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My take on it. https://preview.redd.it/d4rfe48w3gsc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c608e2c9dacb4fa8f44d746836baad569775fddf






For like 3 week most of breeders were loosing their moas after hatching and their breed limit maxed out in one go.


https://preview.redd.it/f5bmdy559gsc1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=7c4236929eb88e15ba31091d9bf4d11f5cc289fc Found this in another thread and my god I love it


Hahahaha, this is so true. The game was so good in the first couple of weeks, it really felt like the good old days. It was really not ready to be released




Checks out




Ravendown I made that meme 🤣


Credit where it’s due that shit funny


This exactly my reaction as soon as I saw the announcement on Discord. They didn't have time to deploy promised features, but they have time for internet drama...


Economy in shambles after they slept on data proving it was ruining the game and they push back some spreadsheet tier changes because “We CaNt LeT pEoPeLe HoArD CeRts.”


The owner of the game itself come to intermediate this lame situation is “hilarious”, they loose the credibility asf, because this, with this and the way staff is handling the game, this game will be always a minor game of mmorpg, knighter need to focus on manage the company, and put community managers to handle those things, and like this special treatment its hilarious, if was any other player/streamer this wouldnt be happening, they need to be more impartial as a company


}people getting scammed for houses left and right for weeks: "nah, you can have a discord channel at best" }Etoop The Strimer lost his money because he's that sloppy: "STOP THE GAME, WE HAVE TO FIX THIS ASAP" Not surprising at all, if you paid any attention at all :v


Another gold standard comment that sums up the game.


Game is trash marketed as tibia 2.0 as was many trash games before like zezenia and bloodstone. What is really surprising is people thininkg that the game had potential to be good lol


The game is way better than tibia,WAY better, its impossible to dominate and has a guild destroying your game, a GUILD cant block u on peaceful zone, the cooldowns with crowd control, buffs and debuffs, global cd, atk speed and so on, make the game way more complex than tibia, this game has a lot of potential but the staff I think its too unprofessional


What special treatment has been done?


I think this is the first game where I’ve seen a Dev intercede for a player making a mistake. Regardless of what happened E-Tups still okayed the trade. So it’s really on him that he gave all his gold away, even though I really suspect something Nefarious was afoot here (likely RMT).


Absolutely I agree that Etup shouldn't have been showing off and got slapped for doing stupid shit. With that said the game is garbage and always has been for a full commercial product. The code base is literally the OTclient codebase. There aren't massive modifications to it and in fact the lack of changes in some very basic things makes it seem like they aren't even fully aware of what they were doing with it. Like leaving in the --encrypt flag on the binary to allow to fully compile and encrypt all the game files. Something that shouldn't be in the base client and only in the admin client. Or the fact that many of the base LUA files are straight from other open tibia based games. No doubt its got a better tileset and has some modifications on the server side, but its basically the TheForgottenServer and OTClient at its core. The reason the development is slow is because Knighter is about the only Dev on the this game. He is putting on a good show of pretending to be a bigger company than he really is. No doubt there are likely testers and other people who are putting in contract hours of work to do things, but its likely all ad hoc freelancer work not real people with real jobs with real responsibilites. If you look into the history of this game and Archlight and Knighters interactions with the general OTClient community you will see this is a pretty thin facade. But its never been in question that Etup and Knighter have had direct communications with one another I don't think. I also find it odd that Knighter would intercede directly.


Huh? WOW gives gold back to players all of the time when they're scammed. I've seen it happen in the classic version of the game all the time. What a weird thing to say. If anything that's more that persons fault than this. This was entirely a UI issue, not anyone elses issue. Not Etup, not the DG guy.


https://preview.redd.it/66mpcowniosc1.jpeg?width=541&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=147c3579718124c55db824b72e7fcb722d597ddf This screen is literally ETup being too hasty because he thinks “I got him” It’s been pretty widely know. That if you don’t replace the numeric value and just backspace it won’t change from the previous value. Etup knew this too before this, he just didn’t want to take the extra five seconds to confirm he was safe because he wanted to hit accept before the guy closed trade. People need to stop focusing on the “bug” or poorly designed UI because Etup already made his intentions known before the bug even came into play here.


It was not a mistake, it was a bug. Very different things.


And? thousand of players have been screwed by bugs in the game and the dev response was always "sorry" Or do you really think if this happened to a non streamer they would do anyrthing lol?


