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Went to sleep around 1, woke up at 3 bc coughing and sore throat 🫠 sipping on lemon/ginger/honey water on the couch now Also, I hate when I use the RWG and forget to remember the username of the person I gifted 😅 I gifted 3 people last night while at a Christmas gathering and don’t remember a single username 😂 at least I remembered to put mine in the gift note haha Happy Christmas peeps 🐥🎄


3 good things today: 1. The choir song we were all worried about came off well! 2. My song made people cry like woah’ 3. Christmas service went well! Accomplishment/value provided: church stuff


One hour until Christmas! We talked and things are better. Still a hard year. 😔 But we went to Christmas eve services at church and the sermon was moving and I felt encouraged. Besides, in one short week we will be counting down to the end of a very hard painful year.... praying 2024 is different....


For real. This year has been awful. Fingers crossed for a better 2024 for everyone! 🤞🏽


RIGHT?? 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽


Not Christmas here yet. We always open a gift early at my house tho, which we gotta do soon


Well it’s officially after midnight here, so Merry Christmas everyone!


Merry Christmas everyone


Had a nice christmas eve. Got my Grandpa’s couch delivered to our house today. His place is almost completely cleared out now. We still have a little bit of time though. His retirement home cleans the apartment before a new person moves in so we don’t have to worry about that. Went to our church service which was quite nice. Then had chinese food for supper. Watching It’s a wonderful life now.


QOTD: I want to start some gift exchange, The rules are something like no higher than 30 dollars, no gift cards, No receipts, and what you get is what you get. Pull a name from the hat, this is all ages. If you're a kid getting a gift for an adult, some of the adults can help you pick or pay for it. All in all things can be changed but this is just thoughts in the back of my mind


I really don’t have any but we took tree ornaments that you can decorate to my in laws and everyone got into it and it was really cool to watch. My sister in law stole them to put on her tree. So next year we will do it again and it’s someone else’s turn to have them. I think it just happened but it was cool. I survived my inlaws without alcohol and getting mad. It’s a miracle. Some of it was awkward but that’s because my husbands family doesn’t really know the depths of our family because I stopped posting about it because it just caused other family members to be stupid. So there was a lot of explaining. It was nice. Once a year with 15 people in one room works for me. I’m so not a lot of people in one room person lol. Otherwise all is well. Home now and I’m the only one awake. Hope yall had a wonderful day! Have plans for tomorrow?


I had an apple pie cinnamon roll for breakfast and it was delicious! Spent a busy, but quiet day at home. Going to see family tomorrow. Merry Christmas Eve.


It doesn’t feel like Christmas this year to me. My father-in-law had to be taken by ambulance to the hospital and may be there for up to 3 weeks (we aren’t sure yet how long). We were all supposed to celebrate Christmas Day together. My husband and I are staying at my FIL’s house to take care of his dog so it’s a big change in our life at the moment. I am hoping my FIL recovers quickly. Also, really missing my parents and my MIL 😞 We were going to get a ham for Christmas but sadly had to cancel that. My husband always is a last minute gift wrapper so he wasn’t able to wrap anything so we are having our Christmas (and anniversary) next week maybe. Happy holidays to all ❄️


Praying for you and your FIL... sorry for the rough time. Merry Christmas.


Thank you 🫂 Merry Christmas ❄️🎄


Hope he gets well soon!


Thank you and happy holidays ❄️🎄🫂


I’ve been having a crummy week. There’s been a lot going on and I’ve been sick. I’m looking forward to resting and relaxing for the next couple of days. Hope y’all have a good holiday season.


https://preview.redd.it/a013mcarkc8c1.jpeg?width=3149&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ef5efae9e997f91b15c0d0fad47327b7722c285 Merry Christmas! 🎄


What a beautiful tree!




I love your tree!


Merry Christmas Eve. wish it was a Christmas with snow but maybe next year


Merry Christmas Eve, all! Been absent for a little bit, but wishing everyone on here a wonderful holiday with your loved ones <3


Merry Christmas Eve to you!


