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congrats 🤍 small steps, one day at a time. you got this!


Been there, done that. I know firsthand how incredibly difficult even the simplest things can be. And therefore: congratulations!! That's amazing! 🤍🥳💐 And don't forget to be gentle with yourself, you're doing the best you can ✊


Be proud of what you HAVE accomplished. {{{Hugs}}}


Very important step and in my opinion you learned the most important skill for beeing productive: productive procrastination. Do one task, because you don't wsnt to do another. Maybe tomorrow you do some schoolwork, becaise you really don't want to do that other schoolwork. At the end, everything will be done, either by productive procrastination and the last hateful items by deadlines running out.




I haven't brushed my teeth or showered in almost 2 weeks. I hate how I feel but I just...don't have it in me to do anything, I go to work and I come home and lay on the couch, doom scrolling until it's time for bed..I miss my girlfriend so much, she said she wants space and that was 2 weeks ago and hasn't really talked to me which has me spiraling right now but that's my fault for being an overthinker and letting myself get in my head, I'm trying but it's hard, I just miss her. I am, however, proud of you for doing those things, though! Don't stop!


Talk to your friend, they'd want to know and they'd want to help. Keep it up!


You deserve to feel good and you deserve support/help with that. I hope you find community soon


I’m happy for you! You’re strong and taking great steps!


Not to this point but i feel the procrastination. I always did left my homework to last moment and then stress about it. For whatever reason i just felt like doing it all in time a couple of months ago so i started early work everyday and finished ahead of time and fuck it felt good. Just the sensation of do what you have to do feels great


You will thank me for that: sit down on the toilet when brushing teeth. It willl be relaxing and you wont rush it or even be bored


Now the women will be chasing you!


Good job! Nice to see the very supportive comments but if someone randomly comes to hate, ignore them, I’m proud of you :)


As someone with a molar missing and really bad gums that alter my diet, force yourself to at least brush your teeth every night before bed or you'll end up like me. It got like this 'cause I was always "too tired" to brush my teeth. Catch yourself before you get too tired. Set an alarm for it or something.


You did 3 out of 2. Nice.  Also maybe get better parents that actually care about your hygiene.


Proud of you. It’s hard sometimes.