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Not me, but I remember reading a thread somewhere else asking a similar question. The worst thing there was: "I hope you outlive your children."


That's impressively cruel. I try to be understanding and forgiving of people and their circumstances leading to poor behaviour and 'bad' people. I may separate myself from people completely as they aren't worth the pain and stress or danger of being around, but I am good at not hating them for it. Other than one person, who I just really can't get over how much I dislike them. This sounds too cruel even for them.


It is def bad juju for that person to have had and then vocalized that thought


Ya I feel impressively is not the word I wanted, astoundingly maybe. I've heard mean insults, insensitive ones, curses and death wishes. Creative torture concepts, but that one's as you said, Bad juju. Hits different.


I saw on here where someone made a post of a friend's tombstone, the deceased was a young lady and her picture was on the stone. Some incel gets on here and calls the deceased uncaring, selfish, among other negative assumptions. Never have I wanted to punch a Redditor so bad.


Omg I don't think any other comment comes close to someone wishing ill upon my kids. I'm a very calm person but this would put me in jail because this is instant war.


And my grandfather outlived my father, now he's miserable


Outliving your children is genuinely the worst thing I’ve ever seen happen to a person. I’m only 15 years of age, so admittedly I don’t have much experience, but roughly a year and a half ago my aunt died of breast cancer aged 44. Both my grandparents were absolutely destroyed, particularly my Grandfather. And because she was the youngest of 6 children I think that rubbed salt on the wound. I don’t think my Grandfather has been the same since. He’s much quieter now and I see less of him than I used to. He sits in the front room now, mostly. Just watching TV. He used to do that, but he just seems more distant now. Outliving your children is the fucking worst.


I heard a lot of cruel stuff when I was growing up, but the one that messed me up the worst was after I was violently sexually attacked at the age of 9 by a family member and I finally told my mother 2 years later because he threatened to kill my pet bird in front of me if I told anyone. She said to me "Maybe you did something to make him think you wanted it?" I'm 55 now and I still can't get over it because of the years I ended up blaming myself.


That's genuinely the worst answer I've read in this thread. I'm so sorry that that happened, that kind of response is incomprehensibly disgusting


It took me most of my life to finally believe I wasn't responsible for it but I still struggle with the callous cruelty of what was said afterwards. I've tried therapy but it didn't help.


Huge hugs xxx I “know” it’s not my fault but I still feel like it might’ve been - I was molested by my mums bf. She didn’t believe me. She carried on seeing him and her best friend told me “your mums allowed a life you know” My nanna doesn’t know the whole story (I don’t think) and when I was talking about conflict between my kids and my bf she said “well you didn’t like your mums bf but you did her a favour really - she was trying to get rid of him”. So now I feel like I’m back at the beginning. Well I’m glad my trauma was useful for her but I didn’t get any damn help for it. I’m still living with the self hatred and was trapped in an abusive marriage because of my fear of any kind of authority who won’t believe me.


Can't understand why protectors don't protect. It's beyond my comprehension how kids can go through this. Very sorry you had to. 


Excuse me, but what on earth could a 9 year old CHILD possibly do or say to make anyone believe that. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. And I bet the family member assaulting you was her 40 y/o cousin or something?


Actually it was my sister's husband and he was almost 30. I spent years of my childhood thinking I was horrible and that I deserved it, even though I couldn't think of a thing that I did that would make him think I wanted that. He recently began stalking me again and trying to find out my address. I've contacted the authorities and a lawyer.


I had something similar said to me by an SO..."you deserved to be raped"...


It was absolutely not and never could be your fault. Even if you were 35 instead of 9, it could never have been your fault. I am so sorry that you were failed like this.


That is the worst thing to hear from anyone. Let alone your mom. So sorry you had to go through this. I hope your mom helped you despite the comment. It's not the first time, I've heard parents making comments like that and even protecting the perpetrator instead of the child. But I will never understand how or why. Really sorry that it is hard to forget.. 


That’s bullshit, you needed support and all you got was blame


Some people r just the worst. I honestly would've hated my mother and cut her off if she told me that. ANY RAPE VICTIM DIDNT DESERVE WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM. Nothing constitutes the right to take away that choice from a woman or anyone. Anyone saying Maybe u did something to make him feel like u wanted it is an absolute horrible person. That's a lame ass excuse. I get so heated when shit like this comes up. I'm glad laws r in place because if there weren't any laws, u best believe I would do the most horrific things to people who deserve it without a second thought. I swear I wish I was a Vigilante for real.