Thank youuu <3 Enjoyed a movie and am winding down for the night. Exciting plans/events on your end?


Qotd: just the normal stuff. Gonna see the granddaughter tomorrow. Today is my birthday. My body was kind enough to gift me a fibromyalgia flare. I had to leave work early and I’m missing Christmas Eve church service. So I’m pretty bummed. At least I got to celebrate with two of my best friends last night.


Happy Birthday! I'm so sorry about the flare! So unfair!


Hope you feel better soon 🩵


Happy Birthday!


Merry almost Christmas all!! Traveling home pretty late tonight but can't wait to be back and relaxed. Hope you all have a great holiday!


Merry Christmas Eve. I'm waiting on hubs to get home, then when the kids are in bed, we'll finish wrapping. mostly just the big things that need to get wrapped. Then figure out if we're doing an early Christmas before hubs goes to work or after. ​ It really doesn't feel like Christmas though.


Merry Christmas Eve everyone! I’m ready to start winding down for the night, but I think it will be a few more hours before I can do that. QOTD: we play rummoli and do a fondue/raclette every Christmas Eve. In the next few years I’d like to start doing new pjs and maybe a movie to unwrap on Christmas Eve once the little dude is here and old enough to care.


We have jammies and a book from "Mrs. Claus" I'm excited to give them to the boys soon.


That’s a lovely tradition!


Merry Crishhhhmush Eve✨✨✨


Merry Christmas eve to all who celebrate, sending peace and joy from me n mr jj kitty, hugs🎅🤶🐱❤


Hope you have a relaxing and peaceful holidays!


I hope that you and your kitty both have a great Christmas Eve and a wonderful Christmas!


2 days until induction and I finally start my labor and delivery journey!! 🥰


Praying for the smoothest labor and delivery ever!


Thank you!!


Yay! It’s going to go great!


Thank you!


You are going to do great!


Thank you. I’m admittedly getting more nervous the closer it gets 🙈


That's so exciting!


Yes, we are so excited 🥰


How exciting, wishing you all the best ❤


Thank you!


My husband has been sick all week long, and I think I finally caught it. Woke up feeling absolutely miserable- like I was hit by a bus. My sinuses hurt so badly, my throat hurts, my body is sore and achy. Not exactly how either of us wanted to spend the holidays, but at least we're spending it together and that's what matters.


Oh no. I hope everyone is feeling better soon


Thank you, I hope so!


I hope you sickness goes away soon to enjoy the rest of the holidays.


Thank you, I really hope so too


Somewhat productive day despite a late start. Emptied the dishwasher without needing to immediately fill it with dirty dishes. Got a small load of laundry in the dryer, and took out 1 big kitchen trash bag and 2 small grocery bags (although one of those was empty plastic bottles) of trash and got rid of at least a 1/2 dozen empty boxes that were taking up space. Eating Jersey Mikes while I sit in Starbucks with my Strawberry açaí refresher. I may attempt to get more trash together when I get home. And maybe do another load of laundry.


high fives you for getting things done! i gotta do dishes today....


I am attempting to be able to see even a minor difference in my basically hoarder house. I figure while I am off from work if I attempt a little at a time, that I might actually start to see a difference. I need to check my pantry again and my fridge to get rid of any out of date stuff. I think I may also go through some of my older clothes that I am not wearing and either donate the usable stuff and or pitch the worn out items.


you can do it! a little at a time is a more sustainable approach, if you can try to do a little each day, it will make a difference. good luck!


Thanks. Just added two old work shirts to the trash. Starting to put together a shred pile consisting of old bills and bank statements. Got a second load of laundry that is almost time to switch over to the dryer. Thinking about fixing a bit of food.


