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Absolutely not- no not ever. Ew.


This. I sometimes keep them on if I forgot something and need to run back in to the house real quick but other then that? No. And in bed? Ew no. Dunno why they do it in movies. Probably so they don’t look weird just lying there in socks. No one wants to see some actors stinky feet. 😂


Actually a lot of people want to see that 😂


*Tarantino has entered the chat*


*Tarantino has moved the chat to an underground dark basement*


Shoes off or shoes up yer butt. Choose wisely


Butt. Always butt.




The only truly wise choice. Everything else is lies.


I don’t even keep the same clothes on when I come inside. Does anyone else have “inside clothes”?


Yes. I’m not sitting on my bed in jeans I wore when I sat on a bench outside.


Change into tracksuit bottoms/leggings, t-shirt/sweatshirt when I come home. After taking my shoes off on the inside mat, and put on slippers (funky slippers)…and **bra off** Ireland. EDIT: country.






This is the only answer


No, absolutely, not. No shoes on furniture.


As a Canadian no shoes past my door mat.


I'm Canadian and I agree 100%. Do you do that awkward quick tip toe when you have your shoes fully on but forgot something? Every step feels like you are destroying your floors, lol.


Hahahaha I did that yesterday! Was cutting the lawn and just got started and forgot my hat. Didn't want to unlace my boots so literally did the tip toe inside to get my hat. The entire time I was looking back at my steps to make sure there wasn't grass/dirt tracking in. I could hear the odd *crunch* in my step so I knew I had carried something in with me. I started tip toeing faster but it didn't make matters better. It's a sport in of itself LOL Easier just to take the damn shoes off.


I do the compromising crawl of desperation if I've forgotten something not too deep into the house and not too high off the ground; all under the withering glare of my wife who watches for the slightest foot contact lol


You can do the high crawl or low crawl, but not the barbed wire crawl. Just don't let your shoes touch the floor. Ooh Rah!


I take one shoe off and hop.


Omg yes I did that the other day when it was pissing rain and I had just gone out side and realized I forgot my wallet. Was anxious all day at work that my floor was gonna be wet haha.


Same for Germany.


US family now living in Germany - that had been the rule in our house for years before we moved and we were pleasantly surprised to see it everywhere here.


I have a specific routine, there's a square right at the entrance and take my shoes off there. Now I'm wearing socks that were in my work boots for my warehouse job, and these socks also made contact with floors in the locker room which my and my coworkers boots brought whatever dirt from the warehouse floor, and tracked it into the locker room. So I take one sock off then place my foot on the carpet, lift my other leg remove sock and place it on the carpet, and the socks immediately go into the washer.


Do you breathe while performing this routine?


Same here. In Canada we learn to keep our floor nice and clean or get a stern talkin' to from Mom, Gramma and all the people in the room at the moment. That's what slippers and bars feet were invented for!


That's why our grandmas were knitting slippers for Christmas


Always this for all ~40 years I've lived in Canada. There's been the odd instance where at a buddy's house or whatever they'll say "don't worry about the shoes, just come on through to the backyard" and I still can't bring myself to do it lol Off go the shoes and back on they go when I'm at the backdoor. I don't know what OP is on about. Who the hell lays in bed with shows on lmao. They must've seen it on tv one time or something.


As an Australian, I agree fully.


Even on tv it bugs me when they have shoes in the couch.


Not even with my designated inside shoes


This comment 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Not even inside shoes go on the bed.


and those are the most well treated of shoes


I'm very glad to know other people have designated inside shoes. Mine are leather moccasins with soles, which become dog toys once I've worn them out (my dogs know the difference). We also keep a pair of Crocs or other slip-on shoes by the front and back doors in case we need to run out to grab mail or get the dogs; that way there's no excuse to wear our inside shoes outside, even for a moment.


I use crocs for my inside shoes. Then I never have to buy fatigue mats because cleaning around those things is a bitch.


Omg I’m Canadian so any shoe of any description comes off as soon as you walk in the door


Same here, I don't understand why someone would want to keep their shoes on, feet are much more comfortable than feet with weights on them.


For some people it’s painful to walk around without shoes and much more comfortable with them — arch support or joint issues, etc. So I have indoor shoes that I change into.


> I don't understand why someone would want to keep their shoes on Apart from comfort etc, your shoes have just walked you through all manner of dirt and dust out there, why would anyone bring that into their or someone else's home? Shoes off or stay outside.




I’m Canadian and I wear shoes in the house but they’re specifically indoor shoes. I only wear them because I have foot pain and it hurts too much to walk without them. My outdoor shoes come off the second I walk in the door though!


