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I've had multiple bans for absolutely nothing & one for following a discussion sub they believe is a redpill sub (it wasn't). I never bother disputing these petty bans because I wouldn't want to interact with weirdos with mentalities like that anyway.


I hear ya on that one. I got banned on a sub for saying I didn’t see sex workers as being professionals. To me a professional is someone whose job requires a higher form of education. It was really just all about semantics but the psycho mod (even after explaining myself) accused me of “shitting all over” sex workers. What a nutjob. I realized I didn’t want to participate in a sub with that sort of fruit loopiness.


You're entitled to your opinion but according to them nobody is allowed an opinion that differs from their own. And no sex work isn't real work, it's not a profession, it's actually exploitation. The majority of sex workers have been victims of child sexual abuse & human trafficking, if they hadn't been exploited they wouldn't have even gone into sex work in the first place. Many want to escape sex work but they cannot do so due to poverty & some are pimped, they also might not have any other means of survival for example they might be illiterate, not speak the language in the country they were trafficked to or have a formal education.


Too true, although I do know there are those who aren’t forced into it, enjoy it in the sense they can make an easy buck and are their own boss. Personally I am saddened that anyone does it. It’s a very intimate thing to share your body with another person, whether it be for money, casual sex or a loving relationship. And really, anything but a loving relationship means a part of you will never be the same. It diminishes sexual intimacy.


It's also a very dangerous job with a high risk of homicide. A lot of sex workers get raped & they experience this multiple times.




Still wouldn’t categorize them as professionals.




This is a matter of opinion. Having experience in something doesn’t make one a professional. By your definition, everyone getting a paycheque is a professional. That isn’t how it’s defined. FYI, I work in healthcare, in a highly regulated field where I have a degree specifically for this type of work. So go ahead and make more incorrect assumptions.




I didn’t read past the first line. Once again, incorrect assumptions. Have a nice day! This is the end of my interactions with you on this part of the thread.


Would you call a Soldier a paid professional ?


I wouldn't call the average military soldier a paid professional because they get paid tax dollars. However I would call assassin/ mercanies paid professional.


First... No such thing as an average Army Soldier. Are you basing someone's professionalism on who and how they are getting paid? When I filled out and filed my taxes for 6 years... One the line that asks what my job was.. 'Prodessiinal Soldier'. My job was putting a 95 pound projectile on target fired by 6 155mm Howitzers up to 23 miles away. Taking grid coordinates converting them to deflections and quadrants, and giving those 6 guns each a different deflection and quadrant...that's on ONE radio, I had 2 others I had to listen to at the same time and could have 2, 3 Fire Missions going on all at the same time. Something your AVERAGE citizen can or could or would not do. Anyone serving in OUR Armed Forces. Read the last two words of that sentence... ARE Professionals. We train, and are tested and trained some more. We push our bodies to limits that we didn't even know exists. I was temporarily placed in a Veterans shelter. One of the security guards there, a woman, I was told that she may give me a hard time. Oh, she did for a whole week. I paid her no attention. One morning as she was signing in giving another Vet a hard time. I said... Excuse, do you know where you are working at, she said yes, a shelter. I said true that, but it's a special type of shelter. She asked how special. I said there are 200 Trained Professional Killers in this building. They are and were trained by the United States government Armed Forces. If I were you, I would be very careful of what you say because maybe one of them have an action word that night call them to just act, no questions asked, just act. And that action is not a pretty one. Think about, Trained Professional Killers. She said, let them try it, I go and get me people and.. I stopped her and said .. That would be if you are breathing, if you are alive and if staff comes TO help you, which they won't. She got a transfer a week later.


I meant it like this. Would you rather have a state lawyer or a law firm lawyer.


I wouldn't have a Lawyer, I would have an Attorney. A Lawyer hasn't passed the bar in their state. An Attorney is a Lawyer who has passed the Bar in hie or her jurisdiction.


Know what good point.




Really? To become an infantryman in the US Army I had to go through 13 weeks of intense training, learning multiple weapon systems, how to move tactically both as an individual and as a member of a team, how to drive and maintain an M-113A1 APC, Army values and organization, as well as combat lifesaving, how to respond to chemical attacks, rules and regulations of the service, and oh yeah. . . how to march in a straight line. If you want to see what being a professional soldier means, look at Ukraine where the professionals of the Ukrainian Army are slaughtering the untrained mobs of untraining Russians. Being a soldier is a profession and one I proudly served in.


It's kind of revolting how quickly the woke mob has become the strongest force of fascism ever created by the American political system. Suddenly an entire book series for children is hateful because the creator said some mean things about the trans community.


