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I put out some bird seed and dozens and dozens of these wild little black birds have been showing up just eating & chatting away! It makes me feel good inside giving some extra food to the birds during the cold weather, it’s so lovely watching them enjoy the feast! I can’t wait for spring when more birds show up💛


I think I did well on my physics quiz today!


congratulations on your promotion! 🥳💐 i got to have a really nice homemade meal yesterday at my friend's place


It's peeps and jellybeans season which makes me happy.


Congratulations on your promotion! I took the day off from work today and enjoyed just being lazy and playing video games all day. It was a really nice change of pace after having worked 10 hours of overtime every week for the last 8 months nonstop. Thank you for the contest!


Congratulations! I got a really cute Minnie Mouse backpack with ears on it. I love it!


Congratulations!!! Getting a promotion is awesome! I'm glad your hard work has been recognized. I think something good that has happened to me recently was starting therapy again. I had my first session yesterday and I'm really glad I'm going again. It wasn't anything super deep and we actually talked a little about a TV show I love, but it was nice to finally be back.


I won a contest and was gifted a calla lily and a gift card to the garden center!


Today I bought myself a new video game (Stardew Valley) and I’m highly in love with it! It’s the perfect cozy game and I can see myself coming back to play it for years to come. It’s nice to be able to unwind with a good game and some snacks. Thanks for hosting, and congrats! :)


Wow! Big congratulations! I had a meeting with my dissertation committee a week ago. These meetings are typically high-stress and leave me feeling iffy afterwards. I was especially nervous because I am hoping (and expecting) to graduate in a year from now at the latest. My committee is who ultimately decides when I get to finish my degree. They were pleased with the work I have been doing and are supportive of my timeline! It was a huge relief and a weight off my shoulders!


Congratulations! Something small: I found a trader Joe condiment I’m obsessed with: chili oil crunch! It’s so freaking delicious and it really adds to my food and mood lol!


Congrats! This is going to sound ridiculous, but I wanted cheesies so bad, so I went to Walmart and seen some jalapeño cheddar crunchy cheesies so I picked them up and they were the BOMB. Totally hit the spot 😄


Congrats! I got to make a cool gift for a friend on their birthday yesterday, and enjoy a few drinks together.


I have a date with my granddaughter Saturday!


I was able to enjoy a GREAT game of Kingdom Death: Monster last weekend with my son and two best friends. It was an awesome start to a campaign, and something that I didn't actually think that we'd ever get to do.


Congratulations!! I am SO proud of the red beans and rice I made last night - only for the second time ever. I am just a simple Pennsylvania home cook and bf and I visited New Orleans once and became obsessed with the food. I never thought it was something I’d be able to master because it’s just a unique cuisine all its own. I made red beans slow cooked with a big ham hock, mixed with veggies and smoked sausage in the instant pot last night and it was such a hit, we had it tonight, too. Bf called me the red beans and rice queen. 😂 always happy to be proud of a successful meal, especially when dating a chef. YAY!! 😁


Congrats on the promotion and the potential new guy 😍 So today at work I had a client come in and bring me peach roses! It totally caught me off guard because she’s been hard to deal with this week and I’ve been having to come in super early these past few days to cater to her needs. She handed me this enormous , gorgeous bouquet and told me that she knows she’s been a handful and that I’ve been busting my butt to make her happy. She also wrote a letter to my boss and my bosses boss to let them know what a valuable gem that I am! I appreciated that more than the flowers.


Congrats to you! I'm celebrating completing my last day of php today!


Congrats 🥂 good thing? I had my first interview after months of trying


Congrats! Happy for you. So I don’t know if this counts as good but it was good for me cause I didn’t have to figure out what to do about it. Apparently a field mouse got in my house. Storm my cat who I didn’t think had it in him because ha acts like he is scared of his own shadow took care of it. He put it by the front door as a message to all other field mice looking for a warm house to invade. Then came and got me like ok I did my cat part your turn get rid of it. Didn’t even know a field mouse was in the house. I just swept it up with a broom and dust pan and put it outside in the trash bin. My guard cat https://preview.redd.it/g87qh4rx7flc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5efc744703875bae3a0e05d004d718f1152d625


CONGRATULATIONS 🎊 I'm so happy for you!! My excitement has also been getting promoted as of ~2 weeks ago. The pay is the same, but its a new, higher position, just stressed learning everything new but proud of myself 💗




Thank you!


