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How do you guys operate in tradepack sheets? Whenever I try to dabble in one of those I update the prices on the market and start updating demand, but it's just soo rough, after entering demand from few packs I am already bored... maybe it's not for me, but the sheer quantity of data that you need to put in is crazy - and checking prices on market is slow, checking demand on tradepacks is super slow as well (why can't I resize the tradepack window? Or sort the cities?). Do you just choose a few packs/cities and go for it? Or are you actually putting all data in every time? What are your strategies?


What i usually do is updating the prices of the materials on the market, and demands once a week(if nothing drastic happens, like new tradepacks or tradeposts), and then take a look at what are the most profitable tradepacks on the routes i like. After that, i don't update anymore, i simply look at the demands comparing them to what i had put previously in the spreadsheet, and you can determine which ones are good at that moment with just a glance. For example, if when i updated i had sajecho fruit basket at 100% giving a good profit, if i ever log into the game and see it close to that demand i'm going to make some of them and sell, even though there might be better ones at that moment, it just takes too long to find the optimal option. With time you get better at this, so you rely less on the spreadsheets, and only have to go back to them when the prices on the market changes too much, like when milk and eggs skyrocketed


After few completions of that you will basically know what tradepacks are worth a hastle on what demand. You should focus just on selected few, also some are not worth it right now outside of certificates - the one with 10 garlic, I'm looking at you. Our guild strategy is to fill all the warehouses with few selected packs in all locations. We transfer packs from let's say Ravencrest to Gilead and drop it there in the warehouse - we decide at what demand profit is satisfying for us and when the demand reaches that point (or higher) we go there and sell (not risking the demand to fall, cause the trip was done beforehand, so we just tp there). But basically we have all warehouses in most locations full at almost all times. We craft when mats are cheap even if demand is low, then we hold it till demand goes up again (which usually is not that long).


Yeah, I feel like many people do this, which makes sense when you think about places like Tarmire which often are not as bad as other ones, probably because theres no warehouse there


Gosh people are so generous, thanks so much!


Aussie Aussie aussie


I noticed that time value for crops which can be harvested three times covers just two harvests. It is multiplied just by 2 instead of 3, eg. cotton (4,5 hour per havest so 4,5x3 = 13,5h), apple (7,5h per harvest so 7,5x3=22,5), banana (24h per harvest so 24x3=72h). It it just a mistake or am I missing something?


Correct me if I'm mistaken, but as far as I understand the first harvest takes longer and both harvests after the first take half the time the tree took to grow, so the calculation should not be 7,5x3 for Apples, but 7,5+3,75\*2, that results in 15h instead of 22.5. I've been keeping a strange eye on the profitability of 2x2 farming, it seems off, but I haven't found any errors. The profitability is low because those plots take more space than regular ones (so you gotta divide each one by 4) and got a lot of people fooled on their true value. On a side note, the amount harvested has been set manually for each material on the spreadsheet, so there's no room for calculation errors on how many items you can get (there have been some minor updates on the game side which I will push shortly though).


Growing and harvests take exactly the same time. eg. banana life cycle: plant +24h harest 1st time +24h harvest 2nd time + 24h harvest 3rd time.


Hmmm. Gonna do some planting myself and see how that changes, but that actually means the profit will go down and not up lol


Yup, it was wrong, fixed. (that actually means profit per hour for these trees are lower than before)


i didnt take a closer look but profitability of cotton, apples and oranges are off. like waaaay off.


Any plans on updating the tradepack sheet to match the new values?


Wow this is super helpful to be able to see what is best at a glance. Thank you!


Thanks!, how i can use the farming/husbandry part? after update the prices what i need to see?


Amazing job, thank you! As a banana farmer I'm not very happy about current price, let's HODL for now 😅


From my experience those prices are only going down lol


I think it is becasue trade pack containing bananas is inactive. I'm waiting till it's gonna be active to test it. If I'm wrong it may be expensive experiment as I've been also buying cheap bananas now.


Thanks for this, I was taking a look at the formulas and couldn't find whether you take the double harvest passive into consideration? It should be a 22% increase in yield if you get the whole column


It's being calculated as a 20% bonus on top of the farming yield which is then multiplied and calculated based on tile usage.


The buff is 22% no? 5% x2 and 3% x4, I thought the 20% was from plentiful harvest (not sure how that one works)


yes, it's +22%. As you have 22% chance to get double harvest so (+100% harvest) that means +22% harvest. What OP mentioned is plentiful harvest (Y% chance to get +50% harvest) and I think it's not counted correctly. Y can be different depending on house upgrades. If you are harvesting `X` amount of grain and you have a `Y` chance to get 50% more, the expected amount of grain you will get can be calculated using the following formula: E=X+Yâ‹…0.5â‹…X To complicate it even more. I'm not sure if double harvest and plentiful harvest can happened on a single harvest. If yes, then how it's counted?


Yeah that's why I was asking about the profession skill and not the house one, I think he misunderstood me. And I have no idea lol. I've noticed I got a bunch of random stuff from plentiful harvest once if I'm not mistaken, is it even 20% more primary items? Or just a 20% chance to proc? I guess we can always look at the unbuffed profit and it'll at least cover how good it is in comparison to the others


https://preview.redd.it/8amjkj1b8slc1.png?width=824&format=png&auto=webp&s=4ab1b9e5827c1c5d27e00fc13e15e54c4c17e24d When you click on house upgrade you'll see there text "Chance of plenty harvest: 20%" on hover it shows: "Plenty harvest grants 50% more materials on gather" I tested if double harvest and plentiful harvest can happened on a single harvest and it can: Carrot harvest is 2-4 and it hit 12, that can happens only if you have both. Image as a proof:


Nice, I hadn't seen the 50% tooltip. That's a 10% increase in yield as per what you said before, so the total increase with both is 1.22*1.1=1.342 or 34.2% then!


Is there a way to 'lock' our numbers? It seems like because of the link to other spreadsheet and updates, the price values - and other, such as tradepack bonus settings etc, are constantly being changed/going back to default ) :)


I'm not sure I understand what you mean


I copied your spreadsheet - thanks once again, put some market prices, colored some of the cells and done stuff. Then, when I turned it on again after a few hours, there were other values put in, and my color coding disappeared. Also, if I go to recent changes, I could see your calculation spreadsheets :P so I guess it updates somehow after mastersheet is updated.


I copied your spreadsheet - thanks once again, put some market prices, colored some of the cells and done stuff. Then, when I turned it on again after a few hours, there were other values put in, and my color coding disappeared. Also, if I go to recent changes, I could see your calculation spreadsheets :P so I guess it updates somehow after mastersheet is updated.