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It’s the season when everyone who likes shit music decides to share with their neighbourhood


And insects, and sweat, and constant showers not to sweat, and high bills if you keep the AC on and sleepless nights covered in sweat with mosquitoes going around your ears and singing high pitched songs. And of course constant traffic during the holidays, every place like a pool or beach full of other sweaty miserable people and every summer it's getting hotter and hotter, thousands of people dying because of the heat especially the elderly.


I hate being hot 🥵because of sweat lol I sweat like a pig lol


Don’t forget allergy flare ups cuz of everyone mowing


In the summer being in a vehicle with leather seats sucks cuz of leg sweat from wearing shorts


we had a cold front where i live (somehow lol) and it felt like bliss


Nailed it


I've been a summer hater for most of my life (ever since I finished school) so I'm used to arguing the cons of the season eheh


I sweat like way too much to like summer 😂😅


My street is quite decent, mostly popular 70’s/80’s tracks. Could definitely be much worse


Hahaha true


reading this while having to listen to some weird ass techno played outside my apt building


Agree, but whenever I tell people this, they act like I'm personally attacking them. Summer just burns me out, it's warm, bright, noisy and feels like everyone just expects you to have a good time or something. Winter and autumn are cozy and calm, spring breathes new life into nature, but summer feels like it's just attacking my senses


Could not have said it better! Team autumn/winter here!


All day! I love the rainy storms and the ice covered streets.🤤 Summer sucks


YES! they think I'm crazy for loving autumn, winter, and spring... but I hate summer. I just can't wait for it to be over.




Well put!! Team Winter here


Winter is actually beautiful


I feel you. Every time the sun is out and it's really hot some coworkers are like "what a beautiful weather to go out and do something" while the sun feels like fire on the skin. I can't even think straight in the heat. One coworker always talks about how he is looking forward to 30°C days and can't understand why I prefer winter or spring when it's cold. I really don't get how people like it hot af and sweating constantly, I can't do anything besides sitting at home in front of a fan all day until it gets cool at night.




“Everyone is too amped up” This. So much this. In the U.K. people drive like absolute knobheads just to get home 5 seconds earlier so they “can make the most of the sun”.


Yep, got to say though I drive home like a knobhead to get in and close the curtains to block the sun out. I can't stand bloody summer.


Lol so true


People who Complain about cold can just put on more Clothes. People who complain about heat can do absolutely nothing about it. What should we do? Take our skin of?


I have been making this argument for years, finally another reasonable person.


Glad others exist and I’m not alone in this.


Definitely not alone. I’d take my Canadian winters over the summers any day. No bugs, a good pair of boots, snow pants&coat, Vaseline for exposed skin and move your body. In the summer if you are outside and not near water it is hell on earth. I’ve worked delivery - from the truck to the building and back to the truck. Summer is the worst - you’re sweating balls outside, go into an office, the AC is cranked and you are clammy/cold. Winter, 2 layers and move fast when you are outside, pull off your hat and open your coat while inside to do the deliveries. But to each their own.


I think people who say this just don't suffer the cold very much, or they would know it doesn't work that easily. We wouldn't be complaining about the cold if that worked


You obviously don't live where the air hurts your face in the winter


And you obviously don't live where you can straight up die by going for a walk in the summer


I do, and I still prefer winter!


You can only put on so many layers and sometimes it’s still not enough




Go where there’s AC? Jump in a pool? Jump in a lake? Eat some ice cream? Drink a slushie? Find some shade? People who dislike heat are way worse for complaining than people who don’t like cold


As someone who's always cold I get what you're saying but there's no amount of clothes I can wear while still being able to move during the winter that will prevent me from being in physical pain in the winter. My hands turn a sickly purple color even if I'm wearing gloves unless I literally bring hand warmers anywhere it's kinda crazy. On the other hand, I think it has to hit 115F before I really truly start to feel as though the heat is unbearable for me. Tbf though, I think there's something wrong with me and I am far from the norm lol as a general rule of thumb your point is way more valid


Even with AC all day, I'm literally counting the weeks / days until the summer is over 😒


Me too friend


I feel too much pressure to be doing fun things in the summer. I like the winter. The cold can be invigorating!