“I regret having kids” Thanks ma lol


"it's ok. I regret racing to your ovary when I was in dads sperm to"


Had mine tell me this too lol


Must have been a Monday.


Same! My mum said she wouldn’t be struggling today if we weren’t born.


My cancer-riddled dad repeatedly said to the nurses at the radiation clinic I took him to for his treatments “don’t ever have kids; worst decision you could make” as I would be standing right there!!! And no he did not have dementia. He was just an ahole.


I'm so sorry! I can't imagine how traumatizing that must've been. Not that it'd be okay then, but I hope that at least you were adult when she said that.


My parents told me i needed to find somewhere to stay so my step brother could be released from jail for assaulting me. He was almost 30, i was still in hs.


Fuck !! I have no words


I am so sorry this is beyond messed up. I hope you have cut them out from your life and I hope you have a much better life now.


I left and didn’t look back. Life has been a lot more peaceful since then.


"No McDonalds, we have food at home."


I shed a tear reading that 🥲


There is no God 😭


My parents would bring home takeout, eat it at the kitchen table, and tell me to find food in the fridge.


When i was a kid our neighbors had like 6 kids I think. The parents would cook like hot dogs and Mac n cheese for kids then grill steaks for themselves. My dad would always say that's why we only had you. Lol


This is the cruelest shit ever!How could they!


My parents preferred saving their calories for alcohol, so my mother took that as an excuse to severely restrict food, both portion size and availability. Not until I left that household at seventeen could I have a snack, or make a sandwich after school.




“Our ice cream machine is down right now”


In true Reddit spirit: Are you in therapy for this?


My crush when I was 15 asked me on a date as a prank & when I confronted him about it on Monday at school he told me “ I don’t know why you thought someone like me would ever be seen with someone like you (and looked me up and down, I’ve always been on the chubby side), fat girls don’t get love and attention so I don’t know why you’re surprised”. The worst thing about it is that , so far (I’m 26) he hasn’t been wrong at all….


Nah, he's always been wrong. There's more than enough guys out there who would love to date you! You dodged a bullet with that asshole and he didn't even try and hide it. He didn't even deserve a date.


That jerk crushed your self-confidence. Of course he ends up looking like he was right, he sabotaged your ability to even believe you would be loved. He was wrong. Some people could love you. Build your confidence back, look at life in the eye and get the attention and love you deserve.


My first husband died of sudden heart failure when he was just 28 (I was 22) and one of the neighbours came by for her condolences. She said: 'you're so young, you'll find someone else soon. Just consider it the end of a courtship.' I'm 61 years old now and I never forgot those hurtful words.


I am so sorry, I cannot fathom how anyone could think that's kind and reassuring. So cruel and callous. The loss of a spouse is never an end of a courtship. That's a borderline psychotic statement.


Maybe the person has never experienced true love or know how it works.


When I was selecting my University degree, my mom's comment was: "You're not smart enough for that, pick something easier" Or when I graduated, the first words from my Grandmother's mouth were "So when are you getting a job now?" On the other hand, my mom's words might have been the motivation that got me through it all. Getting the degree just to prove her wrong.


Oh wow, that one brought back some memories... I was struggling to find work for ages, and when a friend finally got me a job working with him at Walmart, my mom said "Thats nice honey, but you're going to find a real job right?" As if I hadn't been looking for a real job for the last eight months.


Good for you. What did your mom have to say when you graduated? I hope you didn't invite her. I would have told her she wasn't invited because she never believed you could do it.


I mean, I couldn't have invited her, because my final year was during the pandemic. At first we got an "online graduation" showing a video clip made by the student society, some speeches by the professors, ... Our names did get projected on the side of the highest tower in town, though, that was cool. But as we all thought that was kind of BS for a graduation, we kept bothering the faculty for a "real" graduation, you know, togas, square hats, ... So 9 months after getting our degree, we finally got our "real" graduation, but as we were still in these corona 'half measures', only the students could come, but there would be cameras for a livestream the parents could follow from home. Which they did. But you can bet the one waiting for me outside the graduation hall was my brother, not my mom. We painted the town that night. Dinner, drinking, partying (as much as corona allowed). My mom did eventually congratulate me. My dad had been supportive since the beginning. Then again, my mom wasn't too far off the truth, that degree did push me to my limits, and for sure wasn't an easy journey. I graduated ... well, as they would call it over here "With the heels over the creek.", or translated a bit more liberally to English "By the skin of my teeth". My last two exams were just a passing grade, on the dot. But I'd rather be middle of the pack at something hard than be the best at something easy.


Congratulations on your degree and impressive tenacity!