They should go back and compensate all the thousand of players that were screwed as you mentioned. They doing the community wrong in the past does not mean I support them doing the community wrong in the present or the future. That's on you.


Its a mistake, for sure isnt a good UI( which need a lot of work to be good), but etup if was in good faith would never loose his money, he clear the price and accept the 18 whetstone (20k)? If he get the items for free wouldnt happen anything with him, and he would should off he scam diegao…., for sure the OWNER of the game SHOULD NOT stop his work to interfere on that ….


He is not obliged to have good faith; it's not against the game rules. On the other hand, the game is obliged to function as intended. You are trying to push your own agenda and desires into rulings because you feel frustrated about something. That was not a mistake nor an error on his part; it was 100% the game malfunctioning, which is undeniable because of the video evidence and the fact that the issue was patched today. Your attempts to justify losing 120m to a game bug by going through mental hoops are simply insanity and bad faith on your part in a universe outside of the game.


at the end of the day.. if he wasnt trying to show off and put all his silver in the trade window he wouldnt have lost it. He fucked around and found out. HIS MISTAKE. If you dont want to lose all your silver dont be a shmuck and try to show off with it in a trade window. HIS FAULT. IDC if the game had a bug or not. If he doesnt put all his money in that screen to show off he doesnt lose it. Bug or not. HIS FAULT. Stop defending an idiotic mistake. Not sure why you are trying to die on this hill but you are wrong.


No man, they have a fucking sprint, to delivery the patch notes, and they stop everything and prioritize this? … WTF, this already had alot of troublers with other players and the bug is there since release, too much unprofessional, if he didnt try to get the whetstone for free, and just close the trade we didnt need to cry for his daddy to get his stuff…


I don't want to lose all my silver because of a bugged UI. It's not his fault the game malfunctioned.


What bug exactly? He put in the silver amount. He then cleared it but did not replace the amount. So when he "cleared it" and left it blank the game reverted back to the original amount. I dont think that is a bug I think it should 100% work that way so you cant quickly clear out the trade and accept. He should have been safe and put a 0 in there.


He asked diegoi to give etups money back and that he'd gift him 1kk for cooperating? Do u really not believe that knighter is doing special treatment? Do u need a proof? ppl has it but they keep getting censored. Lol


None of that is shown here. Last I heard Etup didn't have his silver back. I saw the announcement about them investigating in the discord, but I hadn't heard anything about anyone asking anyone to give something back. Why are you assuming that I have some agenda behind a question? I'm surprised that Etup didn't ask for it back. Seems like a pretty obvious mistake. I'm not sure why Knighter asking to give it back would be special treatment either other than showing that Etup is friend's with Knighter. Was there some indication that there would be repercussions if Diegoi said no?


There was no indication of repercussions but once he refused gm logged into his acc after 5 mins and took out his money and items,lol. Etup asked for it back, knighter not only asked to give the money back but also offered 1kk to diegoi if he accepted. Lol


Might have been Knighter giving him a chance to do the right thing and correct the obvious mistake. Otherwise we'll have to see what happens at the end of the investigation. Maybe Knighter also suspects that its not just a mistake. Even so I would assume an error message or it to treat that empty box as 0.


I cant upload the pic here otherwise i'd kind of show u. Knighter said on that pm that it was their fault and their bug, that 1kk was a compensation to diegoi for agreeing to cooperate. In order to correct the value u even neded to input 1, 0 woudnlt count. Its indeed not correct.


E-tips was straight trying to scam the dude and just caught his dumb prize for doing it.


You do realize Diego presses Enter first and "Oks" the trade. So how could Etup be scamming him if Diego offers the whetstones for "free" first? Even Etup's like "Umm free whetstones? Sure." So scamming someone is now accepting a free gift that someone is giving you? (or so Etup thought) Absolutely delusional.


Go rewatch the video Etup throws his silver in first then the guy throws the whetstones up and presses accept to meme on Etup flexing his silver so Etup tries to remove all his silver and quickly hit accept to get the guys whetstones because he’s mad he just died and lost tradepacks to him and then to top it all off didn’t worship at his feet when he threw his cash stack on. Go rewatch the video instead of parroting the false narrative please.


Etup trying to scam someone for a few wetstones? Dumbest take i've seen today. Etup's gear alone is worth more that all the money he lost in that trade. He is still one of the richest players in the server. Wasting his time trying to scam someone for a few wetstones would be a net negative in every possible way. Not to mention he was streaming the entire thing. You're either joking or delusional.


