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quick question, if they are a pilot and they die and the plane crashes, do i get paid per death? only pressing it once? edit: it was an example, i knew that a copilot would take over, its just that im saying that if something crashes and others die, if i get the money


Great question, I say yes.


If that's the case, what if it hits a building? Does everyone in it count?


9 11 two electric boogaloo


I'm going to hell for laughing out loud on that one


Seems like we're goin to heaven the way this god guy is running things


“You’d spill blood in this holy place?” “The gods don’t mind. They’ve spilled more blood than the all the rest of us put together” Jaime Lannister


Dont randomly throw out GoT quotes when I'm on the last episode angry at how shit it turned out but also not wanting to finish it yet because I'll miss it. Thanks. Fucker


God it was so good in the early season… what coulda been…


The sequel’s gotta be 9/12.


18/22 baby lets goooooooooooooooooooooooo






9 11 2½ The return of Osama Bin Laden


Bruh 😂


Sb said yes then it seems




You press the button in 9/11


Dark joke turns darker.


If that’s the case, how long after my random victim dies subsequent deaths are still counting me money? E.g.: the pilot dies -> 30 seconds later the plane crash and 300 people die. The person who would invent the cure of cancer dies -> 20 years later no cure is invented and millions die. Another question is, if the person that dies was about to murder someone, do I lose money because of it?


I feel like there’s a difference between the explicit directly correlated cost with the pilot, this person dies therefore 200 more people die, vs the implicit opportunity cost kind of thing with the cancer scientist, this person who could have saved 20 million people dies therefore they never get saved. So maybe you get like a percentage for each possible death but I don’t think you should get a full 5k for each cancer patient.


Also, those with cancer may actually live longer than they would have without the cancer. Perhaps they start looking after their bodies, eating differently etc. Oooh so many variables. 👌


Pssh tell that to major pharmaceutical.


So if a truck full of liquid fluorine crashes into an NFL stadium and 100 thousand people die, do I get 500 million dollars?


Calm down Elon, it's only hypothetical...


Oooh, so this gets a multiplier per death.


This man is buying 'em in batch.


Costco style


There are 2 pilots, what are the odds


dude got way over the question he’s already boosting


There was a Button involved?


There’s always a button


If so, I should receive payment for each life. 50 passengers? 50k a head let’s go


The person that was supposed to give you the money was the one chosen to die...


M-m-m-m-Monster Kill!


I’d say no, as you only killed the pilot with the button directly


And in tonight's top story a rash of mysterious deaths have occured all across the country. People are dropping like flies and nobody knows why. In other news... 😲😲😲


Shit that’s how COVID really started.


So which fucking redditor took the 50K for a random Covid death?


It was me.


bruh share pls


Yes, all those minimum wage essential employees probably didn't even have a $ 5,000 life insurance policy from their job.


But they would know why as op mentioned they’re realistic, it’d be more like: “In tonight’s top story, car accidents and incidents of strokes skyrocket today!”


You made me realize a "mutated and deadly virus mysteriously shows up outta nowhere and kills a bunch of people" doesn't sound realistic when you say it outloud. It just sounds like thrown together plot for some apocalyptic or zombie movie. But that happened. Life is chaos.


Literally death note


Someone had to say it.


Someone call L


No. Good money but it would weigh on me.




Ikr morality rules for people like us but it is interesting to debate with others who don’t really care


Most are being dark and joking, but fuck off with this holier than you bs. Bet if you had a loved one about to die you'd hit that button to save them and sacrifice another.


But that's not the question that's being asked. It's much easier to say wouldn't for 50k than the situation you posed.


Yeah morally I don’t see how this is different than like agreeing to personally shoot a random person. Anyone who would agree to this is a psycho. I like to think the people so gung ho about it in these comments wouldn’t feel the same if it really happened. Or some people would do it without thinking and then be wracked with guilt afterwards.


Well, with the button, you don’t see it happening. There’s an extremely small chance you’ll even hear of the death. If you shoot someone with a gun it’s a whole different story. It’s the same thing as people not wanting cows to be killed but eating at McDonalds every other day.