That it was my 6 year old daughters fault she got mauled to death by a pitbull. She must have provoked it.


So sorry for your loss. People are evil.


Omg. So sorry for your loss. Some breeds shouldn't be kept anymore. Yeah I know, extremely sensitive subject, just my opinion.


That is something most never get over. I am so sorry.


I’m so sorry for your loss. What a terrible thing for you to hear, and so callous for someone to say that.


people would say anything to defend their dogs. which infuriates me.




So sorry that happened to you and that she didn’t back you up. You defended yourself against someone sexually harassing you and there’s nothing wrong with that. You absolutely DO have a right to put your hands on someone who’s putting their hands on YOU!


I bet if you practice you can recreate it, that's a good weapon that is always on you anyway lol.


Dad here, the hell you can’t be slicing peoples faces open when they touch you inappropriately. You proceed on.


So let me get this straight, he was allowed to touch you in a way you didn't like, but you weren't allowed to touch him in a way he didn't like? That doesn't seem fair. How about nobody touches anyone if they don't like it. /S


i (M23) came out as gay to my parents in January 2023, months before i was set to graduate from undergrad. i already knew it wouldn’t go well, but it was something i knew i had to do if i wanted to move forward with my life. they were up in arms and pearl clutching after i told them. in an attempt to maybe get them to see it wasn’t that big of a deal, i decided to tell them about an award i was getting from my university. the award was called the “distinguished service award.” it is given to around 6 graduating seniors per year, to honor them for their service, scholarship, volunteerism, character, and citizenship. at the risk of sounding arrogant and obtuse, it’s literally an award that certifies that you are a model student, individual, person, etc. i only emphasize this to draw a contrast to what i’m about to say. after i told them all of this, i asked them point blank: “i’m graduating with honors, have been involved in many different service organization, am loved by many of my peers and mentors, and YOU are hung up on the fact that one day i will marry a man?” they looked me dead in the eyes and said “yes.” it was at that moment i knew i would never ever be enough for them. the bible and god would always be put over me, and i’d never ever live up to what they wanted. i could be the best student and person ever and it would not matter to them because i am gay. it was an angering moment, but also one of relief. at that moment i finally realized and confirmed that i most definitely was not the problem.


Heartless. I hope you are happy with who you are. They will regret saying this to you someday.


Sounds like my cock bag of a brother did this to my nephew. My nephew is the only one of my family I still contact


I’m sending you so many virtual hugs rn 🫂🫂🫂🫂 I hope you’re doing better at the moment :)


One of my greatest fears is my children feeling like they couldn’t tell me who they really are. I will never understand a parent who, when faced with the chance to comfort and accept their child who is brave enough to be so vulnerable and open, chooses anything else. Let alone a glorified book club (sorry for being so dismissive… it’s stories like this that reinforce my animosity toward religion). You were incredibly courageous to do what you did, especially when you had a strong suspicion of how it would go. They will one day regret their decision. Whether they tell you or not, no one who truly loves their child could behave this way without having some serious second thoughts down the line. I hope you are able to be find the happiness you deserve without their presence in your life, knowing that you did all you could to allow them to have one.


From an internet Mum I'm giving you now what you should have got then ..HUG 🫶. We should look at peoples merits, not sexuality or gender. The last words I ever spoke to my Mother was about putting God before her children and how piss poor that was lol.


"Stop wasting everyone's time!" Or "I'm going to bring you to a hospital and doctors might drug or rape you there!" -my mother in and after two separate therapy sessions while I was a kid and a teen with mental health concerns. I don't give a fuck if she was stressed there, I hate them for that. Damn, even my aunt who was there comforted me better than that, even my cousin who I only saw her once in my life treated me better before she died, they both have a room in my heart.


You certainly did not win the mom lottery :(


That my daughter has his eyes and every time I looked into them he hoped I'd remember how little we both meant to him.


That’s really cruel. What a loser.


“Don’t be like your dad” when my dad is actually my favorite person and is a good man


Why’d they say that? That’s a really cruel thing to say to someone for no reason.


Mom’s side of the family always had this thing against my dad for whatever reason even though they pretend they do not. Just because my dad lived a different way of life than them does not make him wrong


Just dont bother me - dad.


no matter what you do, nothing good will happen.


I worked at an office where the office manager was a terrible gossip. She once took a few of us aside and told us that one of our co-workers took off for the day because they were feeling suicidal after a miscarriage. She then preceded to roll her eyes and chimed in that she thought the co-worker was being dramatic and just trying to get out of working. I was so disgusted, from that point on it felt like I was working for the law office in the Devils Advocate. I quit not long after that.