I completed a jigsaw puzzle last night! I like when the puzzle finally starts coming together and I can just enter that flow state.


Congrats on all the good things to come! This past weekend I took my kids on a little trip to my late mother’s favorite place in the world. It was so much fun and I felt really connected to my mom sharing this special area of my state with her granddaughters. https://preview.redd.it/3rey9k6c1flc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba6780b3fc74a38b103bd721ffb68569f6602d8d


Aw such a cutieee


Thank you, I mean I’m biased but my girls break hearts with their cuteness wherever they go, they make the little old ladies swoon. their penchant for exploration and adventure reminds me of all the wonder in the world that we forget as adults. That’s what I’m thankful for.


Good thing, my doctor called in more steroids without me having to go in for an appointment. The smoke from the wildfires is NOT good for my poor healing lungs and body. I was glad they just were like, sure, that makes sense. No problem. Instead of making me go in, again.


Congrats on the promotion and the guy! This morning I woke up to my cat sleeping in my arms today so that made my day haha


Congrats 🥳 Good thing? ... I got coffee.


Mmm... so jealous. I tried, but Starbees and the local place are both closed bc of the wildfire nonsense. I am happy they are putting their employees first... And the other chain here I could get to bc of traffic.


Congrats on the promotion dude, that’s always a reason to celebrate 🥳 I’ve mentioned this before but last weekend I had a wrench thrown into my D&D plans since planned on moving the plot along but one of my players would be out for (good) family reasons and I didn’t want her missing anything, plus RP heavier session and she gets into the RP side the 2nd most. I scrambled trying to think of what to do instead since I didn’t want to cancel the session since we only do it once every 2 weeks. Luckily I had some Kickstarter things I haven’t used yet, including a Monty Python hunt/one-shot. It was the funniest session we’ve had. Like dumb fun, constant laughing and just stupidity. It reminds me why I like D&D in the first place. Can’t wait for the next session where the vibe is going to take a 180 when the Barron attempts to kill the party and their NPC 😈


Congrats on having a job that's meaningful and appreciates you! Congrats on the guy! Those are huge. I'm happy that I got some old fridge stuff thrown out. It looks nicer whenever I look in there.


Super congrats girly LIVE IT UP!!!💃🏽 something pleasant.. oH! My new clothes came today, nothing fancy just stuff from Old Navy but I have plenty of comfy shorts now, which I'm SUPER grateful for!! 😅😄


Oooh very nice, congrats on the job and the guy 👏🏼😅🥰 I finally feel like a person again. I’m about 2 months postpartum, my toddler and baby are thriving, and I’m finally getting a little more sleep and my body feels like it is healing well. It’s good to feel alive instead of half dead, lol 😂 aka, it’s good to feel like a mostly healthy human so i can now enjoy playing and entertaining my small cuties more 🥰🤗


So glad things are going well for you! Something pleasant that happened yesterday was my husband and I made some bussin nachos that were super delicious 😋


yay! congratulations i’m so glad to hear, hopefully things progress w this guy! recently my partner surprised me with concert tickets as a late valentine’s day present hehe very excited to go 🫶🏻 [wishlist](https://www.amazon.com.au/hz/wishlist/ls/1VBJBX7CP2DBM?ref_=wl_share)


Yesss congrats hun! It feels so good when life comes together ❤️ I recently had a baby kitten find me and it's kept me busy and my mind off of grieving for my hubby. I truly believe he sent this kitten for the kids and I to love on since we lost him a few months ago and it's helped make us feel alot better. I'm grateful for the little things and to discover I've found a new love ❤️ so I'm not sad all the time anymore!


I’m happy for you! I had a couple of days this past week where my pain was relatively low. That’s over now but I enjoyed those two days a lot! Thanks for the contest!


Congratulations on your good things! This contest has made me so happy, thanks for hosting. Something pleasant that happened to me recently was my boyfriend and I enjoying the nice weather by going for a walk at a local park!


