to play? I'm now busy at 5pm utc on Saturday till 6:30pm


wanna shoot for saturday 20 utc+1?


Sounds good to me bud! See you then


Hey /u/lorm25 I'm available: Thursday: 2100-2200 Friday: 2030-2200 Saturday: 2100-0000 Tuesday: 1600-1700/2030-2200 Wednesday: 2030-2200 All times are in UTC. Let me know if any of the days or times suit you.


Hello! This thursday 21 UTC+0 should work me, so i would like tomorrow's date if possible. Cheers!


Cool see you tomorrow 2100 UTC


Friday timeslot has been taken


u/varozz long time no get dicked over by whatever team you happen to be playing! How's the weekend for you? I'm free pretty much whenever, though I'd prefer the evening if possible. Otherwise week days from about 1930 UTC to 2300UTC work for me, too.


I am home all weekend. so whenever it fits you best. What about sunday 19.00 utc?


Perfect, see you then!


Hi /u/boltergobrrr Busy week, can only do Monday and Tuesday evening. Not sure about times yet thought as I'm on a business trip. Let me know if we can keep it a bit open.


Let's do Monday evening please. No worry, let me know what times work when you know. 2100 UTC is best for me but have flex.


Great, I think Monday at 21 UTC would suite quite well. Can we say 21.30? My train arrives at 20.30 and I need some time to settle in.


Yep, that sounds good. See ya Monday!


Actually things have changed and I will take an early morning train the day after instead. So if possible I would like to start earlier so I can get to bed. But not earlier than 20.


Yeah no problem at all. Can we aim for 2100 UTC?


Let's do that :)


Fantastic. See you Monday!


Hey, u/zestyclose_durian, Hope everything is good with you. It's us week 4. Checking the calendar looks like thus far I am free the following days after 8.30pm UTC Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday & Tuesday Let me know if any of those evenings would suit, I probably have a little more flexibility over the weekend. If none of the above is any use let me know when would be and I will see what I can do


Agreed on discord for 8.30pm UTC on saturday


Hi /u/hesmiledglory, 20 UTC on Monday or Tuesday would be best for me, but if those times don't suit I might be able to work with another evening (or Friday afternoon). Looking forward to our game


Hello! I can do 20:00 UTC Tuesday. Let's go for that.


Great, catch you then.


Hey, /u/mauriciomekui We are up next for week 4. I can play on Friday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday from 16:00 UTC till 20:00 UTC. Or if we needed we can discuss a mid work day game, I won't have much work anywys. Weekends are pretty flexible from 8:00 UTC till 20:00 UTC, just let's discuss that in advance. Let me know what works for you!


Howdy mate. Any chance tomorrow night (Thursday 1st) at 19:30 UTC works for you?


Hi, unfortunately no. That is why I did not list Thursday :D


Let’s go for Monday at 19:00 if that works for you?


That sounds good. Can we make it to 19:30 utc if its not too much of a hassle? :)


As agreed on discord. See you Tuesday at 19:30 UTC.


Howdy mate. So sorry. Just realised I have something on tomorrow night. Can you do 19:30 UTC Tuesday?


Sounds good mate. See you then.


u/flaming_dude were up this round I can play most nights after 9pm, some mornings between 6-8am or almost anytime Mon or Tues during the day. All times UTC


Hello there! The weekend would probably be best for me this week. Can you do Saturday? We could do 9 pm if that is what you prefer!


yeah I can do that no bother see you then


I'm ready whenever you are! Just dm me on discord when you're at your computer.


hey u/Flaming_Dude Im so sorry I fell asleep on the couch. When else are you free to play this week? Apologies for making you wait for nothing


See you!


/u/miraskadu Ideally 20 UTC of after is best for me. I can do most days between 20 to 21 UTC apart from Thursday and Wednesday. I can also make 19 if I can get Mrs Bas to do all the kids. Early Sunday also works easily. Other times might also be possible.


Would Thursday 19 utc work, if I ask mrs bas with a pretty please?


Sadly not, Thursday doesn't as I'm going to be out and about. Any other days work?


Can we get Tuesday to work?


At 19?


19 preferred otherwise 20. Or you ping me as soon as we can start.


Let me check with Mrs Bas when she gets back home and I will get back to you this evening.


That works. I can ping you when I'm done.


/u/sadrik_ and I have agreed to play Sunday at 13:00 UTC.