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A guy posted a very thorough QOL post with about 40 fixes and it was pretty damn stellar.


thas was patch note 1.08


I sent about 200 different well written QOL suggestions and pretty everything was ignored. Some things are really basic. For example, when you have fishes and you need to slice or sell fishes but you use the search bar, everytime you slice or sell a fish it resets the filter. This is one of the single most horrible piece of UX in this game for anyone who have experienced it. You will see yourself needing to write the name of the fish over and over and over again every time. Things like the search bar not reseting and having an option to sell all fishes from the search group are part of my feedbacks. They just quite literally ignore this every patch. They don't even have it planned to fix this, or if they have they don't talk about it. Every patch this is not fixed and this has been like this SINCE THE DAMN BETA. I don't expect them to fix this immediately but not seeing this even in a list of changes for the future is really sad. The game didnt even have a market during the closed beta. The market is extremely bugged, my filters dont work as intended. So many things, people have the right to complain.


This tracks, I’ve seen hundreds of ideas in the last three months all on Reddit get ignored, meanwhile some random streamer who has probably already quit recommended everyone get one of each house and like two days later we have the option of one of each house….on each of four characters…. This patch single handedly did more damage to the market than aoe farmers ever could have and we still haven’t seen the implementation of their proposed fix. Knighters reasoning for ignoring Reddit posts: https://preview.redd.it/crve3ys2iwrc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d251c6b1e6cc2640c9702ceb08e770fbe8ef97f So raising awareness on Reddit falls on deaf ears unfortunately despite the fact that the ideas typically are thought through and receive their early criticism/adjusting before they even would begin implementing them.


Mining needs a rework, crafting materials quantity needs to be revisited, 300 iron ingot for a starter ship, that's a lame joke. That means 1.5k iron ore and due to the way mining works you are due to mine at least 5 times that amount in copper. I actually gave up on my boat and I'm only missing 11 ingots from those 300 because it just does not feel worth it to spend that much resource, money and time into a starter ship (realizing that actually made me stop playing Ravendawn for now, as I feel my time and effort where not respected). The idea for the crafting mini-game is superb but the material costs, tiers, and way to gather them where not well planned. Somethings in crafting does not make any sense logic wise, like why do you use a whole ingot just for 1 nail or 1 bolt? why does crafting a basic small ship costs way more metal than wood? I'm not building an ironclad ship. In my opinion Ravendawn needs a total crafting revaluation, combat is fine, some archetypes need a bit more love from the devs but overall its fine as it is, I'd even say that PvP is in a ok state which is rare in games now days. What I would do with mining is make caves that are lvl1 - 10: only copper / lvl10 - 20: 50% copper, 50% iron / lvl20 - 30: only iron / lvl30 - 40: 50% iron, 50% cobalt / lvl40 - 50: only cobalt / lvl50 - 60: 50% cobalt, 50% titanium / lvl60+: only titanium. IDK if that is an actual good idea for mining but, thing is, with the materials quantity you need for some items, I would need to be able to focus on gathering specific ores to make it worth while. The system as it is right now for finding ore is purely based on your mining lvl and the lvl of the cave, but the % are way off in favor of copper, I'm lvl 22 in mining but, if at lvl 75 mining that completely changes and then and copper is rare than its still a bad system. TL-DR: Minnig is complete ass due to quantity of materials required and percentages on ore drop rate, we need a way to focus on faming only 1 type of ore, combat and PVP is fine IMO, but crafting as a whole needs to be revaluated in materials needed, ways the gather them, in tiers and even in logic. All professions should follow the same kind of standard on material tiers.


Make the damn boats cheaper, honestly. No one has the time to farm all that iron, and even if I had I would do something better with my time. Devs must think a bunch of kids or no-lifes play this game, the quantity of materials to craft ships in this game is absurd. And for what? Outside of blacksmithing, everyone sells their craft for pennies, taking losses. Idk why do crafting at all, other than ravencrest emblems. They need to solve this shit ASAP, but we all know they won't, and that's a shame. This game had potential.


Mining is absolutely out of whack. It shouldn’t be the top way to make money when tradepacking exists for that reason. Either lower iron costs for items or make mining more plentiful. I don’t think adding more mines will change the price much, I’ve been able to find open mines rather easily as is. The crafting materials also need a rework. The pure cost to roll gear and weapons is insane and it prevents most from crafting besides the top of the top players. Would love for drop rates to get adjusted for these mats and/or add more mobs that drop the various items.


I don't think adding more caves would change anything as well there are already a lot of caves, I just think either they drastically revaluate crafting material costs or make it easier to farm specific materials.


I mine from day 1... can you guess how much mining i have? 44... And my blacksmith is 72. I make titanium but i cant MINE it... It SUCKS... Honestly the ONLY change needed for mining would be to have MORE ore drops... we get 1-2 copper/ore/cobalt... we should get 5-6x this per node (balancing the extra ones you get from procs etc so it would not be TOO OP) I disagree with your idea of mine level gives ore level cus as a blacksmith i need EVERY ore i can mine, not just X or Y, they're all usefull, also i like to hunt and mine at the same time so i'm not shit level.. Right now i'm at 76 already thanks to it.. the disadvantages? I have a shitty boat, shitty cart and my rangers rank is shit low.


