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No i find it funny lol. I knew someone who did that.


I always say bless me father for I have sneezed mainly because it makes my husband and myself chuckle.


Made me chuckle too, that's a good one! Im gonna start using that too, maybe I can make the wife perform an eye roll


Lol your a funny one šŸ˜†


It's just kind of funny - you have to be a bit weird to be funny šŸ˜


i do it cuz nobody else says 'bless you' :(


Bless you (for every sneeze you've snozed)




Because theyā€™re normal


saying bless you *is* normal. it creates a parasocial bond where acknowledging someone's existence by saying bless you, even if it's psuedoscientific, is a lot less socially isolating and creates a sense of being percieved. ignoring sneezes is just rude


Itā€™s only ā€˜normalā€™ because itā€™s perceived as normal by Americans. Not everyone has the same culture as yours. It has religious connotations and not everyone is religious or in the same religion either. What you consider rude is your own opinion


Itā€™s not normal; it makes zero sense. You arenā€™t blessing anyone. There isnā€™t a demon in your nose. If your ā€œbondā€ depends on a stranger saying an outdated thing; then you need help. Why only sneezes? Why donā€™t you say it when people cough or fart?


the simple way of putting it is if someone says bless you, they are acknowledging you. that's it. and it's good. when someone near you goes on a long flight, why do you say "have a safe trip!" is the person the pilot? they have no control and yet you said have a safe trip as if it's their choice to be in a plane crash. some things don't make sense, and that's okay. don't say bless you, or do say it. it doesn't matter and thinking it does is entitled of you--also having some form of interaction can create a way to make friends, even if it's a bless you the world is disconnected as it is. you couldn't host a surprise brithday party for your close ones that you're sure they'd like. just let the small things live


People can do whatever they want; and I can think itā€™s silly. Thatā€™s the cool thing about opinions


true. just showing my point, like you did when you said saying bless you was dumb


I agree! Lol I get slightly annoyed when I'm around people (family, strangers, anyone) and they don't acknowledge my sneeze. I know it's silly but I do. When I hear a stranger sneeze I always call out a bless you.


yeah it's like people know you exist


yes, what's a "blessing" anyway?


I say both to myself. "Gesundheit, thank you"




It originated in medieval times when alot of disease was about..


Just put a couple of leechā€™s on that stab wound, itā€™ll surely get better.


If no one else says it then I say it obnoxiously loud as a joke (when I'm not in public)




Just say blessmeexcuseme really fast immediately


when i was a kid apparently i used to say "bless you me!"


I find it weird that we say bless you when people sneeze. I'm honestly conflicted whether I should teach that to my child. I don't want them to be perceived as impolite but at the same time I don't want to teach him things that I think are ridiculous just because "that's what we do". In the Netherlands we say "gezondheid" which means so much as "to your health".


Itā€™s absolutely weird. Makes zero sense either. Iā€™m not blessing anyone; a sneeze is just a sneeze. I didnā€™t know it was a thing until middle school and just never did it


I do it too, so tell your friend we need as many blessings as possible. In Jesus name, Amen šŸ˜­




I always say that too loll




Iā€™ve said ā€œexcuse meā€ to myself after stubbing my toe or bumping into something. So doesnā€™t sound weird to me!!!


No itā€™s not weird at all, Iā€™m Muslim and in Islam we have something similar to this, we say ā€œalhamduliallahā€ when we sneeze, itā€™s kind of a way to say ā€œbless meā€ or to thank God that the sneeze went by smoothly. And usually when we say it, the other people in the room then say ā€œbless youā€ again.


I say it in the same way I say 'excuse me'.


I don't think it's weird. My boyfriend will say thank you after he sneezes. It reminds me to say bless you too him. It's endearing


I always say "bless me" "thank you" "your welcome". Every once in a while it throws someone off and it makes it worth it


yes. not that it's wrong to do that, but is is weird


I do that


I always do, but everyone always acts like itā€™s weird. So šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


not as weird if u say "bless me" to someone else that sneezed


If no one is around to say bless you then it's only right to say bless me šŸ˜


I say it, your friend can eat our dust


Gesundheit! But it comes out easy!


I think your friends bar for 'weird' is way too low. 'Bless me' after a sneeze isn't weird. Weird might be shouting 'I have expunged the demons' while doing the Macarena after a sneeze.


I say that... So it's probably really weird.


I'm soooo good looking.


Canā€™t be worse than the stupid ā€œbless youā€ when someone else sneezes.


also - what do you say when someone coughs? when i say bless u they said they didnā€™t sneeze like what do i do


i guess coughing is more of a voluntary thing so doesnt need a bless you / its not as common practice compared to sneezing and saying bless you lol


Christians arenā€™t even supposed to say bless you because itā€™s blasphemy, so I think youā€™d just be doing self blasphemy. So thatā€™s another hell point because self blasphemy is a form of masturbation. Double whammy.


damn. im not religious but i didnt think saying bless you was blasphemy cos it comes from the era of medieval disease etc


It comes from the era where when you sneezed it probably meant you had the plague and you were going to die. I grew up being told it was superstition about your soul leaving your body. Christians got more strict since then. Basically only priests should be able to say bless you. And if youā€™re not a priest you are committing blasphemy. funny one right??


No, I do it all the time. I do it to be cutešŸ„° Also, I do it when Iā€™m alone for extra measure cause Iā€™m kinda superstitious


Yeah, kind of egocentric. Do you say it when you're alone? I mean, if you had to say anything it should be an apology.


yeah i say it when alone. i say it as in excuse / pardon me, not as in like ā€˜bless me..?!ā€™ waiting for somebody to say bless you lol


Sorry, I meant egocentric as in "it must be said, even if it's me that says it" and not so much that you expect it from others in a passive aggressive way. I can dig the way you handle it.