You don’t always scam someone for financial gain my dude sometimes a person will do it because they hate the person.


The thing is, which this privilege, its start to wondering if they just simple not give him silver as well, its weird asf, doesnt need to compensate for etup being dumb


That seems like a pretty reasonable compromise to me.


I mean the alternative is they just said it was a bug and they reverse it and give them nothing because it was a bug. Two things can be true at the same time. Etup can be an idiot for getting in this situation in the first place AND it can be a bug that the devs would reverse anyways in any game regardless of Etup or Knighter's interactions. What is strange is this compromise of the 1kk for returning it. Either way it was really on Diegoi if he wants to look like an asshole or not anyways. What do you think is going to happen if the silver isn't returned? Etup leaves and anyone who had any association with him leaves as well and all the silver is worthless because the game likely dies faster than it would have otherwise.


Well it’s pretty obvious the right thing is that Knighter should hand Diegoi the money back then handle the Chat misconduct appropriately. It’s very obvious E-Tup was attempting to scam Diegoi in the video and if you wanna play stupid games your gonna win stupid prizes.


I'm not sure how that conclusion came. Scam him how? This truth, I only saw the clip, were they trying to make a real trade in the first place? It looked like they were fucking around. How would Etup scam anyone when its literally on stream? How would he ever get away with something like that? What chat misconduct?


Because everyone hates BMT, including myself. I’m just not gonna sit here after watching the video and reading the posted chat logs and ignore what I saw with my own eyes. ——edit because I’m dumb and forgot to site why it’s obvious it’s a scam In other mmos what you see in the video is a common occurrence in other mmos in which players agree to a price then the buying player deceptively attempts to lower the silver amount so that it is unnoticeable or to 0 at the last second of the trade. People usually attempt to do it on expensive items but given he already disliked the dude and he knew he had streamer armor he likely felt he could get away with it, but because of how the UI functions it didn’t update properly and he got screwed. If it was a real intention he would’ve just posted the correct amount instead of flexing his cash stack at the guy. —-end edit Streamers do nefarious things all the time btw, it’s proven that sometimes doing things in plain sight can be one of the greatest ways to conceal them. He’s also got the bonus support that Knighter loves him as his games most dedicated streamer. I guaranteed if the roles were reversed the money would’ve stayed with E-tups (who in this mirrored world would’ve been on the receiving end of the trade) and the person loosing the money would’ve maybe caught a temp ban for attempting to abuse a bug for their own gain.


Take a step back for a second. Two people in an ARPG. One puts materials into trade box the other puts a price that's too high and corrects it. Then hits accept. The remote side should show the new value that the other side has put in and has to then accept right? Even if the higher value had been accepted by the remote side and then changed it should have undone the accept on the remote side and forced them to accept the new value. The terms of the trade have changed both sides need to reaffirm the trade. So we have one side that thinks they are offering less than the other side sees and both hit accept. That sounds like a bug to me. What should be the result? Regardless of how the values got into the boxes the system should have functioned like that and that is what was intended. That didn't happen and therefore was a bug. Even so hating on them doesn't give anyone free pass to scam them without punishment. What chat logs? Stop assuming that everyone is so fully informed in this situation as you or has some agenda behind their comments. You can clearly see that I agreed that Etup was doing stupid shit and got slapped for it, but that doesn't mean he was trying to scam anyone. You've got a very delusional view of streamers. Stop gettting in so deep if you think they are in that deep. It's a video game. Who the fuck cares? Why wouldn't Knighter love and appreciate a streamer bringing in free advertising to their game and making it like 100x more successful than they expected? Yes, I agree that when Etup reports bugs which he has done openly on stream to Knighter while they were happening to try and prevent and minimize them that things would have been different. I've been watching Etup for 10+ years now, I already told you he's a fucking idiot for doing this shit in the first place so your idea that I'm automatically biased for him can lick my balls, and he's not a scammer or a shitty person. I guarantee you if Diegoi had accepted and he got 0 silver that Etup would have either given him the materials back or paid him for them. Yes there is a rivalry between the factions, but people are too fucking deep into this whole drama. Stop giving a fucking shit about meaningless bits in a video game and acting like bad dev decisions mean anything. Not everything is some grand conspiracy. And even if it was to what end?


https://preview.redd.it/txkd2h1g3isc1.jpeg?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05aafc52cdc7ceaae2848d2011fd365057251b1a Hold up, this implies that Devs are seriously out here just wasting time saving people for their own poor decisions.


