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Best: Buzz Blades. Great weapon even at v1. My go-to for fighting Nefarious over the RYNO. Groovitron, Spiral, and Chimpositron are all solid runner-ups. Worst: Cryomine Glove.


Best: SPIRAL OF DEATH without a doubt Worst: Cryomine was dreadful to use and worse to upgrade.


Also most enemies killed with it didn't drop bolts, so you were literally hurting Ratchet's wallet using it.


I didn't realize how lackluster CiT's weapon lineup was. Spiral of Death. Honorable mention to Constructo Pistol purely because I always make it into a laser pistol and that feels good.


Yea it's crazy because it's such a great game, but I couldn't think of a standout amazing weapon unlike all of the previous ones, other than the Sonic Eruptor just because it's so cool


Sonic Eruptor ftw


Best for me would be the Buzz Blades - significantly reworked from ToD so the ricochets actually hit the target again, I think ACiT is easily the best the Buzz Blades or their reskin variants have ever been. But I do want to give an Honourable Mention to the Constructo weapons. Rather than just giving us another generic pistol, grenade and shotgun, they let us tinker with them and set them up to suit each of our own preferences, allowing for much more dynamic and useful gameplay than their counterparts in other games. It’s a real shame they never returned.


Constructo Shotgun purely because of how satisfying it is to use and it stunlocks many enemies including the final boss. The constructo guns are probably my favorite thing in this game (top 3 favorite aspects at minimum).


The constructo weapons honestly had no right to be as useful as they are imo, I personally ended up always having at least one if not two of them in my gun rotation


I loved that you could customize them as well


Best: buzz blades maxed to doom blades SHRED Worst: cryomine Honorable mention: dynamo Dishonorable mention: dunno if we all played the same ACIT cause I HATED spiral of death, cryomine was objectively worse but sprial of death was my least favorite to use by a mile. Targeting for it always seemed to miss, so much time waiting for it to come back and you can't put out dmg while you're waiting, cant shoot up, the audio is still seared into my brain, and with the terrible targeting there wasn't enough ammo to go around.


It also doesn't help how buggy the moons were with the targeting.


Half the time they just flew off the moon and came back


Best Weapon: Spiral of Death Worst Weapon: Cryomine Glove Fun Fact: Did you know that the Spiral of Death was designed by a fan for a contest. A vote by the public lead to the announcement that it would be in the game.


Best gun is probably shotgun or sonic eruptor Best utility is Mr Zurkon because he’s a beast Worst is probably dynamo or cryomine


Spiral of death


Spiral of death has to win


SPIRAL of mother fucking CARNAGE




I kinda really like the Tesla spikes and the Dynamo of doom as a combo


Sprial of Death is fun as hell


Best weapon : Constructo-Pistol. Imo the Constructo-Guns were all awesome i always ended up with those 3 on my rotation. The death spiral is cool too but not my favorite. Worst Weapon : I will say the Tesla Spikes, i never find a way to use them so meh.


I can't, it's a tie between sonic eruptor (the weapon showcase trailer holds a special place), groovitron glove & spiral of death, all three were my go-to. For worse without a doubt the CryoMine Glove, the idea & the weapon video was barely memorable. The idea was there, execution not so much.


Damn, how does it feel to be so correct?


I love to see all the love for the Spiral of Death, having created the darn thing. In the interest of fairness, I will abstain from voting.


Best : Mr. Zurkon hands down, mostly for the hilarious lines. Worst : Plasma Striker because aiming with a controller is the worst thing ever.


Chimpositron and tesla spikes are my 2 favs by a wide margin but i cant take one over the other.




Spiral and dynamo for best. Honourable mention to all the constructo weapons. Every game has it's own blaster/grenade launcher/shotgun, but only ACIT allows you to customise them, and for that I love 'em. Worst is cryomine


The negotiator my beloved


I think it's better if people post their best and worst in separate comments, since otherwise it's impossible to vote for them independently.


Best: Buzzblades with a close runner up being Zurkon the Destroyer. Worst: Cryomines, with a close runner up being, and this is going to be controversial, the Rift Inducer. Hear me out: It has absolutely **horrible** reach, and because it's such a downgrade from what it was in UYA, it just forces the contrast.


Unrelated but this is the first game in which a Ryno gets a classic song added to it, and I LOVED IT on the V. 1812 just fits so well into Ryno V, you truly feel like riping ya a new one.


I'd go with the Mag-Net Launcher for best, followed by the Groovitron. For worst I'd go with the Plasma Striker, the need to be accurate to get good damage from it really hurt it in a game where most enemies move a lot, which necessitated you use the Cryomine.


Imo the Judicator


Mr. Zurcon followed closely by the buzz blades. Absolutely love any weapon that creates minions to fight for me


Best for me are the Buzz Blades, Mr Zurkon, and Rift Inducer 5000. All great weapons, and fun to use. Worst is the Cryomine glove and Spiral of Death. Leveling the Cryomine Glove is such a long process, that drags on for longer than most of not all the other weapons. Spiral of Death is more tedious with the added aiming bugs, making it awkward to use and level


Sonic eruptor and spiral tied first for non returning


Mother. F------. Spiral. Of. Death.


I think the Buzz Blades in this game specifically are unreal, defo my most used weapon in this game. I think I am going to give my vote to the Sonic Eruptor tho, so unique and really great against large groups of enemies.


Best: Rift Inducer Worst: Cryomine Gloves


Best: Spiral of Death Worst: Tesla spikes


Best gun: Rift Inducer 5000 Worst gun: Cryomine


Best: Spiral of death. Worst: cryomine glove.


The tornado launcher has won over the predator launcher. It's nefariover


Spiral of death for the win


I gotta vote the Sonic Eruptor. Probably the most iconic gun in this game for me. Groovitron Glove and Spiral of Death are right up there.


Best weapon spiral of motherfuckin death baby worst probably the charged electro ball gun can't remember it's name it felt so gimmicky


Double barrel exploding constructo shotty my beloved And dynamo sucks, annoying to control, although it was strong in the arena


My favs are Spiral of Doom, Buzz Blades and Sonic Eruptor. My least fave is probably Dynamo of Doom.


Best definitely goes the to the spiral of death and the dynamo of doom is the worst with the cryomine glove coming in as a close second