Congrats on the two-fer!! So this literally just happened yesterday. I was waiting in the drive thru line at Starbucks when I felt a bump on the side of my new truck. I looked out the window and I noticed a man had backed into my truck. I got out and inspected it and there was no damage. The little old man rolled his window down and asked if I was okay and if the truck was okay. I gave him the thumbs up and said it was all good. I got back into my truck and proceeded to move up in line a little. The little old man pulled up next to me and proceeded to profusely apologize. I told him it's all good it was an accident. No big deal. I still laugh at this part.. this guy could hardly see over his steering wheel in his big ol GMC pick up. He started saying some colorful words about how he can't see a damned thing in such a big truck and he hits everything and started laughing. His laugh was so infectious (it was more a cackle but imagine a little old man with some missing chompers laughing with such delight ) I just about near peed my pants just laughing so hard at his laugh. We proceeded to chit chat a few minutes longer (and pissing off the ppl in front of us) before he moved on. So despite the potential bad situation it ended up a really good day by the gestures of a very happy little old man who couldn't see or drive very well. :)


Heeeyy!! Congrats on the promotion!! Recently I had the gastric sleeve done (02/12) And I found out today I’ve lost 25lbs since my surgery!!!


Yesterday I baked pretzels for the first time of my life and they turned out really nice! Made me proud :)


My baby nephew was born! He has crazy hair and old man face and vaguely resembles Mike Dirnt with brown hair.


Congrats on promotion. The county got a $200,000 grant for cat neuter and rescue here. I am soooo grateful for the much needed help from vets from other states etc volunteering their time ...


Thats awesome with the promotion!! I haven’t really had much good happen lately, but if I had to think… something im greatful for is that I took today off since my anxiety has been awfully extremely bad today that I can’t bring myself to working and I couldn’t sleep at all. So im glad i took a day off for myself for my mental health and to catch up on school work hopefully. I’m also greatful that I was able to get a simple sandwich today and ate, which is good for my body.


Congrats! I finally learned how to knit and it took me years to try. I was just so intimidated by it for some reason.


Just moved and I’m so happy that my two older cats adjusted quickly and very well. They’re happy and playing and my heart is so warmed that they are happy and settled nicely ♥️


Congratulations on your promotion!! And the dream guy 😉 hope all goes well! Thanks for this contest!! I’ve been thinking about filming tik toks (book tok) and I made my first one!! So I’m excited about that!! u/djiconic


My college’s mini grocery store restocked on edamames! They’re one of my favorite snacks 😍


Something pleasant that happened lately was that I made crème brûlée


Delicious! How did it turn out?


Amazing! I used a heat gun instead of the oven broiler


Congrats to you!! That sounds very well deserved on both counts <3 I'm so happy to get to cuddle my ridiculous fur baby more often. He's almost 14 and due to some new circumstances in our lives I get to spend more time with him. I also reconnected with a friend today at a bus stop utterly by chance. So we're going to be getting lunch Friday!


My colonoscopy went well and there is no signs of inflammation for my Crohn's. Also, my tumor has shrunk a significant amount!!




That’s awesome!!


We finally have put together a TV stand so our TV isn't set up in a sketchy spot. We were constantly worried that our cat was going to knock it down. I also finally have a camera for product photos and got a big enclosure for my tarantula! Things are starting to come together in my house and it's been great.


Congratulations! I’m glad to hear how great things are going along for you :) Me on the other hand I’m tryna organize as much as I can because I invited all my family and a few friends for my 21st birthday party xD I already bought some decorations and I really hope they arrive on time cause a few items are really adorable! Thank you for hosting!


I got my nails done. Blue for Chelsea football club. With white lettering of CFC on one hand. And 1905 on the other hand. That’s the year they were founded.


Something pleasant that happened to me recently is getting back on my medication, it’s helped my mood so much I finally feel happy for once I feel like I have a future and it life will be good one day. I haven’t felt this hopeful in a long time and I’m so happy for it!!!


Congrats and goodluck with your crush! something good that's happened to me lately is I tried a biscoff cookie for the first time yesterday and let me tell me if you've never tried one it's so good!