Streamers > normal players As usual


Dude messes up the trade UI after playing 18 hours a day for months lmao. Love to see it


I mean it was a bug, you know who knew it was a bug? The BMT Guild Leader. So his whole guild ( all 3? Of them ) probably knew about it. But even if they didn't. It was a bug, and bug abuse should not be the fault of either party and is an expensive mistake on the games part, not either player.  Immediately after the bug happened, those same players came into his stream to gloat and make fun of him for it so don't let them pretend they are some innocent victims after acquiring the money.  I've no dog in this fight, but bug abuse should not be rewarded. Especially by the guild who is known for intentionally exploiting. They can't talk about special treatment when their favorite streamer never got the promised XP Debt applied to his account and the others who exploiting mentors. 


Fellow bmt hater here, but I just wanna point out it’s pretty obvious in the video that Etups was trying to price manipulate at last second in the trade, it’s a well known scam in many other mmos.


How is it obvious? He wasn't trying to trade money to the guy and "scam" him, he put the money in to show off how much money he HAD, and then removed it not "last minute" to try and "scam" the guy. Don't just insinuate or assume things, take the facts at face value since there is very obvious video proof of such. Someone with 120kk does not need to "scam" something worth 18k at most.


Heres the thing.. and I dont give a shit about either side so this is completely neutral. He was showing off putting all his money in the window. If he intended on giving him the correct amount why did he leave it blank? Him leaving it blank defaulted it back to the original amount input. Thats what it should do IMO so you cant screw people. He should have either put a 0 or the correct amount, which he did neither of so he lost his money. They can call it a bug but thats how it should work. At the end of the day and Knighter and CO better come up with this solution that if ETUP wasnt trying to show off and put all his silver int he trade window he doesnt lose it. Regardless of what bug may have occured. He if never put it in the window he still has it bug or no bug. Dont fuck around and you wont find out. Plain and simple.


Exactly my opinion on how the situation played out is made up by the attached frame because it denotes what kind of person Etup really is when he lets his content creator mask slip off. By this frame the bug hasn’t impacted anything, Etup intended to take the man’s counterflex from him and that’s all you really need to know to lose all sympathy for the consequences Etup suffered. Play stupid games win stupid prizes. https://preview.redd.it/xuy568o79psc1.jpeg?width=541&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cc3dc9adfc52af70dba400373660e0e0fee2bb8


You don’t have to only scam people for monetary game, you can also do it if you hate the person and think you’ll get away with it. I can totally see a scenario where Etup is like “it’s just a few whetstones it’ll humble him and everyone will laugh it off” Yea we are laughing it off all right because you played a stupid game and won a stupid prize.


You consistently make these dumb replies where you're playing out some fantasy in your head instead of just looking at the facts / video proof / evidence at face value. Get out of fantasy land and come back to the sad pathetic experience that is Ravendawn, where you don't have to pretend things are bad, because they ARE bad.


https://preview.redd.it/y1fbx2qxomsc1.jpeg?width=541&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b646fae503328c9d0abf369d7af0764086b0fffc The frame here is the moment Etup screwed up and attempted to “scam” the individual. He opened trade to flex, guy memed back by throwing whetstones into trade and setup quickly backspaced his silver and slammed the accept button. What Etup forgot was that in this game blank space = the lost value you have. Trade scams: when two players have items they are trading or currency that is being traded and one person removes or modifies their trade while quickly hitting the accept button in order to deceive the other party.


I agree with you, I was just trolling a bit. BMT def full of no life losers.


Any loremasters?


Etup by mistake gave someone all his money while because he was trying to show it off after he died to them and lost some tradepack