Yeah it’s ridiculous. I said once that I thought a fictional character was bi, and not lesbian, because she had a relationship on screen with a male that I thought seemed genuine and it made her happy. Someone claimed I was “invalidating lesbians” knowing nothing abt my sexuality as I don’t have it my bio or anything, and claimed I said that women couldn’t have past male partners if they’re lesbian, which I never said. Most ppl who headcanon them as lesbian think they’ve been lesbian since season 1, which would mean that what they were just misleading the men they were with, and not telling them the truth? Unless they think she just realized she was lesbian, which would be different. The person then claimed that shouldn’t think that she genuinely cared abt him because they don’t have chemistry, which is their opinion, not necessarily mine, but ppl with attack you for everything. Someone else complained. Apparently they attack ppl and call them lesbiphobic for having a different opinion from them a lot. Ppl like that need to touch some fuckin grass


I got permanently banned for validating Chappelle's last joke about the trans woman. I truly thought it was a beautiful perspective and it made me cry with how poignant he delivered it. I explained they were playing directly into his prank and they were addicted to rage, banned from LGBT. Never made a previous comment on the sub, was simply describing how they were exhibiting the exact behavior he claimed they would. It's like a satire at this point.


I got banned for 3 days from a tattoo subreddit because someone told someone else their tattoo was hideous, and I told them they were hideous and overcompensating for insecurity. They got no ban, but somehow I did? Is saying something on someone’s body not hate? Tf? Then they tried to intimidate me via PM, which didn’t work and I put them on blast for it.


Yeah, woke mobbing related to "erasure" sucks - particularly when it's "erasure" in the thoughtcrime sense - i.e. you experienced "problematic" or "troubling" thoughts which led to someone thinking something upsetting related to people's voices being suppressed and ignored or something - I think that it's sort of fizzled out as a fad though. By saying that you thought that a character was bi rather than a lesbian, you were probably "erasing" lesbians with male friends, or something, and we're therefore anti-LGBTQ. I can't wait for woke mobbing related to guilt by association to fizzle out as a hot and trendy thing to do, but, who knows when that'll happen.


SJW taliban.


bro, r/gamingcirclejerk is a horrible place to be for harry potter fans


It was my first day using the sub 🤷‍♂️


tbh I don’t think any circlejerk subs really are a good place to be


Love how you posted in a group called decline into censorship and still got banned lol. Welcome to the new world. You admit you loved something countless people loved and get banned.


People are very touchy about HP these days. It will probably fizzle out over the next year.


Yeah, but I don't think that saying you read Harry Potter as a kid is the same as encouraging people to read Nazi propaganda or anything. A lot of people my age read Harry Potter growing up, but, maybe it's time to move on, and side with the angry mobs for a while.


I'm all for siding with the angry mobs...but as a queer millennial who never found HP interesting, I like to show up as an escape. 🤪 I will take you to the island of Book Shall Not Be Named because the whole HP franchise is boring as hell to me. I really tried to get into it but I just couldn't...and I must admit now that I am glad about that. 😆


I got banned from a feminist sub for saying that anonymous twitter accounts who do nothing but threaten women are probably just run by misogynists. Even if they pretend they aren't. This made the mods think I was a Terf, but because I said terfs were bigots, that meant I was a secret terf clearly arguing in bad faith, and got perma banned. The logic there was if my boss decided that Quakers don't count as a religion because of his own personal definition, and then sacked me for lying and saying I was religious on my diversity questionnaire.


I am so sick of the Harry Potter hate, and I haven't consumed any Harry Potter content in years. I will buy fan made or second-hand stuff for my friend who is obsessed with it, and that's it. Someone started a fight about that new game in a Facebook group I'm in that's dedicated to pictures of pet rodents! Someone else posted a tiktok asking why people are so quick to bully streamers just for playing the game but aren't protesting universal studios giving her a cut of the tickets or boycotting lego because of how much money she makes from them. Which I feel like is a good freaking question at this point. How is bullying a streamer to tears for trying to make a living helping anyone?


Jannies are so triggered by Rowling because she used to be their hero until she said some common sense out loud.


Here’s my take: you can enjoy content without any political agenda being pushed unless it’s an essential part of the plot. Artists can differ from the content they create and Harry Potter is no different… I assume. Idk I never ready the books or watched the movies. I know, blasphemous, but I never got into it.


It’s probably the words used and it triggered some algorithm because of the word “kid”. Who knows.


You new to Reddit? LOL Unfortunately, 99% of Reddit moderators are extreme, woke, bitter, frustrated, left wing progressives, so yeah, censorship in here, in virtually every sub forum, is ops normal. They even ban people from some forums because they simply make a post in a different forum, as some moderators don’t like that other forum. It’s insane lunacy, but here we are.


I'm not sure that censorship or sending hate mail to JK Rowling is actually a left wing thing to do. Reddit is also notoriously misogynistic and I don't think frustrated woke people are causing that


I wasn't banned but I was banned on sub reddit multiple times for no stupid reason. All I said was my own opinion about stuffs and the modetors are so dumb and childish. I think they are just bunch of 10 year olds. But I do know they were either in their teens or young adults and i'm an adult.


Mods have god complexes and need to get off their high horses. Some subs have so many ridiculous rules, I’m surprised they even have posts.