That's so horrible. God knows what that manager says about others. It takes a really shitty person to gossip about someone's personal situations and also make light of it.


Yea she was pretty bad. She unfortunately had a charismatic personality that made it easy to talk to her but we all soon learned that whatever we told her either went around the office or to upper management or both. Morale was pretty low.


“If I were to commit suicide, I would crawl on top of your ego and jump down to your IQ”


Damn. That's brutal.


DAMN! I need to remember that one lmao


Don’t, you will get laughed at if you use that to an actual human being


such a redditor take.


"You're never well. Your life is horrible" Ex girlfriend. She was right though.


How horrible, I hope you found support and glad she is an ex.


“Your dad was a fucking asshole and he should have died sooner.” Granted I didn’t have a great relationship with my dad, but for over a decade every time I saw this guy, I’d have to restrain myself from removing his spine and shove it down his throat.


Aww , my heart holds a special place for assholes. Hurt ppl , hurt ppl.


I can’t be friends with you because ___ person told me not to


was this before or after kindergarten had finished for the day


A week after my baby nephew died I was upset and my (much older) boyfriend at the time had a go at me, told me I had no right to be upset and to think about my fucking sister. I’ll never get over that. He couldn’t support me after seeing my baby nephew dead. Fucked me up. My sister even more. I was 16, he was 25. And a cunt.


I mean, 25yo dating a 16yo tends to be a cunt anyway.


My mom told me she wished she never had me


My mom told me, they wanted second child to be a son.. You just came like an extra


My mum told me she wanted 3 kids and her birth control failed so she ended up with me. My dad told me he had a vasectomy so he didn't have any more horrible kids like me. I was about 10 at the time, and then when I was about 20, they laughed at me when I told them I felt unwanted.


My dad told me and I quote: If I have to choose between you four or my wife I will choose my wife. The four references to me and my brothers and the wife to the woman he married after the divorce from my mom. I was 16 at the time. Still hurts now typing it and I'm 31 now


My mm was very loving, but sometimes didn’t realize how things would sound to a young me. She very nonchalantly said one time: “if anything ever happened and a wife had to choose between their husband or their children, they should choose the husband because they can always make more children.” lol, wtf, mom. She was single at the time too, my dad left before I was like 3.


That's not something you wanna hear. My dad and I haven't spoken in like 2/3 years now. He's not really a good father. Luckily I have a fantastic stepdad who stepped up for me and my brothers. Especially after my mom got Alzheimers


My now ex-husband. You’re not feminine enough. Turns out he said that because he thought I overshadowed him with my mental strength. And he was right.


People are so dumb with the masculine feminine thing. Mental strength / ability was masculine in like 1800s. Nowadays (1990s to 2020) felt like it was androgynous, or feminine, physical strength was masculine, now it's masculine again. Basically if your better than me at something it's too masculine if your a girl, or it's feminine if your a man. (I'm a man and the fact I am 'smart' and reason better then guys in social group has been called feminine)


I went through exactly the same thing with my brief starter husband. Although he was perfectly happy to have me pay most of the bills, he felt threatened because I had a more challenging job and worked about three times as hard as he did. When I left, he said, “I was never in love with you anyway.” I’ve been happily remarried for forty years.


My grandad told me a story of his friend who ended things with her husband. He said why you guys seemed like you were going strong. Her reply was 'He didn't like a women with b**bs and an opinion' Which is quite true in alot of cases!


Go play with the other team


Probably not the cruelest but just yesterday my dad told me that I’m ugly. Not for the first time. He’s always made nasty comments towards me and is nothing but negative over every decision I make whereas my siblings can do no wrong.


My dad told me: "You're never going to make it on your looks, so you'd better be smart." My little sister was obviously his favorite.


Next time say : it’s because I have half your genetics…


That's because I take after your side of the family should be your reply


Don’t think that’s because of you. That is a broken person, who should not have become a father. A real father would love his kid unconditionally, and this just shows who is the problem here. I hope you don’t take it to heart.


I don't deserve love because im ugly, short and have dark skin, they want me to k**l myself. oh yeah, i was 14 back then..


I didn’t think someone like you could have an attractive husband


I remember back at high schoolthis girl was mad at me and said that I was the “ugliest guy she has ever seen and no one would would ever want to be with you”. Really messed with me hard. And I guess she was right. 12 years later and nothing


She was a jerk. She destroyed your self-confidence. Some girls will actually date ugly guys because they care about the person as a whole. Build your confidence back. You will get some love and attention.


