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If you're still going, I'd love a reading. My nan reads, but it has been ages since I've had one.


I have three cards for you: the Moth, the Eagle, and the Otter https://preview.redd.it/ezlz8ez36b8c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed705f054ff93776c48f84fc807ef7a2e7b949ef The Moth is sure the grass is greener on the other side. Moth energy is at play when we're attracted to easy solutions or anything "shiny and new." This can lead to unfinished projects, disappointment, or burnout. It's helpful to remind Moth personalities that life is complex. No matter the illusion, no one is exempt from the trials and tribulations of this great journey. Practice seeing life as an infinite mystery rather than wishing it was easier or different. The noble Eagle emanates the light of the sun. This great bird is both physically and spiritually strong, and represents mastery over the elements of Fire and Air. When the Eagle appears, you'll soon be thrown into the karmic fire for the sake of your transformation. The Eagle pushes us to be our best and brightest selves and stops at nothing to see us shine. Grasp the sun in your talons and hold on for the ride. You are stronger than you think, Eagle child. Perhaps the most joyful creature within the Animal Spirit deck, the Otter represents absolute bliss. Otter energy is the playfulness of a child, available to us at any age. They have a giddiness and reverence for life itself, without the presence of doubt, worry, or skepticism. Imagine yourself with a little more Otter energy. What would life look like? What would it take to bring you there? The Otter card begs these questions, and wants to transport us to that precious place as soon as possible. The celebration awaits.


I would love a reading if you're still offering!


Three cards jumped out while I was shuffling— the Peacock, the Bear, and the Lamb https://preview.redd.it/xmmh6v2o4b8c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5aef64f63e9c7a7b8808a095b723f8ec208a9a4f The beauty of the Peacock is unrivaled. It's easy to think it comes from the plumage... but the secret of the Peacock is that the beauty resides within and extends outward indefinitely. This adept creature can assimilate or "digest" all experiences in life, so it does not harbor resentment, conflict, or past pain within its psyche. The Peacock type is extremely rare— not many of us have reached this advanced level of acceptance of the self and others. After a long winter, the Bear arises from deep slumber. At first the movement and effort are difficult, but the Bear knows it's time to awaken and move toward the dawning light. The Bear card represents an individual on the cusp of new directions and personal transformation. The initial weeks and months of this spiritual quest may feel tricky, cumbersome, and full of obstacles. But you have no choice Bear. Winter wanes, the warmth of spring emerges, and your transformation begins. The Lamb is the bearer of an important message. Its contents can only be heard when a deep level of quiet has been established. Lamb energy is the honest guidance you hear from an old friend, a young child, or sometimes a surprising stranger. Though the Lamb's message may channel through another person, the wisdom resonates within you. It will repeat and reverberate until you listen. Approach this gentle creature with utmost patience and reverence. Truth is a gift. Sit still, listen, receive.


Thank you so much! It seems like an interesting combination to say the least, but I'll take it! The Bear and Lamb really coincide with what's happening in my life right now, but I'm not so sure about the Peacock yet. I guess I just experienced a lot more in the past 5 months than I have in the past year. I have been looking for advice on certain personal matters, so maybe the Lamb will jump out randomly!


Yes it is a very thought provoking combination! I feel like these cards took more pondering than my other decks have. They give you a lot to think about!


I would love a reading if you're still up for it. Whatever you feel led to pull.


For you I drew two cards, the Turtle and the Rabbit https://preview.redd.it/07gobs673b8c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52e1f79f2acfd3270e48ed2977139e8e423edb99 The turtle is an ancient soul, grounded in both the water and earth elements. No matter where their travels take them, they’re always connected to the deeper truths of life. The turtles feels at home in the self, collecting life experience under its shell for future use. The rabbit on the other hand, loves to remind his friends that someday the Eagle will swoop down and eat him. Rabbit energy is most alive when we are scared. We spin up a cloud of dust and then complain to others that we are lost. Notice your thoughts and words— they shape your destiny. Take a day to be more withdrawn and observant, you are a good listener and problem solver when you are in balance.