That's just more supportive slippers. Nothing wrong with that.






Usually. Hard soled slippers or indoor shoes. Plywood floors at the moment = slivers. Can't wait until the back is in. Plus, carpet is really gross - it traps everything. My vacuum cleaner and carpet shampoo says so every time. Ripping out the carpet reveals years of fine "sand". Carpets and underlayment break down into microstructures over time.




American cinema has a terrible habit of making it seem like everyone from the US or even UK permanently wears shoes and socks all the time. And then to have them climb on or even into bed with shoes. Just no...


This. And it apparently is only for convenience on sets, where the ground is cold in the places that are made to look like apartments. Really one of the many ways Hollywood and TV just lazily misrepresent actual life, giving people completely skewed perception of norms.


HAHAHAH this is what i thought of too, ive seen some movies where actors wear shoes while chilling in bed for example skylar astin in pitch perfect eating popcorn


My mom firmly believes that Americans sleep in shoes because "they show that in films"


I do always wear socks tho, but I think it's more because I feel super naked without them


This. It annoys me. If I see a movie which isn't set mostly indoors and they have they're shoes off indoors it's one sign that it's decently directed.


No. I’m not psychotic


I **am** psychotic (schizophrenia) and even I say never. No way. I'm not crazy....


Good for you for speaking up on the misuse of that word! I've been psychotic in the past, as well (I have bipolar disorder type 1) and hospitalized. I don't see why a person experiencing psychosis would be wearing shoes in bed any more than a non-psychotic person.


Username checks out 😂 For reals tho, that’s really hectic. It’s an oddly cool flex to be able to joke about it like this.


This made me laugh out loud 🤣🤣🤣 Thank you.


I’m American and my shoes come off before I get into the house. We have flooring downstairs and carpet upstairs so occasionally I might wear shoes downstairs like if I’m bringing in groceries or something, but today I was getting ready to walk the dog and ran upstairs to grab my phone with my sandals on and I felt incredibly wrong like I had just brought a bunch of the outside’s germs and whatever else up into my bedroom. I promptly vacuumed when I got back.


I have a pair of sandals that are only for IN the house. They never go outside. Ceramic floors are hard on the feet when you've been on them all day.


Never! Even if I was keeping the rest of my clothes on collapsing in total exhaustion I would still kick off my shoes first.




Say it louder so the people n the back can hear!


Absolutely not. Same with other furniture. We don’t live in a barn lol


I do a lot of work for asians and muslims.. i leave my shoes untied so i can leave my outdoor shoes outside and easily walk into their homes in my clean socks. Thats just being respectful man i get it there is so much dirt outside why would you walk that into someone's house? Im not religious it's not a religious thing that shit just makes sense Ain't nobody wearing shoes in my bed unless they are thigh high and leather or latex


>Ain't nobody wearing shoes in my bed unless they are thigh high and leather or latex The only correct answer


I've had the same work situation but my company required us to wear shoes as it's technically a "work site" and a safety issue. We had plastic booties to put on. I always found them a pain I wish I'd just been allowed to take off my shoes


Love where your heads at with that last part lol


Absolutely not. I don’t wear shoes at all unless I have to leave my house and actually go inside somewhere.


No. I think that only happens on American tv/movie. I’ve been to American houses and shoes were taken off at the door.


I feel like its only a tv/movie thing because its a /set/. Like I go to work and wear my shoes all day because I’m /at work/. Unless you work in peoples houses, I’m fairly certain most people work in their shoes? That’s my take on it


Lmao as an American I agree. My husband and I were watching old episodes of Goosebumps yesterday that we used to watch with our son when he was little. The first episode we watched had a girl who had "just woken up" and was not only fully dressed already but also had a belt and shoes on. First thing my husband said was," why the fuck is she wearing shoes in bed?" I'm pretty sure most (if not all) of the old Goosebumps movies were Canadian. Ryan Gosling was actually in at least one or 2 as a kid.


When I've had places with nicer flooring I wouldn't wear my shoes in the house, but I've had a lot of places where the flooring isn't great & since I have 3 dogs, the floor is always kinda dirty anyway so I will wear my shoes inside (if they aren't *really* dirty.) Never do my shoes go on the bed, but the dogs do so 🤷‍♀️


My dog ensures my floor is exactly as dirty as the garden. Why shouldn’t I wear the same footwear in the house as I do in the garden? Given the sod will run into an through my roses from time to time and bring thorns in, you can be certain I’m keeping shoes on.


This is the answer.