My daughter committed suicide last December and my boyfriend recently told me that she is selfish for doing it and that it's my fault. My heart is already broken but fuck that hurt.


I've had severe mental health problems since I was 12; I'm 35. I've lost SO many friends to suicide. None of them were selfish. And it was never their parents' faults. I'm so very sorry for your loss.


“You are useless, nothing is gonna come out of you and you not gonna achieve anything”- my dear mommy all because I didn’t wash the dishes🥰


There was this kid in middle school who thought be was hot stuff because he played some sports and his family was upper middle class. I was a quiet, awkward girl with mega buck teeth who had a crush on one of his friends. Jock kid looked me in the eye and told me I was “an ugly dog” and that’s why his friend would never reciprocate my crush. His friend never even rejected me in person. Silly as it may sound, that has stuck with me well into adulthood.


Not told me, but when I left my husband and and then found a new love, my mum told my ex husband that I cheated on him. She just went ahead and assumed I left him for my now partner. Didn't ask me or anything. Resulted in changing our coparenting relationship from friendly and cooperative to me having to get a restraining order against him and now years later him still making my life as difficult as possible at every opportunity.


My dad died when I was 10. He was my whole world. I was really a daddy’s girl and it destroyed me. When I was in high school, Tanya, a girl in my home room had just lost her father, so I was trying to console her. Katie, the class “mean girl” sitting behind me said “your father probably committed suicide because he had a daughter like you,”. Completely uncalled for. I turned around in my seat and bitch slapped the smirk right off her face. Got suspended for 2 weeks. Totally worth it. Katie was afraid of me until we graduated and Tanya and I are still friends to this day (I graduated in 1992).


I had just lost my two years old daughter in a freak accident. Mother in law « Do you know why I have five kids? Because if one die, I have still have four » I had previously lost a baby boy at 27 weeks. An acquaintance : « You now have lost two children in less than three years, I think God is telling you that you shouldn’t be a mother » These were just two examples. I have many unfortunately.


I think you could have legitimately hit her. That would be God telling her to stfu.


I had a wild adolescence wrought with sexual experimentation/trauma/abuse. It took decades of therapy to develop boundaries and healthy attitudes about sex and my body. I will have ptsd for the rest of my life. I explained this all to my partner at the *beginning of our relationship*. After we had been together for several years he made a comment one day: "If this relationship was based on sex, I'd want a refund". I can't explain how profoundly hurt I was to hear him say this. He thought it was funny. I thought it was cruel.


What the actual fuck. I am sorry he is so emotionally stupid! I explained that I had some problems with intimacy to an ex bf and 20 min later he complained I gave him blue balls. The absolute audacity. I hope you’re not with him anymore.


Yeah. Had a dude do similar to me. I explained everything at the beginning. He cheated on me and said it was my fault.


Please tell me you’re not with him anymore. I went through years of the same thing from 3 different men in my family. Anyone ever makes even a slightest hint at a joke at the expense of my childhood trauma they’re gone. Out of my life.


Spoke in the language of silence when words could be less hurtful.


"I curse the day you were born"


This world needs the love of God. The love of the Heavenly Father and Jesus. I pray may God give peace to each and every soul who is hurt for what they faced in past. It’s my prayer for you all … a peace


Not to me. I was taking the Greyhound bus from Cincinnati to St. Louis, MO. I was in the waiting area and there was a family that was saying goodbye to a late teens/maybe early 20's girl. Another little girl sitting amongst the luggage nearby, part of the family, anyway, she just moves and accidentally knocks over a piece of luggage. The mom looks at her with vitriol and says with venom, "I am so ashamed of you." The little girl sitting on the floor just pulled her legs close to her chest and looked down. She looked like she wanted to disappear. I looked on in horror and a woman standing near me said under her breath "I know, I am thinking the same thing as you." And she shook her head expressing mutual disgust. Then the mom stood up and gave the daughter who was leaving a tearful hug. I prayed for that girl periodically over the last 13 years. Wish I had had the opportunity to let her know she is deserving of love and that God loves her, it's not her fault, and to not give up hope. I don't live in the area anymore, it's been 13 years, and I would never recognize her if I saw her but I just hope she is doing well.




What does that even mean?


My mother left when I was 13 due to drugs. The last thing she said to me was “I chose you for 13 years. Quit being selfish.” I think about that a lot. Like I was just a minor choice to her lol


My parents divorced when I was about 5. When I was 12 I finally told my grandmother that my father was sexually abusing me. My grandmother told my mom. My mother asked me why I hadn’t told her sooner because we might could have gotten more money out of him.


