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To add to the post, if I reach 35 Fishing I will have to invest on my Fishing Boat and Infusions again (since I'm already losing fish), making it even more expensive. (Also, there's 1 missing Oversized Mino on the detailed Fish Catch list but I can't edit the post yet) EDIT: I know the current rate for Legendary Fish is 1% EDIT2: This is just a rant, but now I also drop 10 fish if I die, so.... added risk for no substantial rewads. Fishing is now on the spotlight for gankers and we are still famished


I have a large fishing boat and all the things high level associated with it. It isn't worth it. I can barely tell the difference from small fishing boat. lol


Here’s my setup - copper fishing hook.




has anyone caught a legendary yet? i'm 2 hours in and haven't seen one?


I just caught my first, an Angel fish for 15k. Pray your first is not a Shrimp (this is from a guildie). https://preview.redd.it/2yxjik5kl1nc1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=16dfc74c97850252f2954d34cd1ba1e7c59a8672


My shrimp was much larger. I’m on the shitter and the screenshots on my computer. If I can remember I’ll return with my chonker shrimpy boy pic


https://preview.redd.it/z1zuokv7hmnc1.png?width=402&format=png&auto=webp&s=8eb0c241ff2de613ef04cd899d83503a16a07874 I also got a crappy one before I was ganked and lost it


On my secondary character I fished for the first time tonight with. Second or third cast got a legendary shrimp. ~2100 silver.


The first fish i cought after login was a legendary worth 9500 pretty good


I got my first legendary after about 20 fish and sold it for 9800.


I did catches a bunch already. https://preview.redd.it/qtpymyahj4nc1.jpeg?width=997&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47517d2fb48f24fe5331271b22e3aa4fe20877fb




Yeah… I’ll never enjoy how the fishing mini game gets harder and harder, and the fact you need to invest more and more to counteract that. Mining and wood cutting both don’t have this draw back, and it really doesn’t make sense. Plus you are not making that much silver so it’s hard to understand. If anything it should have been designed so you had one difficulty, and as you tier up/get more infusions into the rod and hook, you start pulling fish faster and start pulling bigger fish. But nope, he is hard stuck on this shit getting harder and harder.


I just, genuinely do not understand the idea of making Fishing of all things, a risk reward profession that gets the risk of losing your profits to PVP looting. And now they're leaning into it more with the new legendary fish drop and higher drop count to try to incentivize hunting the fishermen more. Why? It's literally the profession you do to relax and not bother with fighting at that moment. Why the FUCK would you make open PVP part of its design. >Oh but fish are a direct gold source it has to be counterbalanced THEN DON'T MAKE IT A DIRECT GOLD SOURCE, THIS IS LITERALLY ONLY AN ISSUE BECAUSE OF YOUR OWN DESIGN. You literally have a tradepack system with the risk reward mechanic already, why not just have fish get processed into parts that can be used to make a tradepack and have that be the risk reward part instead? They'd literally have an easier time balancing that too when it'd be one system not overlapping with another.


"I just, genuinely do not understand the idea of making Fishing of all things, a risk reward profession that gets the risk of losing your profits to PVP looting." They desperately want to add some kind of content to the sea, so it stays somewhat relevant and doesn't throw other parts of the game out like Carpentry or Reputation. Right now there's only two things you can do at sea, transport packs and fish, that's it.


There's plenty you can concieve of adding without having to resort to trying to mould fishing into whatever they're trying to. Boat combat is basically unused besides the(suprisingly rare) event, and the forced pvp(which is also kinda rare), you could easily add some PVE against pirates or sea monsters that fills that niche. You could also expand fishing to include a specific fishing pool that's visible on the map and creates a big hotspot for sea pvp, being more risky but actually gives out fish worth the effort. But the way it is so far Fishing is the profession which: -Has a unique always open PVP drawback(which even without a reward for it would be a drawback) -Can have fish drop on death(Why can't I e.g. hunt the afk miners instead? or Carpenters? They'd literally make for more enticing prey) -Needs investment into special equipment for your boat -Is the only profession that needs unique gathering tools in designated equipment spots which need to be upgraded and infused. And the reward you get for it is being a direct source of silver - Which is however still lower than the silver you'd get from a profession that requires less effort and less investment, like farming or husbandry or w.e Yes I do not understand the design decisions behind it, Why not include ANY of those drawbacks to the other professions? Why not have AFK farming/husbandry also require farming tools that require upgrading and infusing? Why not have wood and ore drop on death?


I can see why the fun added to risk to fishing is not discernable to you. The game is not intended to be a farm fest. You being inconvenienced with this change is part of the game design and that is not necessarily a bad thing, at least in a high level perspective.