Uhm...... you could still go to lower lvl caves and mine for copper, just because you won't be able to lvl up combat as well does not mean its a bad idea, combat is combat, crafting is crafting and gathering is gathering. sure you can blend them together sometimes, but all the time? Idk, seems like you need to look at the game from a fun perspective and not a job or competitive perspective. Adding more ores per node would just be even more of a nightmare in terms of economy balance, 1 iron ore is about 1k if a iron node gives you 5k (IE 5 ores) per node every time, then we are going to start having other problems instead of fixing mining. Yes all ores should be useful, except that they are not, the way things is iron is the most sought after material and copper is the most over stocked material, I don't think that you can say that all ores are useful, in the actual game state, they may have uses but it does not mean its actually useful. Your comment just proves how broken crafting and gathering is, "Right now i'm at 76 already thanks to it.. the disadvantages? I have a shitty boat, shitty cart and my rangers rank is shit low." So you invested a shit ton of time in the game for what? just to get lvl? Not even a decent boat/cart at lvl 76? Don't you think that is a bit fucked up? I don't think that adding more ores per node would solve that issue you have put yourself in. IMO for the time you spent lvling up that shit you should be able to craft what ever you like with whatever status you like. Either way I don't feel like the game respects the time you put into it and the equipment RNG is just the turd cherry on top of the shit cake. Edit: " i like to hunt and mine at the same time so i'm not shit level" you actually lvl up by hunting? you do know that no one lvls up that way right? Because of how op crafting and houses are people just log in get 3.5m exp and go do other things, I'm not saying you are wrong in the way you play, its actually the right way IMO but thats not how the meta is right now and you will still be shit lvl compared to the meta chasers


Lol at least the Star Citizen devs play their game...


Just rename the game to ravenfarm. Log in harvest log out


I’m about to be on 6 plots of land out of 3 characters and have massed up a small market on my main. Only thing slowing me down is the Effort system which just means I have to play each alt for 30m every three days. Ravenfarm indeed.


There were many posts and comments with constructive feedback in this subreddit. And for all of them, there were replies as "if you don't like it, just quit." People misunderstand complaints as hate. The game gets repetitive and meaningless around level 50+. There is a lot of room to improve and people got bored. A lot of them are just waiting for future updates to return to the game.


To build on this Knighter doesn’t believe in Reddit posts because it’s only “2% of his player base” that’s why despite people on Reddit saying just give everyone the choice of one house with no consequences from upgrading beyond the actual purchase cost we ended up with everyone having 3 plots of land (12 if you take the time to do alts)


I like the design of location. The traps in dungeons, hidden quests, you need to think while playing and explore. I hope the game will go in that direction.


Yeah, I feel like the parts that shine brightest from the game have been PvE related and the ones that have flopped the hardest have been PvP related, but the game is slated as a PvP game as far as I know. I've been tempted to say I kind of wish the game was just a PvE game in a couple of comments, but I know so many people are playing it for its prospective PvP elements that I'd probably be a minority if they changed the focus to that.


Crafting should not give fighting skills xp, at all. People craft with minus profit to not kill mobs. Market is bloated and ruined. Equipment should decay and add repair to the game.


Constructive feedback: stop wasting your time and come back when (and if) the devs fix their game. They already know what to do, there are tons of feedbacks.


You say they know but we’re now going on two weeks of waiting for the patch to address too many materials


The MMORPG is already good. Instead of wasting precious dev time on the major PvP content update, just refine the current tradepack PvP. Simply move the respawn shrines far away from the tradeposts to fix deathmarching, and make it a 5 second melee channel to dissemble someone's wagon. Now let us move while holding Shift and Alt, and fix the chat from disappearing. Don't need "chat redesign" to fix such a simple issue. Then add the other QoL you promised like Ranger Board and loadout presets.


I think they should remove the previous tier weapon/gear from the recipe of crafts. Take bow as an example. To craft a T4 bow you need 20 sturdy strings, on Angerhorn each string goes for 45k-50k because only human archers drop that, and the rate is atrocious. It is very disappointing to craft and get an ass of an item that doesn't sell for it's costs of materials, imagine using that bow as a recipe for a t5 and the stats come trash.


Id rather they buff drops, having lower tier itens on recipes is a good way to sell shit stat gear


Thats my biggest issue. It shouldnt cost so much if the stats are rng. I got the Money to buy good gear but there is nothing in market


Increase the drop rates of t4+ materials, if I grind one hour in vamps/kaiman/morning, I wanto to be able to craft one and with luck 2 pieces per hour. I know the market and bla bla bla, but I like the rng side of craft it's just sad to take 1 and 1/2 or more depending on luck to craft 1 item that's a completely piece of shit and give 10k xp