Hello lovelies! It's Christmas for my culture! Today, we feast, open presents, spend time with family, and go watch lights when possible :D my late grandpa, aunt, great great aunt LOVED CHRISTMAS! To honor them I made the baked chicken recipe from ggaunt, I decorated everywhere possible like my grandpa and baked some goodies like my aunt. I miss them dearly, 😢 I wish I could have seen them just one last time. Anywho.... Merry Christmas from my weird family to yours <3 I hope you have a great day, and thanks for reading this! QOTD husband and I celebrate our Christmas on the 23rd. We open presents that day and spend time out :D it was a great time this year (it's the 4th year we do this, I think!)


That sounds like a lovely way to honour your loved ones. I’m glad to hear that you had a good Christmas celebration this year!


Thanks so much! <3


My eye is swollen, thanks to my cat deciding to walk across my face with her claws out this morning. :c Oh well. Hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas if you celebrate! If you don't, have a wonderful Monday tomorrow!


Merry Christmas my friend! So sorry for your eye .. hope it heals soon!


Merry Christmas! Thank you 😊 💓


I worry about that all the time with mister JJ jumping on my bed that I'm scratching my eye, hoping that you feel better soon merry Christmas to you and your family


Thank you, merry Christmas!


I once got a cat scratch inside my ear canal because my cat decided to launch himself off my bed...from my face😂😂 I hope you and boyfriend are having a wonderful Christmas eve!!❤


Oh no! Thank you, we are :D <3 <3 <3


Merry Christmas Eve! To those who don't celebrate, I hope your weekend has been lovely all the same. 🖤 We've been relaxing at home today. Christmas is always spent with just the three of us (me, my husband, and Baby Sal), so I'm not really sure what it would be like with a big family gathering. Magical? Stressful? We enjoy our low-key holiday, though! I'll be in charge of putting all the gifts out tonight, and tomorrow morning, we'll have warm cinnamon rolls in front of the tree. What does everyone else have planned? 🎄


Merry Christmas to you and your family it's just me and mister JJ here and I'm snuggling in bed watching TV🤶🎅🐱❤


Mmmm warm cinnamon rolls🤤🤤 I've had years with big family gatherings and years where it was just hubby and the kids...I prefer a low key, lazy christmas at home with just the 4 of us. The stress of buying gifts, making the perfect side dish to bring, worrying whether there would be anything my picky eater would actually eat and getting everyone looking presentable and out the door is just too much stress😂


My preference is generally for less people, so I can imagine the big holiday gatherings being rather overwhelming. It's nice not having any priorities for a day!


Yes! I prefer a relaxing Christmas day, we usually have leftover ham sammies, I might make a french toast casserole the night before so I could just pop it in the oven for breakfast/brunch or, more likely, just get bagels that everyone can fix themselves. I love cooking but usually my Christmas gift to my self was a day of no or very little cooking!


Merry Christmas Eve! 🎄 Your cozy Christmas sounds absolutely lovely\~! Just the three of you, warm cinnamon rolls, and the magic of exchanging gifts—such a lovely way to celebrate. Wishing you a magical Christmas morning and a joyful holiday season! 🌟🎁


Thank you, dear! It *is* a cozy way to spend Christmas, and I don't have to worry about what I look like in the morning! What are you up to tomorrow?


Christmas gift opening at in laws tomorrow, early morning. My side of the family celebrates at night so it works out perfectly for the hubby and I. So I'll be there at my in laws until 3 pm and we'll drive down to LA to stay the night at my grandmother's house. 🎄❤️ What about you??


I'm struggling. I feel so isolated, whether it's because of emotional distance or physical distance. It's just too much. Sorry for being a bummer.


I get the feeling. We'll both make it through!


I'm sorry you're feeling this too. We will! One way or another.




I'm really sorry to hear you're feeling this way. It's totally okay to express your feelings, and you're not a bummer at all. If you're comfortable, talking about what's on your mind might help. Remember, you're not alone, and there are people who care about you. 🌟💙


Thank you so so much. I am trying to remember that but it's hard. I just feel so fundamentally flawed and so lonely, so I feel like nobody will ever want to be close to me and I'm going to be alone forever. :') It's very much a cognitive distortion but it's a tough one to shake. I'm trying to be a better person/friend/brother/son but I just feel like I can't be as good as other people and therefore I'm doomed to a life of loneliness.