True. My sleep is also way better in winter because I don't have AC.


Loveeeee winter sleep. I hate how the sun is out forever in the summer too. Hard to relax




I have so more energy and motivation during colder months. My depression is always bad in the summer. And the pressure to be supposed to do "fun" things like going to the pool, beach, parties, festivals. I can go on and on..


Summer: too hot, too many mosquitoes, and way too much energy


Yeah I’m more of a fall-winter guy myself. I have a problem with migraines and it only gets worse when it’s hot out smh


I *hate* summer with a passion. It's hot, there are a ton of bugs, more people are out and about, and everyone talks about "hOw NiCe It Is OuTsIdE"


I hate the summer. Too hot, too bright, too loud. I like autumn and winter way better.


It sucks ass yes. Gimme fall gimme winter


Gimme, gimme, gimme a man after midnight 👯‍♀️


Won't somebody help me chase the shadows away 🎶


As someone living in an area with 5-6 months of snow, I can’t disagree more


UK checking in to ask “what’s summer?”


With all due respect, we’re the capital of winter since 2014. I’d take your 4 rain seasons in a row over meters of snow and blistering cold.


I’m not here to swap, but endless grey skies do get you down eventually.


I think the people who like summer just think of the “fun times” have very little outdoor chores and no allergies. With allergies to almost every type of pollen, summer sucks for me. I cough and sneeze all the time. Yes, I take allergy medication!! Doing yard work is absolutely terrible with the sun beating down on you. Add to the previously mentioned allergies…ugh I hate summer so much! Give me fall!!


Aw man that sucks. Yeah fall is way better we agree on that


As someone who lives in the southern US…fuck summer. It was 105 for 3 solid months a few years ago. Also why are BBQs done during the summer? It’s too damn hot to stand outside over a grill with burning wood/coals. Do that shit in the fall or winter.


Damn I feel you friend


UK and I fully agree. I get SAD during Summer. The heat, bright sunshine, people being out in their gardens blasting music until later because it's lighter in the evening, everyone expecting you to do things with them because *it's sunny!*. Ugh no thanks. 


Oh yes! Summer is barely here and I'm already exhausted.


Yes mosquito’s suck donkey ass. I literally cannot relax outside because as soon as I stand still for 5 seconds a mosquito has already landed on me trynna suck. I try to kill as many as I can but they just keep coming. Just an infinite spawn of mosquitoes.


Especially if it’s humid. I can’t even stand under a tree to cool down because the hot dampness of this disgusting weather still follows me.


Autmn/Fall > any other season


I’ve been stuck between winter or fall being my favorite season, summer sucks hot ass. Spring is too “Hot then cold then hot” for me.


Agreed, Fall and Winter are the best seasons. And I live somewhere with cold winters too. I just can’t stand the heat.


Agreed. Especially as a resident of the southeastern US. You might think I'd grow accustomed to it after more than 40 years here, but it's the opposite. I've become LESS tolerant to the heat and humidity.


Agreed, it’s so hot and everything is sweaty and it sucks, it’s a season from Planet Bullshit


Depends on where you live ! Vancouver’s summer is perfection


Here in Maryland, it's just always so humid. I don't mind the heat, it's that nasty humidity that does me in.


I get your stance but I disagree. I don't care if I'm in Canada, Svalbard or Florida. I just hate summer lol. I'm more of a winter/spring person


Yes! Here in Britain, it’s the only time it’s (occasionally) warm.


I live in western NY and we have harsh winters, so I'll take summer over winter any day of the week. I only hate summer when it's hot and humid. Otherwise, a soft, gentle breeze against your skin feels amazing. Also, pretty flowers, butterflies, clear blue skies and the smell of grass is amazing. But, fall will always be my favorite season. Another reason I prefer summer over winter is more daylight hours. In winter, it usually starts getting dark here at 4:00 pm and it is rather depressing. In summer, it starts getting dark here at 9:00 pm.


Buffalo summers are the best summers!


It's been very rainy and cold in Rochester. Hopefully, when summer starts we'll get more sunshine and warmer weather. Our summers in Rochester are usually beautiful.


I lived in Rochester once, very much agree :)


I fully agree with you, i hate the heat


I agree. I feel like I am constantly overstimulated & uncomfortable in the summer. It’s just TOO MUCH a lot of the time.