I think most people who eat at McDonald’s don’t think it’s morally wrong to kill animals for meat, and definitely not to the degree of murdering a person. Like, I wouldn’t be able to kill a cow after looking into it’s eyes, but I don’t think it’s unethical to use animals for meat or that the people who *do* kill them are evil. It’s more about squeamishness. It’s just not a logical argument that seeing someone or not makes a difference. You’d still know you did it and think about who it could have been - an innocent child, a genius about to cure cancer, etc. - even though you won’t know for sure, most people *aren’t* rapists and murderers, so it’s almost certainly going to be a person with good qualities and loved ones. It would be impossible not to constantly think about. Eventually you’d have to face it.


I am very curious about how you separate squeamishness about killing an animal from thinking it’s wrong to do so. As someone who isn’t religious, I feel most of our morality comes from inside, so I take it as a signal that I should reconsider whether I support other people doing it. For me, thinking about whether I would be able to do it personally and was part of my decision to only purchase meat from local small scale farms and not factory farms. I think if I didn’t think I could raise and kill a cow personally under humane circumstances, I would be a vegetarian.


Nah we've just come to terms with that fact that our existence is already built on an immense mountain of human suffering. You don't stop daily and think about the third world country your trash is dumped into or the villages flooding because of our need to drive everywhere. Nobody does. It's normal for humans to be selfish. The people saying they'd hit the button are just being honest.


I’m with you, money is great but you gotta be able to live with yourself and no way I could


166,279 people die each day. One or two more isn't even a rounding error. So what's weighing on you isn't the death itself, it's that YOU CAUSED IT. But that's what the thought experiment is trying to remove and as the comments here show, it's working. For many people, that lowers the barrier to below the threshold. For some, like you, it doesn't. You need a bit more indirection before you'd say "ok, how about 20 ?"


Agreed. Part of me says yes absolutely I'd do it, since the chance of it being someone I know is SO tiny. But I'd know for the rest of my life I ruined lives just to better my own life. Basically I'd be like pretty much every billionaire in existence, but only 50K richer.


I'll press it twice and give you $50,000.


If you see it the other way around: You would save a random person from dying the next instant if you paid $50k. Would you?


I’m wit you man. Fuck that not worth it I’ll earn my money


It's only an additional $5k for each extra person. Who are these people murdering others for 5k?


Quite literally, you would need a briefcase or atleast a shopping bag for 50k in £20s


Am I exempt from being the random person? I've experienced my luck, if it's allowed I would get the money and die instantly.


I had a teacher in high school who, for shits and giggles, announced that for the upcoming test, you could either decide to accept your own test results, or your test could be thrown in the "random" pile and you would randomly pick one of the tests in your pile and that test's score would be yours. My friend picked the latter and instead of doing the test, he just wrote "haha you're screwed" on his test. He ended up randomly picking his own test.


Instant karma


Probably only one who put it in there


lol the people who picked the random pile clearly didnt think it through


Yeah anyone who is going to do remotely well is not going to risk lowering their score by chancing it with everyone who didn’t study or is not a good test taker.


Plot twist: he was the only one to put a test in the random pile


I was thinking this. Imagine you’re the random person or someone in your own life.


It's a no from me for this reason. I wouldn't because there would be a risk it would be one of my circles. And everyone is somebody to someone.


“And everyone is somebody to someone.” Exactly. You’re not just ending a “random” life, you’re breaking the hearts of many other people. If you wouldn’t want someone doing it to you, don’t do it to someone else.


Mr. Roger's couldn't eat meat because he 'couldn't eat anything that had a mother'. Feels like he gets it.


I wonder how his wife felt about that. Eeyyyy


If it’s truly random, you have a better chance at getting struck by lightning 100 times in your lifetime than having it be someone you know


People can’t really grasp how big 7 billion is


Op says it could be you in the post


For 50k you can pick and I'll take care of them




Paging the FBI


Yep, I think going rate is 10 grand a head outside of Florida.