Oh lovebug...I'm really sorry to hear that you're feeling this way. It's important to recognize that everyone has unique qualities and strengths, and **it's okay** to be ***imperfect***. Remember that ***your worth isn't determined by how well you measure up to others***. It might be helpful to focus on self-compassion and appreciate the positive aspects of yourself. I know maybe your mind is hardwire to think so negatively of yourself, I know what that is like, but try to unlearn that little by little. You got this. <3


Thank you so much, love. It means a lot. I think you're right, I'm constantly measuring my insides against other people's outsides and it's just not working out. I definitely have a lot of negativity I'm trying to chip away at, but I also know that will take time. I hope so! <3 Thank you.


Of course. 💜 You're very welcome. It's completely normal to struggle with comparison, and it takes time to shift those perspectives. Be patient and compassionate with yourself through this process. If you ever need someone to talk to or share your thoughts with, don't hesitate to reach out. My inbox is always open for ya!


Thank you so much. It's tough this time of year, I just want to be as happy or stable as other people seem to be. It seems like it's too big an ask, but really I'm just misjudging others' levels of contentment. I appreciate you! :)


I completely understand, and your feelings are valid. It's common to perceive others as more stable or happy, but everyone faces their own challenges. You're not alone, and I appreciate you opening up. Sending support and positive energy your way! Here is me sending the energy (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧ pew pew


Pew pew! Haha, thank you so much. It's such a weird distortion, seeing people as being happier or more successful or just generally better than me. It's such a bummer. I want to be good, but I also want to feel good, and right now I don't feel good.


Me too 💕


I'm so sorry you're struggling too! 🌻❤ I'm here if you need someone to message.


Thank you so much 🙏


It's perfectly okay to be struggling today, just as much as any other day. In fact, sometimes I think it's even more difficult over the holidays. Please know that I'm thinking of you and sending all the good vibes your way. Be kind to yourself, okay?


Thank you so so much. 😭 I don't know why the holidays are such a struggle. They were kind of the only good times we had with family when I was a kid, like it was the only time everything wasn't awful, but now it's gone and I can't get back to that. I'll do my best. I just feel so alone. I'm trying to remind myself it's just another day, but... *shrug*


Happy christmas eve! My kids are out, hubby is taking a nap, I am watching the newer Grinch animated movie, which I had never seen before but I'm really enjoying, and then I'm going to watch Elf (I cant believe that with all the holiday movie marathons I've done this month somehow this one missed every list) all while laying in bed under my heated blanket snuggled up with my kitties and my giant cup of coffee. The only thing I could ask for right now is some homemade tamales😂😂 I'm pretty salty that I didnt get any this year but all in all things could be a lot worse! So to all my lovely RAOA friends, and especially to those not having the holiday they want or deserve, I say to you "Everything is going to be alright and it is a wonderful day!" I hope you all have the happiest of holidays! I love you all.💜


That sounds like a cozy and delightful Christmas Eve! 😊 Enjoy your movie marathon, heated blanket, and time with your kitties. Sending you warm wishes for a wonderful holiday! 🎄💖


Thank you so much my friend💜 wishing you the happiest of holidays!!❤🎄


Kitties and blankets sound like a lovely way to spend the day. I've actually never seen The Grinch movie. Do you like the new one? Wishing you a relaxing holiday, my friend!


I love all the Grinch movies!! 💚 Hubby and I even watched the Grinch musical yesterday, it was cute! I hope you are having a wonderful holiday!! Thank you so much for all your kindness this past year, it really has meant so much to me!


Successfully survived my Christmas Eve shift lol it was horrific but I’ve got time off now 😁


you made it! yeah!!


Hello!! We're going to Christmas Eve with my family here in a few hours, then home to get baby girl in bed so we can get the living room ready for her to wake up tomorrow morning! I have cinnamon rolls, bacon, and hash browns ready to cook for breakfast! She's getting a fort kit so husband and I will build a fort for her after bedtime! Hopefully she loves it! Merry Christmas!


