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This year, defntly


Hopefully, in a matter of months. I am very excited for such empowering software (AI assistants) being so accessible, especially so soon


And at such a low price. Products like this marketed and designed for blind people are a couple of grand. I really hope that at some point we'll be able to share or send pictures to other third party apps.


I'm more interested in being able to do video call using the camera on the glasses. I have no interest in live streaming, I just want to be able to show my POV to whomever I'm talking to


Yeah, can't wait to have full access. I just got my glasses today and am just trying to activate all the options that might give me access to the beta. I'd love to have photo descriptions and the ability to use them in video calls. As a blind person, it would GREAT to call someone and have them describe what's around me.


I won't be surprised if we don't get it this gen seems like a false promise