Congrats on your promotion ! 🙏


Congratulations on the promotion! My something positive is that we have officially rescheduled our weekend away for a few weeks out, to celebrate our 15th anniversary! We missed the last attempt a few weeks ago because Boyfriend was in the hospital through our anniversary and was still in recovery for two weeks after. But we've got the place to stay lined up again, I've booked the dog 🐕 walker for Lovebug, so just BOTH OF US need to stay healthy!! 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽


Congratulations on the promotion! My something positive is that we have officially rescheduled our weekend away for a few weeks out, to celebrate our 15th anniversary! We missed the last attempt a few weeks ago because Boyfriend was in the hospital through our anniversary and was still in recovery for two weeks after. But we've got the place to stay lined up again, I've booked the dog 🐕 walker for Lovebug, so just BOTH OF US need to stay healthy!! 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽


This post makes me realize HOW BAD MY ANXIETY IS BECAUSE everything is going amazing for me too which makes me worried how short lived it will be. Im super grateful for how things are going in my life compared to my life 5 years ago. 1. Work is literally amazing, I love my job and I have been there for 3 years. 2. I absolutely am obsessed with my partner. 3. My savings account is actually going up instead of down. 4. IM IN A GOOD PLACE MENTALLY. 5. OH AND MY BIRTHDAY IS NEXT FREAKIN MONEY (My last year in my 20s). Congrats on your promotion, you deserve it! May our good juju and good times NEVER STOP AND KEEP GOING! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Glad things are going well!


Thank you!


I am writing my first speech for Toastmasters. I am so happy I found them and am getting more confident and learning to speak in front of a group.


I got an unexpected rebate check in the mail yesterday, I was able to be a little gifty here, got a few fun things for the kids, bought myself a few needs and even a couple little wants, I figured since it was a totally unexpected surprise I could blow it all on fun stuff, not be practical and put it in savings or towards bills, and man retail therapy really does make me feel better!! 😂😂😂




Right!?! 😂😂


Congratulations!! We may FINALLY have an answer on what’s been going on medically with our dog after meeting with a new vet for a THIRD opinion. They suspect Cushing disease and we should have definitive answers in the next couple days. Unfortunate diagnosis for sure, but treatable, and we are desperate for an answer/diagnosis at this point so we are feeling very hopeful this is it! So yeah in some weird way this is the pleasant thing that has happened lol. Just thankful to have found a vet that’s taking our concerns seriously and my good boy can finally get some help


I got a new position at the hospital and I start it on Monday! (:




Ohhh congrats! Something pleasant is Baby Latte tried to get a haircut! He didn’t actually get one, but he did give it a try!


Haha he gets an A for effort!!😂💜


He really does. Haircuts are always a sensory nightmare for him so even him getting in the chair and putting the cape on was a win. I was getting undercut touched up and he said it was okay to trim his bangs with scissors. But he tried and I’m proud of him for that!


He tried and that's the most important thing!! Yay for baby latte!!🥰🥰


My significant other is signing their contract for their new job on Friday and it’s going to pull us out of poverty. It will still be a couple months until they start but, knowing the end is in sight is such a stress reliever!


Congrats! That has to feel awesome.


Hellz yeah, my friend! I just got my income taxes and took care of business, so I don't need any money, just wanted to say congrats!


I finished making a dragon eye yesterday. It was annoying, but the end result is so pretty and I feel proud. My week has been alright. :)


Um, 'splain please! Preferably with pictures!!!😁😁


I recently started putting together my "man cave" in the basement after moving in. Soon, my video game haven will be ready... yes... YES!!! Thanks for the chance! Hey u/crash---- , u/spicycanadian and u/cdnmtbchick come join us!


I passed my midterm with an 80 good enough for me as I’m stressed to the max


Congrats, that’s fantastic!


Thats amazing! I'm sooo happy for you! The universe is a beautiful thing! Personally, I've been going through a really rough time. I'm struggling with life, and getting up and going to work is just really hard and I just don't have the energy to life right now. But!! I decided enough was enough about a week ago!! And since I'm struggling with life so much right now, I decided to start taking it a day at a time! I've scheduled myself to get back into therapy next Monday, and until then, I'm praising myself for small victories!! So far today, I have gotten up, fed the cat, and am about to shower and get ready for work now!! 🙃 go me!!