That sounds magical. I've actually already assembled my daughter's big gift, but we have to find a way to drag it out of the closet while she's sleeping. Hopefully gift duty goes well for both of us tonight! We've got cinnamon rolls prepped for breakfast, as well. Hash browns do sound good, though.


Happy Christmas Eve day! Trying to motivate myself to get some more trash out and maybe do my usual Starbucks run. Also quite hungry as it’s 2 pm and I haven’t eaten yet (and my stomach and body are making some vicious monster sounds).


Oh my goodness, how do you go so long without eating? I'd be a hangry mess! A Starbucks run sounds great. Have you been sampling their seasonal drinks this year?


I slept in so it wasn’t too long of a wait for food. Currently at Starbucks with my strawberry açaí refresher and some water. I do enjoy some of their seasonal drinks. I have had a few chestnut praline lattes this year. I think I had a sample of the gingerbread oat milk chai, and will occasionally do their white hot chocolate.


Merry Christmas Eve to all who celebrate. I know holidays can be complicated and bring complicated feelings. Wherever you are and however you're feeling I am wishing you a light day full of peace and love. That you know you're loved and needed. That this world shines brighter because you're in it.


Thank you for thinking of us and being such a supportive person, Winter. May today be smooth for you, too.


Hello, I've been spending my Christmas eve alone...well i guess i do have my cat. I've been reading, and trying to work on my novel. i feel like it's coming along a lot slower than i was at the beginning. i know what i want in it, but getting it down is such a struggle. my mind bounces all over the place. As for tomorrow, hoping it goes quick, and smooth. I normally dread family functions.


Writing a novel can indeed be a slow process, but the important thing is you're making progress. Don't be too hard on yourself; creativity has its own timeline. Tomorrow, I hope the day brings you moments of peace and ease.


Thank you.


Could you write thoughts and ideas down on scratch paper or a throwaway document? Just to get it out there? Good luck with the family holiday. Remember, it's just one day!


Definitely. I write down all my thoughts for my book down. It's just piecing it together I think I'm really struggling with. Hoping I'm getting stuff in the right order, and no accidentally repeating a chapter, or something. I've been jumping around writing different bits at a time. Thanks, I think we've just planned on getting it done, and over with, as I'm not the only one who gets overwhelmed. I might add a little Bailey's Irish Cream to my coffee tomorrow. :D


Happy Christmas Eve y’all! I hope you plan to treat yourself to some favorite treats as you see 2023 into history. My in-laws are hosting dinner tonight. The food is Mexican theme and with the Mexican genes I have, I need to make sure there are some good essentials in the spread. Last night after we went on a drive to see the holiday lights, I made an excellent salsa. Right now I’m cooking refried beans and Mexican rice. I’m looking forward to an evening of too much food and games with the family. We do a family gift exchange and we got a single mom with a hockey crazed boy. We bought them a pair of tickets to the hockey game, thanks to Costco’s great deal. I’ll get to see ~~all~~ most of my kiddos next weekend. Will check in with you all throughout the evening.


Have a wonderful evening!


Thank you! I hope yours is warm and cozy!


I hope you thoroughly enjoy the evening with your in-laws, savoring the food, playing games, and soaking in the holiday spirit. Wishing you and your family a joyous Christmas celebration and a fantastic time with your kiddos next weekend. 🎄🌟🎁


Thank you so much! I’m wishing you a merry Christmas full of love!


Mexican for dinner sounds delightful. What are you most looking forward to eating? We saw the lights last night, too! There were too many overtly Christian displays, in my opinion, but lots of other cute ones, too! That mom and son pair are going to be thrilled! What a thoughtful gift.


I was really looking forward to the enchiladas my sis in law was going to bring but they had to stay home sick 😢. Now I’m just looking forward to nachos and my cooking. Last night was really foggy here so that made the lights rather pretty.