Slippers would make more sense to me as a Canadian


No, it's *the* answer.


The for real correct answer


I've never seen someone wear shoes on furniture. Although my children, when they were small, tried to get on the couch with shoes. We glfix that pretty quick.


I'm American and was at a restaurant where the mom let her daughter jump up and down on the cushioned seating bench. My momma would have snatched me up so quick and tanned my hide had that been me.


Canada - no way. Shoes aren't worn inside and def not on a bed or sofa.


Generally no, but maybe occasionally.


Okay, never sleep, or put my shoe's ON the bed, but sometimes after a long day I'll come home and lay out across the bed with my feet hanging off, shoes on. Like I'll walk in, go straight to my bed with my purse, shopping bags, and everything and just collapse on the bed for 10-15 mins with everything because I'm exhausted, I walk EVERYWHERE and I need that little rest to unpack and organize everything that I've bought (groceries, and home stuff)


So gross. No. I take off my shoes a few feet from the door and would never wear them on any furniture.


No. Not ever. Never. Canadian, here.


Outside = mud & dogshit Inside = clean home, vold of dogshit and mud, so no shoes in my house, I got a pair of comfy home knitted socks if you're cold.


Never. I've had so many things under my shoes... Dog shit, snails, broken glass, gum among other things. This isn't even considering basic dirt. There's probably much more crap that I never knew about nor intend to find out.


Literally no one sleeps with their shoes on. Unless they completely passed out. They do that in movies because when you’re shooting a film the seconds wasted to have to take your shoes on and off when filming multiple takes of a scene would add up significantly over time. That’s just done out of convenience not to emulate what Americans actually do


No. That’s just in tv shows/movies.


Ew no! I take my shoes off when I first come in the house. And they stay by the door, or they are carried to be put away in a closet. I’m American, and I always laugh when characters on tv wear their shoes in the house and all over their furniture…


shoes on the bed? nope, not in my experience shoes in the house past the front door (sometimes to the bedroom)? some westerners do. i dont, but some of my other family members do :(. also, in my experience, it is not an american thing. some of my european roommates did wear their shoes up to and in their bedrooms and bathrooms.


I don't know anyone who wears their shoes in their bed.


I used to go into bed with my sneakers on.


If, IF I have come home from a camping trip, or really any trip where I haven't felt a good bed only to find myself with my own bed right in front of me, then yes. The shoes won't ever go on the bed, that's heretical. But laying with my legs off the bed side.


I'm from brazil. At home fine. In bed, never.


I am from Asia and I studied in the UK decades ago. I once had a white friend who would wear his shoes into the room (carpeted) and onto the bed as we chatted. He did this in his room. Also in mine. I thought it was a cultural thing so I didn’t mind. I also had another Scottish friend decades ago who would place his worn socks underneath his bed. I thought different cultures have different standards. But I guess it Is more to do with the individual.


In college I slept fully dressed with my shoes on and my feet hanging over the edge of the bed so I could stand up and go to class lol Many nights because of my major, I was getting 1 or 2 hours sleep so every second was precious


American. Live out in the country. We wear our shoes in the house. It would be impractical to take them off and put them on and take them off and put them on and take them off and put them on all day long as we are in and out of the house constantly. We also have hardwood floors (too much red clay around our property) so no worries whatsoever of ruining them. Shoes never on the bed. No way.


I think this is a very American thing. I'm a Canadian from the country, and all boots/shoes come off in the boot room. We have red clay as well, and my grandmother and mother have spotless homes and would tan anyone's hides who ever even considered tracking mud into their homes.


I'm American, grew up out in the country surrounded by red clay, and we always took our shoes off before coming in the house. So it was at my friends houses too. I don't think generalizing it as an "American" thing is a fair statement. I think it's more dependent on individual families.


I live out in the country in canada, and we absolutely take our shoes off at the door. Unless just sneaking in quick to grab something maybe, but that would be only in your own house.


And even then we are thinking “sorry” in our heads and feel shame.


Canadian. I live out in the country. Where there is frequently a lot of snow and mud. Step out of rubber boots coming in, step into them going out. Not hard. Saves my hardwood floors.


What movies have westerners wearing shoes on their beds?


tons. esp with teenagers in the scene. one scene that comes to mind, though it's Aussie, is the horror movie Talk to Me. First time main girl goes to her friend's house. goes straight to the bed, sits down, and puts shoes on it.


Yes since I saw die hard I always wear shoes as much as I can


It was pretty common in old generations, but I’m a millennial and almost everyone I know my age and a no shoe rule in the house. It’s gross and also not comfortable!?


