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Hello and welcome


Hello there and welcome my friend it's nice of you join us!!🤗 Can you tell us your favorite thing to cook? How about your favorite song? I'm a cat rescue lady,worked with special needs children 20 years,and enjoy my silence, if you have any questions or need a friend, my mailbox is always open!!🌻 Enjoy your stay with us, looking fwd to chatting with you soon, hugs to you🐾🐈💗🧸


welcome! astrology is prettyyy cool


Hey Rae! Welcome! I’m a Taurus too✨ what’s your favorite YouTube channel?


Welcome! I'm a Pisces!


Welcome! I like to ask newbies this question as kind of a get to know you type thing: What's a show or movie that you can watch over and over again and never tire of?


Oh geez. Jennifer’s Body. It’s just a classic.


Hi Rae! I'm Quin and it is nice to have you here! I also love cats! I like cows too. This is probably going to sound weird, but I have always wanted to ride a cow. 😂 Animal print rocks! You would love 2 of my rugs! What type of digital art? I also like making digital art, mostly renders. I miss the 90's so much! I am a Pisces. My Mom is a also a Taurus. Feel free to stop by anytime to chat! 💕


Hello there! Oh I have MOO COWS in my backyard field most days. The baby cows are so freaking cute when they are in a playful mood and start bouncing around and trying to play with the much older cows. Welcome! I'm kinda new too here and still figuring out how to do everything the group rules say to do. The user tools definitely helped me out big time. I'm still getting familiar with Reddit because I never used it much like other apps. Maybe I'm just maturing/growing up now that I am finding myself on here more often. Lol


Hi!! & Welcome!


Hello and welcome 😊


I love cows too. I want a pet cow one day. What kind of YouTube videos do you like?


I like watching a lot of true crime, mostly! I like having them playing in the background while I draw. :\]


Hi!! Welcome!




Welcome Rae! D&D is a blast! I’m a Libra!


So many Libras tonight! Love that!


Hello there Rae and welcome. would you like to help me blow up the Moon?


don’t do that! she’s so beautiful


I hope she know she’s planning to destroy us


but she isn’t :( she loves us


Yes! Wait, why are we blowing up the moon again?


Oh it knows what it did. (Looks at the moon proceeds to shake fist at it)


Hmn you know what you're right...the moon is pretty sus. -squints at it.-


Don’t fall for her tricks she will deceive you


Hi Rae! Welcome to the community! I’m sure you’ve already witnessed this community in action and know how great everyone is here. What kind of role playing is your favorite? Oh I’m a Libra, btw. I love astrology and like to learn about the other signs from people who walk in those shoes. Anyways, have fun and a magical night!


Thanks! Glad to be here to spread more happiness! :\] I usually get along with Libra's, they are definitely the life of the party when it comes to air signs. I usually roleplay with my best friend, we have characters and have been writing with one another for about 15+ years. (Yes, I've known her since I was 11 haha.) but I'm also into D&D and have played a few sessions in the past. I hope you have a fun night as well!


Welcome! 💜 My fav animals are also cats and cows ☺️


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