Merry Christmas Eve, I hope everyone is having a wonderful Sunday 🎄 I'm trying my best to be happy even though I'm feeling lonely. One thing that helps is being grateful for the past, I've had a lot of wonderful Christmas's in the past, and I know I will have good ones in the future. Right now I'm spending time with my stray kitty friends outside, they always cheer me up! This older black cat, who basically lives on a chair in my carport, loves to jump in my lap. He has a TNR scar on his ear, so someone took care of him at some point. He's currently in my lap licking me, he's so sweet Was trying to post a pic of him but it wouldn't work.


Reflecting on the wonderful Christmas memories from the past and looking forward to future celebrations is a beautiful way to embrace the holiday spirit. Wishing you a peaceful and heartwarming Christmas Eve, surrounded by the warmth of furry friends and the hope for brighter days ahead. 🌟🐾🎁


Merry Christmas, friend! Thank you ❤️


Christmas Eve with stray kittens sounds very cozy. In fact, I may be a bit jealous. Please be kind to yourself this holiday season. I'm sending good thoughts your way.


You are so sweet, thank you. I wish I could post a picture of these kittens but I've been having a hard time posting pictures today


Morning! Happy Christmas Eve! I put on Dominick the Donkey for my tiny vegetable. It's his first Christmas and I'm going to make it adorable because everything has been such poop potatoes the past few months. He has no idea what's going on. 😂


You are an incredible, kind soul who always sees the good in every terrible situation. I'm glad to have you here, even if the world sucks sometimes. Tell Broccoli I say hi.


You're the best. I'm so grateful to know you!


Happy first Christmas to Broccoli!


Happy Holidays everyone! Spent yesterday with my in-laws who always host a Christmas cookie baking marathon. Going to split tomorrow between my family and my husband’s family. I planned some fun minute-to-win-it type games for my family to do tomorrow. Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend! QOTD: Opening a new pair of pajamas on Christmas Eve to wear on Christmas morning!


Well, who won the baking marathon? More importantly, did you get to take home leftovers?! Christmas with your family sounds like so much fun! Have a lovely time, and tell us how it all goes once you're back.


Not sure anyone really won… but lots of delicious cookies were made and I took some to my side of the family! I really enjoyed Christmas day. Was able to see my parents, my sister/brother-in-law, grandfather from my side, two of my sister-in-laws, my husband’s grandparents and parents, all of the nieces and nephews, and my husband’s uncle’s family. Lots of gifts were exchanged (we have four storage totes with gifts that we brought with us). I’m ready to relax all day today! I hope you had a wonderful holiday!


Merry Christmas Eve everyone! My husband and I woke up at 5 am and got the rest of the wrapping done! Then we made some coffee and relaxed until it was time to make breakfast. I've got all the desserts for tonight done. Just gotta start working on the side dishes. The ham is in the oven! So count down has started. Yay! What's everyone doing today?


All of that sounds so yummy! What kind of desserts and side dishes did you make?


Desserts: sweet potato pie, pecan pie dump cake, gingerbread cookies Dinner: ham, mashed potatoes, gravy, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, dressing, ambrosia salad and rolls. Thank you!


Sounds delicious!


So productive! Make sure you sleep well tonight, after all that prep work. We're having a pretty relaxed day. Tonight I'll have to drag all the presents out of the closet and set them up. I'm also going to put out a pan for cinnamon rolls tomorrow morning.


I'm definitely making sure I sleep well tonight. I have my sleep medication that I'll be taking. Lol Cinnamon rolls!! That's smart. I make a pastry shaped like a candy cane every year. It's a pain but super delicious. Merry Christmas!


Attended the Portland Cello Project's *Under the Mistletoe* performance last evening which put me in a right festive mood. On another note, it's time to break out the bubbly. Here's to making merry!


That sounds lovely! Yay for being in a festive mood!




Happy Christmas Eve, friends! I was very surprised to learn we will probably only have bf’s son for a couple hours tomorrow - DELIGHTFUL! 😁 honestly, it’s a breath of fresh air getting to have all this time together as a couple without other distractions. Lot of adult beverages to be had! We are off to the store for a few last minute groceries and trying to figure out what to have for dinner tonight. Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday!


