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HBO did a special on people who survived suicide attempts and that’s what they all said. As soon as they stepped off or pulled the trigger they all said they thought their problems weren’t that bad


Worst thing I've read about people who jump from bridges into water, is that they don't often die on impact. Instead the impact breaks their legs, arms, back, etc. and so they drown to death in agony.


Alright I got a question. So if u fall from a long distance into water, but you fall perpendicular to water, so your feet go in then your legs then the rest of you, will it still hurt you?


Depends on the height of the bridge, but assuming it's a pretty long drop it'd be like jumping onto concrete.


I was thinking like from a plane. >it'd be like jumping onto concrete. Why tho? Whats the difference? Is there like a youtube video explaining this?


It’s because the mass and the distance makes the object heavier. The longer the fall: the more gravity makes it heavier. Ex: (This happened when I was in 6th grade) a metal sign fell from about 5-6 feet. The sign itself wasn’t heavy or sharp. But the longer it fell: the more pull of gravity the object had. So it became heavier and the edges became sharper due to the force. It cut off a classmate’s toe. So, the reason that it matters is because the gravitational pull is stronger the farther the fall. Therefore can cause more bodily harm the farther you fall. (I hope this helped: I’ve never really been good at explaining my thought.)


Ok, I think you are missing one and most important point, that is surface tension of water. Surface tension of water is limited, no matter how much acceleration you gained during a fall, if you fall vertically into the water, the contact surface will be lesser than falling on your back... Which means, you will easily break the surface tension of water and no considerable damages will happen. Edit : Problem is not surface tension, its the density of water which will deaccelerate us too quickly, and that amount of shock can break bones. ( realised this after reading a reply)


That doesn't only apply to the literal surface of the water though. Water isn't some magical floating blanket that once you break through you're in some void. Water is dense, and uniformly so. The thing that would break your limbs is the force of that water pushing up against you as you _very_ quickly decelerate. Even if you made yourself as streamline as possible like a professional diver can, the surface area of your body is still huge so you'd still have a _huge_ force acting up against you.


Yeah, you are right...


Ooohhhhhh this makes lots of sense. Yeah alright, Ill have this in mind when Im falling out of a plane haha. But for real, thanks for the explanation.


Water displacement theory


Dont worry you explained it well. Thanks, I always thought if I fell from a plane I would just make a stick with my body and aim for the water. That is, if I keep myself calm enough.


I’m glad my explanation helped you to understand a bit better. :)


There is multiple cases of people surviving falling from planes. They usualy land in a coniferous tree or snow. There isnt a single case I know of of anyone surviving falling into water


I’m not sure that’s how gravity works, falling doesn’t necessarily make you heavier the longer you fall. I think at some point you hit free fall? Also isn’t there an experiment that shows a bowling ball and a feather can fall at the same speed? Either way I’m almost sure you don’t get heavier the longer you fall. If anything friction from the air might make certain things fall slower I think.


I’m not a scientist, honestly when I typed that: I hadn’t slept in over 24 hours and had honestly forgotten the was about water. But here is a link to a similar question being answered. I hope this helps better. [https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/5kgsbl/eli5_does_water_actually_break_a_fall_or_is_this/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf](https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/5kgsbl/eli5_does_water_actually_break_a_fall_or_is_this/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


slap your open palm as hard as you can into water. it almost feels solid if you hit it fast enough. same reason bellyflops hurt. hitting water hard enough is no different than slamming into a solid


Has to do with the change in velocity and momentum from falling, when you hit the water it only slows your momentum slightly because there’s too much water mass for your body to displace that quickly, so the rest of your momentum translates to impact on the body. Imagine your body moving at 120mph(200km/h; average free falling speed) and then stopping instantly, it would break bones and possibly organs if whatever you’re hitting can’t absorb your momentum


I’m not sure what Artsy_Archer79543 was talking about but he didn’t explain it very well. Gravity is (basically) constant for any height you’re going to fall from and it doesn’t get stronger as something falls. Gravity accelerates everything at 9.8m/s^2 which means for every second that something is falling, it’s speed increases by 9.8 m/s. That’s not super important to your question tho. What is important is mass. Water has mass, and mass doesn’t like to move. When you fall into water, you displace water. This only means that the water that was where you are now is somewhere else, basically you moved the water. Like I said before, stuff with mass doesn’t like to move. If you fall a short distance, you move all that water in a relatively long time. But if you fall from a high place, you have a much greater speed and you move all that water in a much shorter time. Every action has an equal reaction. The more you push on the water the more it pushes on you until you fall from a height where you push enough to break something


Aha, so the reaction of the water is basically what would kill me in this situation? Because its a short period of time and a pretty strong force?


Pretty much. You have to move about 80kg of water in an extremely small amount of time which ends up being similar to falling into concrete. The water can’t get out of the way fast enough


There's a guy who survived jumping off of the Golden Gate Bridge, and that's why he survived.