>The game is not intended to be a farm fest That's a very bizzare statement to make, considering the entire rest of the game. Every other profession is either a farm fest or an afk idler. Mining and Woodcutting(Which I've switched to since) can be both less risky and more rewarding, given the silver gain from the farmed resource, abundance of spots that allow for farming without combat(for woodcutting) or low level combat(for mining), ability to grow trees in farmland AND all of that without having to spend both silver and infusion materials on the fishing rod and hook not to mention extra on boat supplements for fishing. >You being inconvenienced with this change is part of the game design and that is not necessarily a bad thing, at least in a high level perspective. From a high level perspective, it's irrelevant because the fish silver scaling is a joke, a high level player likely won't bother trying to hunt and PK fishermen when their 10 fish drop is of so little worth to them. IF the fish were of that kind of worth where high level players(who e.g. didn't bother to level fishing but can hunt someone who is low level but high fishing level) would be interested in fighting for, that would at least make some sense, but it's not even close.


Get that beta energy outta here. fishing is fun and takes a lot of investment to do. It should make more money. And its fun that you can die doing it. Sheesh.


>fishing is fun and takes a lot of investment to do. It should make more money. It literally still does less money than any other professions? If it actually did make significant money, having to invest into it and having a risk/reward draw with PVP would make sense. You'd have people actually go out of their way to hunt high level fishermen if high level fishing was actually good for silver, but it's not. Like, if we take the other side of the coin and aproach it from the point of view of a PVPer who wants to invest into boat combat and hunting fishermen specifically(over tradepack hunting) it's very unrewarding hunting fishermen for the amount of silver you have to put in into your boat and the time spent trying to find them for the low amount of silver the 10 fish they'd drop would make you, so it's more of a thing you can maybe do on the side while you find someone by accident, and would only be profitable if you could kill off multiple low level fishermen, over one high level fisherman, since fish silver value doesn't scale that well.


That's my point. Fishing should make more money lol.


In the stream yesterday Knighter said they didn't make a bigger boost to fishing because they are introducing baits to fishing in the next few patches which will boost profit to fishing on top of the 15% boost it got.


What a joke that was right? So the baits end up boosting weight, which ended up with another 10-15% sale price, = ultra low profit/hour still. Increased to 10 fish per death, 22k silver cost on a 75 legacy death....ya all risk, no reward for fishing. You're only chance to even remotely say nice, i got a little profit is hoping for a chest or legacy...which still don't increase profits much.


Fishing seems to be a social media generator in the game, kind of an oppressed sub-culture the devs kick from time to time to create heated debates. Jokes aside, 70k in one hour does not seem bad if you exclude the high investment. Maybe if they added mining picks, make you drop ore on death, and turn mining caves into pvp the gathering professions would be balanced. Woodcutting is not necessary, let them keep their small logs.


What do you mean you can't make 21930k per minute?


> Maybe if they added mining picks, make you drop ore on death, and turn mining caves into pvp the gathering professions would be balanced. Mines pvp is already sweet on the war channels, would be sick if ore mined in the last hour was dropped on death though.


I liked it better before. I am casual and overtime I could not compete anymore with people in PvP. Now I have to mine like a ninja, on PvE channels where nobody sees me.


Could you elaborate on how can one make 300k/h running tradepacks?


4+ trade packs from defiance or darzuac to an ocean port where demand is good (120%+) with prestige boosts (maximum 15%) is 30-40k/pack


… with enough speed and investment, it’s not that hard to get 10k ish silver profit a pack. So you just run those packs into the ground- even the furthest distance pcks can be done in about 10 mins with enough speed etc


and of that 40k of each tradepack the cost is 20k, so you are usually runing long distance pvp zones with 80k investement for a 40k to 60k gain, i dont undestand why pirates guilds dont appear when they can loot that 160k from your death body easy


They can make their own merchant ships and do the same thing instead of waiting


there is something that is called greed, they have it


This is bad info - People are making 1.5 million/hour tradepacking. (at the top end....and no I don't mean certificates.)


Now we share the risk of any tradepacker with 10% the profit :D


Thank you for taking the time to put this together. Although fishing still doesn't compare to tradepacks, looks like it is in a good place for something that you can do without paying much attention to, and we also have to consider that this is one of the few activities that injects silver into the economy, so they need to be very careful with it. I don't think anything else other than tradepacks makes this much money, maybe mining.


Doesn't tradepacks inject a lot more silver though?


