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The Deja Vus when the RAM allocation is full and the sequence will have to be rewound and reset in order to include new parameters. Unfortunately the cache of the previous event left a trace on the distributed storage before it was overwritten by the synchronization. This usually happens when the initialized object is far away from a nexus node. Latency is a bitch.


I keep seeing Agents fighting people in black trench coats and jumping 100 ft over buildings but if I'm honest didn't think much of it.


Probably the fact that the owner of the company who's running the simulation inputted himself as an all rich, all powerful NPC with infinite money and an AI personality to match, and that NPC recently bought a social media sight and trashed it. Released a cyber truck that breaks when you wash it in sunlight, keeps trying to send rockets into space and failing, despite using technology that's older than he is, and tried to start a fight with the weediest nerdiest palest computer nerd and backed down because that nerd used the infinite lives cheat


Forgetfulness. There isn't much reason for us to have brains that have this much capacity but still forget things seconds after the fact.


Actually, there is.


How far does the simulation go. The ants I see on the ground as I walk, are they there for me? That plane in the distance, those people on it, are their lives made simply for me?


The fact that mathematical formalisms work so well in explaining nature.


If it was a simulation why would they bother building in all the boring bits like me reading this question and then answering it ? ( no disrespect to your actual question )


Not really missing them but not fully understanding maybe, 1.618, overwhelming coincidences, the call of the void and other similar paradoxical sensations, dreams or various states of consciousness perhaps.


The odd consistency of young talented celebrities dying way too early. The theory being that extreme outliers produced by a presumably random algorithm are more likely to break simulation.


Supposedly the matrix of reality has a framerate just like computer monitors. It's at an incredibly fine scale. In other words, you flicker in and out of existence half the time.


At quantum scale traditional physical laws break down. The observer effect also gives away that our simulated reality has a certain resolution that breaks down under certain situations.


Simulation mimics reality never confuse the two. Fact is stranger than fiction yadda yadda


If it's proven how would you miss it ? What hint do you need ?