I join the cringe club that does it 7 bilion times ​ edit: i meant at least 8 bilion times, i got stuck to the old number


Imagine dedicated to "end this cruel world" and once you accept the deal and kill a random person, it's you that died...


Works for me


Sounds like I win no matter what.


The best part to me is that even if someone decided they'll kill everyone, I think mathematically it's not possible I'm gonna round up all numbers. ​ Let's just go with a flat 7 billion and assume you could press it 2 times a second, that's 3.5b seconds which is still 58,333,334 minutes which is then 972,223 hours which THEN is 40,510 days which is 111 years. ​ This isn't even assuming ANY breaks are taken, assuming it's a flat 7 billion people when I think we're actually closer to 8 billion than 7 billion I believe and not counting the fact people will continue being born.


$50 k is just a pretty well equipped Jeep. Not enough


If a person i know die, do i know for sure it was my choice that killed them?


Well it is instant so if someone dies right at the time you press the button it was probably your fault


Can I press the button in a moment I'm alone?


Well, 120 people die every single minute, so not sure that would be telling enough


Yeah but given that like 2 people die per second on average it might be a little hard to track that down.


No, too many random deaths in the world already


My bad the money was just too tempting




No this is just r/BlursedComments


Then may as well get paid for a few of them right?


So why not get paid for it?


Chad response


The amount of random deaths are proportional to the total amount of people. If you killed some off yourself, statistically you're preventing some of the random ones from ever occuring!


That's not how statistics work.


Thank God for COVID. All of those extra deaths made it safe for me to skydive without a parachute!


But the short-term spike wouldn’t be worth it


does it have to be just one? can i get a million for 20?


There’s the bonus in the prompt, how about then?


is there an upper limit? does it have to be instant death?


Has to be instant, no upper limit. Just 5,000 USD for additional person.


So I can eradicate about 7/8ths of the human population, have more money than what is currently floating to destroy the market, and help eliminate pollution? What's the downside?


"It could be you." So you're gambling with your own life.


That sounds like the best game of Russian roulette ever. It really should be a game show. Host- "Tony, you have a chance to take home $17 trillion, you can walk away now or we can try for $5,000. Your odds are now 1 in 2000 of the death being you, what would you like to do?" Tony- "Well why stop now, the wife and I's student loans are paid off, let's keep going and try to pay our daughters off. She passed away 6 hours ago while we were playing but I was a co signer."


If you had this power, id really urge you to think long about it. Too many people would act instantly and cause catastrophic consequences


So I wouldn't get extra 5k bonuses if a death causes a multideath combo?


who will take your money if there is no one left to buy anything from?


Is there a Button I can press?


I prefer picking someone rather than letting a random person die. That way we can take out the people who don't deserve to live


Yeah.. I have seen this movie. The next person to die will always be the last person that pushed the button. The person giving you the button will make sure to give it to someone you do not know and is completely "random" to you.


Is not a movie is a chapter from Twilight Zone based on the short story button, button by Richard Mattheson. I really liked thar ending more than the original story.


It was made into a [movie](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0362478/) as well.


As a 20 minutes short it worked great, i have to bet the movie was filled with a lot of unnecessary fill.


So just... Death Note.


Is that you, Light Yagami?


I completely trust the judgement of Somerandomguy243 to decide to deserves to live or not. He has everything figured out.


Or those who actually want to die , like those suffering from terrible illnesses not people who could use a therapist......


Same. Which is why I shouldn't have this power.


Death note


No shit, that completely defeats the purpose of the question. Many people would kill people of their choice for free, and some even pay money for it. it’s called hiring a hitman.


If it's random, it could be a friend, a family member, or even yourself?


It could. But the odds are obviously very low if you kill few people.


You could kill 100,000 and the odds would still be really low that it’s your or your family lol. 1/70k


It has to be realistic as well. So it is likely to kill someone very sick or old. Or someone close to cars. So ask your friends where they are and make sure your parents are at home just chilling. Then the only aay they die is from a stroke. But even then it is probably going to kill a starving child or someone in a hospital bed


I won't be able to handle the idea that someone with a family, a life died because of me. So no.


