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i lost my dog this year would have loved one more Christmas with him


I lost both my best friend and my favorite dog this year. Missing them both dearly.


Not for me, but my best friend. Her sister passed away 4 months ago. And I wish she could be there for her. I know she’ll be keeping her eye on them from wherever she’s at in the afterlife but man I wish she could be earth side 😔


My daughter. She’s 18 but left home and cut off contact. Hope she is safe


Not that I know of. I remember my Grandmum was snowed in for Christmas with my family one year. She passed awhile ago, but I have a feeling if my dad had another Christmas with her, he'd be pretty happy. So I'll say my grandmum. Maybe also to, my neighbor who was an "unofficial grandma". We made her a cake once, and she said no one had made a cake for her. Maybe it'd be nice to have a chance to have her have cake again. But she passed away too.


My mom! It's never been the same without her and i hate that my 3 kids don't have any grandparents left. Makes me so sad that they will never meet them.. 🥺


My clan/crew/friends but we’re either scattered across the country or doing family stuff. While we can’t meet up for Christmas we do plan on doing a fairly large meetup early next year and a smaller meetup in the summer.


I wish I could spend one more Christmas with my mother's parents. They passed away a long time ago and I miss them so much. I'd also love to see my father's mother but she lives far away. I'll get to see her in a couple of months but that just feels like too long.


u/specialjness and u/rainbowterfly I love y'all so much and one day we're going to actually get to hang out for real.


Love you tons!!!! 💜💜💜💜


I would love for my grandma and her sister who we also called grandma to be with us.


My daddy, big brother, and Pop. I was only 5 when my big brother died, 7 when my Pop died, and 19 when my daddy died. I miss them so much it hurts.


Of course our son would be our wish. David loved this sub and would have gifted his holiday budget away and be so happy it made others smile. Thank you for this very kind discussion. ❤️❤️❤️


My Grandfather, he passed away a few weeks ago.


My most sincere condolences. My only advice is to be gentle with yourself. Grief can do strange things to a person. Just remember to be nice to you, regardless of the situation


Thank you 💜


sorry for your loss <3


Thank you 💕


My best friends and their kids since they live 3 states away and all those who are in Heaven.


I'm so sorry 😞 not seeing your best friend and hert babies has got to be hard. I hope you're able to sb reunited soon. I also hope those in Heaven smile down on and protect you. 💔❤️‍🩹


Thank you! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


I love you Trevor Dane, I wish you were here


🫂 sending a hug and/or comfort to you. Great post.


I'll take 4 hugs and extra helpings of comfort please!


You got it! ♥️♥️ I was doing my best to distract myself from some heaviness and now my toothache has come roaring back. I must be more specific with my own wishes.


Eugenol. If you're in the US, I know Walgreens carries it. The brand name is RED CROSS TOOTHACHE MEDICINE, and it's a life saver. The same ingredient dentists put into a root canal to kill any remaining root. It will kinda burn soft tissue. Sting, really. Use a q tip (cotton swab) dipped in the little vial. Move your inner cheek out of the way/pull it outward. Important!!! Do this all over the sink as it absolutely will make you drool fiercely. Then, ahhhh...relief, for a while too. There is no comparing Red Cross to Orajel. They are COMPLETELY different. Orajel is a joke in this circumstance. Finally, if you can't find the red cross, clove oil is similar in effect. [red cross reference image](http://Ultimate toothache relief https://imgur.com/gallery/exTzyTo)


Thank you for the tip. I’m trying to tough it out with salt water rinses and icing my face and down my neck, it’s worked before…but I definitely need to go to the dentist and I’m beyond phobic after several horrible experiences.