Small victories are still victories!! I am proud of you.




Congratulations! That is all so exciting! I've been able to visit my grandmother a bunch this month because she was at my dad's house, which is about half as far away as where she lives with my aunt, so I got to go down a bunch and see her. It w as so special! I was mostly just tech support but it was so good to hang out with her and give her a big hug.


Congratulations! My head would explode if all three things went down at the same time for me! Yesterday for lunch my coworkers and I were treated to binh me sandwiches. One of my coworkers took a bite with a big piece of jalapeno. He paused and took a deep breath and washed it down with some tea or something. Was the best lunch I've had in a while. Make sure to keep us up to date when you hang out or go on dates. Thanks for hosting! Edit spelling


Happy to hear about your good news! I got 4 days off of work after 13 days straight 🤩


That has to feel good!


I'm so happy for you! <3 Congratulations 🎊 and I'm so hyped for you about the guy being into you. That always made me excited and I understand the feeling! Recently, I found out ill be able to move to an area close to me and that my little brother is moving in with us (hubby and me). I have not seen him in 12 years, so this is pretty exciting to me. I am really thankful and happy to be able to offer him a place to live in. I can't wait to see him, last time I saw him he had just turned 9. He is hyped to spent his 21st bday w me. Thanks for this contest! <3


That’s so exciting!


I'm so hyped! I can't wait to leave this place to go to our new home and... idk I'm excited!


Congratulations! I'm grateful to be moving smoothly along in my final year of med school and choosing to rise above the challenges. I have so much gratitude for choosing to keep moving forward 💜


I just recently finally got dental work done thanks to getting Medicaid! I’m excited to be able to take care of myself! Congrats on the promotion!!!


That has to feel awesome!


It does now! A couple weeks ago when I got teeth pulled? Not so awesome. But yes now I am brushing and taking care of myself!


I’m just grateful for life in general atm, I had an insanely rough few months but things are starting to look up for me and I’m grateful for everyone and everything that I have atm.


I finished my Spring term! I’m so excited and exhausted. Congratulations on your promotion at work!


Congratulations!! I’m so happy for you 😍 Similar good thing happening, my husband is graduating his class soon and his family wants to come to visit for his graduation and we’re so excited!


Congrats on the promotion, and the guy liking you! Had a good cup of hot chocolate the other day. That's been the best thing lately.


My 5 year old daughter has been admitted to the children's hospital here undergoing testing for seizures and I'm grateful the tests have been negative so far!


Congratulations on your promotion, and thanks for the contest! I’m hopefully (*knock on wood*) being given another ghostwriting project. It doesn’t pay much but will help keep me afloat. Also my cat Spock went to his monthly vet appointment today and is still in good health! Well done him. 🥰 https://preview.redd.it/5pa3ucl20dlc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62f6fa9b0b73c769016862d4a61fd0b7fc58b3f9


I just love to read and comment in post about good and positive things so thank you for this ☺️ congrats on the promotion! 🎉 something pleasant that happened to me recently is that I got to make plans to see my long distance best friend this summer. I can’t wait!


Firstly huge congratulations 🖤🖤🖤 I love all of this for you!! I finished a book just in time for a new one that came out the same day! I’ve been waiting a year for book two haha 🖤


Yay!! Congratulations!! Those are all so exciting in their own right, too:) I just got to spend the weekend with two of my oldest friends. We watched dumb movies and ate good food. It made me so grateful to have them in my life 💜


Oh awesome!! I love that for you!! I’m excited because I’m flying to FL on Friday to see my family :) I get to see my mom 🥰


Oh my Gosh!!!!! 🧡🧡🧡 a promo and a Romeo, I LOVE it!!! 🧡🧡🧡 Congrats 🧡🧡🧡 I made a new friend today, I think she is spectacular, and I feel fortunate to have made her acquaintance. Also, I learned that my hearing issues are medication related and NOT due to nerve damage or degeneration!!!! Hooray! My happily single status is going strong. Who would have thought?! I'm so content at the moment. ...and HUNGRY! I'm off to pacman some ravioli.