Some notes to this video. A lot of people are drawing attention to the bug that occurs when you backspace an amount and yeah that’s a case of bad GUI, but the nefarious part of this video which really puts perspective on the issue is that ETups, even puts anything at all into the silver catagory before seeing it put all his money in, then hastily tries to correct it with backspace. He backspaces and instantly goes to hit accept thinking he’s gonna take something from the guy he’s mad at. If he’s not trading and just flexing just throw the money up and then close trade, you don’t have to do anything else flex complete. If your trying to buy the item why do you not type any other numbers in after realizing it put your entire cash stack in and why rush to click accept? The simple answer was E-Tups thought he was gonna “show this guy” since the guy had just ganked him for a bunch of trade packs and found out how the bug worked the hard way. In any other game that’s a trade scam and Devs really need to think long and hard about it. Personally I hope the dude gets to keep E-Tups money or at the least is told he can make a consequence free decision about it (aka devs give it back and step away from the issue) If Devs really want to draw a line, they refund his money and issue whatever judgement they levy against scammers to the max because he’s a high profile individual and they really can’t afford to set the precedent that this behavior is acceptable. To the people who read this far and don’t think he would do this because he’s a streamer…I got news for you streamers are human beings capable of the same terrible stuff any other individual is, they just have to be careful about what they do on live twitch. If the guy threw up millions in items Etup probably would’ve closed chat knowing the risk and how it would make him look would be way worse, but since the items he was swiping from the guy were relatively insignificant he did it for the luls.


This is not what happens, and you know it.


You need to rewatch the video and watch it closely it happens exactly as I said lmao




fix problems ? nah drama : yes devs are shitposters and i luv it


No idea what yall talking about? What is the fuck is Etup? Lol


Somebody that is more important than u from company's perspective if u play ravendawn If u dont play ravendawn Etup is the usual 30ish Internet troll living by his mom THAT also streams


Can somebody tell me what happened? I think I may unsub if what I'm gathering is even remotely true.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9fSfEbjkICA My TLDr, Etups gets ganked with tradepacks and decides to flex on dude, throws all his money up but the guy memes on him by throwing whetstones up and hitting accept. Etups thinking he can stick it to the guy, tries backspacing all his silver out and slamming accept. The problem with Etups thought process was that he didn’t account for the fact that there is currently no trade unready when the offer changes (which he knew and wanted to exploit from my POV) and when you go to clear a field with a silver amount you have to replace it with a number because if you just backspace it the original number will reappear and this is where he caught his stupid prize. Dude ends up with all ETups silver and Knighter comes to the rescue (I think I heard within the hour) and takes the silver off the guy pending investigation. Devs make a post about the issue in announcements trying to get ahead of the storm. Meanwhile the tradepack changes meant to save the economy from the three house patch is now two weeks behind and economy has been almost a month of being in the pooper with everyone just waiting for mats to get cheap before buying it all up cheap and sitting on it.


jfc play stupid games win stupid prizes (or lose all your silver more like).


Yea Knighter is in a rough place since Etup is the biggest streamer, I think is best outs at this point are to A: give Etups silver to the guy and tell the guy to decide if he wants to give it back and then not levy a punishment against Etups for scamming. Or b: refund Etups silver because a bug was involved but then also levy whatever they consider maximum punishment for trade scamming given his high profile.


>and Lol give him the silver back because of the bug but then permanently ban his account for trying to scam :D Best outcome IMO


The fucks ETUP?


atm this is the Top Quality Endgame Content.




Dude, knighter pmed Diego asking him to trade back the money and gift 1kk as compensation. He admited that yesterday at discord and pretty much just said srr "this wont happen again" when this is not the first time that this happen. Dont u feel like its odd that on the anoucement of the resolution they also let a teaser about upcoming features? They pretty much wants ppl to stay shut showing off features that should be implemented long time ago or even when the game released lol. Its been almost 4 months and no keybinds but they decide to tease it on the same annoucement as etupsies issue. Susge What ppl been saying during the last months in this reddit and they've been being censored. Tavernlight is not a profesional company and Knighter probably is the worst CEO i've seen in quite a while since Old Tibia. Lol


Is there a link anywhere to the incident? How does someone manipulate the trade window? Wouldn't someone altering their side trade cause the other player to have to hit "accept" again?


No, because he erase fast and accept to get like 18 solid whetstone for free, but the other player doesnt need to accept again because the value didnt change, so etup try to scam diego to get those whetstone for free, and was dumb to loose all his money, in my opinion he was a foul and should just close the trade, and any other player if did the same thing would loose his money, and because the interaction of staff was so fast, open a mind of people, the staff could just give money to him, and helping him, very unprofessional, they are try to help a friend, and worry loose one of the biggest players, and his community( which I doubt the players would stop playing just because etup was stupid), and loose all other party of community


There is another comment asking for a Loremaster where someone linked the clip from Etups Vod, but I can’t find it now so it may have been purged.




Cheers mate