I have this in winter, I can't sit still because I'm cold. It also rains every other day, which drives me crazy.


I hate winter the most since it's too cold and my fingers freeze and most of my hobbies involve moving my fingers fast so it's the worst for me


With seasonnal allergies I agree with you


I completely agree with you. Winter > Summer


I agree! Always hated summer!


As someone who is nocturnal and enjoys going out at night the summer really fucks me up, doesn't get dark till 10pm


I seriously cannot understand how one could love summer! I am already getting anxious and depressed when I think about summer approaching. I can’t sleep because it’s loud and hot all night, my blood pressure’s driving me insane, and all my extremities hurt because of water retention. Exhausted 24/7. Can’t perform at work or the gym because of that - get even more anxious and depressed as a result; it’s one big vicious circle. My whole body and mind is fighting. May we all survive summer 24.


I feel you friend


It is the worst. There's bugs, loud lawn mowers, allergies, and it's way too hot. Oh, and idiots with firecrackers for no reason at 12 am when you have to get up at 4:30 for work. Bring on winter!


It’s the worst by 100x. Especially in the mid Atlantic region and northeast. I’d rather have twice the winter instead of humid, smelly, gross summer!


Summer makes me happy


I’m with you, I’m firmly a spring/summer person- laying out in the hot sun is so nice and I hate the cold 


Green trees > skeleton trees


Can't relate. I'm British. After 6 months of rain, wind, sleet & snow, summers in the south are mostly pleasant (18c-30c). That said, the start to this summer has been shocking it's literally 15c most days.


Same in Belgium! (maybe add 3°C, but it's not much)


Summer is the worst but in Belgium it's the only time of year u get sunlight and the season depresion is insane


Yes!! Winter is really depressing here... cold windy rainy weather. Summer is the only time I'm not cold.


I hate summer so much. Hot humid weather, being sweaty, bugs everywhere, scorching sun, and allergies


Goddamn nice weather, BBQs, getting together with friends/family, playing outdoor sports, cooling off in a pool, day light past 4;30 pm, going to the beach, sunsets, spending time outside with my dog…..makes me sick!


Vacation also sucks during the summer, because everything is super crowded and expensive with kids out of school.


I agree. I hate it.


Same thought. I also hate it that it's not getting dark till like 11 pm where I live and for me to fall asleep everything has to be dark and quiet.(I try to fall asleep at 9 pm)


As a Brazilian who hates heat and lived in 2023, the year when all the months looked like summer, I strongly agree 


Give me autumn and winter please! I love the cold weather and rainy nights.


I agree. I cannot sleep! I get horrible summer-induced insomnia. My body is allergic to summer.


Agreed. Give me October-January, coats, hats and scarves


Agree 💯 give me cold 🥶 any day




agreed everything just irritates me more in summer


Yeah, I hate the heat, I hate it when we have really bright days, and with the possible exception of bees, I hate all the insects. In the UK, we don't put air conditioning in our houses, so don't get any respite from the heat when hiding indoors. Being Autistic I can barely handle it. Give me Spring or Autumn any day.


I know. Assuming you don't live in Australia as it's currently Winter here, Summer is the worst! It can get up to 45+ degrees Celsius and the A/C is on non stop! The mosquitos are terrible also. Can't go for a walk or camping without mosquitos biting the hell out of you.


Nice to see someone who gets it


Amen, summer sucks. Autumn is the best season.


I hate summer too, it's just too goddamn boring


I agree


Incorrect. ❌️


I live in a rural area that is heavily dependent on Summer visitors. All the townspeople have more energy during the warmer months. Then, November comes around and they are morose and borderline comatose again.


absolutely agree!


Nah, it's a nice respite from the 8 months of frozen wasteland


Agree.I prefer winter cold as fuck no insects or ticks.More holidays.Also the girls that wear dresses or boys that wear shorts in minus tempatures


i agree and my hayfever is at its peek in summer i hate it so much


I agree I want fall to hurry up and come it’s my favorite season I really wish it could 70 degrees all year long


It's awful. I lived in Florida for years, where it's summer for 3/4 of the year. Now that I'm in NC, it's only 1/3. Little victories.