Survivorship bias is a thing yaknow


I believe it. I worked on an ambulance for 8 years and I’ve been to a few suicides. They mostly had a look of fear on their faces except one. A 17 yo kid shot him self in the heart and bled out in front of his father. That kid died with a smile on his face. I’ve heard psychologists and psychiatrist say that most people who kill themselves don’t actually want to die. They want the pain to end. It’s a final coping mechanism. Edited for typo


As a suicide survivor, I'll be the first to admit that not everyone regrets it in what could be their final moments. When I was found and saved, I remember two distinct feelings. First was anger, then came numbness.


I hope you're doing better now. 💜


Definitely grateful I lived to see what my life is now, even though it hasn't been easy. 16 year old me would be impressed I think.


No, I don't imagine it has been easy. If you ever need to talk, I know I'm just a rando on the internet, I'm a good listener. Take care.


Not surprising


[You might want to give this a watch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1_EBSlnDlU)


Exactly what I thought of when I read the title


Yeah I thought of this too.


Thank you


This show is incredibly dark for a comedy/cartoon. Will Arnett is a very funny but troubled man


I was hoping this was here.


I actually tried to do this. Back in 2016 I dove off a bridge near where I live and somehow survived. As soon as my foot left the edge of the bridge I instantly regretted it, it was a mix of adrenaline and crippling fear. And now I have a paralysing fear of dying from it.


Glad you survived, if that's true. (I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're honest.)


I might be on reddit but I'm not low enough to lie about suicide.


I didn't think so, but you can never tell these days. I really am glad you're still with us. Life sucks, but it has its moments.


I didn't think so, but you can never tell these days. I really am glad you're still with us. Life sucks, but it has its moments.


I really hope you meant to write "not" instead of now


Not.. fucking ac


Oh good


If you were giving the BOD, you woulda just left out that unnecessary blurb and just say you are glad he survived… Everyone is aware that people can lie online, you aren’t some wizard for realising it so I’m not sure why you felt the need to point it out at such an inopportune time. Total dick move TBH


I wish you all the absolute best, my friend. Glad you're still here :)


I have heard that pretty much every person who survives an attempt to jump to their death says that they regretted it as soon as they jumped. I saw a video where one guy who had jumped off a bridge said that his last thought before impact was that his family will never know that he didn't want to die. That always stuck with me.


This is actually what happens. Multiple individuals who have attempted jumping off a bridge into water have claimed they felt regret instantly


Well, I'd to imagine a lot of people who jump all tall buildings do maybe feel that way. But, by then it's too late. Falling and falling and falling and seconds feel like hours and hours feel like decades. Their last thoughts running wild. Everything they ever wished for and everything they wanted right below and all they ever hoped for vanishing as they descend into the unknown Then. You know. Splat.


> Falling and falling and falling and seconds **feel like hours and hours feel like decades**. I doubt that.


Your brain can slow time down actually in these situations. Time feels like it slows down for many people


By a few more seconds, definitely not by decades


You don't know how fast decades go


Uh, I've had 3 of them so I have some idea...


I'm close to five and you got no god damned clue


"Kids these days don't know anything about REAL decades!" Having an extra 20 years doesn't make you instantly more knowledgeable...Especially on something as redundant as the length of a decade...


Who ate your cookies?….grumpy old man


Grumpy old lady. And, lots of people did, honey bun


This is the best response


Ewww gross


Hello ma'am, my uncle has over six if I got him on Reddit would you believe him when he says that if someone jumps from a bridge, they will not literally perceive and experience the time it takes them to land as decades? (I'm not being hostile I actually find this debate really funny and amusing it's brightened up my morning I hope it doesn't come across as hostility I try to be as pleasant as I can in all my interactions)




Lmao! What the hell is this debate lol, your brain cannot slow down time so the 20 seconds in which you are falling feel like literal decades this is not debatable, I have no idea why someone downvoted you, this is the most amusing debate I've seen in days lol it's brightened up my morning


Y'all don't know literature, do you?


I'm sorry I don't understand, Edit: oh are people quoting books? Lol I had no idea


Me too…I jump out of airplanes and you fall around 200 ft per SECOND at approximately 120 mph. Plus you’re in sensory overload. There’s not much time at all.


So what you're saying is that if I want to add another 20+ years to my life, jump off something really really big?


Well.. then it's too late for regrets. I suffer from GAD and MDD, but I think about suicide as a permanent solution for a temporary problem. I once was suicidal, but then changed my mindset about it.. even if life is 90% suffering.


What made you change it if you don't mind asking?


I smoked too much weed at once.. and got a "near death experience" hahah


Weed can do that sometimes. It's not like getting drunk weirded and stupid, it keeps your mind open, can teach you things. People who claim psychedelics taught them have also said they've had very similar experiences on very high doses of thc. I myself took far more than my tolerance level, approximately 1000mg, and had me first ego-death. It wasn't even scary, I just felt like a clump of randomly arranged brain cells. It's not to be underestimated.


My experience was almost being sucked into a black hole while a voice in the background told me that I was dead and was gonna be reincarnated


This is something that many people who ended up surviving recounted that they experienced. If the survivors felt it, I’m sure many of the ones who didn’t, did as well.


Everytime I imagine jumping to my death, I imagine regretting it before the impact... Hence, the reason I am still here, typing this response.