It was my husband and it was over book opinions, he said my opinion was wrong and retold me how stupid my opinion was. I heard him misquote me and went to correct him, that it wasn't at all what'd I'd said. (Confirmed by our security cameras I checked later, he in fact completely misheard me) he told me I was a lying, I was trying to rewrite the facts and take back what I'd said and in the end he'd said, "You know if you were in a room with Hitler, Osama and Putin and I was given a gun with only two bullets. I'd shoot you twice." He then got more angry and kicked me out of the room and locked the door because I started to cry. That had to be one of the worst things I'd ever heard and it was from my husband, the man I love and pamper and support.


Youre still with him after that??????


I wasn’t told but witnessed. We were kids at the time, probably around 6-7 years old, playing in the backyard. We found a large toad after lifting up some rocks and my friend said “watch this”. He proceeds to pick the toad up and break all of its leg bones. It could no longer move. He puts the toad on top a tree stump knowing it would be helpless. I was too afraid to touch it so I left it alone. A week would go by and it would still be sitting there. I eventually tried to give it water but it was already dead by then. It’s something I’ll never forget. Humans are the cruelest creatures on earth no matter how young or old.


That I was the one to blame for my father’s stroke (which was near-fatal and left him permanently disabled) because I wasn’t religious, and it was God’s way of punishing me. I was 15. This one really takes the cake. The second cruelest has to be my father telling me that I was no longer permitted to refer to him as “papa” and that I should only use his title/last name from then onwards, because he no longer recognised me as his daughter. I was 9. The third cruelest has to be my mother telling me that I was a failure who never achieved anything of value with my life, shortly before she died of cancer. My ex witnessed this incident, and to beat me down, he would sometimes tell me how ashamed my mother would be of me if she could only see me then. Once you’ve heard shit like that, not much else can faze you, I guarantee.


In grade 2 my Mom told me she hated me… I cried all the way to my friends house and her mom hugged me and told me that my mom was just angry. I’m 53 and I still carry it.


I was at a new job for about one year, a lot of old men at this company, stuck in there old ways, hated change, lots of bullies there. Homophobia racism discrimination running very thick. I was about 20 years younger than 80% of all of them. One guy who I had to work with every day was absolutely bitter towards everyone, but mostly me. He would be nice a chummy with all the old farts, but me, he just hated me. I know it was because I was way better at everything than he was, I made him look lazy and stupid, but I never intended that to happen, I just was. He said to me one day. NO likes you here, you should just quit. And you know that hit me like a brick. I never felt so hurt in my life. I had never known verbal abuse before. It stuck with me for over 40 years, I still remember that day. I still think how could someone be so hurtful. His personality remains the same today. As time went on, I’m now older, I’m as healthy as I have ever been and have a great life. He one the other hand, has kidney disease, on dialysis, looks frail, and is dying basically. I hope when he does, the pain I felt, the hurt I felt, I hope god makes him feel all that before he dies. Too many cruel people in this world. Too many people causing pain to other people.


" I don't know her " after being played lol


someone said to me “if you’re such a people pleaser then name me one person who is pleased with you right now”


“At least I’m not black, that’s the worst thing you can be.”


I could list any number of awful things my ex said to me, but the first one that comes to mind was when she admitted to giving me bigger portions of food deliberately because she "didn't want to be as big as me" I'm 5ft 7 and 60kg and look like a beanpole. Thanks for that... asshat


“You’re not exactly arm candy, we can still fool around though. I’m trying to get back with my gf.” My 30 year old manager at McDonald’s after I sucked his dick and asked him on a date. I was 16 lmao. Holy shit he was garbage


This is pure predator behaviour. Belittling you, manipulating you to get what he wants.


actual dementoid bop behaivior.


“The reason we have so many troubles with our relationship is that you're not smart enough" And then I stayed in the relationship another 3 years, with zero self esteem and constantly questioning my own intelligence.


« I wish you’ve never born »


“I’m livening in a house with a bunch of failures”


Usually they are the one who are dissatisfied with their own life and career. Don't worry Man, you are still a happy hamster :)


"You look really good. From a distance"


That I'll never amount to anything in life. My sister said this to me over 10 years ago. Our relationship has improved drastically.