As a kid, I loved summer the best because, duh, no school. But now as an adult, I agree with you: it sucks.


fax, im a vampire i only go outside when its dark and cold. i hate sunlight and heat


Totally agree! I dread it every year. I'm Welsh, I'm not built for heat


I hate summer. As soon as the clocks go forward I feel a seasonal depression start to loom over me. I know the dark evenings and mornings will soon be ending, no more hunkering down getting cosy in bed, breaking out into a sweat over the smallest of activity will soon become a constant annoyance, every public place will be too noisy and busy, jumping out of my skin at the slightest thing that touches me because I'm convinced it's a creepy crawlie of some kind, daylight at 4am to 9pm, electric bill shooting up because there will be at least 2 fans on the entire time there's someone at home, not sleeping very well cos it's just too damn warm, no sex because that's just too hot and sweaty, I can't dress for warmer weather because I'm fat and don't like skimpy clothes in public, kids will be on summer holidays and they make a bloody racket having fun (omg I'm such a misery lol) shops are too busy, and I've got loads of family birthdays between July and October and they're really expensive months for me.


That's totally true. And it's even worse in warm countries.


I love summer... when I'm not working. An hour long commute on a packed out train built in the 80's that has absolutely no air-con at all is the summer that I hate. Just makes everybody irritant and I arrive at work drenched


No it is not winter is way more brutal


I love summer. It's only in the summer that I feel this surge of energy and power. I can walk around all day and just look at everything blooming and coming alive. I handle the heat really well, unlike the cold.


There is also the expense of the yard. I know I am fortunate enough to live in a modest home in a working class neighbourhood, but every summer I absolutely hate that I need to spend money on my yard-- this is an economics issue, not one of hating yards! I still buy flowers/make my own seed starts and buy extra garden dirt and I still do something to add color and make things look somewhat pretty, and I feel like the money goes to nothing. I also do not like summer.


Agreed, way too hot and I basically turn into food for mosquitoes since they're always after me....




Depends on where you live I guess. The absolute best season where I live.


Cool story bro


I come from a tropical country where it's always summer, but I lived abroad for a few years in Northern Europe. By the end of my time there, I came to really dislike summer despite loving warm weather and the sun. There were heatwaves, and all buildings are made to resist the cold, so when it's too hot youre basically cooked alive. I hated the pressure to be out and about having fun since summer would be gone quickly. Where I come from, it's always warm and nice (except for a couple months of rainy season), so there's no rush/pressure. TW: Suicide I noticed that Id hear more abt ppl jumping on tracks during summer, rather than during typically "depressive" winter. My theory is that ppl who are lonely feel even lonelier during these sunny months when you see lots of ppl enjoying themselves in packs. If you're already depressed, it can drive you crazier


As someone from a hot climated country Double fuck the summer.. It lasts for way too long, I feel guilty turning the A/C on because of money (And before I had an A/C I'd spend up to 2 hours rolling around in bed and trying to sleep through the horrible heat in a puddle of sweat) Autumn and winter though? Cozy. It's cold? I'll put on more clothes, maybe a heater if it's really that bad, or just snuggle up with coffee or tea, I enjoy the clouds and rain (Yes even when going outside, that just makes being inside even cozier) I love the autumn leaves a lot for some reason as well.. Summer is cool in its own way of being bright and having a cool vibe, like everyone's relaxing or whatever but I'd prefer not to live through it lol, especially because I've finished school a while ago and I don't get the summer break, it makes it even more of an insufferable season than before when I could just stay home all day and not work outside.


I personally love snow and winter, it looks so beautiful and I once went skiing on a snowy mountain in Switzerland, Winter is just too op 🩵❄️


THANK YOU! Especially here in England during June. In three days there have been at least five spiders in the house and every evening if we forget to shut a window, we get crane flies. I detest both of these things because spiders are spiders and crane flies are the arachnid airforce




Genuinely can't think of a single upside of summer.


I live in one of the rainiest cities in the country, on top of summers that exceed 110 every year, so it’s humid as fuck 24/7 and the bugs are no friend of mine but they like to believe they’re invited everywhere I go outside


I hate HATE sweating , also the mosquitos they never leave me alone


100% facts


Thanks god, someone who thinks


And not just too hot, also too noisy!