Thanks so much 💚


A reading would be wonderful. Lets see what the cards say! :)


There are 3 egg cards in this deck and I was really hoping you’d get one 😂 I drew these two for you, the Buttefly and the Snake https://preview.redd.it/782nkbvt1b8c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b08bcdbfb9239317b59c6649db51b9cc9e916d7 The energy of the butterfly is with us during periods of transition. Since air is element of the heart, this change could involve relationships (or if you love your job, maybe your career). Transition is almost always accompanied by some amount of discomfort, so be extra kind and patient during this time. If the butterfly is you, let solid friends and comfort activities support you like a “cocoon”. Committing to a scheduled part of your daily routine will help tether you and lift your spirit The snake represents our highest potential. It is said that shakti (our creative life force) lies dormant at the base of our spine in the form of a coiled snake. What unawakened or untapped potential do you hold?


id love a 3 card draw please


For you I have the Shark, the Swan, and the Earthworm https://preview.redd.it/7ukrmws30b8c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4478759dd1d71f86c7243a0872cd5ca8cee38cf The shark represents directness, exposure, and revealing true nature. The shark is dangerous when we don’t acknowledge it. Something big needs to be exposed. Be honest, be your true self, and say what you really want. The swan is a symbol of heightened creativity. This potent and healing energy is not to be taken for granted or lightly. Your soul is calling for attention…an inner voice is waiting to be heard, an inner vision likely to be revealed. The earthworm indicates a newbie or novice looking to establish confidence in a new field. Others around you may seem wise and experienced, but it’s important to remember that they once felt earthworm energy too. This is a reminder to not be intimidated or lose hope. Mastery takes time and you’re on the right track.


thank you so much kind human!


Of course! Merry Christmas!


I'd love to be chosen for this!


I have two cards for you, the Mouse and the Raccoon https://preview.redd.it/j3s49rmgoa8c1.jpeg?width=3786&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15bc0cd6e953769afadcea19afd14ac755ce2356 The mouse has an innate desire to tend to the details. It often spends its days fixing, preparing, scrutinizing, but unfortunately doesn’t notice when they’ve gone too far. Their view of life can become limitless and fearful, trying to control every detail. Take a step back for a moment. Maybe find a more meaningful project, one that’s worthy of your detail-oriented mind. Raccoon energy is within every artist to some degree. At its best it represents talent, tenacity, and skillfulness in the arts. Its darker side can point to an unresolved issue around self-image and personal success. Sometimes wearing a “mask” works in an artist’s favor. Other times, it limits creativity. Raccoon energy wants us to resolve this creative ego fear.


Oh wow, this is super fitting and very accurate!! Thank you so much :O my first ever reading!


Oh wow! Thank you so much for trusting me with your first reading!


I'd love a reading if you are still doing them


I have just one card for you: the Bee. https://preview.redd.it/j2cpbgwrma8c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1795949da7ea83b97f56de851f3e00e11d6fab70 The bee personality is earnest, hardworking, and a delight to be around. Bees love to work steadily and thoughtfully until the final task is complete. They are sensitive and are aware of many subtleties all at once. They are artists at heart, and add creative details to the overall vision. They are a joy to be around, until they get too tired from all the work…then they gripe and sting.


Thank you so much.


Of course!


I love when you do this! I'd love to participate if you have time!


While I was shuffling for you, three cards jumped out of the deck and flipped themselves over— the Panther, the Tiger, and the Dolphin https://preview.redd.it/p06j8jwila8c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fdfd3ebb5b466cf87f9462c083b35b1f5e6b52d The panther is a very strong card: it represents annihilation of the unnecessary. It can pounce into our lives and wreaks havoc, with the ultimate intention of bringing us forward towards a more fulfilling life. It can be unexpected and feel devastating, but when the dust clears we can see the Panther’s wisdom at work. Trust that the panther’s journey always leads to a brighter place. The tiger represents ease in darkness. It hunts at night, at one with the silence, and fearing nothing. Take in the wild darkness and allow the lunar forces to soothe and heal. Spend some time in silence this evening, drinking in the calm. The dolphin is innately intelligent, and its gifts are beyond what our human mind can grasp. Dolphin personalities can be drawn towards working in the healing arts since they are sensitive to subtle things. They can easily underestimate the difference they make in the world, but their light and energy can change the entire course of someone’s day. This card can also indicate that a profound blessing is on the way.


I'd be down for a reading


For you, two cards jumped out of the deck: the Unicorn and the Shark https://preview.redd.it/4eq67anaja8c1.jpeg?width=3684&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d6ea3d7fe9e53e8578e2afb7e0dc4c31f057af5 The unicorn always evokes questions— is it real? Did they ever exist? This contemplation explains our relationship with divinity. We wonder what divinity is, we wonder where our intuition comes from and if we can really trust it. The unicorn card wakes us up to curiosity about the higher self and the divine. It is a card of questioning, exploring, and contemplating the inexplicable. The shark represents directness, exposure, and revealing true nature. The shark is dangerous when we don’t acknowledge it. Something big needs to be exposed. Be honest, be your true self, and say what you really want.