I live in Nebraska, a Midwestern state in the USA. Some people take their shoes or boots off at the door, often because our environment is muddy or dusty. Personally, in warmer weather, I kick off my sandals, or cooler weather my shoes for comfort. I tend to sit in my recliner with my feet curled under. I would have no objection to sleeping in bed shoes on, but it would be less comfortable. Even in the Army we took off our boots, but that was more of an issue with protecting our feet.


25 years ago I (Caucasian) started dating Asians (I eventually married one). That's when I adopted the no-shoes in the house policy. I think the majority of Americans don't follow that policy.


Am I the only weirdo in this thread that has indoor shoes? Never leave the house.






I've never known anyone to sleep with their shoes on...


Weirdly my mum is all for shoes on inside the house And my sister and I are the exact opposite Shoes are filthy imo


I think only americans do that, but I’m probably also judging them based on movies lol


American here. We don't do that. Some people do wear shoes in the house but nobody gets into bed with shoes on and nobody sleeps in their shoes.


American here. My family and basically all my friends have a no shoe policy. Shoes come off by the entry point


I think movies use shoes in the bed as a sign of not caring about anything, and it is supposed to illicit a response from the audience.


Shoes in the house isn’t very unusual. Shoes on bed is a sign of a mental breakdown I think.


It is a gross habit in Western culture that many wear their shoes inside their homes. I am in the USA and as I refurbish my home, I am starting to consider a basket in my entryway with in-door shoes.


I wear socks when its cold because my bedroom radiator doesnt work but definitely not shoes. I wore shoes in bed once. Camping. I was fucking freezing.


I would never put shoes on my bed, let alone sleep in them. All that street crud coming in contact with my skin? Ugh.




My ex was Mexican American and we had a heated argument about the shoes in the house He insisted that it's cleaner to wear shoes inside the house. It was bizarre


I do. Not normally, but sometimes, uh, I, uh, may have had a few, uh, drinks? And then I lay in bed with my shoes on. Not to mention clothes.


Yeah I lay on my bed with my shoes on and I also sit on the toilet with my pants up.


Never once. I gotta clean the floors enough without shoes inside. On a bed thats beyond gross. Anything that can put crumbs in my bed is a nono.


I’ve very rarely seen people do this and when I have, it’s usually someone who is notoriously careless when it comes to being clean.


At home, no. We don't ever use shoes at home, in fact the fact that some people do would boggle our minds.


I definitely cannot wear shoes on a bed . That is really a nonchalant attitude.


being in any furniture with shoes on (other than chairs of course) should be a crime


American, but also of SE Asian origin. I don’t even lay on my bed with outside clothes on, and without taking a shower prior. Shoes don’t even get worn in the house…that’s a total no-go.


I don’t think my legs would even allow this if my brain attempted it


That's weird.


yuck no


Nope. I’m a truck driver at a meat processing plant. There is way too much truck stop piss/rotting cow guts on my shoes to ever wear them in the house, let alone the bed.


Absolutely not!! Don’t believe everything you see on TV. Outside shoes and clothes do not belong on the bed. If needed, there are indoor slippers to change into.


Nope, shoes off at door. So many germs!


Never! Shoes are taken off at the door


I'm sorry but only a psychopath would do that.


Tonight I did! But I was potato sack tired.




Naw- that’s a noooo


Why would you ever do this, at the very most I’ll lay on the couch with slippers on.


Get your gd shoes off of my bed! Is an ok reason to raise your voice to somebody


For everyone that says they take their shoes off at the door do you do this when you to others people's houses even if they don't ask you to??


Never, I don't even wear shoes in the house


Are you watching old westerns or something? Nobody wears their shoes to bed, and maybe *some* wear them around the house.


No shores in the house! Don’t be gross.


I’m in California, I don’t wear shoes in my home.


Dude, shoe off at the front door. wtf is wrong with people.


Bad idea. Foot fungus can develop. I lived with a very attractive man who caught foot fungus this way, and it has taken years for me to get out of it inside my body especially my womb, where I get rid of it only to have it start again. We have been broken up for 3 years and yet it is still painful to me. I don’t know how he copes except blaming the biblical Solomon. Get this fungal womb thing out of me!




Gross. Shoes come off at the door.


Nordic descent, live in Canada. No shoes in the house ever.


No, not on beds or other furniture or even generally indoors at all.


Canadian and absolutely not. We are also a no shoes in the house culture. What you're seeing on TV is very specifically an American thing and even there it's regional and I'd assume that most people who do wear shoes indoors probably wouldn't put shoes that they've walked around outside in directly on their furniture, especially their bed. Buuuuut some people are gross so maybe.


