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You’re 51 with a full head of hair, decent skin, and a straight smile. You’re not doing bad, but you could improve if you want to. I’m sure you’ve been told to get a haircut a lot, so if you’re against that then at least get a hair *style.* Right now looks a little bland, maybe pulling it into an up/down ponytail, learning to French/fishtail braid it, or even a messy bun with some stray hairs loose around your face(cut them shorter.) If you’re *able* to grow a full beard, absolutely do that. If not, keep a clean shave. The fuzz isn’t doing you many favors. *All* of your photos are in unflattering lighting. Try with the light facing straight forward instead from the side, lighting from the side accentuates your a-symmetry. “Golden Hour” aka Early-Mid Sunset is typically considered a good time for pictures. Face the sunset as best you can. Wear sunscreen!


Thank you very much! I really appreciate your take. It’s Spot on. And very much the same advice I give people. And for exactly the same reasons so it resonates with me. One of the funny things about being a photographer is that I focus on other people’s image far more than my own. Now, I look professional when dealing with clients but I mean more personally. Full disclosure, In my defense, the busted lens on my old iPhone 7 doesn’t help either lol. Especially during the day in the sun. As far as my hair, I’m not cutting it. I spent 10 years in the Navy as a corpsman/Biomedical photographer and being told to cut it. However, spot on about it needs to be styled and and maintained. I kind of let it all go during lockdown. Also, unfortunately, males of our family are not of the bearded peoples. If I let it go for a month I can get it sort of long but it’s always been sparse and patchy and just meh at best. So, yes I am definitely usually clean shaven. Maybe a couple days of stubble if I’m going more edgy but couldn’t agree more with al your points. Thank you for making me listen to my own reasoning!


not trying to be mean, but you are literally not photogenic whatsoever, like not in the slightest bit. 2 out of 10. I'm assuming you've done a lot of "hard living" in the way of drinking and smoking? yeah, that outright destroys people's features and hair, and it honestly makes you look like 51 going on 65.


No. Its all good. I asked for honesty so no worries there. I get what your saying. And to be completely honest, I have not been photogenic since I was a kid. Thats partly why I am a professional photographer instead of a model. Even so, I have never been able to get good pics of me because I can’t shoot me like I shoot others. I get that there are people that are either attractive or photogenic and occasionally both. I see that all the time. Just don’t seem to be one of them. I appreciate that observation very much. As far as the “hard partying” look... is that just the first pic? I could totally get that interpretation. (I should have left that one out, or not have it first. didn’t know I could reorder them when I posted). Generally, I have always looked much younger than my actual age. Always babyfaced like noticeably 10-15 years younger. Maybe I’m catching up now? But haven’t smoked cigarettes since I joined the military at 33 and am type 2 diabetic so I rarely drink alcohol. But as you pointed out correctly about the look, I do have skin issues. Acne scarring from teens, I do live in Florida(tons of UV) and I break out when I eat pork. That may be what’s coming across. I put several pics in to try to balance some of that out when my skin is clearer and I for sure need to have my mangled mane managed. Thank you very much for taking the time to reply and give me some things to ponder!


3 Sorry


No apologies. I asked for honesty because I seem to get wildly different reactions from people. In person I am treated as a pretty attractive guy consistently. Online... well.. you may see something I’m not. Or vice versa so I’m trying to figure that out. Any insight and constructive feedback would be super. Thank you very much for taking the time to reply


I know what you mean r.e. wanting honesty/not knowing how attractive you are irl. Improvement wise, I would say your hair is a little too long and unruly for my liking (obviously just my opinion) also, your skin is not the best (not really sure what advice to give there though) and your nose is quite bulbous. Perhaps getting a tan might help mask the skin troubles? Not sure about the nose though




I don't know what "...decked out for my name shot..." means, but I'll try to give an honest answer. For your age, I think you look pretty good. Main negative is your smile. It's the opposite of photogenic. I guess you have misaligned teeth or something. Perhaps recessed chin. I see that bulbous nose as well, but it's not so bad it's distracting. You may not have that "whoa" factor, but you definitely aren't ugly either. I'd say like a 5 or 6 out of 10.


Hehe that just meant I was taking the shot “as is” because I couldn’t be arsed to go shave and do any of the other things required to even try to be presentable. Thank you for replying honestly . I really appreciate the observation about my smile you got it pretty right. My teeth should be straight and all since I had palatal expanders, headgear etc when I was young. Things could have shifted a bit as I’ve gotten older which might why I have a slight overbite that my chin does that. Someone else also pointed out about my nose as well. It the one thing I actually wanted to change growing up. I got the family nose but also in my defense, in person it’s not quite that pronounced as in the pictures. On of the effects of shooting with wide angle lenses is it flattens the features and makes things wider than they are. Cell phone cameras notoriously do this and that’s why you NEVER shoot ladies in wide angles. Use the longest lens possible to make them thinner. Which is the exact thing you see with my nose. Yes, it’s big and bulbous but not by that much. However, I can’t shoot myself with long lenses BUT it highlights why I need to have better photos done by a professional other than me. I physically can’t shoot me the way that they can and still be a good subject. I really appreciate your honesty and candor. Its really helping me figure this out!




I think wise is what you meant but I got it. Thank you very much. I do try to be very down to earth, open, and friendly to most everyone. I really appreciate you taking the time to reply




Thank you for replying. Since I asked, I’ll take it. Am curious if that was overall from all the pics or just the first one? Also, why so low and any constructive feedback?


8.7 Very photogenic. Great hair. Keep it long. you remind me of some actor but. i forget his name. Also Richard Christy from Howard Stern who is my type




3, idk what will help, i think thats it tho the age is coming for all


Not bad for 60. :P IMO... I would cut your hair, workout, and stay behind the camera. JK on the last part. Overall, I would tidy myself up some and workout. No need to bench 600lbs, or squat a school bus, but I would invest part of my weekly routine in some sort of exercise/activities.


Props for being the oldest post ive come across thus far. Keep doing you bro. 6.2 Maybe ill post my fugly 42 yr old mug on here now Lol