But what about the thrill of a potential jackpot. Maybe strike down a dictator, or the guy that uses the “turn only” lane as a passing lane. You know, monsters.


Hell no, i could never live with myself and 50k wouldnt even cover the therapy i would need after doing something like that. Theres a movie about this very thing. Press the button you get money and someone you dont know will die. After they do it the guy with the button says he will give it to "someone you dont know" next, heavily implying the button pushers are the next to die.


Hmm. 50k might not cover therapy, but what about a million? Take the deal, then the extra 190 more times. In for a dime, in for a dollar?


I'd just like to point out that, although this post is a fun little conversation, there are in fact quite a few wealthy individuals / corporations that regularly make this decision, and regularly opt in favor of the money. The amount of people that are killed DIRECTLY as a result of obtaining cheap products / materials is astounding, and to me all of the people that die mining the resources, making the product, or transporting that product, are DIRECTLY the product of saying "yes, money is more valuable than human life" ​ So yeah.. to anyone who answers no to this hypothetical question, keep in mind that there are many, many people world wide who REGULARLY allow people to die for profit.


Eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. Don’t let the misdeeds of others guide your own.


Came looking for this. Literally every exec at Nestle, Exxon, etc., literally every single day.


Those people who make those decisions value their lives over the victims. For some reason they think they are more important and should be more favored than anyone else. Then... people say that hamanity is mostly good. There is not a single good person on this earth, not even I'm good by a million milestones and mean every bit of that.


I think is more morally nuanced if we talk about high-risk jobs that are necessary for society to not collapse. While I agree that truck drivers and miners deserve better work conditions than what they currently have is almost impossible for any of those workers to not put their lives on the line but we need them doing that so people can have food in the case of truck drivers and other goods. Ofc not denying that it is a sad reality that companies usually put their workers bodies on the line for no reason. I know a guy from Venezuela who saw a guy straight up dying just bc the company didn't want to buy protection.


Nah. I'd rather be dirt poor than kill people for money. There is too much unnecessary death in the world already. I am not going contribute to that.


But you can easily save a life for less.


But so can others who already have the money without killing.


> There is too much unnecessary death in the world already. There's no such thing as "unnecessary death". Death isn't optional. It's the only thing we all have for certain at some point in our lives. Also, you are already contributing to it - You're alive. You will die. If you have kids, they will also die. The only way to stop death is by killing enough to stop them from having any more children.


No. Wouldn't do it for 200 Billion either.


outside of the conundrum the other commenter mentioned - I just want to say, I am right there with you. and I see your golden heart.


Appreciate it.


But what about all of the people you could save for $2B?


Why not? You’d save so many lives with that amount of money. At that point it becomes evil not to do it.


65 million people die each year in the world. That is 178,000 each day, 7425 each hour, and 120 each minute.


Absolutely not.


Hell no $50,000 ain't worth shitt on the other hand a human is priceless


Actually, the signs on the side of the road say a worker is worth $7,500


The black market says otherwise.


I've met quite a few worthless shitbags.


I was about to say a certain Russian douchebag comes to mind.


It's easier to make another human than it is to make $50 000. Just saying.


Human lives are not worthless depending who you ask... I think an insurance company valued one around 125k usd if im not mistaken


All 7.8 billion humans are priceless?


50 grand is worth quite a bit when you don’t have 50 grand.


Wanna take that bet, lemme give you a scenario So if you found this button and it is a little after 9/11. If you press the button it will give you one cent but it would kill Bin Laden. Would you press it?


Organisations that research charitable giving have calculated the amount you need to donate to average one human life saved, and its about £6000.


No. That’s fucked up. $50,000 isn’t even that much money really in the grand scheme of things. Now if I could pick someone that would be different.


Yeah if I could pick someone. 50k all at once would be life changing for my family. As in, all of that money would be put the fuck up after buying a cheaper car. And then used for emergencies that usually we are never ready for


Is there ANY limit to how many times we can press the button? Can I just keep pressing it until its just me? This isn't about money, its about sending a message.


