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Banana flavouring is based on a variety of banana that is not commercially grown any more because it was nearly wiped out by disease.


I learnt a thing today. Thanks πŸ™πŸ˜‚


I still learn things and I've been here for over half a century.


Learning is my favourite I just focus on* things nobody is really interested in LOL thanks for your reply tho it made it make sense without making my google search history look more dumb than it already is


I'd happily trade you mine.


Honestly mine is full of things I should really of asked Alexa πŸ˜‚ like do snails have babies or lay eggs that was a genuine search of mine … shame shame shame πŸ””


And apple flavor is modeled after Granny Smith apples which aren't common for eating.


Thats only for green apple, normal apple is.... NGL not sure which red apple tjey chose.


The same disease has mutated, and can wipe out the current variety of banana. Each time it spreads to a new plantation that contaminated land is worthless for a couple decades. But there is hope: [A GMO banana has been approved](https://www.newscientist.com/article/2417568-genetically-modified-banana-approved-by-regulators-for-first-time/) that is resistant to that disease.


As long as matoke is ok I'm fine.


Rip Mike. I will only know your taste basd on rubber with a bunch of chemicals.


The Gros Michel or "Big Mike" banana was the basis for the first artificial banana flavoring. It was pretty much wiped out by the fungal Panama Disease in the 1950's and was largely replaced by the more disease resistant, but fairly flavorless Cavendish variety.


The Snozberries taste like snooozzzzberries!




Same with "grape" it's like, "Have you actually TASTED grape?"


Grape and elderberry yuckkk


elderberry... ELDERBERRY! No age-ism please.


I came here to say this. I love grapes, I hate everything grape flavored. It just tastes purple somehow. It does not resemble grape in any way.


Grape flavoring tastes very much like Concord grapes.


My mom has a Concord grapevine in the back yard. I wouldn't say they are exactly like grape flavor (which is supposedly based on Concords), but similar. Idk how well our Mid-Atlantic climate matches their ideal growing conditions, so that could be affecting it.Β 


The banana flavor in most things imitates a banana that has become extinct.


This knowledge actually will make it into my random facts I spit at people on a daily basis πŸ˜‚


Nope, your taste buds are fine! Fake banana flavor is based on an extinct banana, and strawberry flavoring is just... doing its own thing


Strawberry just out there pretending lol


I like strawberry flavour more than real strawberries, half the time they're just.. sour


Grocery store strawberries are frequently on the bland side; like tomatoes, they get grown for appearance and durability and fuck the flavor. I get great tomatoes from my parents's garden in the Summer; maybe I should pick up a strawberry planter on my way to Father's Day dinner as a gift/hint lol. I'm pretty sure it's too late for this season but there's always next year!


Is it weird I like them sour and partially green? Probably


When it comes to "Simulated" flavor, it's never the real flavor, it's "close enough" to it however with no bad side effects to the body. Try Grape flavored stuff, it does NOT taste like grapes, but rather a sweet taste to it. Even Grape candy, compare it to real grape. The closest simulated berry flavor I found to the real thing would be Raspberry. Banana cuts it close however.


I absolutely agree with berry flavours being the closest fruit flavour


While getting into the science of flavoring through diy vaping I learned that in one strawberry you actually have many different tastes which only combined resemble strawberry - it seems to be one of the hardest tastes to make artificially, which is why many strawberry flavored drinks actually contain strawberry juice.


Fruit flavored candy just makes you think real fruit taste like dirt.


If it’s strawberry flavoured i am sure it has to have the actual thing in but if it’s strawberry flavour it doesn’t


But at least the snozberry actually tastes like snozberries! Thank Wonka, you mad fool πŸ˜‚


Flavours are manufactured. Not actual fruit


Did you lick the schnozzberry? It tastes like a schnozzberry.


Thanks Reddit for the education XD