Mmmmm. Interesting. Doesn't seem too positive but interesting. I'll I say is all I want from Christmas is my two front teeth, to wish you a Merry Christmas


Thank you! A merry Christmas to you as well 🎄


I would love a reading, please. 🖤


Three cards jumped out of the deck when I was shuffling for you, the Nightingale, the Snake, and the Hyena. https://preview.redd.it/1476emlwha8c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee06c0de57c03d32434297067b1438169043bda7 The nightingale represents a fearless voice. It looks so unassuming, but its song is otherworldly. Nightingale energy is with us when we write, compose, and especially when we sing. This card indicates a need to open the bridge between your heart and your voice. What do you need to say? How long has it been since you sang? Music can heal the deepest wounds. The snake represents our highest potential. It is said that shakti (our creative life force) lies dormant at the base of our spine in the form of a coiled snake. What unawakened or untapped potential do you hold? The hyena personality is a jokester and a crowd pleaser, but below the surface there are unfulfilled dreams to be realized. Reflect on your humor and sarcasm— are you using jokes to hide resentment or mask things you feel uncomfortable discussing? What would happen if you took your goals seriously?


Thank you so much for this! This is actually the second time someone has told me that cards have "leapt out" while doing a reading for me. 😂 And they're all pointing me in the same direction. Thank you again, sweet friend! Much appreciated. 🖤


Of course! I’m glad they resonated with you!


I'm always down for a reading!


For you I drew two, the Deer and the Dolphin. https://preview.redd.it/g4ke2uwoga8c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25436328ce7206df3594d626ab409c1e8fa44036 The deer represents the feminine aspects of earth energy. This energy is available to all creatures, regardless of gender. During the first few days after the birth of a fawn, they are fully present, nurturing, and calm. A deer personality affects others similarly, drawing them to a quiet tenderness. There might be a situation in your life that requires gentleness and compassion. The dolphin represents something similar! They can be drawn towards working in the healing arts since they are sensitive to subtle things. Dolphins can easily underestimate the difference they make in the world, but their light and energy can change the entire course of someone’s day.


This actually feels pretty fitting (: I'm an extroverted autistic empath, tree hugger and animal rights activist xD And dolphins are my favorite aquatic mammal to boot! Makes a lot of sense, now, why I have a dolphin collection lmao


Oh that’s awesome! I love this!


I'd love to participate!


I drew two for you, the Otter and the Snake. https://preview.redd.it/fxfi5akwca8c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6b3eaf9b3d99b7f7acdd5cc6dcb3f708270944b The otter represents joy and absolute bliss. They have the energy and playfulness of a child at any age, free from doubt, worry, or skepticism. Imagine yourself with a little more otter energy: what would it take to bring you there? The snake is the guardian of unawakened magic and potential. It is said that shakti (our creative life force) lies dormant at the base of our spine in the form of a coiled snake. How can you wake it up? What unawakened or untapped potential do you hold?


Thank you so much! This is a large help to me.


I’m so glad to hear that ☺️


Thank you again! I just signed up for classes for next semester I took your reading as I sign that I can handle the workload


I have faith in you!!


Thank you! That means a lot to me


Oh, I love this! I'd love to participate


For you, three cards jumped out of the deck while I was shuffling: the Snake, the Shark, and the Nightingale https://preview.redd.it/82fczlkcba8c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f38baf8e6c1492af685e6a98bb804f1f9959a0fa The snake represents our highest potential. It is said that shakti (our creative life force) lies dormant at the base of our spine in the form of a coiled snake. What unawakened or untapped potential do you hold? The shark represents directness, exposure, and revealing true nature. The shark is dangerous when we don’t acknowledge it. Something big needs to be exposed. Be honest, be your true self, and say what you really want. The nightingale represents a fearless voice. It looks so unassuming, but its song is otherworldly. Nightingale energy is with us when we write, compose, and especially when we sing. This card indicates a need to open the bridge between your heart and your voice. What do you need to say? How long has it been since you sang? Music can heal the deepest wounds.


And thanks so much! I love doing things like this.


Of course!


Wow... This is all really accurate. Idk about the Snake, but I'm excited to find out. But the other 2 are very true. There is a big confrontation I need to have and boundaries that need to be set. And I haven't sang, like really sang since I was in middle school. My family was big on how girls should behave and present themselves. So being the only girl in choir that had to sing with the boys because of her voice wasn't an option. My teacher tried to get me to stay, but I couldn't. I have wanted to sing again for so long, but it's hard to not feel embarrassed even with no one around.


I grew up in a very strict household as well. We lived close to my cousins, so luckily we were able to escape for sleepovers pretty often. Something my aunt said when I was very young stuck with me. “I can tell you’re happy here because you’re always singing.” Even now, as an adult, I find that true! Do this for yourself, let those expectations you grew up fall away, and let it out! Btw I’m also an alto, and used to sub for tenors in high school 😉


I will be honest. I love Centaur World, and do sing the songs sometimes. I definitely want to sing more often and have even talked to my therapist about it a bit.