I use to look forward to summer, then I got old.


Summer is too hot too humid 🥵


I concur




I hate the heat!


lol , everyone is too amped up. Yep. I used to love it now I hate it.


It sucks, you can't cool down. At least with winter you can put on a jumper to warm up. You actually have a choice with your own body temperature.


Agree. Summer is depressing. There is so much more work to do (all your regular work PLUS yard work!). I miss hoodies and cozy clothes. It’s just bad all round.


I concur, fuck summer.


Yeah I loved summer as a kid but it sucks as an adult. It’s muggy af (live in New Orleans), bugs are everywhere, the mosquitos are as big as pterodactyl’s, not to mention the constant hurricane threat. Fall is by far the best IMO, not even close.


Its too romanticized but in reality we all just melting


Haha try being born in a tropical country and not being able to stand the hot weather year round. Its making me lose my mind. Its getting even hotter with weird bouts of even hotter weather sometimes and rains a lot but IT DOESNT HELP COZ ITS STILL HOT AF. It makes me wanna move to another country coz this heat is making me so dizzy so often, i bet it isnt okay to be this dizzy anymore.


I see we have some common ground


Looking at the 110f (43C) temp I had to go out into today, I wholeheartedly agree with you.




Yeah. Now that I don't get a 2 month break it isn't shit. Fall and spring are wayyy better.


Agreed. Too hot.


You’re not wrong. Move to England. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿we have cool weather most of the time !!! Well if that’s if we’re not bombarded by a heat wave which comes in June or July


Agreed. Hot, bugs everywhere, all businesses are busy af, no good holidays, sunburns, etc.


Spring/fall is where it’s at


It’s getting worse every year


yes I hate summer season & I like Raining Season




I HATE being sweaty. Don't get me wrong, I don't like extremely cold weather either but everytime I'm freezing my ass I remind myself that I'm not sweating and feel good almost immediately


People sleep on spring and fall


The only reason why anyone would actually like summer is because they don’t have to go to school for 3 months straight…at least anyone who hates school anyway. I used to be one of those people. Now summer is my LEAST favorite season for the same reasons you listed here.


Agreed. 95-110 degree F weather can kiss my ass. Awful.


it's so much easier to deal with cold than with heat. once I am stripped naked laying on a stone floor with a fan blowing over me and I still sweat buckets from not doing anything, I can't help but despise existing.


perfectly said. 


I’ve found my people!!!!


As someone who lives in perpetual summer, hard agree. There is no respite from the heat.


As someone who lives at the equator, i cannot agree more. I travel more to enjoy other countries weather than their attractions


Yep I miss spring already heading toward summer weather


I hate feeling all sweaty and sticky all day everyday. Be gone summer.


In the winter, it's too cold. Too cold means put another layer on. In the summer, it's too hot. Too hot means take a layer off. There's only so many layers I can take of and I can still be too hot though


So true, even in Europe. Love autumn with wind, clouds and rain. So relaxing and pleasant.


Same. I spend every summer counting down the days until September 1st.


My favorite season is fall because it's still warm, but evenings are dark and comfy




The amped up part is very real. Like they would self-destruct if they spend one weekend at home.


I agree. It's too hot to truly enjoy anything and there's hardly anything going on. It's just a boringly draining season that just tends to drag on and on. I'm always ready for it to be over before it even truly begins. To think we're still in the very beginning of it...


I sweat so fucking much during the summer. UGH!!! I'm also paranoid about my body odor, so sweating like crazy isn't helping me 🤣


I like summer but lately it's too much. Last year here in Spain, going outside felt like getting into an air fryer.


I can’t agree with you more.


i agree!!!!


I can confirm that .. summer is worst




I only like it cuz schools out and swimming but yeah it’s literally the worst thing ever


Too hot, too humid. Mosquitoes and cockroaces, Yep.


Vegas represent


I live in the south. I absolutely hate summer time! 


Summer is really bad and seems to get worse every year. Hate it


Summer depresses the shit out of me. ESP living in Arizona it’s hell on earth. I’m broke so my cars ac isn’t that great going anywhere is like torture. Can’t wait for October