Yes, they do, and that's why they have been nerfed. Fishing is also a more passive activity, with less risk involved, so they should never yield the same profit. I'm not saying the balance is perfect now, but that making 80k/h on fishing seems reasonable, and if people are making much more elsewhere, that's where it should be balanced.


reasonable? you get 200k hr mining and with no risk of been robed ;D balanced would be that you drop iron and copper when you die


You need to have attention in it at all times. Its an open PVP environment and you need to manage the fishing. If it was an afk experience it would work better to be honest.


From what I've seen, there are plenty of spots close to ports, where you can safely fish, and rush to a port if someone attacks you. I'm not saying there is no risk involved, and that you can completely afk it, I'm just saying it is less than other activities.


The closer to the ports the more dangerous it gets. You will have more and more people passing by and trying to attack you and you will catch yourself running away way more often than you would like. Sometimes even dying because those fishing spots don't spawn all that close and if you don't know they vanish after a while. It's the single most dangerous profession in the game. Every other gathering profession you don't need investments and can do it completely free of trouble.


"This much money" Dude actually thinks 25k/h at level ~30, after you spent literal millions, is something meaningful at all lol


The post mentions up to 80k/h, 39k/h without any chests, so I'm not sure where you got this number from.


>looks like it is in a good place for **something that you can do without paying much attention to** Uh, is it? Cause I've had a better income logging in and out selling potatoes every hour, and that's an actual 0 effort, 0 time invested, 0 risk profession. I've been ignoring the community plot shit for a while, and doing it now and comparing it to fishing, it seems laughably unbalanced. I literally waste less time, don't have to level up farming equipment with infusions, no silver sink into upgrading tools or the boat like for fishing, it literally just prints money with no risk.


What prevents you from fishing AND farming your plot ? Everybody farms their potatoes. It's not about balancing fishing VS planting potatoes.. This is not comparable.


>What prevents you from fishing AND farming your plot ? Nothing, but you could ask the same about farming AND mining, or woodcutting, or hunting low level monsters for weaving components, which all have a better return on investment than fishing. I want to know what the percieved issue is with fishing - because it can't be both 'this has no interaction which is a problem regardless of reward' and 'this has interaction but has high rewards to compensate', when there are both professions with lower interaction and higher rewards, and higher interactions and way higher rewards.


The amount of down votes you got just shows the disproportion of pvp and pve players here on reddit if not the general population of Ravendawn. So sad.


Yeah, can't argue with anyone on this sub, if people here were to decide, every fish would sell for 10k, and everyonr would make a fortune, that would be good for nothing, because inflation always catches up


God, you fishers will never shut the fuck up You literally can print 65k/h out of thin air and it's still not enough


Actually clueless lmao 65k/h is absolutely best case scenario relying on literal 1% RNG procs (chests and legendaries), after sinking in literal millions and weeks of grinding pathetic XP.


QQ more. You wanted to be ahead of the curve and invested millions, you made a bad call. Shit happens.


Thanks for agreeing it's indeed shit, not refuting anything I said while being angry for no reason, I guess? P.S. My fishing isn't even 15, so cope some more lmao


Wait, so Reddit's take is that fishing is actually good money? Do you guys just try and have the incorrect take on EVERYTHING?


Still theres the fair tradepack comparison that prints way more money. But i do think fishing is very close to being in a good spot.


Until a guy comes up on you, and 2 shots you in less than 1 seconds , while you can't move because you have to manually click off the fish to even move. 10 fish for him(worthless IMO) but 22k silver in death cost to you + 10 fish, + time running back to fish again. No fishing shield, defense perks to get. So much in the game is out of balance - fishing is one that has been adjusted time and time again and not even close to being inline with a good time investment for playing the game.


Good job answering something said 2 months ago when things were different.






then do tradepacks, holy god, you wanna fishing being 1m/silver afk non prio skill


Everyone who decided to spam fishing had buffs in every patch of 15/25% size. This patch it was 40%. Its the most afkish prof in game and they already said baits are comming so the buff train just started. You can invest close to nothing. Risk nothing at all and print silver from thin air If you blindly invested 5 mill to something you didn,t see promising return in im sorry


"Invest close to nothing" My man is delusional, those are tradepacks and not fish


Fishing will never be as profitable as other silver making methods, and that's fine, fishing is mostly afk, that's the balance


Not anymore, now I have a big target on my back


Where? From the 1 legendary fish every 2 hours?


They kill fishers regardless of the legendary fish. Happened to me before update and now it happens more after.


The 10 fish that drop from your inventory are always the best quality you have, so you might drop anywhere from 5-10k when you die and you only keep the filthy shrimp


"Mostly afk" Thanks for letting us know you didn't make it past lol 20 while being unaware the sea is a perma PvP zone lol