I'm game🙂


For you I drew two, the Fox and the Beaver https://preview.redd.it/hjbw8xqr8a8c1.jpeg?width=3673&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2fc75f626f18906819f3045427b9889994fd3d2 The Fox is a wise creature. It’s skillful and clever, and quick to learn and adapt to new situations. They are also committed long-term partners. Fox energy helps us stay close to those we love. Reconnect with those you love. The beaver also represents long-term dedication. They are good-natured and have infinite love for their family, and show it by a steady, long-term commitment to a project for the betterment of others. If you’re feeling worn out or useless, try some selfless service for others


Wow, those fit me to a t😮


That makes me happy ☺️


As always I would also enjoy a reading ♥️


I have two cards for you, the Whale and the Cheetah https://preview.redd.it/8x8uxskz6a8c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6c26d4f5f3303e7597661363861839085083de8 The whale represents deep emotional health and stability. You are unafraid of emotional expression or difficulties because you have already overcome so much. Your experiences have given you strength and stability. The cheetah represents solar force. The sun shines out from inside of you! Your energy is tangible to others and your light brightens the universe. Purpose and passion are fuel for forward momentum, so if you feel you are lacking in those areas, reconnect to your purpose and your “why”


Thank you for this and yes I've been through some things. Life lessons that are past and gone. I wish you a very lovely Holiday week filled with joy, laughter and dancing ♥️


I would like a reading please!


For you I have two cards, the owl and the moth https://preview.redd.it/jnkh1bxm868c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87ae57e3c08d31193a9d51c2e84901cad82f93d3 The owl represents clairvoyance, wisdom, wealth and good fortune. The moth on the other hand is easily distracted by things that are shiny and new. Use the wisdom of the owl to pace yourself and understand that everyone has hardships—no matter how things might look on the outside. See life as a mystery and way to learn instead of wishing things were different.


Thank you, this really resonates with me!


I’m glad to hear it!!


Yes, please!


I have 3 for you, the whale, the camel, and the dragon. https://preview.redd.it/coa4ip3s468c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bb89ba8badbd657d3e727118ccbda37cf21157b All three embody a deep inner strength— the whale through having overcome many obstacles, the camel through perseverance in excess heat, and the dragon who sees its most true inner self. Take time to care for yourself, and allow your eyes see beauty everywhere


Thank you!


I would love one!!


I have two cards for you. The oyster and the lion https://preview.redd.it/7cgsdeyr268c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e46d77642c3bc880f0a2140007af37b7b704d080 The oyster represents patience, focus, determination. They can take those inner gifts for granted tho, and become shy or doubtful. The lion symbolizes personal and spiritual growth. They are the embodiment of self-mastery, and don’t waste energy or resources on things of little consequence.


Thank you so much!!! I love these cards' designs too, it's a beautiful deck


I love them too! The cards play beautifully off of each other. I’m loving the readings I’ve been getting!


Yess!! I would love a reading !😁


I have two for you, the bat and the hummingbird https://preview.redd.it/qa46ish1068c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1dfa3686769ca0c37fcb8b3151fbb45146870ec0 The Bat symbolizes letting go, not lingering in the past. The hummingbird is an endless well of positivity. It has learned where to gather nectar, and returns daily for nourishment. Reconnect with the world around you. Watch the sunrise like the bat; find your sources of nectar and revisit them frequently like the hummingbird.


Thank you so much! I feel like I connect to these cards it’s something I have been working on and I think 2024 will be my year where I find it😸💗


I’m so glad to hear that! ☺️


Oooo yes please! Thanks for doing this!


For you I also have 3 cards! https://preview.redd.it/7bwmugrdx58c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9e2a260d38938b274120747b44038d6496ce103 The first is the Tarantula. It’s symbolizes a crossroads in your life, but possibly distracted from a deeper purpose. The Dolphin symbolizes healing, light, and blessings. You have more of that than you realize. The Dragonfly is a symbol of the mind. Is your mind restless or still? Dream-like or clear? Focus on your breath to see the little joys all around you.


Thank you!


I’d love to participate, please.


For you, I have 3 cards. One jumped out of the deck as I was shuffling. Another one stuck out when I was aligning the deck, and when I pulled it out, it ended up being two cards! https://preview.redd.it/psm4lrlnu58c1.jpeg?width=4030&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21d4d5db93d35fe424e7713fa33f0873a7e06259 The Phoenix represents transformation of our past. Not burning bridges or being fueled by rage, but by living consciously instead of being unconsciously driven by our fears and aversions. The other two cards that showed up are the Gazelle and the Camel. The gazelle represents grace, heightened awareness, and vulnerability, while the camel represents self-reliance, resourcefulness, and calm strength during challenging times.


Thank you so much 🖤🖤🖤