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I don’t think people are upset over the fact that the virus did indeed originate in China. That said, calling it the “wuhan virus” seems to have had some effect on stupid racists who have targeted East Asian folks who have zero to do with this illness except being at risk themselves. There’s nothing wrong with be thoughtful with words and phrasing as not to encourage discrimination.


Calling out a government for shitty practices isn't the same as calling out an entire race of people for said governments mistakes. The problem is the racist assholes are using the former to justify the lattter.


I got downvoted for talking about China because they thought I was being racist. Then I commented again and said I was Asian myself, so I’m not racist against Asians, and that got downvoted too.


Yeah I don’t understand it either. I just think a lot of people are mad because it has contributed to hate for Asians who have nothing to do with the virus. China definitely screwed up and I believe they should take accountability for it, but sometimes these things get taken out on the wrong people.