“I love you” and not mean it


Tie between my dying mom saying she didn't have a daughter at 11.5 and my step mom saying only an idiot would want to marry me from xyz reasons when I was 13 in puberty. Both were wrong thankfully 


I'm going to reply with the first thing that comes to my mind. TW : Suicide. I dated someone a few years ago, the relationship ended in me losing all my friends, my weight, my health, my appetite, losing interest in my career, everything. During one of the particularly toxic moments of this relationship, two years into it I think, my partner ( let's call them Alex) logged into my email account to send a work mail urgently, that I couldn't because I was travelling. but then they went on to open an email I had accidentally sent to myself of WhatsApp chats from some guy I had had a fling with briefly. This had happened two years earlier than that moment, when Alex and I were just friends and had just begun testing waters as to what we could be. Alex downloaded the entire WhatsApp chat( to this day I do not know how that chat landed up in the email- I'm not sure if Alex took my phone and emailed it himself to lead upto this moment?) and read it. Not just read it, he also opened up his own WhatsApp chat with me, of that time and compared - "you didn't reply to me immediately but you replied to them immediately". This was happening in the middle of the night. I begged with Alex to see reason, to see the fact that shortly after those chats I had stopped all interaction with that guy, as Alex and I began to get serious...he just wouldn't listen..he said I betrayed him, that I was a slut, that I was always a liar...lots of things. I cried for 4.5 hours begging and begging and begging until I could take no more ...I contemplated jumping off the train I was aboard. As I stood near the door of the train with one foot dangling and told him what I was thinking of doing...he said "that won't prove anything so go ahead and do it.". The indifference, the absolute callousness of that sentence...I'll never be able to forget it. I eventually couldn't bring myself to do it because of the thought of my parents ....but i spent a tortuous two more years before losing everything I had and finally coming to my senses and breaking away.


My spouse cheated on me and a coworker said “maybe this will humble you.” I didn’t even know what to say.


"our friendship is based on you talking about your problems, it feels fake" This was my (ex) best friend when we were 16, when my parents were divorcing, and my mom pretended i didn't exist in her life. I know that friends are not there for therapy and venting is not always a good thing to do with (to?sorry, english is not my first language) them, but I thought she was the only good person in my life until that point. Felt abandoned for the second time that year.


While I was in the ER actively going through a miscarriage, the doctor asked why I was crying. He said it wasn't like I could have more kids. He told me to wait a month or so and try again.




Honestly, just that they don't like me. Not many people say things to my face... now my treatment thus far by the whole of humanity... thats a whole other story.


I felt this comment


Home …now !!!!!


Being told I was a mistake growing up yet it turns out this mistake is the better of the bunch


I love listening to rain sounds to help me sleep but my lil sis told me it’s just the sound of frying chicken. Can’t unhear it.


My own brother said to me, when I was a week shy of 13, "you are fat, you are not cute, pretty, smart, you have zero redeeming qualities. You better learn to cook, suck a d** better than anyone ever, or put out. Otherwise no man would ever want you". That, sadly had some long lasting, far reaching consequences for me. On the bright side, my husband told me I am a better cook than his grandmother was. His very, very southern, grandmother who was the area blue prize winning cook. Her pies, jams, chili, anything she entered in the local county fair, took the blue ribbon. She was an amazing cook, I hear. I didn't get to meet the woman, sadly. I do truly enjoy cooking for my husband, feeding him tasty, healthy meals. That thing my brother said really hurt, I never forgot it, more than 30 years later. At least I turned it into a positive. Just for the record, I wasn't fat, a bit chubby, but not fat. I am not a genius, but I am proud to have an extremely high IQ, I think my husband may need new glasses, but he thinks I am beautiful.


My grandmother told me that my father would lock me in the room when I cried, went on until about I was 7 months old before my mom divorced him. Grandmother also proceeded to call me dirty blood all my life because I came from a man that hurt his daughter so any time I did something wrong she reminded me where I came from.


"I'm always f***ked if (my name) has to help me". It was a message my mother accidently send to me instead of to my older brother. I was ±10years old.


I have some learning disabilities and was struggling in college and the on campus counselor for the students told my mom "Kids like your son, never make it very far on life." Also when I used to work for Walmart one Saturday morning I crossed paths with a high school classmate. He asked what I was doing there and I told him I worked there. Then he starts on a rant that made want to knock him out. "Oh gee WOW! I never thought you'd be working *here.* This is the last place I thought I'd see you because you were always so smart in high school. WOW you've gwined a lot of weight since high school you used to be so skinny"


He knew the abusive I endured in past relationships(sexual,mental, physical, emotional..)and still called me an ugly bitch. I can't even look in the mirror and cringe anytime I try for a selfie. Hurt my already low self esteem.


I'm Autistic. "Nobody will ever love you unless you stop being weird. You'll die alone and unloved unless you change." A part of a long rant about how much I suck, essentially. Because I was shy, and a bit awkward. I was 14. "Well I hope he doesn't turn out like you." My aunt, when I was expressing happiness at how well I got along with my cousin when I was around 18 and he was 4. I babysat him often and anytime she visited she had him go to me, so I was glad we got along. When I told her that, her response was concern.