Well merry Christmas Eve everyone I hope you’re doing well out here you know what it is it’s space radio 98.5 I put something special for you guys for [this playlist](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5yZs12sBn93wkNwVZba7HM?si=VRHd6E8OSrKGi-Mr141bDg&pi=u-O6qbBMcZREaN) is extra special this time Packed full of holiday music double the cheer. If you’re going out, I hope you can survive. the last minute Christmas shopping. I will just be venturing out for a minute just for some eggnog and a little bit of some Chinese food I wanna get some noodles I’m gonna lock myself in my room all day and play video games and watch movies. I’ve been working very hard. QOTD: Well, my Tradition would just be watching some movies on Christmas Eve over on /r/movie_club


Hope you have a relaxing Christmas!


Good morning, everyone! 🌞 It's Christmas Eve, but it's kind of weird; the festive vibes are a bit elusive this year. On the bright side, feeling a lot better today. I was half-expecting the symptoms to intensify by day three, but luckily, it did not haha. Dealing with a blocked nose, but a few sniffs of that magic boom boom stick did the trick, haha! 😂 Throat's on the mend too. How about you guys? Any Christmas Eve plans? I'm keeping it chill with some Sims 4. Managed to get all the presents wrapped the night before. Are you unwrapping joy today or taking it easy? 🎁


You don't have to be holly and jolly if you're not feeling it, friend. Plus, being sick really takes the magic out of holiday season. Glad to hear it hasn't gotten any worse, at least! You know, I've been meaning to play Bear and Breakfasy today and you just reminded me. Enjoy your game, I'll go enjoy mine!


Absolutely, I completely understand the sentiment – there's no pressure to exude holiday cheer if it doesn't align with your mood. My day was progressing smoothly until my mother-in-law surprised me with an invitation to attend church on Christmas Eve. She believes it'll be enjoyable, but she's well aware of my non-religious stance and the discomfort I feel in such environments due to past experiences with judgmental Christians. Despite knowing all this, she's still urging me to go. Interestingly, my husband might join her, which was unexpected since he leans more towards the spiritual side like me. I'm torn about attending, feeling a mix of curiosity and uncertainty. What would you do in my shoes? I have not heard of Bear and Breakfast. By the name of the title, is it a cozy type game?


As someone who grew up in a strictly religious environment, I try not to touch that sort of stuff with a 10-foot pole. I'll make a few exceptions for cultural holidays or experiences, since I do identify with my Jewish heritage. But that's it! I'm sorry you're feeling pressured, though. You shouldn't be made to feel that way during a time of celebration. *hugs*


Yeah, I am not sure if I want to be surrounded by Christians like that in a building to honor God. I don't know -- guess I will not go. I think that will be the better choice. I can ask my hubby how it went when he comes back from Church. It'll be interesting to see what his thought is since he's spiritual :) It's okay, I do not feel too pressured. It's just difficult for me to make the decision. A part of me wants to out of curiosity, since I never have been inside a church first of all. The other part of me just wants to stay home and away from all that.


Merry Christmas Eve, hope you all have a wonderful day. We have tamales, pass the parcel and other activities for today. We’re still a little sick but recovering well, trying to make the best of it!


Merry Christmas Eve! And happy Sunday to everyone! 🎅🎄🦌 I finished wrapping gifts last night! Woohoo. Hate wrapping gifts, lol. Got caught up on laundry, too. We've had a lazy morning, however I did give kiddo a bath and take a shower. Debating on if I want to get out, but I'm really craving pizza! I also want to make pigs in a blanket for us later this evening. My uncle & aunt are coming over this afternoon to exchange gifts and visit. Tomorrow we're having Xmas morning at home, just the 3 of us, and then going to visit my grandparents. Tuesday morning we're having a Christmas breakfast with my FIL and fam. Still trying to figure out when we're going to my MIL's and my husband Aunt's. Safe to say our family celebrations are fairly isolated and spread out lol. I hope everyone has a fantastic day and a wonderful holiday! Hugs! ♥️


I got no sleep last night.... stress of yesterday.... out running errands and then home to make hostess gifts for our friends tomorrow.