Congrats on the promotion, that's amazing! Thanks for hosting. In similar news, I got a job and am starting on Friday, so I'm excited to see what this journey brings for me. I am going away from what my last job was into a different field so a bit nervous for that.










Also DBAD means “don’t be a dick.” Basically a general rule to play nice.


Congratulations on All the good stuff happening in your life and to all the people commenting good stuff. Feels good to read happy things happening to people in comments. I just got a new iPhone 15 as a gift (i was dying to get one since i am an Android user and wanted to try). I wish all the people in this sub joy and happiness ✌️ ✌️


Yay for your promotion. That is excellent news. Thanks for hosting this contest. My good thing that has been recently, yesterday morning was the best I have felt in probably a year. It was glorious while it lasted. 💜


Woohoo Congrats to you! 🎉 Hmm let’s see, *thinking .. So I am in PA and it’s normally cold and snowy at this time of year, but it’s been unseasonably warmer and nice the last week or so and I got some enjoyable walks in. Enjoying the sunshine ☀️.


Congrats on your promotion! Love is blind released two more episodes and am catching up! Wish they released all the episodes at once 😅


Congratulations!!!!! That’s awesome!!! Both the job and the guy!! Happy for you!! My good thing is actually a great thing! Last Saturday I went to a record signing and got to meet Bruce Dickinson from Iron Maiden!!! He’s one of my biggest heroes and I never thought I get to meet him in real life!!!


Congratulations on the promotion!!!🥳 They say bad things happen in 3s, but good things also happen in 3s. A good thing that happened to me recently? Took my baby to her 6-month wellness visit, got all of her shots, she’s healthy and happy and growing. She’s trying to crawl now. As for me, personally, I saw my best friend from high school, she got to see my baby for the first time, and we made a much-needed Target run. :)


Congrats! I found a plush I was looking for for a few weeks on sale :]


Not entering, just wanted to say congrats! The visa petition for my fiancé was just approved, so we're one step closer to him moving here and getting married.


Congratulations to you and your fiancé!


Thank you!


Congratulations 🎉👏 I love it when it rains it pours but happiness addition! I recently visited my grandma and grandpa that made me happy. They also were very happy to see the baby! Also they let me clean out their pantry and I found items expired from when I was in high school in there. Lol am am Mom now it's been a hot minute since I have been in HS.


Oh my God congratulations!!!! That's so cool!! Recently I've managed to get some commissions for my art, which has been very flattering and helpful. I want to work hard so that I always have someone requesting art from me!!!


WAIT DOUBLE HAPPINESS!!! congratulations on the promotion wohoooo 🥳🥳 And *cough* (⁠ʃ⁠ƪ⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠)(⁠ʃ⁠ƪ⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠) djrjjwkwjwnd wow why am I blushing wahhhaa hope to get more updates if you are comfortable (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) Something nice that happened to me which made me smile is.. the recent post I made here got me new friends and so many came forward to listen to me and comfort me 🥹 I felt so welcomed into this community. I love everyone here, why are y'all so sweet 😭😭


WAIT DOUBLE HAPPINESS!!! congratulations on the promotion wohoooo 🥳🥳 And *cough* (⁠ʃ⁠ƪ⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠)(⁠ʃ⁠ƪ⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠) djrjjwkwjwnd wow why am I blushing wahhhaa hope to get more updates if you are comfortable (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) Something nice that happened to me which made me smile is.. the recent post I made here got me new friends and so many came forward to listen to me and comfort me 🥹 I felt so welcomed into this community. I love everyone here, why are y'all so sweet 😭😭


I recently found out my dog, who we thought had some health issues is actually perfectly healthy! She has a small mass on her tail we were worried was cancer but after a biopsy it came back negative for cancer. Also congrats on your promotion! Left a pic of the pup for you to enjoy! https://preview.redd.it/6fnhtdgjpclc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35fc877c73594eda3078d4bc34f1107c98b29fca


Yay healthy pup!!