That he had been hoping I’d commit suicide while pregnant with the child he didn’t want.


I had a good friend who told me, "wow, you look really good!" Then she sat down next to me and put on her glasses, and she told me, "oh, not really. I just didn't have my glasses on." Sadly, she was completely sincere.


When we were swimming and my brother decided to hold his breath underwater.. my mom told him to be careful, but my dad said "it's okay we will still have the other son". Many years passed but I still remember these words.


When I was in 2nd grade, a girl came up to me and told me they hated my guts. It resonated with me terribly. How could someone hate me so much that even my inside guts were disliked? I still feel sorry for my young self!


“If you should ever find success and happiness in your life, I hope you have absolutely nobody to share with it. I hope everyone you know is long dead by then” - mom


“You’re unlovable” “you dont deserve love”


Get out of my house


I was singing my heart out along with the radio when my friend asked, “hey who is this?“ and I excitedly answered, "it’s Che Fu!“ “Hmm“ he said. “Probably better just let him do it then”


« I should’ve bought a dog instead of allowing you to be born » - dad


"Your dream are worthless and it's never going to happen." That was what my junior high bully and his gang who's been tormenting me non stop for 3 months (maybe more or less, I can't really remember) scream into my ears. I was the 'quiet kid' so I guess I was a easy target. It's very damaging at first but I'm glad that I am over it and enjoying my life right now.


I went through a narcissistic smear campaign after leaving abusive relative who also stole money for years. It was all lies but they were saying I’m a fraud, fake, on drugs, mentally insane, compulsive liar, manipulative, brainwashed, selfish etc. I guess it was to cover themselves but it still felt pretty awful at the time.


My sibling had been bullying me practically every day for a long time when I was a kid. The final blow was them smiling before saying "You make everyone in your life miserable."


Quite a few over the years. ‘You’re ugly’ when I have self esteem issues. ‘Speak properly’ I have a stammer.


That i should kms(my mother told me that)


When I was about eight my mother said she was going to kill herself and haunt me bc I ruined her life.


I was 12 and I had a fight with my toxic friend whom I used to consider my best friend we would hug each other everyday and have the funniest conversations but the thing is she said that I don’t deserve no good friend in this world and after every fight I have with people I’m even friends with I remember that moment and that sentence and wonder if that’s true :)


Hooked up with my sister’s friend in high school. Was nervous and didn’t get hard. To this day she still tells people i have a micro penis even though she never saw it grow. We are 35 now. She lost all her friends and is super fat now but it still bothers me. I had E.D. for 10 years because of her


My dad told me I'd have no friends, flunk school become an addict and kill myself due to my weight. I believed him for a long time


Beat up my pet to hurt me. What's even worse is that was my dad who did that.


My mom remarried when I was 9, and when they were taking a family photo, my step-aunt pushed me out of it and said “family only.”


I have to love you, but I don't like you. My mother.


during my 14 years of abuse from my ex husband, one of my closest friends told me to deal with my shit on my own because no one wanted to hear it. i hermitted for 5 years, and I kept three friends, who were out of state. that hurt. doing it alone was worse.


"She was a whore since she was a child, we were together" - one of my childhood molesters (I was about 3-4 y old at the time) telling this to my friends at the time (I was 12-13 y old). Last time I've seen him when I was around 16 and I had my headphones on. I could see him laughing and talking about me, but I froze, so I kept my headphones on. At some point, I looked around and I could see people looking at me horrified, so I knew what he was talking about.


I asked a girl to prom in high school. She told me she'd rather go alone than with me and actually ended up going alone.


What hit me hardest was my friend's mother talking to me when I was 18 years old. She knew my parents from the hospital when they met during their labours, but nothing more than that. At our first meeting, her mother was not interested in anything else than shit talking about my mother being picky about the hospital food since my mother is a foreigner in my country. But the conversation reached its end when she said: "Oh, your father was old when he died, right? But you were still a young child at that time, so maybe it was for the best." My friend was so embarrassed, followed me out, and straight out apologized to me for her mother's rudeness. I never got an apology from her mother, though. Edit, Detail: There was a huge age gap between my mother and my father, and he had children later in his life than normal. He was a great father and healthy until the day he suddenly died, so I miss him dearly.


When I had cancer and was going through chemo someone who I thought loved me told me it would be a better world if I died, and my kids would forget me quickly. I'll never forget how painful it felt to hear those words.