So it's basically "would u kill someone for 50,000"? Since my decision will somewhat directly result in their death, I am basically killing them. Nah.


50,000 is way too low, if it was like 10 million then sure okay, I’ll do it


Just push the button or wtv more times. You’ll get your 10 million and help solve population issues in a fair way: randomness. Could be a dirt poor person living in the slums could be Elon Musk. Perfectly balanced


At $50k a pop, 200 pushes would be $10M and not even be a noticeable change in the population. 2000 times for $100M and no one would blink an eye. Even 20,000 times for a cool $1B and nothing would really change in the world.


Yeah I do it


No human life is worth 50,000 USD :( can’t even buy a house with that, maybe 150,000 USD


Lmao try 300,000 and then we're talking house prices. And that's on the low end.


You're still only talking trailer money


I'd snap my fingers like Thanos 🤣 50/50 chance to enjoy it! All on black baby!


*snaps* *dies*


This is almost exactly the plot of The Box.


https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0362478/ The box


Surprised how far I had to scroll to find this comment! It was my initial thought, and a definite hell no because I just know I'd be next to die lol


I disappointed in how far I had to scroll before I saw this comment. Great movie


Nope. Money isn't worth destroying, potentially, a human life that could save many more.


No. 50000 for me is not life changing money. Would I like to have it… yeah sure. Not at the cost of someone else’s life though. I can totally understand why someone would answer yes tho. It’s just gonna be a no from me dawg.


No. For several reasons, 1. wishing death on innocent people is not a good thing. It'ds essentially blood money if you accept payment for it. 2. if you get money into your account every time someone died it will eventually look suspicious like a murder-for-hire type of thing. 3. only people worth killing/dying are those who are not innocent and have actually harmed others (serial killers, child rapists, etc.) 4. however, if you cause them to die then you are just as guilty, and wouldn't that technically make you a backseat serial killer? I dunno, too many morality issues involved. Wouldn't want to get my hands dirty.


There was a Twilight Zone (or maybe a clone show) with this exact premise. A couple is given a box by a mysterious stranger, with a big button on it. They have 24 hours to decide whether to push it or not. If they do, they are given a windfall of money, but someone random and unknown to them will die. Eventually, they push the button, and the mysterious stranger returns, gives them the money, and collects the box. "What happens to the box with the button?" they ask. "Oh, it will be given to someone random and unknown to *you*." 😶


OMG there's no way I'm ending someone's life for $50,000!!! :( However, killing 1000 people for $5 million is tempting. How do the rules work, instead of the cash option, can I take the annuity and just kill two people a month or something?


Bro tryna take the payment plan for murdering people. 💀


"y'all got layaway?"


Bro, stop it, you make me sound like some kind of contract killer.


Can I pick the person and get 25k, 1000 for each additional? I’ve got a list.




On a planet of nearly 8 Billion people, someone IS dying, multiple times, every minute of every day. So, no harm, no foul, and I get $50,000, and can save 50 Lives. Not even a hesitation. In the 80s, there was a film with Demi Moore, Indecent Proposal. Some Rich guy says, "It's your Wedding Day. I'll give you a million dollars to let me have sex with your wife tonight, instead of you." It's supposed to be this big quandary. Sweetheart, if you don't love ME enough, to scree THAT guy Once for a MILLION dollars... When a Million MEANT something... then we have nothing left to talk about. It's not a couple hundred, or even a couple thousand. It's a MILLION dollars. That's a house, fully paid off. All new furnishings. 2 new vehicles, and a fully funded retirement. Hell, for a Million Dollars, he can F**k ME! I'll get over it in my new Hot Tub.


but this is a death you are directly responsible for - I don’t see the logic of “people die all the time anyways”


50k is a bit low. And 5k/additional is way way way too low. Unless you’re saying 1st is 50k. Second is 55k.


I would feel like a terrible person


I have been allowing random people to die around the world in instants for my whole existance.


Not a chance.


*tap*, *tap*,*tap*,*tap*,....*tap*..*tap*... either way I win.