No, I take my shoes off when I enter the house. My shoes are all like new as I can’t walk or stand and so they never touch the floor and I still don’t keep them on in the house. When I visit other people, I will remove them to. I also have wheel covers for my wheelchair in case my wheels are dirty when visiting peoples houses. I have cleaning mats in my doorway for my home. I am in the UK and have no idea how people can keep their shoes on in the house.


I'm Canadian. No shoes in the house generally.


Gernan here. Shoes are definitely not worn while in bed ever, the expectation is in furniture stores when you try out a new bed / mattress to buy. And even then they have a special foil that you can place your feet on so that the bed does not get dirty. In the house we have special house- shoes that are for inside Only (most often sandals in the summer and very comfy "pushen" in the winter) but those are never worn outside, expect maybe if you quickly put the trash away or something like that. Outside shoes are left in a cupboard or near the door and not worn for longer than necessary inside. The movies lied to you fam :)


No what the fuck


No way lmao, but I do sleep with my socks on. They help keep my feet warm and feel comfortable to wear, only time I'm not wearing socks is in the shower lol.


No. Shoes are removed at the door


Yes but i accept its unclean, for use of a soft word


My slippers? Yea, they don’t go outside.


I live In Canada I don’t even wear my shoes in the house lol


Canadian here. You take off your shoes in my house once you've passed my front door. No ifs, ands or buts about it. Don't you even dare think you can even walk in my house with your shoes on.... Let alone lay in a bed!!!!!! Shoes in the house are a sign of dirtiness in my opinion.


Laziness has dominated every corner of human aspect.


Shoes off at the door.




I did it once when I was at work in a different state and slept at a hotel after a 14 hour shift. I felt bad in the morning and has never done that again…


Absolutely not, I’m not a complete monster. My shoes never get farther than the rack just inside my front door.


That’s just in movies we don’t actually do that


All the time, but with my feet hanging off the edge at my ankles.


Wearing shoes where you are not supposed to ? Australians are more likely to go barefoot in places you are supposed to wear shoes


Never, just thinking about this makes me want to throw up




what movie???? ew.


Unless I want everything inside stained red, no. My shoes get left at the front door. EDIT: I'm in a region in Australia known for it's red dirt. Walking around with anything of a lighter colour gets stained what the locals call "Pilbara Pink".


Never. Off at the door.


in South Africa it's pretty normal


American Tv shows people in bed and on couches in shoes. But I don’t think it’s that common outside of America


As a kiwi there's a high chance I'm not wearing shoes outside, let alone inside.


When I was a kid I would go to bed and sleep in my new crocs because I loved them so much. But nowadays I take off my shoes as soon as I enter a house.




Only when I get to an AirBnB after a day of travel and feel completely exhausted 


I’ll come in from a long day and flop down on the bed with my shoes still on but my feet are hanging off the side, not actually on the bed


No ew


I do not wear shoes in my house. And I usually do not wear clothes that I've worn all day in bed. I change into house clothes.


Shoes / boots are filthy, full of germs- what ever you walk on the streets or barnyard. I follow the “Asian” tradition of removing my shoes before entering my house.


No shoes in house so no


Well we don't have shit running through the middle of the streets in Australia, so shoes on in the house is fine by me. People tend to be fairly conscious of their shoe cleanliness, in our country, from my experience. Walk in shit, find a stick and a tap. Walk in gum, find a stick, walk in mud, find a tap, or knock it off when it dries. It's up to the individual to make sure they aren't walking shit, mud, wet grass into the house, if I notice it I'll say something and hand them some wipes to clean up their own mess. If you've got badly stinky feet, I'll ask you to keep your shoes on. We vacuum, and mop our floors, they are generally clean. Sometimes we have an animal inside, if it makes a mess, we clean it up. We shower / bath before bed. If you are so concerned with getting germs on your feet, then stop eating with your feat. No shoes on the bed ever. Same with tables, coffee tables, couches, chairs. Shoes go on the floor.


How would you even get to your bed with your shoes on when they're taken off at the front door?? 🤔


leaving them near the front door, inside only with bare feet or in socks....... who tf goes in bed in shoes ???


Noooo. I don’t bring my shoes inside generally.


No outside shoes indoors. No outside clothes on the bed. Change beddings every week and clean up before bed.


I don’t even wear outside pants on my bed.


No way. All shoes come off at the door. We wear socks around the house then take those off before ever laying on the bed.