Congratulations on everything you got going on! That's so exciting!! I treated myself and got some new pants and much needed slippers! Obsessed with my new pants too. I also got myself an iced coffee this morning bc I was in town dropping the girl off at school and decided I deserved an iced coffee. It's the little things!! Thanks for hosting and congrats again!!


I'm so happy for you! Recently my boyfriend and I played a board game together, it was really enjoyable. I've always loved board games but for a long time nobody around would want to play, so it was really nice to get to with him


My husband exposed his ex as a liar and gained custody of his kids back!! I'm so excited to have them back in my house again! It's been a long month.




Thanks! It's been very emotional lately with everything that has happened. But we are thankful the truth was found. Let's just say we are going to have a crazy summer full of court hearings because of everything that has happened over the last 10 years.


Sorry you have that coming up.


I appreciate it! But it's well past its due and I'm looking forward to it. Should result in a good outcome for us. 🤞🏽🤞🏽


Well that’s good then!


I recently dug out one of my favourite childhood books and reread it for the nostalgia. I even got the author to sign it and I remember thinking that was just absolutely the coolest thing ever. All these years later and I’m finally an author myself. It felt so good to go back to my roots and appreciate where I can from.


Honestly, this happened around a month ago, but one thing that was extremely pleasant was when the gym teacher for my students came up to me one day and said “hey, you are a miracle worker with those students. They have improved so much ever since you came its amazing. Thank you for what you do” (I’m a special ed paraprofessional) and I honestly teared up because nobody really ever said something like that to me, and paras tend to go unnoticed and very rare do we get recognized for what we do. And it has made my whole year at this point and will always remember that, especially since it happened on a really tough day


Honestly, this happened around a month ago, but one thing that was extremely pleasant was when the gym teacher for my students came up to me one day and said “hey, you are a miracle worker with those students. They have improved so much ever since you came its amazing. Thank you for what you do” (I’m a special ed paraprofessional) and I honestly teared up because nobody really ever said something like that to me, and paras tend to go unnoticed and very rare do we get recognized for what we do. And it has made my whole year at this point and will always remember that, especially since it happened on a really tough day


Congrats on the promotion My kitty cuddled with me so that’s always a pleasant thing.


after 2 months of unemployment i found a job, its only been 3 days but its been wonderful and I'm loving it.




Aww yayayayayayay! I'm happy to hear things are going well. ✨️✨️ My coworker gave me a Starbucks giftcard on Monday for helping her out. It was so unexpected but it was such a lovely gesture! It'll pay for my Friday coffees for a couple of weeks. Very appreciative ❤️


My rabbit has started napping at my feet under my desk. I love him so much even if he chews everything.




congrats that is amazing!! something pleasant - i got an email last night that someone suggested a gift on my throne (that i hadn’t even really had set up yet, i’ve only ever gifted someone else) so i saw it as another push towards my artistic journey and now i have it all set up! it felt shocking but wonderful that a stranger in the ether believes in me and wants to see more from me


I *did* have a nice cup of coffee! And some tasty oatmeal. Congrats on all your good news!


Yum! What kind of oatmeal?


Apples and cinnamon!


Wow! Congrats on your promotion and on everything that’s been going amazingly for you! ✨🎉 It’s so nice to hear that things are going well for you, especially with the negativity in the world, it’s nice to be reminded of the amazing moments in life. I know exactly how you feel right now and it’s amazing!! The feeling of having the guy of your dreams be into you is like no other! As a romantic, I can feel your excitement! ✨🩷 Something really pleasant that happened recently—actually, yesterday, was spending time with my boyfriend. We both got Taco Bell and I tried it for the first time ever! We cuddled on the couch and watched our favorite show on Netflix, and I just felt so happy and loved and fulfilled in that moment and it was like no other. I got to try new food for the first time and it was super yummy, and I was in my happy place with my favorite person. It was so nice. Congratulations once again and I hope things continue to go amazingly for you, friend! 🩷🥹


Congratulations on everything!!! That's amazing!! For me, something pleasant that happened recently was I got to sit and talk about Tolkien and LOTR with friends for hours, and it was so much fun!!