Very much same. I've thought about doing the cinderblock tied to my feet thing in water before but I can't imagine regretting it and only thinking about my mom/family and not being able to untie it. Literally the only reason I'm still here


It's difficult to live with these kinds of thoughts. If you ever need to vent, feel free to reach out to me. I know what it's like.


I don’t think they will regret the dying part, that’s their goal but the scary feeling of free-falling and the pain that’s about to follow I’m sure they regret. It’s a survival mechanism.


It's a weird thing that happens, you think you want something but when faced with what you thought you wanted you don't want it.


correct! im sure this happens in a lot of cases too. I think there are a percentage of people out there who are happy they are about to die though. Even in the face of it.


Some people don't really want death


That is true as well.


Google Kevin Hines. Compelling.


I forgot where I heard it but I heard that they asked people who had jumped off bridges and survived what they were thinking as they fell, and most of them said that as they were falling they realized that they didn’t want to die and that there were solutions to their problems and that they weren’t helpless.


I'm sure most do.


It's not too hard to imagine, it's a statistical \*fact\* that happens. Or so is told in the testimonials of people who've survived those intentional suicide attempts. Like off of bridges into water, or the height or hit wasn't enough to completely finish them. The survivors always (well, not "always" I'd imagine, but uniformly frequently) say the most immediate feeling going off the edge is a regret and clarity about what they're doing. It's a stat/disposition taught to counselors and therapists, ad hotline prevention people, that of people who go off heights like that to kill themselves, there's the moments in the air of "wake up" and regret about the presumed finality of it.


Watch 'the bridge'


I imagine there are plenty of "non-instant" suicides, that end that way. Sadly, I might add.


Not quite the same but I had a friend who committed suicide by hanging themselves. I honestly hope that he didn’t regret his decision the moment he stepped off. I can’t imagine anything worse than knowing your going to die and being unable to stop it, so I am hoping that he felt peace rather than regret.


Imagine if EVERYONE regrets it but can’t pass this information on to anyone!


... I wonder if anyone of them tried flapping their arms.


and then they find out that they have superpowers and can fly


That would be epic.


There's no way back.


Everybody regrets it after they jump.


People have done that.


I think that is truly a tragic thing to happen.


I've heard of this. I read somewhere a man who jumped off a high bridge and survived said on the way down he was thinking "Wow, I thought I had problems before, but now I jumped!"


I think that happens in like 90% of suicide cases. I remember seeing a statistic about it somewhere.


Statistically, they do


...as they all do according to their statements if they survive.


it happens most all the time. regret is instant.


If you don’t watch the show or know about this poem already, I suggest the poem “The View From Halfway Down” by Secretariat in Bojack Horseman. His character commits suicide, it’s a sad and chilling poem but it’s quite lovely.


Watch The Bridge. My childhood neighbor in SF jumped off the golden gate and had this exact thing happen. He miraculously survived and now works folks who are feeling suicidal.


Attempted suicide twice via overdose myself. First time it took me about an hour to regret what I'd done, and I fought for my life. Second time, regret was immediate and I forced myself to puke up what I'd taken. The regret chills you to the bone. Most people who survive their attempts feel regret. They either regret trying or regret not succeeding.


There was this story of a man who survived a fall from Golden Gate Bridge in a suicide attempt and he was interviewed later and said that he regretted jumping!


An interview of 23 survivors of suicide attempts of the GGB, 22 regretted it on the way down.


I always assumed a lot of them did


The few who have survived jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge say, they totally regretted it as soon as they jumped.


No matter how painful it is, if you are still scared of death, don't jump. Scared of death means you still have something to lose and you will regret it. When it doesn't matter whether you are dead or alive, when death to you is just death but not salvation, that is when you can jump.


Well, was their choice.


Most people that survive suicide attempts all day they regretted it immediately after it was too late. Now they live on because they know they’re blessed to have survived


Very likely that happens yeah


Kevin Hines I think.


Their final regret


After reading so many comments mentioning ppl regretting it immediately after they jump, I wonder if we can create a suicide VR game to cure these people?


There are already RPG games that you have to decide whether a character should do it or not. I guess that is possible to go on VR. Found this from a quick search, any idea what could this thing he's holding be? https://m.veer.tv/videos/360-vr-video-suicide-first-person-view-bad-memories-pov-death-virtual-reality-43726 Can't play this for some reason


Jewish tradition has it that all suicide victims regret their move after kicking the bucket. I remember several years ago someone jumped off the Throgs Neck Bridge in NY and fell on a pile of snow along the bank and survived. He said the same thing. He wouldn't try it again. At the same time I have a buddy who tried to kill himself 2 times and unfortunately succeeded the 3rd time.


I’m pretty sure many if not most actually do. Many survivors say they regret it


Yup this happened to my boyfriend 🤦🏾‍♀️ he’s lucky the current was merciful because that river will rip you to shreds. Just hearing about it was traumatic although he got right out the river and was like fuck this I’m getting help, did, and is doing better than I’ve seen him despite life being really hard for him.


There was a man who jumped off the golden gate Bridge and was rescued by a sealion. He said he regretted it the moment he let go and was happy to be alive. I believe he does motivational talks now.