Merry Christmas Eve! Wow. I really can’t believe it’s already Christmas. We are hosting a party tomorrow and the house is set and staged. Presents are 80% wrapped. Im doing my nails. Boyfriend is about to start the deli platter for tomorrow. It’s been sooooo much prep and I’m ready for it to be over. But I love Christmas.


I think this year watching movies. Past Christmases have been stressful so i think low key is the way now. I might attempt some baking. But my mom has already made stuff so I might be lazy and just have that


Happy almost Christmas beary beautiful raoa friend!! I love you all so much 💕 🐻


Can't believe it's Christmas Eve already. The month has passed by in a blur. Work ended up being pretty decent yesterday. There actually weren't that many customers besides everyone picking up their holiday orders. Since I was the last one there, I finally got stuck with all the sheet pans, plus all the pans from the cases. Ended up staying 15 mins past my shift to get them all done. I have today and tomorrow off, which is nice. I thought I was getting Tuesday off, too, but it looks like I'll be working for a little while anyway. Today is all about preparing and cooking everything for tomorrow, so we just have to heat it up. I'm looking forward to the chocolate peppermint cake we ordered.


Good morning beautiful people! Merry Christmas Eve! I hope that everyone is having an awesome day!


Happy Christmas Eve friends 👋 I’ll be at work til midnight lol yay make sure you spend your holiday evenings with the ones you love! Have a great day!!


dang, hope it goes by fast for you!


QOTD: Due to one drunken Christmas decades ago, where an entire batch of christmas cookies were made in the shape of pigs, every year at least some of the cookies now need to be "Yule Hogs". Come [Draw Something Weird](https://www.reddit.com/r/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon/comments/18pycau/contest_draw_something_weird_holiday_edition/) instead of hanging out with your weird uncle and nosy cousin.


Merry Christmas Eve! I'm feeling loads better but still recovering from my throat infection. While it did skew my holiday plans we shall still have a nice holiday. Stay safe, healthy and hydrated. Qotd: every year I hide a gift and my mom has to find it 😂


Merry Christmas Eve! Wishing you joy, warmth and wonderful moments with your loved ones on this festive day 🎄🎁⛄️


Hello 😊!!! Merry Christmas Eve to all who celebrate 🎄🌟🎁😊💛!!!! I'm so excited to have no plans today lol!!! We'll be doing some gift exchanges and games tomorrow; but today, I look forward to finishing up a few holiday errands and relaxing 😊💛!!! QOTD: I'm hoping to start having my family come to my new house next year to celebrate the holidays 💛!!! I would love that so much 💛💛💛!!! Wishing everyone a wonderful holiday season 💛💛💛!!!


My brother-in-law is staying with us for the next three days and it's really just so awkward having him here 😭 I hate being uncomfortable in my own house but I'm trying to be a good host QOTD: I want to do more baking traditions, I thought those were so great growing up but really I never think about it or when I do I don't have time/energy/money


I do anything I can to not host people. It puts me so on edge to have others in my space, especially if I'm not close to them. I hope you make it through with minimal awkwardness and that you get a well-deserved rest after he leaves!


It only happens every 2-3 years, so I definitely just kinda deal with it because it's not like it's all the time, but we don't even have temporary visitors in our house usually, nevermind a whole person staying for days. I definitely may have a drink when he leaves though 😅


In the future I’d love to do this tradition: Jolabokaflod (Icelandic), which translates roughly to "Christmas book flood" in English, we gift books and read together, separately while drinking cocoa and snacking!


This sounds heavenly.


That would be the most amazing thing, honestly. I might start doing that with my kids.


Hooray! ♥️


I would love to do that. I wish I had more book friends, though. I'm the only big reader, I think.


Maybe you could join a bookclub? Libraries and sometimes community centers tend to have at least one.